JUNE 2017


Well done to all the pupils (and parents!) who participated in Sports Day. The children’s behaviour was exemplary. Special thanks to the Parent Support Group who made £72.50 for school funds. A great day was had by all.


Congratulations to Rev. G. Spence on his installation as Rector of St Patick’s Church of Ireland, Loughilly on 01/06/17. The pupils always look forward to Rev. Spence speaking at Assembly each month and we appreciate his faithfulness in coming.


Please note that the next monthly meeting for the Parent Support Group is on Wednesday 20th September 2017 at 7.45pm. All parents are very welcome.


When you are purchasing on line please do so via www.thegivingmachine.co.uk. It won’t cost you a penny extra but will help school funds.


Formal homework ceased at the end of May for most classes. Your child may continue to have reading, tables, phonics, oral or research homework. Please return any reading books or school library books before the end of term. BUN SALE

Thank you to everyone who supported the P4/5 bun sale. The P4/5 class hope to visit W5 on Monday 19/06/17. £163.30 was raised at the sale so the trip will only cost £5 per pupil.


The only date for swimming in June is the 20th.


On May 31st the School Council and members of the mini-company Eco-Delights handed over a cheque for £220 to the Southern Area Hospice. They had raised this through their endeavours.


P7 pupils transferring to Markethill High School will sit entrance tests on 05/06/17. Newtownhamilton tests are on 15/06/17.


Mrs Watley and Miss McKelvey will be accompanying some of the P5-P7 pupils to Chester on 6th – 9th June.


Congratulations to Tamzin Graham and James McMullen who participated in the Swimming Gala at Orchard Leisure Centre. Tamzin came second in her heat for the backcrawl and James won two gold medals, coming first in the front crawl and breaststroke. You both did Moutnorris Primary School and yourselves proud – Well done! SCHOOL CLOSURE

Due to two School Development Days school will be closed on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th June.


The annual R.E. inspection will take place on 22/06/17.


Eco Club has finished for this year but I’m sure you will agree that everyone who attended has contributed to making the school garden look fantastic.


P6-P7 went on a trip to the Planetarium on Thursday 18th May. It was most beneficial as a reinforcement to their Space World Around Us topic.


On 24th May we had a visit from Peter Hilton of the Leprosy Mission who spoke to the children about the work of the charity. He also received the used stamps which we had collected over the year. Please continue to send your stamps in for this worthy charity.


There will be special fun activities on 26/06/17. Pupils may purchase a picnic lunch for their school dinner, costing £2.55 if they wish and hopefully we can serve this outside (weather permitting). All pupils are asked to dress up on 29/06/17 to represent a person or event over the past 10 years to commemorate Mrs Watley’s 10 years at the school. LEAVERS’ ASSEMBLY / PRIZE GIVING

Prize giving is on Wednesday 28th June at 9.30am and parents/grandparents etc. are invited to attend. This will also be a Special Leavers Assembly to say an official goodbye to our P7 pupils. We wish them every success and happiness for the future. If your child received an award last year please return it asap.


A huge congratulations to our former pupil Erin Mackey who has been elected Head Girl of Markethill High School. We wish her every success in this exciting venture.


Please note that we are no longer able to accept paper Bank of England £5 notes. School meals will increase to £2.60 from September 2017.


Elections for 2017/18 School Council and Eco Committee Members will take place on 15/06/17.


The last day of term is 30/06/17. School will finish at 11am and there will be a bus at this time. Pupils may wear their own clothes. School will re-open on Wednesday 30th August from 8.45am – 12 noon and the pupils will go home before lunch on 30th and 31st August. Please note that there will not be a bus either day.

On behalf of the staff I wish you a happy, relaxing summer.

Yours sincerely

G Watley Principal