Heath & Holmewood Parish Council

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Heath & Holmewood Parish Council

Heath & Holmewood Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at The Pavilion, Heath Road, Holmewood on Wednesday 13th July 2016 at 7.20pm

In attendance : Cllrs Stone, Bettney, Cornwell Ball and Thornhill Karen Howe – Parish Clerk Joanne Taylor – RFO County Councillor – J Hill PC Gough


001/13/07/2016 apologies for absence : Joanne Taylor – RFO - Illness Cllrs, Wallage, Smalley and Hardy– Holiday PCSO Disney – Shift pattern

002/13/07/2016 variation of order of Business : No variation to the agenda.

003/13/07/2016 declaration of interest : Cllr L Stone and Cornwell Ball declared an interest in NEDDC

004/13/07/2016 public speaking : Presentation by the Community Development Worker – Healthy North East Derbyshire – Lynn Ludditt Cllr Stone welcomed Lynn to the meeting Lynn gave a short presentation on the community health champion’s project, the benefits of the overall role and how it can make a difference in the community. Cllr Stone thanked Lynn for attending the meeting and it was noted that the Parish fully support this project. Public No members of the public were in attendance Police PC Gough presented the crime figures and addressed any issues raised by the members. Again the on-going problems with Old Mansfield Road were noted. The members were updated on the latest initiatives including, community speed watch and allotment watch. 4 members of the parish council were asked to undertake volunteer community speed watch training. The Clerk will obtain the names of willing volunteers and advise PCSO Disney in due course. A request was made for a replacement police mobile phone. The Clerk offered to speak with the RFO regarding this matter. Members requested that the police investigate the pickup vehicle parked opposite Boots, this vehicle isn’t taxed and has been in situ for approximately 4 months. Parish Councillor The poor road condition of Old Colliery Lane was raised, with the Clerk advising that the Parish had received numerous complaints for local residents and businesses. Cllr Julie Hill offered to raise this issue with DCC highways department, however, this could prove difficult as the road is an un-adopted/un-classified highway. A number of complaints had been received regarding NPD Auto’s parking customers cars out on the highway for long periods of time. This is causing the highway to become congested and the 2 laybys are no longer used for the intention they are provided for. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the garage requesting that the owner addresses this matter. Customers car are still the responsibility of the garage and need to be parked within the garage premises/forecourt. District Councillor Cllr Cornwell Ball updated the parish on the recent district town and council conference held on the 1st July. Issues included, Community rights, neighbourhood planning, devolution, what this means to local councils and the local council award scheme. County Councillor - Hill Members warmly welcomed Julie to the meeting. The county report included updates on HS2’s new proposals, devolution update and the great news that community priority programme funding is to be made

Chairman’s signature Date available to both wards of the parish, with 9k allocated to the Holmewood ward and 14k to the Heath ward. Further information will be circulated to the Parish as and when it becomes available.

005/13/07/2016 Co-opting of new Parish Councillors – Personal statements Angela Parry and Jess Neale both presented their personal statements and were duly co-opted and welcomed on to the Parish Council.

006/13/07/2016 Signing of the declaration of acceptance of office by Co-opted Councillors In the presence of the clerk both Cllr Parry and Neale signed the necessary documentation. NEDDC will be notified at the earliest opportunity.

007/13/07/2016 To confirm the Annual meeting of the Parish Minutes and the Annual Parish meeting minutes held on the 11 th May 2016 (no meeting held in June) Minutes were accepted and approved by the Council.

008/13/07/2016 Chairman’s Announcements: None

009/13/07/2016 Accounts – Report from RFO: Budget – In the absence of the RFO, the Clerk circulated the monthly accounts and the bank reconciliation was presented to the Chair for signing. Resolved to approve bank reconciliation. Cheque/payments requests The cheque request list for July were read out. Resolved to approve the payments and a copy of the payment schedule be filed with the minutes.

010/13/07/2016 Report of the Clerk The clerk presented the report, including actions, items for discussion and items for information. Resolved to note the actions, items for information and RESOLUTIONS were taken.

Report of the Clerk 13th July 2016

Actions from the May & June’s meeting

All website, postal and email correspondence dealt with Co-option vacancy advertised Holmewood & Heath Healthy Futures Update – Angela Parry All matters relating to the pavilion damage on 17th June 2016 Parish article’s submitted to the Heath & Holmewood Community Newsletter and Derbyshire Times The Clerk & Caretaker have signed up to the Health Champions Scheme and will have DBS checks undertaken. Summer school activity club created, this will run for 4 weeks during the summer holidays. Queen’s 90th birthday celebration event – 11th June 2016

Items for discussion Peter Grafton – Astwith Allstars – recreation ground drainage issues (G.Baxter NEDDC). This matter was discussed, with a resolution that the Parish were not in a position to financially support this project and it was agreed that this matter should be dealt with by NEDDC. Parish Website – Cllr Stone and the Clerk gave an update on the new website, it was Resolved that this matter is now addressed. Tombola monies raised from the Queen’s event – choice of charity - Cllr S Bettney. It was Resolved that Cllr Bettney would advise the Clerk in due course of the preferred charity. Heath Churchyard – resident complaint – request for Parish assistance – a letter had been received by a local resident of Heath village regarding the disgraceful state of Heath Churchyard. The Clerk advised members that this matter had been raised with the local vicar and hopefully this situation is now improving. CCTV camera improvements – the Clerk presented a short report on a number of crimes that had been committed within cctv coverage, however, the quality of the images were inadequate and therefore the need to update the system was now necessary. It was Resolved that delegated powers been given to Cllr Stone and the clerk to meet with suppliers and obtain various quotations for future consideration. Heath & District Heritage Society – S137 request – it was Resolved to award the standard grant of £250.00. It was requested that the Clerk write and advise that the cheque would be raised at the September meeting. Funding request – Holmewood & Heath Healthy Futures Group – Event date 29.10.16 Knit & Natter – S137 request – after a lengthy discussion it was Resolved to award a grant of £150.00 Tuesday Friendship Club – S137 request – after a short discussion is was Resolved that before any grant was agreed, the clerk write to the secretary to enquire if the trip actually went ahead. BMX track refurbishment Centenary Fields Programme – protecting valuable green space across the Country – Resolved to place on Septembers agenda for consideration. North East Derbyshire District Council – Chair’s Appeal – donation request – it was Resolved that a donation of £100 be made to the charity appeal in aid of Weston Park.

Items for Information New PCSO Hannah Disney Parish & Town Council Liaison conference set for Friday 1st July 2016 (Agenda circulated) Thank you letter received from MacMillan Cancer Support for the £250.00 donation Cancellation of the Parish & Town Council Forum – 27th June 2016 – date to be re-arranged.

011/13/07/2016 Planning

June Derbyshire County Council – Section 73 Application for Waste Recycling Centre at Doe Lane. Variations to storage areas for operational reasons are required - noted

NED16/00391/OL – Design Services – Proposed outline application with all matters reserved for construction of one detached dwelling at Land North of 1 & 2 Shire Lane, Heath – Mr J Morris Refused – 1st June 2016

Planning July Application to fell 3 No Silver Birch trees and crown lift 1 No Beech tree covered by Heath Village Conservation Area at Elm Tree Farm Main Street Heath Chesterfield for Mr & Mrs Marie Moore Approved - 8 July 2016

16/00257/FL – Erection of 25 dwelling – land to the rear of 181 Chesterfield Road, Holmewood – Mr G D Bedford – the members noted an email from a local resident regarding the amended plans that had been submitted and a request for the parish to advise when they are notified that this application will be presented to the planning committee.

Date of next meeting Wednesday 14th September 2016, 7pm at the Pavilion, Heath Road, Holmewood.

Chairman’s signature Date

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