A Reference in the Schedules to Service Provider Means Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers
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Tender No.01/2015
Tender Submission Schedules SUPPLY OF SERVICES
CONTENTS (A reference in the Schedules to Service Provider means consultants, contractors and suppliers)
Suppliers Declaration Conflicts of Interest Schedule of Rates Financial Details Insurances Insurances (continued) Referees Quality Assurance Works Health & Safety Industrial Relations Additional Information/Innovation
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 1 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: NOTE The Service Provider must complete all the Schedules nominated above to constitute the TENDER FORM. If there is insufficient space for any response, please prepare an attachment to the relevant Schedule. Failure to complete this section may result in rejection of the EOI
PRIVACY & PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION NOTICE: Suppliers are advised that all (if any) personal information, required to be provided with their submission, is intended only for use by Council staff. The purpose being for the assessment of offers (in accordance with the Local Government Tendering Regulations). The information will be stored at Council’s Administration Centre in accordance with the requirements of the State Records Act 1998.
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 2 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE SUPPLIER’S DECLARATION
Service Provider (full trading name):
Contact Person: Title:
Registered Office Address: Principal Business Address:
Telephone: Facsimile:
Legal Status (Refer Clause 2 of the Conditions of Supplier): Note: If the Service Provider is a Trust or a Trustee of a Trust, then a full copy of the trust deed MUST be submitted with the EOI. The Service Provider named above, hereby offers to provide Goods, Works and/or Services in accordance with: (i) this Tender and its Schedules; and (ii) the Specification; and (iii) Council’s Document titled “Information to Suppliers”; and (iv) the Special Conditions of Contract; and (v) the General Conditions of Contract. The Service Provider also acknowledges that if it is the successful supplier, the documents listed above shall form part of the contract and agrees to be bound by the contract conditions. The Service Provider warrants and represents that: (a) it has fully acquainted itself with all of the documents referred to in the Tender and all matters relating there to (b) agrees to be bound by the Conditions of Tendering (c) all of the information provided in its tender is true and correct (d) it has made its own enquires and investigations and has obtained professional advice and all other relevant information so as to inform itself of all risks and contingencies which may affect its tendered price (e) it has allowed for all such risks and contingencies in its tender price.
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 3 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Service Provider shall confirm whether there is any interests, relationships (including those of family members and employees) or clients that may or do give rise to a conflict of interest: Yes No
If “Yes”, as an attachment to this declaration, the Service Provider shall detail the area in which that conflict or potential conflict does or may arise and provide details of strategies for preventing conflicts of interest.
Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier who has SIGN HERE delegated authority to enter into a contract:
(Print Name & Title):
Date of declaration: SIGN HERE Signature of witness:
(Print Name & Title):
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 4 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE HIRE OF SUPPLY OF SERVICES Schedule of Rates The Schedule may be used for the purpose of progress claim assessment and as a basis for negotiations for variations under the contract. The Service Provider shall be responsible for the completion of all contract activities and this Schedule shall not restrict completion. Line items against which no amounts are stated, whether quantities or rates are given or not, shall be regarded as covered by other line items in this Schedule. This Schedule shall be read in conjunction with all other parts of the contract. Note: All quoted prices are to be inclusive of GST. Prices are to remain fixed for the contract term CPI variance will apply for any. Main service Specialty Charge out Travelling/ Transport Charges - $/HR type eg electrician, rate concreting, $ Per Hour design.
Daily - $/HR Weekly - $/HR Monthly - $/HR
* If Yes Please provide documentary evidence for each item of plant. EXTENDED HIRE DISCOUNT (for periods in excess of five continuous days hire) ($ ) Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: ______
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 5 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE FINANCIAL DETAILS
GST Registered Yes No
Contact Person: Title:
Registered Office Address: Principal Business Address:
Telephone: Facsimile: Email:
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: (full trading name)
Contact Person: Title:
Telephone: Fax:
Bank Code (BSB): Account Number:
Title of Account:
The Supplier shall provide: (where indicated) (A) A letter from its Banker’s verifying that it has the financial capacity to provide an No irrevocable Bank Guarantee for the security amount stated in the contract.
* Note: Suppliers that are unregistered suppliers under GST legislation, i.e. not able to issue a valid tax invoice, shall have their tender pricing weighed by a 10% increase in the assessment of tender price relativity.
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 6 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE INSURANCES
The following insurances will be required. The Service Provider shall state details of its current policies for these insurances.
INSURANCE OF EMPLOYEES Workers Compensation or Personal Accident and Illness Insurance: Insurance against any death of or injury to persons employed by the Service Provider as required by the Workers Compensation Act 1987. ALTERNATIVELY: Where the Service Provider has no employees and in lieu of Workers Compensation Insurance, insurance for personal accident and illness under a policy that provides: Weekly benefits of at least 75% of weekly income; Death and capital benefits of at least $250,000; and Minimum benefit period of 24 months.
Insurance Required Amount of Insurance Company: coverage: As detailed above Policy Number: Expiry Date:
PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Insurance against the death or injury to any third party or parties or loss of or damage to any property including loss of use of property whether it is damaged or not whatsoever caused during the course of the contract. The policy shall contain a cross liability clause and a “principal’s clause” and shall have a limit of indemnity of not less than the amount indicated for any one occurrence, but shall be unlimited in the aggregate. Insurance Required Amount of Insurance Company: coverage: $10 million Policy Number: Expiry Date:
MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE In the case of any motor vehicle used in the performance of the contract, a Motor Vehicle Insurance covering accidental damage, fire and theft. The policy shall be for a sum not less than the full market value of the vehicle. In addition, where such vehicles are: Registered Vehicles a) Insurance against any injury to any third party or parties under a Compulsory Third Party Insurance as required by the NSW Motor Accidents Act 1988; and b) Insurance against loss of or damage to any property whatsoever caused by the use of the vehicle when being driven by the Service Provider, its employees or any person not employed by the Service Provider. The policy shall have a limit of indemnity of not less than $20,000,000 and shall be extended to include “CTP Gap Coverage Endorsement” cover and shall note the interest of the Principal as an insured. Insurance Required Amount of Insurance Company: coverage: $20 million Policy Number: Expiry Date:
Unregistered Vehicles (Plant) Note: Any damage arising as a result of the plant being used as a “tool of trade” is to be covered by either an extension of the Service Provider’s Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance or the liability endorsed onto the Service Provider’s Public Liability Insurance.
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 7 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE INSURANCES (Continued - Page 2)
PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE Professional Indemnity insurance for a limit for any one claim of not less than the amount indicated. The policy shall be maintained from the completion of the contract for the period indicated. The policy shall include the following extensions: Unlimited retroactive date; Automatic reinstatement clause; Libel and slander; Consultants clause; and Trade Practices Act (Commonwealth) and Equivalent Fair Trading Acts (State) Clause.
Insurance Required Amount of Insurance Company: coverage: $10 million Policy Number: Expiry Date:
INSURANCE OF THE WORKS Insurance against loss or damage to the Works, temporary Works and all materials and other things brought onto a site by or on behalf of the Service Provider. The policy shall include a cross-liability clause and a “principal’s” clause. Insurance Required Amount of Contract Sum Insurance Company: coverage: +20% Policy Number: Expiry Date:
OTHER INSURANCES Where the scope of work is such that it requires other appropriate insurances, it shall consist of one or more of the following: Marine Liability Insurance If the contract includes the use of water-borne craft in excess of 8 metres in length, a Marine Liability Insurance that shall be for an amount not less than $10,000,000 for any one occurrence and shall include a cross-liability clause and a “principal’s” clause. Aviation Liability Insurance If the contract includes the use of aircraft, an Aviation Liability Insurance that shall be for an amount not less than $10,000,000 for any one occurrence and shall include a cross-liability clause and a “principal’s” clause. Product Liability Insurance A Product Liability Insurance for an amount of not less $10,000,000, maintained for three years commencing from the completion of the contract. Fidelity Insurance Insurance against the loss of monies or other property belonging to the Principal because of dishonesty or fraud of the Service Provider or any other entity or persons for whose actions the Service Provider is liable. Asbestos Liability Insurance If the contract includes building work on existing buildings, an Asbestos Liability Insurance that shall be for an amount not less than $5,000,000 for any one occurrence and shall include a cross-liability clause and a “principal’s” clause. Name of Insurance Required Amount of Insurance Company: coverage: Policy Number: Expiry Date: (Please attach your current Certificate of Currency to this page)
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 8 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier:
Provide at least three referees who can attest to the Service Providerr’s capabilities in undertaking the agreement IMPORTANT NOTE: Suppliers are NOT to nominate referees from participating member councils. Such referees will be looked over and may result in a lower score being given during the evaluation process. Special Note: It is the Suppliers responsibility to inform their referees that they will be contacted during the evaluation process of this tender.
FIRST REFEREE: Company name (if applicable)
Contact Person:
Telephone: Facsimile:
SECOND REFEREE: Company name (if applicable)
Contact Person:
Telephone: Facsimile:
THIRD REFEREE: Company name (if applicable)
Contact Person:
Telephone: Facsimile:
(Suppliers to note: All statements obtained from the nominated referee shall remain confidential between the Council and the referee, unless required to be released by law.)
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 9 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE QUALITY ASSURANCE Service Provider to demonstrate their commitment to quality outcomes and understanding and acceptance of the principles of Quality Assurance (“QA”). Note: Further information may be required to be submitted as substantiation. SUBJECT YES NO Does the organisation have a Quality Assurance management system as part of its overall management system? 1 (If yes, a copy of the contents page is required to be submitted as substantiation and attached to this page.) Is the QA System currently accredited to an ISO Standard, or other 3rd party accreditation? 2 (If yes, a copy of the ISO certificate must be provided and attached to this page.) Failure to do so WILL result in a lower score.
If answered “yes” to Q1 &Q2 the organisation is not required to complete the following.
3 Does the organisation have a quality policy. If yes then does it:
Have the documented support and commitment of the Chief Executive Officer and senior management? Demonstrate that it relates to the organisation's activities, products and services?
Demonstrate that it reflect the organisation's values and guiding principles?
Provide a guide to the setting of quality objectives and targets?
Include a guide towards the monitoring of appropriate management practices? Is there a management representative responsible for ensuring that the quality 4 principles are implemented and maintained? Is the organisation able to provide documented evidence to demonstrate its 5 understanding and acceptance of the philosophy of quality systems? If yes is it by:
Minutes of management review?
Internal audit reports?
A typical Quality Plan? Are details of the quality principles included in the organisation's training and 6 induction program? Are there documented procedures for control of quality from subcontractors and 7 suppliers? Are there documented procedures for corrective action that include investigation 8 into the cause of quality non-conformances and determination of the corrective action needed? Is there evidence that the Chief Executive Officer and senior management have 9 reviewed the quality principles of the organisation to ensure continuing applicability and effectiveness? 10 Are these reviews regular?
11 Is there any follow-up to the reviews? (Attach details)
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 10 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: TENDER SUBMISISON SCHEDULE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Principal shall seek to use Service Providers who can demonstrate a commitment to maintaining sound industrial relations’ principles and practices. The Principal will, as a minimum, require Service Providers and their subcontractors to comply with the Industrial Relations aspects of the NSW Department of Local Government “Code of Practice for the Construction Industry” and accompanying NSW Government “Industrial Relations Management Guidelines”. Note: Further information may be required to be submitted as substantiation. SUBJECT YES NO Are employees paid under an award? (If yes which award?) 1.
If the organisation has not more than ten (10) employees the Supplier is not required to complete Questions 2 to 10.
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 11 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: Does the organisation have an IR policy and procedures as 2. part of its overall management system? (If yes give details)
3. Does the organisation have appropriately qualified and experienced personnel to deal with industrial relations matters? 4. Does the organisation have work place agreements or other arrangements to be used in the performance of the contract? (If yes give details)
5. Does the organisation have contingency plans for maintaining the continuity of the contract in the event of industrial disruption? (If yes give details)
6. Can the organisation provide details of its IR record in relation to the avoidance of and resolution of industrial disputation? 7. Does the organisation have procedures for assessing subcontractors’ compliance with IR and employment obligations? (If yes give details)
8. Does the organisation have effective measures to co-ordinate relationships between subcontractors, other contractors and unions? (If yes give details)
9. Have you had an IR dispute that has resulted in lost time in the last twelve (12) months? (If yes give details)
10. Do you have a current IR dispute that may influence this contract? (If yes give details)
TENDER SUBMISSION SCHEDULE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/INNOVATION Detail any matters which have not been covered in the Schedules and which it is believed should be taken into consideration when the tender is being evaluated. Particularly, detail matters which will provide improved value for money:
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 12 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: (Attach extra page(s) if insufficient space.)
Tender No. 01/2015 Tender – Supply of Services Page 13 Signature of Authorised Officer of Supplier: