Special Values Evaluation Sheet Flora s1
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FPP No: …………. Coupe: ………….
EARTH SCIENCES AND CULTURAL HERTAGE Special values evaluation sheet for small FPPs of less than 10 ha
Does the proposed operation satisfy any of the “triggers” listed below?
The proposed operational area . . . Yes No
Contains landslides, or is wholly or partly defined as “Vulnerable land” in the FP regulations and implementation of standard Code and agreed guideline provisions (e.g. for streamside ☐ ☐ reserves, machinery exclusion zones and sinkholes) may not be practical, or Class 4 streams require specialist consultation as specified in the Guidelines for Protection of Class 4 Streams Is in (or contains) an area listed in the latest version of the Tasmanian Geoconservation Database (TGD) (but not the Central Plateau Terrain (ID 2684), the Central Highlands Cenozoic ☐ ☐ Glacial Area (ID 2953), or the Arthur Lineament (ID 2837) Contains caves or overhangs or significant cliffs (in any rock type) ☐ ☐ Includes an area requiring salvage harvest as defined on page 49 of the Forest Practices Code, for which procedures have not previously been agreed to ☐ ☐ Is a clearfell operation and contains moderate-high erodibility soils on steep slopes (>19) over more than 10% of the proposed harvest area ☐ ☐ Contains soils which do not fit published descriptions and are likely to have moderate to high or higher erodibility ☐ ☐ Contains an historic site listed in Conserve or an Aboriginal cultural heritage site listed in Conserve or the AH Register ☐ ☐ Contains a “new” historic site not listed in Conserve, or a “new” Aboriginal cultural heritage site not listed in Conserve or the AH Register ☐ ☐ Requires an Aboriginal cultural heritage survey as required by Table 2 of Procedures for managing Aboriginal Cultural Heritage when Preparing Forest Practices Plans ☐ ☐ Contains stream, soil, geological or cultural heritage features that are not readily categorised and for which you consider advice should be sought ☐ ☐
If you have ticked YES for any of the above statements a notification should be sent to the Manager, Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage
HPRM D17/33387, Version 1.0, 31 January 2017 Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage