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Date: Tuesday 15th December 2009 Location: LC006, Lecture Centre Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Chair: Prof Ken Darby-Dowman (PVC Strategy & Staff Dev)

Present: Mr Joe Greenwood (UBS) Mrs Linda Hazell (Planning) Mr Andrew Kershaw (Director External Affairs) Mrs Jess Luscombe Ms Leila Nahaboo (Student) Ms Teresa Sam (UBS) Rev. Charles Sargent (Meeting House) Ms Saiema Zulfiqar (Student)

Apologies:- Ms Olubunmi Arogunmati (Student) Professor Ian Campbell (PVC External Relations) Mr Joost De Folter (Student) Ms Natalie Foster (UBS) Ms Jeung Lee (BCAST) Professor Rob Macredie (PVC Student Experience) Mr Howard Shearer (Catering) Mr Bob Stiff (Energy & Sustainability Manager) Ms Beverley Williams (Costcutter) Mr Mayele Yambila (Procurement)

1.0 Apologies & Welcome Received as listed above. The group welcomed two new members from the Debating Society – Leila Nahaboo and Saiema Zulfiqar, both Year 2 Law students.

2.0 Notes of the meeting held 21 October and matters arising

2.1. Fairtrade Accreditation – Review of Feedback Goal 4: Campaign for increased Fairtrade consumption PVC Strategy & Staff Development reported that the two lecturers who run the MSc module on Business Ethics and Sustainability were keen to work with our Group. For the benefit of the new members, PVC Strategy & Staff Development explained how Brunel had worked towards accreditation and the process needed for our renewal application next spring.

There were no other matters arising.

3.0 Review of Launch Event PVC Strategy & Staff Development reported that the Launch Event had been a great success, attended by 100 staff, students and members of the local community. Many positive responses had been received, with attendees finding the event enjoyable and giving them the chance to learn more about the Fairtrade movement. PVC Strategy & Staff Development thanked those members of the group involved in planning the Launch Event for their efforts. He reported that Sarah Jewell (Campaigns Manager, Fairtrade Foundation) had found it inspiring. All four speeches were excellent and pitched at the right level and everyone attending reported on the positive and very social atmosphere. It was reported that the external traders were pleased to have had the opportunity of being part of the Launch Event and gave good feedback.

Director (External Affairs) summed up by saying it was not just a Launch Event but a social one too, with a good balance of activities. 1 3.1 Fairtrade Foundation Recommendations: Following on from Sarah Jewell’s comments on ways to reinforce our Fairtrade Accreditation, discussion followed on:

 Fairtrade Cotton It was agreed that there was not currently an extensive range available on campus. Democratic Support Co-ordinator reported that all Societies and Sports Clubs went through the Student Union when purchasing t-shirts etc. It was agreed that the Fairtrade option should be better promoted.

Currently all Locos and UBS Officers wear Fairtrade garments. UBS would attempt to source Fairtrade t-shirts for next year’s Freshers’ Week, they were constrained by time limitations this year and bought ethically sourced t-shirts, but it was agreed that Fairtrade would be the preferred option. (ACTION JG/TS/NF) It was suggested that staff in Sports Centre/Catering/Student Centre would be ideal candidates for Fairtrade cotton garments in the future. Democratic Support Co-ordinator agreed to send supplier details to PVC Strategy & Staff Development, for him to discuss further with Director Resources & Operations. (ACTION JG/KDD)

 Integration into academic programmes PVC Strategy & Staff Development informed the group that we should be attempting to incorporate Fairtrade further into the curriculum. One way of achieving this would be to introduce projects on sustainability and how Fairtrade Foundation can increase its profile. It was also one of the areas we would need to address in our re-application for Fairtrade Accreditation.

 The group discussed the new area of beauty products which has appeared under the Fairtrade banner recently. It was agreed that Kish Patel – owner of the Campus Pharmacy – could be approached on the possibility of sourcing such products. (ACTION KDD)

 Rococo – the group agreed that the Fairtrade products served in Rococo were not promoted in an obvious way. It was suggested that there may be a way of tastefully drawing attention to the Fairtrade products. Catering Manager to be contacted by PVC Strategy & Staff Development. (ACTION KDD)  It was reported that there had been some negative reaction to the Fairtrade coffee served at internal meetings. PVC Strategy & Staff Development suggested that Catering Manager may be able to offer an alternative. (ACTION KDD/HS)

4.0 Steering Group Composition PVC Strategy & Staff Development explained that when the Steering Group was formed a year ago, it was planned to have 10 each from the student and staff communities. It had proved difficult attracting and retaining student members. During the last year, consideration had been given to the best location and timing for meetings, in order to make it easier for students to attend.

VP Community Welfare agreed that the Lecture Centre was a good venue but the problem was ‘passion’. There needed to be improved promotion of the group generally. Discussion followed on the best opportunities and methods for attracting a larger student membership. It was agreed that Freshers Fair was an important event, but for 2010 it was imperative that the Stall be manned by somebody who could explain what Fairtrade is about to prospective student members. It was also suggested that a Fairtrade

2 Steering Group meeting be arranged for a week after Freshers Fair, so that students were able to come along and keep the momentum going thereafter.

VP Community Welfare explained that Joel Brasher-Jones was pushing membership of Clubs and Societies in January and this, together with Fairtrade Fortnight, would be further good opportunities for student recruitment. (ACTION JB-J)

5.0 2009/10 Programme

5.1 Debate It was agreed that this was a good idea and that Democratic Support Co- ordinator would contact the Fairtrade think tank to arrange for two speakers to take part in the Debate. He would also set a nominal date during the first week of March during Fairtrade Fortnight. It was agreed to avoid One World Week taking place last week in February. (ACTION JG)

It was agreed this event could be open to staff and students and Events would be contacted to help promote it. (ACTION LH)

5.2 Fairtrade Fortnight The Group discussed the events which took place in 2009 and agreed they could be repeated for 2010: Go Bananas Beer and Wine Tasting Cook Offs in the Meeting House Unfair Funfair – it was agreed to site this in a more prominent position which would improve participation

Democratic Support Co-ordinator offered to contact Christian Aid for details of further activities which could be used to raise awareness. He suggested an exhibition unfair sports match be organised in the quad and offered to contact Joel Brasher-Jones to enquire about the feasibility of such an activity. (ACTION JG) Further discussion followed and it was suggested that if the Beer and Wine Tasting took place in the Academy, the 3 films shown at the Launch (or alternatives from Fairtrade Foundation) could be shown alongside. This may engage students particularly.

The Fairtrade Stall would be set up during Fairtrade Fortnight and Rev. Sargent congratulated Beverley Williams on her ever-increasing range of Fairtrade products.

5.3 Future Events It was agreed that the Stall be run again during Refreshers’ Week in May 2010 as this was a good opportunity to fly the flag. VP Community Welfare would take this item to the planning meetings for Refreshers/FACE. (ACTION TS)

6.0 Preparation for application renewal PVC Strategy & Staff Development explained that we need to keep our log of activity updated which will show expansion in our goals. Item such as photos from the recent Launch Event show our commitment to the Fairtrade movement. We will also need to show progress in a more positive move to Fairtrade cotton.

It was suggested that a message be put up on Intrabrunel to capture the interest of Schools and Departments, in supporting Fairtrade. This could highlight suppliers of Fairtrade products on campus. Jess Luscombe suggested that we encourage Schools and Departments to purchase Fairtrade tea and coffee for use in the staff kitchen areas.

3 PVC Strategy & Staff Development would take this further with Director External Affairs. (ACTION KDD)

7.0 Any Other Business

Director External Affairs reported that two Fairtrade banners would be sited on lampposts permanently early in 2010.

8.0 Date of next meeting

It was agreed that the group would need to meet during w/c 11 January 2010, in order to plan and progress report on activities for Fairtrade Fortnight. (ACTION LH)


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