Meath County Council Planning Applications 10/09/07 To16/09/07
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Meath County Council Planning Applications 10/09/07 to16/09/07
Contents (Click on the page number to go to page.)
FILE NO NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION Knockstown construction of a storey and a half type dwelling, domestic gtarage and Andrew Mongey & Moynalvey DA/70511 P 10/09/07 'oakstown'BAF effluent treatment system and percolation area, new Martina Corcoran Summerhill Co. entrance onto public road and associated site works Meath Ashbourne Business Centre DA/70517 Saltan Properties P 10/09/07 a single storey detached 16.4sq.m. ESB substation Ballybin Road Ashbourne Co. Meath modifications to 525 sq.m. of the ground floor level commercial space of the previously permitted development, Meath County Council Reg. Ref. DA/40367. These modifications include (a) the option to subdivide approx. 330 sq.m. of retail space into units of 91.5sq.m. (unit 2), 82.5sq.m. (unit 3a), 87.5sq.m. (unit 3b), and 68.0 sq.m. (unit 3c) Ard Cluain DA/70518 Beech Tree Properties P 10/09/07 respectively, (totalling 4 No. retail units) and (b) the change of use of 1 Main Street no. commercial unit (unit 4) of approx 147 sq.m. from office/showroom Clonee Co. Meath to office/retail, the omission of the storage/garage area (approx 50sq.m.) & the addition of this floor area into unit 4 (totalling 197sq.m.), while retaining the option to sub-divide this unit as previously granted
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Knockstown the erection of a bungalow, entrance, garage, well, proprietary waste DA/70528 Keith Byrne P 10/09/07 Summerhill water treatment system and percolation area Co. Meath Primatestown a two storey dwelling, detached domestic garage, proprietary waste Kilmoon DA/70529 Aiden Fay P 10/09/07 water treatment system, percolation area and associated site works Ashbourne Co. Meath incorporating site boundaries and entrance onto public road
demolition of 2 no. mono pitch sheds and reinstating domestic use on existing building used currently as storage shed and construct 2 storey extension to same for use as farm employee accomadation. Construct Frankstown DA/70514 Gary & Nola Burke P 31/08/07 dual entrance to accommodate entrance to farmyard and proposed Dunshaughlin development. The development will also consist of new proprietary Co. Meath waste water treatment system and percolation area together with general site works Mullyandrew, development that will consist of the construction of an extension to rear KA/70629 Mr Sean Kane P 10/09/07 Drumcondra, of dwellinghouse and associated site works. Navan, Co Meath development that shall consist of the construction of a dormer bungalow Rahood, style house with a detached domestic garage, install a proprietary KA/70630 Ms Louise Weldon P 10/09/07 Nobber, treatment unit and percolation area, new site entrance and associated Co Meath site works. 43 Tubberclaire the erection of a single storey extension to side and rear of existing 2 Meadows NA/70458 Collette Fagan P 10/09/07 storey house, the removal of porch canopy at the front of the house and Old Road the erection of new glazed front porch Athlumney two storey detached dwelling, detached garage and new vehicular Derrinydaly TA/70450 Alan Ashe P 10/09/07 access and associated site works together with O'Reilly Oakstown BAF Trim treatment system Co Meath modification to approved shopping centre Reg. Ref. 01/394, as Corballis Shopping amended by Reg. Ref. DA/50322, DA/60128 and DA/60620, to Centre DA/70495 Corballis Stores Ltd P 11/09/07 incorporate an off license for the sale of beers, wines and spirits within Ratoath the convenience store; Spar Co. Meath Causestown, slatted cattle unit with dry bedded area, slurry containment tank and KA/70479 Sean Nugent P 11/09/07 Athboy, associated site works on tanks. Co. Meath
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED development that will consist of the increase in numbers of children to No 8 Fair Green, KT/70017 Ms Bridget Devine P 11/09/07 15 from 10 attending sessional pre-school facility as granted under Kells, planning ref. no. KT4000 and all ancillaries. Co Meath Rockroad the construction of one and a half storey extension to rear of existing NA/70293 Mr & Mrs McAniff P 11/09/07 Walterstown domestic bungalow for single family use Navan Cabragh NA/70351 Joseph O'Brien P 11/09/07 construction of a cattle shed. Navan Co. Meath the demolition of existing detached single storey cottage and replacement with a single/two storey detached dwelling with balcony to Monktown Michael & Jenny NA/70486 P 11/09/07 north elevation, off street parking and associated site works to include Garlow Cross O'Dowd new front boundary wall/fence and a new biocycle sewerage treatment Navan system the construction of a single storey side extension, as well as Porterstown Hugh & Mary DA/70516 P 07/09/07 theretention indefinitely of a detached garage, and a television areial Ratoath Bradshaw mast Co. Meath retention of the existing prefabricated building (Planning Ref: Abbey Road NT/70038 Co. Meath VEC R 11/09/07 NT/50014) for a further period to be used as a childcare creche together Navan with external play facilities and car parking spaces Co. Meath Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and for the construction of a Stackallen replacement dwellinghouse incorporating a granny flat, new waste SA/70512 Michelle Reilly P 11/09/07 Slane water treatment system, percolation areas and all associated site Co. Meath development works.
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED modifications to blocks 2 & 3 of a permitted development (reg. ref. DA/50529, Pl:17 219476) all on a site of 742.93sq.m. Modifications will result in addition of 8 no. apartments (569.6sq.m)across the development as follows; block 2- change of use at ground floor level from office space (257sq.m.) to residential (249.1sq. m.)comprising 4 no. 1 bedroom apartments; increasing the height of permitted block 2 from 6 stories to 7-stories providing for an additional 2 no. 2 bedroom The Millhouse CPF Properties apartments (143.3sq.m.): and, extension of the lift and external DA/70500 P 12/09/07 Main St. (Parkgate St) Ltd. staircore (30.6sq.m.) to 6th floor to serve additional apartments. Block Clonee Co. Meath 3- change of use on ground floor level from office space (178.5 sq.m.) to residential (177.5sq.m) comprising 2 no. 2 bedroom apartments. The development will include revisions to the external elevations at ground floor level of both blocks to facilitate the change of use to apartments by replacing the glazed curtain wall with aluminum fame windows and folding or sliding doors, all private terraces & all associated site development works the construction of a dormer style dwelling, detached domestic garage, Clarkstown proprietary effluent treatment system for new dwelling, with upgrade of DA/70519 Eilis Dowling P 12/09/07 Kilmore system to existing cottage on landholding, upgrade of existing entrance Kilcock Co. Meath and all associated site works the construction of a two storey farmhouse dwelling, detached domestic Legaguina garage with study area, two no. single storey stables and associated DA/70520 Karl Brennan P 12/09/07 Ballyhack bunded dungstead, horsewalker, proprietary effluent treatment system, Ratoath Co. Meath upgrade of existing entrance and all associated site works retention of first floor extension over existing kitchen living area 62 Tudor Grove DA/70526 Bill & Ann Kelly P 12/09/07 together with single storey extension to rear of dwelling and all Ashbourne associated site works Co. Meath Killacroy, construction of a single storey dwelling house, with proprietary waste Killalon, KA/70585 Edward & Ann Duffy P 12/09/07 water treatment system, percolation area, including all necessary site Clonmellon, Co. development works. Meath Cruicetown, construction of a new dormer type dwelling, new entrance, install B.A.F KA/70631 Mr Peter Olwell P 12/09/07 Nobber, sewage treatment unit and percolation area. Co Meath
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED the erection of a new single storey dwelling, new entrance onto public Knightstown NA/70437 Conleth Quinlan P 12/09/07 roadway, proprietary waste water treatment system and all associated Wilkinstown site works Navan the construction of a new single storey type dwelling, detached Curraghtown NA/70460 Angela Macken P 12/09/07 domestic garage, new entrance and Oakstown BAF waste water Brownstown treatment system & percolation area Navan the construction of a single storey extension to rear of existing building O'Dwyers Public to comprise 3 no retail units (each c98sqm), associated shop fronts and Billy & Peter House NA/70487 P 12/09/07 signage and bin store/service area to rear, alterations to existing O'Dwyer Bailis parking arrangements, connection to existing site services and all Navan ancillary site development works Permission for development comprising revisions to a previously permitted scheme under register reference SA/60317 comprising 28 no. dwelling houses (phase one of development) all on lands c. 1.32 hectares in extent at Silverstream Road, Kilbreckstown, Stamullen, Co. Meath. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type to 10 no. two storey detached permitted dwelling houses (nos 10-17 Palladrone Silverstream Park and nos 6&8 Silverstream Ave) and the construction Silverstream Road SA/70513 Development P 12/09/07 of 5 no additional dwelling houses so as now to consist of 4 no. two Kilbreckstown Partnership storey 3 bedroom semi-detached dwelling units (house type F1); 6 no Stamullen, Co. Meath two storey 3 bedroom end of terrace dwelling units (house type G&J) and 5 no. 2 storey 3 bedroom mid-terrace dwelling units (house type h). Therefore the total number of dwelling houses to be provided under phase one of development is 33. Permission is also sought for the reconfiguration of internal road ‘Silverstream Park’ and the area of public open space within this section of the sit a non habitable , attic study/storage area extension, with a dormer to 34 Woodlands Park Neal and Claire DA/70521 P 13/09/07 the rear of our residence, consequent to planning decision Ref. No. Ratoath Witter DA/70181 Co. Meath the demolition of an existing single storey dwelling and the construction of 27 residential units, comprising of 2 no. apartment blocks, a basement carpark and bin storage facility. Block 1 shall comprise of 9 Cookstown DA/70522 Larry Gogan P 13/09/07 units over 3 levels, with 3 no. 1 bedroom units and 6 no. 2 bedroom Ashbourne units with associated balconies and terraces. Block 2 shall comprise of Co. Meath 18 units over 3 and 4 levels, with 3 no. 3 bedroom units and 15 no. 2 bedroom units with associated balconies and terraces
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED the construction of a one and a half storey dwelling, Oakstown BAF Castletown KP NA/70466 Joanne Duffy P 13/09/07 wastewater treatment system, new entrance and all ancillary site Navan works Co Meath Knock the construction of a dormer dwelling, BAF sewerage treatment system, NA/70488 Cait Markey P 13/09/07 Castletown percolation area and entrance Navan Larrix Street Storage shed comprising of 4 No. units (total area 306sq m) with a max SA/70514 Patrick McCabe P 13/09/07 Duleek height of 5m including all associated site works. Co. Meath Collistown a dormer bungalow, domestic garage, envirocare waste water treatment DA/70460 Denise O'Riordan P 14/09/07 Kilcock unit and percolation area and associated works Co. Meath seard a bheidh i gceist leis sn bhforbairt na teach conaiteh stor go leith, Cnoc Marc DA/70481 Roisin Ni Dhuslaine P 14/09/07 le coras searachais Oakstown BAF agus ait siothluchain, sli isteach nua, Droim Ri dreacht talun agus oibreacha gaolmhara ar an lathair Co. Na Mi an extension to existing dwelling consisting of relocation of front door with new entrance hall, conversion of existing garage to Roestown Martin & Monica Kelly DA/70523 P 14/09/07 kitchen/dining/living with new gay window, existing kitchen area to be Drumree
changed to new utility room and open study/office, patio area and all Co. Meath ancillary site works the construction of a dormer bungalow, proprietary waste water Mulhussey DA/70524 Aiden Joyce P 14/09/07 treatment system, domestic garage and new entrance to existiing house Maynooth Co. Meath Clonlyon the construction of a dormer bungalow, proprietary waste water DA/70525 Arthur Lambert P 14/09/07 Kilcock treatment system, domestic garage, well and a modified entrance Co. Meath Currahga Parish demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of pastoral meeting Church DA/70527 Rev. Phil Gaffney P 14/09/07 room, toilet, tea room and boiler room, resurfacing existing church car Curragha, Crichstown park, lighting to carpark and lighting to existing tennis courts Co. Meath
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED alterations and extensions to single storey house comprising the following, demolition of playschool, garage, and external porch, construction of single storey living accommocation to the west and bedroom accommodation to the east, construction fo basement under Avalon, Lagore Road DA/70530 Fergus Clancy P 14/09/07 part of the proposed extension to the west, construction of single storey Dunshaughlin boiler house, modifications to the size and location of existing windows Co. Meath and doors, alterations to the roof, removal of entrance wall and gate and part of hedgerow to Lagore Road and construction of gate and 2 meter high plastered boundary wall with stone piers units subdivision into four separate units. The works will involve the demolition of the existing single storey office unit to the fornt (northern side) and it's replacement with a new single storey office building to Unit 1 serve the proposed units 1 and 2. The works will also involve the Dunboyne Industrial DA/70531 Stephen Carroll P 14/09/07 construcion of a new 2-storey office facade on the e=western side to Est. serve the proposed units 3 and 4. Site works will include the Dunboyne Co. Meath construction of a new im high front boundary wall and 1.5 m high piers to form 2 no. access pints to the proposed development Arragail, proposed entrance, construction of dwelling, domestic garage and KA/70530 Christopher Weldon P 14/09/07 Nobber, sewerage treatment Co. Meath development that will consist of a two storey dwelling incorporating a dometic garage, proprietary wastewater treamtment system, Rathmore, percolation area, horse stables comprising of 6. no. boxes, tackroom KA/70632 Ms Hazel Smith P 14/09/07 Athboy, and store room), manure pit, effluent holding tank and erect holding Co Meath. tank and erect holding tank and erect splayed and recessed entrance to site. development that will consist of the following: (1) To demolish an existing habitable dwelling house, a detached domestic garage and Tiermurrin Lane, Gerry & Sandra KA/70633 P 14/09/07 shed. (2) To construct a replacement dormer type dwelling house and a Rockfield Road, Wiseman detached domestic garage with all ancillary and associated site works. Kells, Co Meath (3) To take down existing front boundary wall, piers and entrance. the construction of new dormer bungalow type dwelling with adjoining Ardlonan, KA/70634 Mr Seamus Cassidy P 14/09/07 garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system & percolation area Carlanstown, and re-use of existing site entrance and associated site works. Kells, Co Meath
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED development that will consist of the erection of two-storey dwelling Hurdlestown, house with proprietary waste water treatment system also to modify KA/70635 Mr Rory O'Reilly P 14/09/07 Kells, existing agricultural entrance which will be shared for both agricultural Co Meath and domestic use. construction of a private residence and garage with septic tank/waste- Eightyeight Acres, Micheal & Lisa KA/70636 P 14/09/07 treatment system and percolation area including connection to services Athboy, Brogan and entrance onto public road together with all ancillary site works. Co Meath. development that will consist of proposed construction of dormer style Barleyhill, dwelling together with detached garage, proprietary waste water KA/70637 Ms Mary Bradfield P 14/09/07 Kingscourt, treatment system, percolation area, associated site works and entrance Co Meath onto public road. the construction of a two storey extension to side and single storey 80 Limekiln Wood extension to rear of an existing dwelling consisting of lounge, NA/60356 Alan Brady P 14/09/07 Navan playroom/study, utility room at ground floor level nd two bedrooms with Co Meath en-suites at first floor level the construction of a two storey dwelling, proprietary waste water Lismullen NA/70372 Karl Reynolds P 14/09/07 treatment system, new entrance onto public road and all associated site Garlow Cross works Navan the construction of a dormer bungalow style house with a detached Randalstown NA/70489 William Kearney P 14/09/07 domestic garage, install a proprietary treatment unit and percolation Navan area,new site entrance and associated site works Co Meath the demolition of an existing habitable dwelling and to construct a replacement storey and a half dwelling with a conservatory, a single Lismullin Mr & Mrs Garrett storey detached domestic garage with pitched roof, improvements to an NA/70490 P 14/09/07 Garlow Cross Donnellan existing site entrance, installation of proprietary waste water treatment Navan unit, percolation area and associated site works. The site area is 0.569 hectares Benjerstown SA/70515 Liam Burke R 14/09/07 The retention of a domestic garage. Lobinstown Navan, Co. Meath
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1. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED (1)Alter the boundary along the southern side of the golf driving range and erect protective netting here,(2)erect protrective netting near the dwelling to north-east of the range,(3)erect a sign on the western side of the site and at the entrance to existing golf driving range, (4) provide Painestown open driving bays on grass to south of covered bays. Permission is also SA/70516 Robert Toner P 14/09/07 Pilltown sought at the same address and same applicant to retain(1)the location Drogheda, Co. Meath of existing driving bays and ancillary shop/storage shed,(2)the storage shed to north of bays (3)the current position of the protective netting on the northern boundary of the range, (4)two lighting poles positioned on the driving range. the construction of a milking parlour incorporating dairy cow handling area, power room, office, wash room, open collecting yard, install Milestown NA/70491 Peter Brady P 31/08/07 underground dairy washings storage tank and unroofed slatted tank, Donaghpatrick provide new livestock entrance onto public road and upgrade existing Navan entrance to proposed milking parlour two storey dormer type extension & renovations to existing single Collierstown NA/70494 Patrick Purcell P 13/09/07 storey house incorporating garage extension on ground floor level to Skreen front & rear of house, kitchen extension to rear, & ancillary site works Navan
The Planning Authority in deciding a planning application in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these regulations.
FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE detached dormer style bungalow, sewage treatment Ribstown facility, domestic garage and associated siteworks. Further DA/70309 Marianne Brosnan P 25/05/07 Batterstown 13/09/07 Information/revised plans submitted re planning Co. Meath application DA/70309
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE the demolition of existing 2 storey house and replacement with 2 storey dwelling house (300 sq.m.) together with Mabestown John & Beverly boiler house, recessed vehicular entry and replacement DA/70325 P 25/06/07 The Ward 14/09/07 Fetherston proprietary waste water treatment unit on site of previous Co. Meath application ref. DA/70125.Further Information/revised plans submitted re planning application DA/70325 No. 8 Hillview the demolition of existing side garage, a new sigle storey Estate pitched extension to the front, rear and side, a new DA/70329 Barry Higgins P 25/07/07 Trevet Road 14/09/07 vehicular entrance and change existing vechicular Dunshaughlin entrance to pedestrian Co. Meath the erection of dormer bungalow and domestic garage with proprietary waste water treatment system also to Curraghdoo DA/70359 Brian Conneely P 20/06/07 modify existing entrance which will be shared for both Summerhill 13/09/07 agricultural and domestic use. Further Information Co. Meath submitted re planning application DA/70359 the construction of a 257,000 gallon over ground circular slurry store along with a 34,100 gallon slatted reception tank in existing open yard, the construction of a 100sq. m Jealoustown DA/70375 Austin Whyte P 20/07/07 leanto adjoining existing hay barn, the replacement of Dunshaughlin 12/09/07 concrete floor slabs to silage pit, bedded shed and feeding Co. Meath passage and the demolition of two small agricultural sheds totalling 62sq. m. together with all associated site works 25 Seagrave an attic conversion to include three velux rooflights to the Park DA/70435 Robert Johnson P 20/07/07 10/09/07 rear and a porthole window on new extended gable Ratoath Co. Meath No. 3 Seagrave amendment of condition No. 2 of planning ref. no. Park DA/70438 Aideen Murphy P 20/07/07 DA/50394 in relation to opening hours of Sessional Fairyhouse Road 12/09/07 Montessori classroom Ratoath Co. Meath
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE the construction of a two storey dwelling with proprietary Hallstown Fiona Mangan & Denis DA/70440 P 23/07/07 wastewater treatment system & percolation area, new Dunshaughlin 13/09/07 Murphy entrance on to public road and all associated site works Co.Meath to construct a dormer bungalow, domestic garage, new Bodeen Colm Ward & Sonia DA/70450 P 20/07/07 entrance and install proprietary waste water treatment Ratoath 12/09/07 Carroll unit and percolation area Co. Meath the construction of a single storey extension to the rear and side of the existing dwelling, conversion of existing 24 Greenane garage to habitable space including the removal of garage DA/70478 Martin Landy P 24/07/07 Dunshaughlin 14/09/07 doors and replacement with a window to front, installation Co. Meath of rooflights to garage and dwelling and all associated site works Rosmeen, the retention of agricultural shed for housing sheep and KA/60722 Kieran & Rita Hanlon P 19/12/06 Kells, 13/09/07 cattle Co.Meath the construction of a four bay slatted shed together with a slurry holding tank underneath and a ground level Hartstown, concrete feeding area to front of shed, also a concrete Clonmellon, KA/70267 Kevin McCaffrey P 23/05/07 13/09/07 silage slab, including all ancillary works with revised plans Navan, Co. from that submitted under current planning application KA Meath 70267 to include change of location of proposed shed 13 Connaught John & Sandra Place, KA/70427 P 23/07/07 a two storey pitched roof extension over existing garage. 13/09/07 McDonnell Athboy, Co. Meath retention of alterations made to existing bungalow, alterations include (a)single storey extension to western elevation of dwelling consisting of master bedroom, Creevagh, Michael & Margaret KA/70507 P 20/07/07 changing room & en-suite(b)single storey extension to Crossakiel, 11/09/07 Byrne eastern elevation of dwelling consisting of kitchen and Kells, Co.Meath utility, (c) alterations to front elevation including provision of new front porch.
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE development that will consist of the erection of dormer Carrickspringan, KA/70544 Caroline Murphy P 20/07/07 bungalow and domestic garage with proprietary Moynalty, 11/09/07 wastewater treatment system and entrance Kells, Co.Meath construction of an extension to north eastern elevation of dwelling house to include sitting room and porch,construct conservatory extension to south-eastern elevation, Kilbeg Upper, Dave & Theckla KA/70546 P 20/07/07 remove existing roof and provide new roof to include Carlanstown, 11/09/07 Tormay dormer extension with dormer windows to south-western Kells, Co Meath elevation, construct domestic garage and upgrade existing entrance on site construction of a dormer style dwelling, domestic garage, Donore, KA/70547 Joanne Sheridan P 20/07/07 a septic tank with percolation area, a private water well Moynalty, 11/09/07 and the construction of an entrance onto the public road Kells, Co. Meath Crossdrum development that will consist of constructing a bungalow Lower, KA/70561 Diarmuid Fanning P 25/07/07 and domestic garage with a septic tank and percolation 14/09/07 Oldcastle, area Co. Meath 19 no two storey dwellings of which 12 no are 4 bedroom detached units, 3 no are 5 bedroom detached units, 4 no are 5 bedroom detached units with attached garages Kentstown Road along with development access to Kentstown Road, foul Vincent Mulvany & Bailis NA/60571 P 18/12/06 sewer, surface water and watermain connections and all 11/09/07 Kevin Mulvany Athlumney ancillary site works including roads, paths, screen and Navan boundary walls and fences. Further information has been submitted and the information includes revised site layout and revised design details of dwellings the demolition of existing garage and proposed extension Neillstown Mr Coleman Ronayne & to side and rear of existing dwelling also to raise the ridge NA/70296 P 23/07/07 Bohermeen 12/09/07 Ms Sandra Stafford height of the existing dwelling and all associated site Navan works the addition of utility room of 9.74 sq m to the side of 17 Tara Court Sq NA/70302 Ronan Whelan P 23/07/07 existing two storey semi detached house with associated Proudstown Road 11/09/07 hard and soft landscaping Navan
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE Balrath the construction of a conservatory extension to side of NA/70371 Joe & Annmarie Healy P 20/07/07 Kentstown 10/09/07 existing residence Navan change of house type and site layout (location of treatment plan and percolation area and dwelling house Balrath NA/70374 Kenneth Fitzgerald P 23/07/07 changed) to that previously granted permission under Kentstown 12/09/07 planning reference NA/60375 including all associated site Navan works the construction of a single storey extension incorporating 18 Beechlawn NA/70408 David Carolan P 19/07/07 living accommodation to the side and rear of existing Beaufort Place 10/09/07 dwelling Navan the erection of first floor extension to side and front of residence inclusive of retention of conversion of domestic 108 Blackcastle garage to T.V. room with extension to same incorporating Est NA/70409 Gerrard Larkin P 20/07/07 11/09/07 porch to front . Also, erection of sun-room extension to Navan rear of residence and retention of domestic store to rear Co. Meath of property. the construction of a single storey sunroom extension to the rear, single storey extended playroom extension to the No. 24 Laganara Jason Hanney & front, convert the existing attic for storage use with a View NA/70410 P 19/07/07 10/09/07 Caroline Byrne dormer window to the side roof slope and a new window Kentstown and door ope to the existing side external utility room Navan wall. 21 St Marys Park NT/70025 Rachel Brady P 18/07/07 retention of domestic entrance as constructed Navan 10/09/07 Co Meath Materials processing building (C.4320m2), a skip repair Rathdrinagh SA/60656 Nurendale Ltd P 19/12/06 building(C.416m2), a reed-bed surface water treatment Beauparc 12/09/07 area, ancillary site works. Navan
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE Part demolition of the existing storage area to the West of the site to provide sight-lines. The construction of a new single storey Farm Shop (area=79sq m) The construction Boolies Great SA/70277 Bernard Callaghan P 06/06/07 of new staff toilet facilities, ancillary to the proposed shop Duleek 11/09/07 and the existing farm (area 31sq m). The replacement of Co Meath the existing septic tank with a new Enviropak waste water Treatment plant including all necessary site works. Mitchelstown Retention of a storage shed and stables to rear of dwelling Castletown SA/70323 Paul & Jill Weldon R 01/06/07 12/09/07 and revised site boundaries. Navan, Co. Meath Construction of a 4 bedroom, 2 storey dormer dwelling Starinagh SA/70334 Fergus McKeown P 11/06/07 with garage, waste water treatment system and 11/09/07 Co. Meath associated site works. Woodtown The construction of a lean to agricultural shed to cover SA/70361 Patrick Malone P 19/07/07 Drumcondrath 11/09/07 existing slatted unit. Navan Change of house type D2 (4 bed detached two storey) on Deepforde site numbers 31 & 48 Colpe Park, 1 and 38 Colpe View Colpe West SA/70364 Neemats Ltd P 23/07/07 which was granted under planning ref: 99/1927, 13/09/07 Dublin Rd., Co. SA/60151 to approved house type A2 (4 bed detached Meath dormer bungalow). Construction of a 2 storey extension to the side and rear of a house, for alterations to the front elevation of the 58 Brookside SA/70370 Anthony Barcoe P 19/07/07 existing house, and for construction of a new rear access Bettystown 10/09/07 gate to the rear garden with access passage across grass Co. Meath margin and public footpath. The development will consist of the construction of a new Woodtown Upper SA/70403 Eamon & Vera Young P 19/07/07 entrance, to close existing entrance and to revise site Drumcondrath 10/09/07 boundries. Navan To apply for planning retention permission for 1.changes 40 Bryanstown SA/70425 Paula Noonan R 19/07/07 to the external finishes 2.Keeping of the columns to the Drogheda 10/09/07 porch roof. 3. Minor alterations to the elevations. Co Meath
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE Creewood, Mr & Mrs Martin and A detached single story garden room consisting of Sallygarden, SA/70427 P 19/07/07 11/09/07 Hannah Naughton playroom, workshop and domestic garage. Slane, Co. Meath The development will consist of the construction of a Martins Road SA/70428 Mr John Sullivan P 20/07/07 single story granny flat extension to the back of the Gormanston 11/09/07 dwelling and all site works. Co Meath The development will consist of the following: alterations and extension to existing derelic two storey dwelling and single storey out building consisting of:1, Raising height of existing two storey dwelling. 2,Two storey extension to north side of dwelling.3, New porch to south side of Colpe SA/70429 Pat & Mary Rose Fallon P 20/07/07 dwelling.4,Conversion of adjoining outbuilding to the east East Colpe 11/09/07 side of dwelling. Change of use to living accomadation and Co Meath garage.5, Single storey extension to south side of adjoining outbuilding.6.New waste water treatment system and percolation area.7,Construction of a new site entrance together with all ancillary site works Permission for retention of (a) dwelling houseas constructed in revised location.(b) conversion of integral Collierstown garage to habitable accomadation (c)minor alterations to SA/70431 Nicholas Townley R 24/07/07 Bellewstown 13/09/07 dwellinghouse (d revised site boundaries (e) waste water Co Meath treatment system as constructed in revised location (f) detached domestic garage and associated site works. The development will consist of additional temporary school accomodation, compromising the erection of 1X 80 Knockcommon Knockcommon National sq.m Prefabricated Classroom and toilets approximately SA/70435 P 19/07/07 Beauparc Navan 10/09/07 School 3.0 high to east side of exiting school building within an Co Meath existing grassed area, together with associated services and drainage connections and all ancillaery works.
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE The development will consist of single storey extension to existing agricultural store, being stables, and new Thurstianstown roof over same, removal of existing milking parlour and SA/70442 Mr Munnelly Gary P 26/07/07 Beauparc 14/09/07 haybarn attached, and construction of new Co. Meath haybarn/farmstore and stables, with dungstead and sealed effluent tank. The development will consist of a :(a) 10 baypitched roof cubicle shed.(b)Over ground slurry storage silo with Fennor SA/70443 James Tallon P 18/07/07 adjacent underground reception tank (c) 2 no. 6bay Ardcath 10/09/07 pitched roof straw bed sheds with adjacent underground Co Meath site works. The development will consist of a single storey extension Harmonstown SA/70456 William McNally P 23/07/07 to the side of the existing single storey dwelling and all Hayes 14/09/07 ancillary works. Navan, Co Meath construct a storey and a half type dwelling house, detached domestic garage, to install a proprietary Tanderagee wastewater treatment system and percolation area, for a TA/70249 Bernard McGuane P 04/05/07 Longwood 10/09/07 new entrance onto public road and all associated site Co Meath works. Revisions to that previously submitted under current ref. TA-70249 include revised site layout plan Carronstown one and a half storey type dwelling, domestic garage, Great TA/70284 Brenda Keogh P 23/05/07 proprietary wastewater treatment system, percolation 14/09/07 Ballivor area, open new splayed and recessed entrance to site Co. Meath construction of new slatted tanks below ground level with a shed above ground level, a shed over an existing Clondalee TA/70344 PJ Cunningham P 26/07/07 concrete yard, a one bay extension onto an existing Hill of Down 14/09/07 livestock shed and all associated site works for agriculturalEnfield, Co Meath purposes Jordanstown, the construction of single storey extension (25Sq metres) TA/70346 Eamonn Mulvihill P 27/07/07 Enfield, 14/09/07 to side of existing dwelling and associated site works. Co. Meath
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FILE NO APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE the construction of new extensions onto an existing shed. These extensions will consist of slatted tanks below Possextown TA/70351 Fergal Fagan P 19/07/07 ground level with a shed above ground level, a covered Enfield 11/09/07 walkway and all associated site works for agricultural Co. Meath purposes a proposed dormer style dwelling, detached domestic Isaacstown TA/70451 Leo Reilly P 19/07/07 garage, proprietary domestic effluent treatment system, Rathmolyon 11/09/07 site entrance and all ancillary site works Co Meath 2 Castle Close, single storey pitched roof porch to the front, single storey Friarspark, TA/70456 Sean Maguire P 23/07/07 pitched sunroom to the rear and a single storey pitched 13/09/07 Dublin Road, roof detatched garage to the rear Trim, Co. Meath Ballycarn dormer style extension to the rear of existing dormer style TA/70469 Brian Darcy P 27/07/07 Enfield 14/09/07 dwelling and all ancillary site works. Co. Meath
The Planning Authority in deciding a planning application in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these regulations.
3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED FILE NO NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DECISION DATE a development which will consist of (1)demolition of existing dwelling house 2) erection of replacement two-storey dwelling house and associated site works (3) erection and installation of septic tank and peat biofilter secondary Mullagh Cross Gerard treatment and percolation area. Further Information/revised Roads, DA/70004 P 04/01/07 11/09/07 O'Reilly plans submitted re planning application DA/70004 for Mullagh, demolition of existing dwelling house, erection of Co. Meath replacement two storey dwelling house with BAF Sewage Treatment System & percolation area and all associated site works
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3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED the renovation of the existing protected structure known as the Gate Lodge, into a creche to accommodate approx 60 children. The development will consist of renovating the existing Gate Lodge into an office, canteen and ancillary uses retaining all of the internal walls, and the demolition of The Gate Lodge the existing single storey lean-to extension to the side. Eugene DA/70431 P 19/07/07 Erection of two single storey and one two-storey classrooms Station Road 10/09/07 Halferty in the form of interconnecting boxes the same size as the Dunboyne Co. Gate Lodge with a connecting glazed link to the Gate Lodge Meath itself. Ancillaray facilities will include landscaped gardens, two separate play areas, one with full playground facilities, and a new boundary wall and railings around the perimeter of the site (1)constructing a single storey side and rear extension 475sq.m. to unit 16 that will provide for additional storage space at ground and mezzanie level and (2)constructing two new light industrial buildings. Each building is similar in height, scale and desigh to surrounding units, finished in modern cladding materials, Building one will contain unit 16A, 275sq.m. and unit 16B, 230 sq.m. Building two will Unit 16 contain unit 16C and 16D, both 225sq.m. Each unit will Ashbourne consist of at ground floor a main open plan storage area, an DA/70436 John Vero P 20/07/07 Indus. Estate 11/09/07 office/reception area, M&F toilets and a store room and at Ashbourne Co. mezzanie level a main open plan store area, main office and Meath a tea/lunch room. The site works will include altering the existing roller gate at the side of unit 16 to a smaller 6.5m wide double swing gate, the provision of an additionaL 7no. parking spaces in the existing front car parking area with a further 6no. additional parking spaces in front of the two buildings This application is also to allow for all ancillary works associated with the proposed development Coolnahinch, construction of a part two storey, part three storey KA/70428 Peter Plunkett P 25/07/07 Moynalty, 14/09/07 extension on to an existing house Co. Meath
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3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED construction of dormer style dwelling together with detached Ruairi Kilnalun, domestic garage, proprietary waste water treatment system, KA/70552 Monaghan & P 20/07/07 Kingscourt, 11/09/07 required percolation area, associated site works and new Natasha Yorke Co. Meath entrance onto public road 1 no. two storey dwelling with domestic garage, waste water Quigelagh, treatment system and percolation area, new entrance, walls KA/70553 Gareth Gargan P 23/07/07 Moynalty, 13/09/07 & piers onto existing laneway and ancillary site development Kells, Co.Meath works construction of a dormer dwelling, BAF sewerage treatment Gibbstown, Aisling KA/70555 P 25/07/07 system, percolation areas, domestic garage, entrance and all Navan, 14/09/07 McFadden assoicated site works Co. Meath Gibstown Derek Bellew & development that will consist of a proposed two storey Demense, KA/70566 Geraldine P 24/07/07 dwelling, detached domestic garage, Oakstown BAF waste 14/09/07 Navan, Smith water treatment unit, percolation areas & entrance Co. Meath the construction of a two storey dwelling, detached building Branstown NA/70147 Michael Looby P 20/07/07 incorporating domestic garage/2 no stables and dungstead Tara 11/09/07 to the rear and ancillary site works Co Meath the construction of a detached dormer bungalow, entrance Ongenstown Shirley NA/70283 P 15/06/07 and access road, BAF effluent treatment system and Bohermeen 13/09/07 Fitzsimons percolation area and associated site works on my site Navan Donaghmore constuction of a two storey dwelling house with septic tank Lane NA/70330 Shane O'Toole P 26/07/07 with percolation area, domestic garage, new entrance onto Proudstown 14/09/07 public road, landscaping and all ancillary site works Navan, Co Meath retention of permission ( ref 01084 ) of an existing 18 metre telecommunications support structure, antennas, equipment Thurstianstown Vodafone cabin and assocaiated equipment within a fenced compound SA/60675 R 21/12/06 Beauparc 11/09/07 Ireland Ltd. and access track. The development forms part of Vodafone Co. Meath Ireland Ltds existing GSM and 3G Broadband telecommunications network Conversion of the existing dwelling to a dormer bungalow Painestown SA/70354 Colin Healy P 19/07/07 with an extension to the sides and rear, alterations to the Drogheda 11/09/07 front elevation and all associated site works. Co. Meath
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3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED The development will consist of the construction of a 1 1/2 Creewood Darren SA/70423 P 19/07/07 storey dwellinghouse and the installation of a propriety Slane 10/09/07 Rafferty waste water treatment system and percolation area. Co Meath The development consists of the construction of a new Gillinstown Mr Joseph dormer dwelling including proprietary waste water treatment SA/70430 P 23/07/07 Duleek 11/09/07 Cromwell plant and percolation area, garage, new site entrance and all Co. Meath associated site works The development will consist of the construction of a one Rathbranmore Rodney SA/70433 P 19/07/07 and a half storey residence,Oakstown BAF wastewater Collon 10/09/07 Kingston treatment system and a new entrance. Co Meath The development will consist of 62 no. residental units comprising of 16 no.3 bed semi -detached houses, 22 no 3 Five Oaks bed terrrace houses,23 no. 2 bed terrace houses and 1 no. 4 Village Dunville Homes bed detached house with access via Five Oaks,Five Oaks Bryanstown, SA/70436 P 24/07/07 14/09/07 ltd Village and "The View" Five Oaks Village, associated car park Dublin Rd spaces(124 no.), related open space and landscaped Drogheda , co works,associated site development works and service Meath works. to construct a private two-storey residence, domestic wastewater and effluent treatment system with percolation Moyfeagher TA/70279 Neal Sweeney P 20/07/07 area and new entrance onto public roadway, together with Ballivor 11/09/07 all ancillary site works. Existing disused dwelling on site to Co Meath be retained and converted into storage outbuilding construction of a two-storey dwelling with attic conversion Adamstown for living accommodaiton with dormer windows, double TA/70322 Mark Daly P 24/07/07 Trim 14/09/07 domestic garage, two stables, entrance, well and wastewater Co Meath treatment system
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3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED The development, on a 3.14 hectare site, will consist of the construction of 1 no. retail warehouse unit with mezzanine level and service yard (gross floor area 4680sq.m), 8 no. enterprise units in two storey building (total gross floor area 2,638sq.m), 2 no. car sales units with associated forecourts and car service areas (total gross floor area 1060sq.m), new vehicular access onto the Dunderry Road, pedestrian access onto Athboy Road, new junction onto Athboy Road (R154) Shannon and construction of length of new distributor road (length of Blackfriary TA/70364 Homes P 20/07/07 approximately 140m, and width of approximately 10.5m) to Trim 12/09/07 Newtown Ltd serve the Blackfriary Local Area Plan lands and proposed Co Meath development, connection to public foul sewerage system and public water supply, 421 no. car-parking areas, and all associated site development works above, at and below ground level, including landscaping and boundary treatments. The site is bounded by the Dunderry Road to the west, the Athboy Road (R154) to the south, and the proposed distributor road to serve the Blackfriary Local Area Plan lands to the east Rossan erect new dwelling house, septic tank/treatment system and TA/70462 Nuala Farrell P 25/07/07 Kinnegad 14/09/07 ancillary site works Co. Meath TOTAL: 21
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION construction of extension to side of existiing bungalow with access from existing internal lobby. Brendan & 1 The Rise Extension to be constructed forward of existing side DA/70127 V Nora P 27/08/07 Dunshaughlin up to existing front building line, flat roof of existing Connolly Co. Meath extension to be stripped off and incorporated into roof of new extension Block D Ardrum Dunboyne retention permission for 195 sq.m. additional DA/70369 V Development P 16/08/07 Business Park industrial area further to planning ref: DA/60248 s Ltd. Dunboyne Co. Meath construction of a two storey dwelling and detached Jenkinstown Patrick domestic garage, install proprietary wastewater DA/70441 V P 22/08/07 Kilclone Murray treatment system and form new entrance from the Co. Meath public road Change of use of premises from retail shop unit to Church View Thomas DA/70444 V P 28/08/07 betting office and erection of satellite dish to rear of Main St. Ratoath Byrne premises Co. Meath to demollish existing habitable dwelling house and detached dormer style doemstic garage and to construct 1no. fully serviced 2 storey dwelling with Patrick & attached fully serviced domestic swimming pool. All Legagunnia DA/70461 V Niamh P 29/08/07 to be constructed in revised location of dwelling Ratoath O'Reilly being demolished, Upgrade existiing septic tank Co. Meath system to new advanced treatment system and percolation area to E.P.A. guidelines. Existing entrance to be retained and all ancillary site works modifications to approved shopping centre Reg. Corballis Ref.01/394, as amended by Reg.Ref. DA/50322, Walthill Shopping Centre DA/70467 V P 07/08/07 DA/60128 and DA/60620, to include for change of Properties Ratoath use of retail 3 from retail to Cafe/Bar and Co. Meath associated signage
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION Ashbourne Saltan Business Centre DA/70468 V Properties P 07/08/07 detached 240sq.m. warehouse Unit 8A Ballybin Road Ltd. Ashbourne Co. Meath the construction of one and a half storey extension Rockroad Mr & Mrs NA/70293 V P 11/09/07 to rear of existing domestic bungalow for single Walterstown McAniff family use Navan Cabragh Joseph NA/70351 V P 11/09/07 construction of a cattle shed. Navan O'Brien Co. Meath 4 Railway Street alterations to front elevation of apartment no 4 at NT/70043 V John Morgan P 30/08/07 Navan first floor level Co Meath Ashbourne Saltan Business Centre DA/70469 V Properties P 07/08/07 proposed detached 210sq.m. warehouse unit 4A Ballybin Road Ltd. Ashbourne Co. Meath 7 Silver Birch the removal of existing single storey conservatory Close Mr & Mrs E. to the rear and the construction of a new single DA/70470 V P 08/08/07 Mill Farm McCloskey storey extension to teh rear and side of existing Dunboyne Co. dwelling and associated site works Meath the change of use of the remainder of the existing two strey dwelling huse and conversion of the garage to tehside, with two new windows to the 18 Tudor Heights Nicola front elevation in lieu of existing garage door, to DA/70471 V P 09/08/07 Ashbourne Maguire form an extended play-school /creche facility with Co. Meath after school sessional care, previously granted planning permission under planning registery reference DA/50337
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION the construction of new dwellin-house, new road Crickstown Thomas DA/70473 V P 10/08/07 entrance, puraflo wastewater treatment system, Curragha Keogh and associated site works Co. Meath alterations to the front & side elevations of the building including (1)removal and replacement of windows with doors to front elevation, (2) removal of tudor timber effect from front elevation and replacement with sand & cement plastered finish Frederick Street David Farrell with keystone effect to corners, (3)reinstatement of DA/70474 V P 10/08/07 Ashbourne first floor window openings to front elevation, Co. Meath (4)Alterations to nameplate /signage to front elevation, (5) reinstatement of window openings and door opening and enlargement of window opening to side elevations and all associated site works at The Hunters Moon Public House retention for material alterations consisting of Units 3&4 comvination of 2 no. separate industrial /warehouse AYA Ashbourne unit and construction fo mezzanine level (452sq m) DA/70475 V Corporation P 10/08/07 Business Centre to give a total internal gross floor area of Ltd. Ballybin Rd. 1,565sq.m. and planning permission sought for Ashbourne erection of signage to existing front elevation a 2 storey dwelling comprising of a ground floor 140.2 sq.m. and first floor 114.2 sq.m, with garage Kilbrew Helena to the side 51.4 sq.m the installation of a DA/70477 V P 16/08/07 Ashbourne Creagh proprietary wastewater treatment unit, and the Co. Meath forming of a new entrance from the public road with associated site works
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION 5504 sq.m. (gross floor area) office development in a 4-5 storey (predominantly 4 storey) building, over semi-basement parking level incorporating 116 parking spaces and 40 No. cycle spaces (gross floor area excludes parking level), an ESB substation and associated switchroom, ancillary plantroom areas; refuse storage, vehicle ramps, ventilation; lift and stair cores; formation of a new access road with junction off the Regional Road 135 (former N2) road, together with 119 No. surface car parking spaces (45 of which at deck level) and associated Ashbourne John McCabe soft and hard landscaping, boundary DA/70480 V P 17/08/07 Co. Meath treatments(including temporary hoarding for the
period of construction to surround the site with associated lettering/signage employed for the purposes of advertising, announcement and direction): diversion of services, and all other necessary site development works above and below ground, on the North East side of the regional road 135 (former N2) Ashbourne to Derry Road, to the South of the Rath Cross Roads and opposite the Ballyvin Road Junction, located between the Ashbourne Business Park and the Regional Road 135 (former N2 the construction of a storey and half dwelling (ridge height 7.5m) detached, single storey two car Jealoustown DA/70482 V Brenda Wall P 17/08/07 garage, new entrance and driveway, installation of Dunshaughlin a waste water treatment unit with percolation area Co. Meath and assoicated site works the removal of existing trees and construction of a Frederick Street AIB Bank new 2.4 meter high over ground plastered concrete DA/70484 V P 17/08/07 Ashbourne PLC block boundary wall along part of the north Co. Meath boundary to the rear of the site
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION the construction of single storey extension to the 102 Woodlands Willie Fleming rear of the property plus an extension to the side DA/70485 V P 17/08/07 Ratoath and front of the property over existing garage along Co. Meath with all ancillary development works the demolition of the existing garage and the Michael Joyce Kilcloon DA/70486 V P 20/08/07 construction of new domestic garage together with Co. Meath all ancillary site development works a dormer type dwelling domestic garage, proprietary wastewater treatment system and Kilbrew Kenneth DA/70487 V P 21/08/07 percolation area with access to site by way of Ashbourne O'Connell existing agricultural entrance and internal driveway Co. Meath
the construction of 56 dwellings, consisting of 8 no. terrace houses in two separate buildings (2no. tow storey 2 bedroom houses and 2 no. three storey 3 bedroom houses per building),2 no 3 bedroom two storey detached houses. 20 no. 3 bedroom two storey semi-detached houses, 2no. 4 bedroom two storey detached houses, 6 no. 4 bedroom tow Coldricks Pass Blakesworth storey demi-detached houses, 10 no. 2bedroom Lagore Road DA/70488 V P 21/08/07 Ltd. duplex units over 8 no.2 bedroom apattments in Dunshaughlin Co. two separate buildings and the construction of a Meath 182 square mertre tow storey creche building. The application also relates to associated ancillary works to include drainage, hydrology, roads, landscaping and the provision of 25 no. of parking spaces all at a site located on lands within the DS12 development objective area the construction of a new dormer style dwelling with Primatestown Patrick spearate garage, new site entrance and enviropack DA/70489 V P 08/08/07 Ashbourne Mooney wastewater treatment system and percolation area Co. Meath including all associated site works
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION the construction of a new dormer type dwelling, detached domestic garage, proprietary effluent Arrodstown DA/70490 V Mary Quirke P 14/08/07 treatment system and percolation area, a new site Summerhill entrance with Bellmouth walls and piers and to Co. Meath carry oout associated site and ancillary works Bradystown Michael Quinn the construction of a dormer residence, domestic DA/70491 V P 22/08/07 Ratoath garage and proprietary waste treatment system Co. Meath the construction of a two storey rear extension to 51 The Old Mill Marie DA/70492 V P 23/08/07 detached dwelling, internal alteration to layout of Ratoath Cantwell dwelling and associated works Co. Meath the retentioon of conservatory to rear of dwelling, Peacockstown entrance porch to front of dwelling and outbuildings DA/70493 V Joy Acheson P 23/08/07 Ratoath comprising of domestic garage and 2 no. horse Co. Meath stables the construction of a single storey dwelling with new vehicular entrance, together with the provision Caulstown DA/70494 V Darren Orr P 23/08/07 of a new proprietary efflluent treatment system, Dunboyne connection to public water supply and all associated Co. Meath site works demolision of existing dwelling, construct a two story replacement dwelling house, with detached domestic garage, install a proprietary effluent Deirdre & treatment system, take down existing timber rail Gaulstown DA/70498 V Martin P 29/08/07 fence, block up open and open entrance in new Drumree Madden location, take up existing septic tank, build new Co. Meath block wall along road boundary , build 4 no. piers at new entrance, all faced with granite stone and bore new well Unit 83, Building D, change of use from light industrial unit to Catering Dunboyne DA/70502 V Ivan Melia P 30/08/07 Facility for the preparation of hot and cold foods for Industrial Est. consumption both on and off the premises Dunboyne Co. Meath
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION Sicily two storey /dormer type house with propriety NA/70428 V Lisa Clarke P 29/08/07 Duleek effluent treatment system and percolation area Co. Meath the erection of a new single storey dwelling, new Knightstown Conleth entrance onto public roadway, proprietary waste NA/70437 V P 12/09/07 Wilkinstown Quinlan water treatment system and all associated site Navan works the erection of a single storey extension to side and 43 Tubberclaire Collette rear of existing 2 storey house, the removal of Meadows NA/70458 V P 10/09/07 Fagan porch canopy at the front of the house and the Old Road erection of new glazed front porch Athlumney erection of sun-room extension to rear of residence Follistown also erection of extension to rear consisting of NA/70469 V John Lynch P 30/08/07 Navan bedroom and en-suite and extension to porch at Co Meath front the construction of a new dwelling with detached Castletown Anne NA/70470 V P 31/08/07 domestic garage, septic tank and proprietary Kilberry Donegan effluent treatment system, new site entrance Navan Beechmount alterations and showroom extension on 2 floors, to C & R Home Park NA/70471 V P 31/08/07 the side of existing premises with associated Fireplaces Balreask Old signage and all ancillaries Navan 17 DeVerdon Nina Lubek & the construction of a detached domestic garage and Place NA/70473 V Joe P 24/08/07 all ancillary site works Robinstown McCormack Navan the construction of a storey and a half type dwelling Arthur & Ardmulchan house, domestic garage, proprietary waste water NA/70474 V Sinead P 03/09/07 Hayes treatment system and percolation area, entrance Smyth Navan walls and piers and associated site works the construction of a single storey extension to Gerry & Mill Lane front of existing dwelling. Retention permission is NA/70475 V Catherine P 27/08/07 Kilcarn sought for domestic garage as constructed and Bradley Navan retention of front boundary wall as constructed
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION retention of single storey extension to rear of building being, stores are, staff toilet, and lobby, external stairwell to garden level/first floor decking area to roof of extension, new entrance to rear to existing living area. Removal of existing internal Castleboy Michael NA/70476 V P 06/09/07 stairs and extension of existing ground floor Hill of Tara Maguire restaurant kitchen area. Retention of change of use Navan of kitchen/lobby area as granted under planning ref no NA/40400 to restaurant/cafe area and retention of change of use of restaurant/cafe to shop/retail area change of use of existing granny flat to after school Ballardan Great Michael NA/70478 V P 31/08/07 care facility for 12 no children from ages 5-12 years Athboy Road Minogue old from 2pm to 6pm Monday-Friday Navan change of use of existing industrial unit from Liscartan workshop to retail sales show room with workshop Industrial Est NA/70479 V Frank Harte P 07/09/07 and stores at the rear and new glazed front Liscartan elevation Navan Mark & the provision of a roo light to the front elevation Garretstown NA/70483 V Noreen P 07/09/07 and dormer type window to the rear elevation of Dunshaughlin Hurley existing dwelling and associated works Co Meath to convert existing garage to living accommodation 62 Woodlands Deirdre and to construct an extension over existing NT/70028 V P 31/08/07 Navan Toomey domestic garage consisting of en-suite bedroom, Co Meath bathroom and ancillary site works the provision of a new lockable site access gate, BT Navan Train provision of a landing and steps to existing lower Communicati Station NT/70030 V P 24/08/07 ground level including handrails, and provision of ons Ireland Level Crossing new access gate through existing palisade fence Ltd Railway St, Navan into existing telecommunications compound
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5. VALIDATED APPLICATIONS FILE NO STATUS NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION The removal of existing single storey extension to rear and provision of new single storey extension to rear with pitched roof over, change of use of 16 Railway St. Sheila NT/70032 V P 07/09/07 existing residential house to retail shop and new Navan Garvey extension to dance studio including new shop front Co. Meath and associated signage over to front (east) elevation. The erection of a bungalow dwelling, efflunet waste Brownstown Padraig SA/70486 V P 23/08/07 water treatment system and percolation area and Lobinstown Whyte all ancillary site works. Navan Permission is being sought to construct a dormer Rochestown Daniel SA/70487 V P 24/08/07 residence, domestic garage and proprietary waste Slane Timmons water system . Co Meath The development will consist of complete refurbishment of existing dwelling house including a new 1 and half storey extension, alterations to Lynton David & existing roof, provision of 2 new bay window and Pilton Road SA/70488 V Jenny P 24/08/07 alterations to all existing fenestration details, Bettystown, Co Gearaghty rendering of front elevation, new connection to Meath public foul sewer and decommissioning of existing septic tank along with all associated site development works.
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6. INVALID APPLICATIONS (NOTICE SERVED UNDER ARTICLE 26(5)) Site 05, the use of the building as an indoor play facility. The building is Ashbourne 1143sq.m. in area, occupying ground and first floor. Permission DA/70253 Pat Purcell P 11/09/07 Business Park has been granted for the development works associated with the Ballybin Rd. site. Previous planning application file no. 00/1935 Ashbourne Leggagh Valerie & Martin Castletown NA/70468 P 12/09/07 retention of sunroom at side of existing residence Farrelly Kilpatrick, Co Meath the construction of a 28.15 square metre single storey extension Patricia & Ongenstown to the side of the existing dwelling for use as a living room, NA/70472 Christopher P 12/09/07 Bohermeen retention permission is sought for a 5 square metre porch to the Fitzsimons Navan front of the dwelling replacement dwelling for existing dwelling, being demolished and Churchtown replaced with one and a half storey dwellingm domsetic garage, NA/70477 Colin Boles P 13/09/07 Navan proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area. Co Meath Entrance and driveway are via existing on site 27 Carne Hill Brian & Helen the construction of a first floor bedroom extension over garage to NA/70480 P 13/09/07 Navan Hough side of residence Co Meath the construction of a storey and a half dormer style dwelling Antylstown house with Oakstown BAF sewage treatment system with Proudstown NA/70485 Rory Callan P 13/09/07 percolation area, domestic garage, bored well, partial removal of Road hedgerow/trees to improve sightlines, new domestic entrance Navan onto public road, landscaping and all ancillary site works 12 McDermott Villas NT/60058 Paul Meyler P 12/09/07 an extension to the rear and internal alterations Navan Co Meath 36 Trimgate Joe & Michelle re-construction and extension of existing shop and residence and Street NT/70044 P 12/09/07 Cunningham change use to shop and offices Navan Co Meath
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6. INVALID APPLICATIONS (NOTICE SERVED UNDER ARTICLE 26(5)) Church Hill NT/70045 Robert Byrne P 12/09/07 retention of the relocated entrance on to the pedestrian walkway Navan Co Meath
7. FURTHER INFORMATION RECEIVED FILE NO STATUS APPLICANT NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION construction of a storey and a half style dwelling and detached domestic garage, with septech 2000 domestic effluent treatment Mooretown DA/70370 F Imelda McCann P 11/09/07 system and percolation area, new roadside entrance and all Ratoath associated site works.Further Information/revised plans Co. Meath submitted re planning ref DA/70370 a two storey dwelling house, new site entrance, waste water Knockstown treatment system, percolation area and all associated site Moynalvey DA/70382 F Bryan O'Hora P 12/09/07 works.Further Information submitted re planning application Summerhill Co. DA/70382 Meath demolition of an existing single storey dwelling house and to repalce it with a storey and a half type dwelling house and upgrade existing septic tank to a proprietary waste water Bodeen John & Loreta DA/70407 F P 14/09/07 treatment system and percolation area. Parmission is also sought Ratoath O'Rourke for a domestic double garage and to upgrade existing site Co. Meath entrance with new bellmouth walls and piers and associated site works proposed alterations to previously approved planning permission Ashbourne Business reg ref: 00/1935. The proposed alterations consist of providing a Centre Saltan Properties DA/70412 F P 13/09/07 845sq.m detached block containing 5 industrial units No. 28A- Ballybin Road, Ltd. 28E, with ancillary offices, in lieu of approved 963sq.m semi- Ashbourne, Co. detached industrial unit, formerly A2 Site 7 Meath
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7. FURTHER INFORMATION RECEIVED proposed alterations to previously approved planning permission Ashbourne Business reg ref: 00/1935. The proposed alterations consist of providing a Centre Saltan Properties 1,048sq.m detached block containing 4 industrial units No. 27A- DA/70414 F P 13/09/07 Ballybin Road Ltd. 27D, with ancillary offices, in lieu of approved 963sq.m semi- Ashbourne, Co. detached industrial unit, formerly A1 Site 7.Further Meath Information/revised plans submitted re planning ref DA/70414 Calgath, a development which will consist of the erection of dormer DA/70419 F Adrian Prunty P 14/09/07 Kilcock, bungalow with Oakstown BAF System and new entrance Co. Meath the construction of two storey childcare facility to cater for toddler, pre-school and after-school children, the construction of 12 no. two-storey three bedroom townhouses, provision of Carlanstown, JAB Developments KA/60698 F P 14/09/07 vehicle parking with ancillary site works, connection to existing Kells, Ltd public services and form new entrance from public road with Co. Meath revised plans from that submitted under current planning application KA/60698 to include revised site boundaries the construction of (1) New silage wall on existing silage slab, (2) Baltrasna, New slatted cattle shed with under floor slurry tank, (3) KA/70020 F John McCartan P 11/09/07 Moynalty Road, permission to roof existing cattle holding yard and associated site Kells, Co. Meath works the construction of a one and a half storey dormer type dwelling, Forkhill, KA/70061 F Mark Smith P 14/09/07 new entrance, install B.A.F. sewage treatment unit and Oldcastle, percolation area Co. Meath Gibbonstown, a dwelling, septic tank, percolation area, new entrance and all KA/70353 F Patrick Smith P 11/09/07 Crossakiel, associated site works Kells, Co. Meath Seymourstown a dwelling, Bio-Treatment Sewage System, percolation area, new Black, KA/70393 F Ashling Smith P 11/09/07 entrance and all associated site works Carnaross, Kells, Co. Meath construction of a dwelling house with BAF sewerage treatment Roosky, John & Rosie KA/70438 F P 10/09/07 systm with raised mound percolation area, entrance onto public Drumconrath, Mooney road and associated site works. Co. Meath
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7. FURTHER INFORMATION RECEIVED the erection of one and a half storey dwelling house with Irishtown Mr Trevor NA/70306 F P 13/09/07 proprietary waste water treatment system and to use existing Robinstown Buchanan entrance Navan Storey and a half style dwelling with detached domestic garage, Herbertstown SA/70387 F Peter Whyte P 12/09/07 install proprietary sewage treatment system and form new Naul entrance from public road. Co. Meath. a storey and a half style dwelling with detached domestic garage, Seneschalstown SA/70417 F Colin Clarke P 12/09/07 install a proprietary sewage treatment system and to form new Beauparc entrance from public road Navan Co Meath a dormer bungalow style dwelling installation of an approved Monknewtown SA/70419 F Alan Clarke P 14/09/07 proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area Slane and all associated site works Co Meath
8. AN BORD PLEANALA APPEALS NOTIFIED B.P. APPEAL FILE NO NAME TYPE RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION DATE the retention of existing agricultural milking parlour with external slatted holding tank and concrete apron Farranaglogh, KA/70104 Fergus Lynch P 26/06/07 surround and permission to erect agricultural slatted Oldcastle, 12/09/07 shed with underground holding tank and agricultural Co. Meath entrance and laneway and all ancillary site work Ballymacolgan a new slatted shed(area = 292 sq. m) on existing farm Drumconrath, KA/70228 Brian Clarke P 28/06/07 12/09/07 yard and all associated ancillary site works Navan, Co Meath a bungalow style dwelling, proprietary waste water Oristown, treatment system, connection to existing mains water & KA/70280 Tracey Martin P 20/04/07 Kells, 10/09/07 entrance onto public roadway also to relocate existing Co. Meath agricultural entrance to facilitate proposed development
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8. AN BORD PLEANALA APPEALS NOTIFIED construction of 1 no. 3-storey building, containing 12 no. 2 bedroom apartments, provision of surface carparking to accommodate the development, site access through the pre-existing entrance constructed under planning Townspark permission (planning ref. ref. TT 20004), provision of the South TT/70015 David O'Brien P 22/06/07 11/09/07 bin tidy facilities and connection to all public services. Emmet Street The site is within the curtilage of the Old Town Wall (a Trim, Co Meath protected structure under the provisions of Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000 and Part VI of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001)
9. APPEAL DECISIONS NOTIFIED FILE APPLICANT APPLICATION DATE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION DECISION DATE DECISION NUMBER NAME TYPE RECEIVED LOCATION 413 dwellings consisting of 72 no.two bedroom, 171 no.three bedroom,10 no. four bedroomed terraced and semi-detached houses, 80 no.two bedroom and 80 no. three bedroom duplex units all in a 2/3 storey development including all associated The Swallow site development works with vehicular Bryanstown & 22/02/07 10/09/07 SA/60067 Prop Co, access from Bryanstown Cross Route via Beamore P 13/04/06 Granted by Meath Granted by An PL17.222549 Phillistown Ltd previously approved scheme Plan Reg No. Drogheda County Council Bord Pleanala & J 01/217 (Drogheda Borough Council)and a Co. Meath proposed distributor road linking this Cross Route to Bryanstown Lane. The development includes a two storey creche with medical centre and a reserved site for a local centre. Also proposed is the construction of a 10m by 10m borehole protection compound
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including the laying of water main pipework and connections to existing Meath County Council and Drogheda Borough Council water infrastructure on a 13.45 Hectare site with revised plans and an Environmental Impact Statement has been submitted to Meath County Council in response to further information request. The revised proposal comprises the establishment of 417 residential units(comprising 238 terraced housing and 179 duplex/apartments) a creche, a new local distributor road, a borehole protection compound and associated infrastructural and landscaping works at the site. The proposed development is the final phase of a two phase proposal to develop the site and the land adjoining the site to the north. The medical centre and local centre reservation originally proposed in the application have been omitted from the revised proposal. A combined pedestrian and cycle route has been provided through the centre of the site adjoining the proposed distributor road. A landscape master plan has been compiled that addresses all of the proposed open space areas the extraction of limestone over an area of 18.15 hectares (44.8 acres) and the installation of an aggregate crushing and processing plant on an overall site area of 36.3 hectares (89.7 acres). The developmet Annagor will also include the construction of a haul Townland Annagor Townland 28/04/06 10/09/07 SA/50073 road south of the site to access the R150, Duleek P 10/03/05 Duleek Refused by Meath Granted by An PL17.217766 settlement ponds, weighbridge and Co. Meath Co. Meath County Council Bord Pleanala wheelwash, site office and staff facilities, wall and gates on entrance to the site, installation of a septic tank and all associated site and development works including the restoration of lands on completion of extraction. An Environmental
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Impact Statement (EIS) accompanies this appliation
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