MEDT 6466 Two Year Program/Group 3
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Two Year Program/Group 3 MEDT 6466 Gem Butterfield Spring 2012 Vickie Holmes Dr. Goldberg Wendy Locke Liz Manguno Maven Middle School
Number Activity Month Team Member Year 1 1 Media Center Orientation August Gem 2 Character Education August - May Wendy 3 We Are America August – May Wendy 4 Middle Media Book Club September After Labor Vickie Day 5 Poetry Month April Liz Year 2 1 Banned Book Week September Gem 2 The Big Read September Vickie 3 Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 – October Wendy 15 4 Family Reading Night October, January, March, Vickie May – 9 Weeks 5 Book Fair November Liz 6 We Need a Break Week April Gem 7 National Library Week/School April Liz Library Month 8 Cinco de Mayo May Gem 9 Get a Card May Gem YEAR ONE
QCCs/ Program Grade/Subject GPS Description of Program Timeline Media 6, 7, 8 ELA The media specialist will conduct an August Center 6W3 orientation to introduce the various Orientation , resources of the media center to students ELA new to the school. Students will be shown a 7W3 Dewey Decimal Power Point. Other topics , that will be covered include location of ELA various print resources, computer stations, 8W3 check out and return policies and – procedures, rules, and introduction of The media staff. stude th nt Returning 8 grade students will serve as uses “hosts” and create a “scavenger hunt” of resea the library and its resources for completion rch by visitors. and techn Public Relations: olog Through “Connect Ed” a message will be y to sent to parents encouraging them to ask supp about the library visit. ort writi Bookmarks with the Dewey Decimal ng. System information will be distributed. The After the orientation, once a week for the stude month of August, the morning news will nt feature a fictional title to be given a Dewey plans number. Students can email or drop their and entry into a box. Small prizes will be cond awarded. ucts multi Resources: ple Divine, C. (2008, August/September). step Orientation Video. Library Media infor Connection, 27(1), 8. mati Purcell, M. (2011, November/December). on Destination Media Center: How to searc Provide an Orientation to make Sure hes Patrons are Headed in the Right by Direction. Library Media using Connection, 30(3), 16-18. com puter netw orks and mod ems. Character 6, 7, 8 This Each month a positive character trait will August – May Education link be discussed by means of focusing on a key School-wide inclu word and additional related words des describing that trait. A bulletin board and all of corner display in the Media Center will the highlight resources and books that relate to char the character trait/words and these acter resources will be available for students and educ teachers to check out. The character ation education words will also be displayed in stand classrooms (via the scrolling ards announcements on the television) as well for as communicated through announcements, Aug school activities, parent/student newsletters ust – and the morning news team. The purpose May of the Character Education program is to Char integrate good character traits into the total acter school environment, as well as into the Ed community. These words and definitions Stan will focus on the attitudes and personal dard qualities that build a foundation for student s success in life and work. It is through modeling these traits throughout the school that students will learn them.
Public Relations: Each classroom will have the character word of the month/week scrolling on the morning announcements on the classroom television. The word will be mentioned in the morning announcements and discussed daily during advisement/homeroom. The advisors will also lead lessons based on the character words. These lessons will include activities and discussions of character education videos that will be played via closed captioned TV in the media center or via links sent out to teachers. Resources: Cobb county character education program [Character Traits Calendar]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2012, from Cobb County School System website: e/communications/charactereducatio n/ Educate and have fun with short stories. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2012, from Inspirational content [Inspire my kids: Words of inspiration]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2012, from Inspirational values [How to teach values]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2012, from values We are 6, 7, 8 MLI. Because of the varied cultures and August – May America! P2 countries represented in our school, each Exploring The month we will highlight a different culture Monthly who we are stude or country. There will be a display in the and where nts Media Center with books, pictures, artifacts we come prese and other available resources that highlight from. nt the featured country/culture. A stand-alone brief, desktop computer will have the homepage rehe saved to: arsed mate rld.html for students to be able to study rial different cultures and countries safely and in directly. Additionally, selected students the will create a video or digital story targe introducing their home country/culture to t their fellow students. The video/digital lang story will include such items as songs, uage, dances, recipes and/or cultural tidbits. This such video/digital story will be shown in the as media center. dialo gues, Public Relations: skits, Each month we will highlight students poetr from a different country or region. There y, will be a display of books and materials on and the designated country on display in the song Media Center. Students who are from the s. country being highlighted will be asked to be involved in different activities that may MLI. include song, dance or crafts. We will also CU1 present these countries on one episode of The the school television (announcements) or in stude a video played via closed caption. nts deve Resources: lop Kid info. (n.d.). Kid Info (countries of the an world) [Facts about countries of the awar world]. Retrieved April 9, 2012, enes from s of pers he_world.html pecti ves, pract ices, and prod ucts of the cultu res
C. Desc ribe custo ms and tradit ions of the cultu res such as greet ings,
celeb ratio ns and court esies .
MLI. CCC 2 The stude nts dem onstr ate an unde rstan ding of the signi fican ce of cultu re throu gh com paris ons betw een the cultu re(s) studi ed and the stude nts’ own cultu re. The stude nts:
A. Com pare patte rns of beha vior and inter actio n in the stude nts’ own cultu re with those of the targe t lang uage.
B. Dem onstr ate an awar enes s of elem ents of the stude nts’ own cultu re.
Middle 6, 7, 8 ELA Students will choose books from the After Media Book 6R1, Association for Library Services to Labor Club ELA Children to read in their book club. Day 7R1, Students will establish guidelines for the ELA book club and pick a book host for each 8R1 book. The book host will be responsible The for guiding discussion of the book that is stude being read. nt dem Students will have the choice of reading onstr different titles and giving a “book talk” on ates their book to the club. com Public Relations: preh ensio Information on the book club’s activities n will be posted on the media web site. and Local businesses will be approached to show provide incentives for joining the book s club. evid ence Students will create “book club” posters of a and place through-out the school. warr Advertisement of the book club will be ante placed in the school’s newsletter. d and Resources: resp onsi Hall, S. (2007). How I Learned to Run a ble Really Popular Book Club. Teacher expl Librarian, (32-36). Retrieved from: anati on of ery a McGlaun, K. (2007). Sharing Books and varie Stories: Book Clubs That Book ty of Talk. Indiana Libraries. (15-17). litera Retrieved from: ry and ery infor mati Ohlmeyer, P. (2010). Book Clubs for onal Middle School. PNLA Quarterly. texts. Summer. Retrieved from: ELA ery. 6R3, ELA 7R3, ELA 8R3 The stude nt reads alou d, accu ratel y (in the rang e of 95% ), famil iar mate rial in a varie ty of genr es, in a way that mak es mea ning clear to liste ners.
ELA 6RC 2, ELA 7RC 2, ELA 8RC 2 The stude nt parti cipat es in discu ssion s relat ed to curri cular learn ing in all subje ct areas .
Poetry ELA 6,7,8 ELA Program: Celebrating Poetry Month April Month 6R1, Since poetry is celebrated for the entire Social ELA month of April, the media specialist will Studies 7 7R1, schedule two or more programs on this ELA topic. Program possibilities include the 8R1 following. – The Activity 1: Haiku Contest stude Students at all grade levels will be nt challenged to write original haiku. The dem media specialist will present a brief lesson to onstr all Language Arts classes explaining the ates origins, structure, and style of haiku poetry. com The lesson will be supplemented with preh visuals and/or artifacts as available. Basic ensio visuals might include a book display and/or n power point images that help convey the and mood and meaning of sample poems. More show elaborate visuals might include actual s Japanese artifacts representative of the evide culture expressed in haiku poetry. nce Community members and/or local Japanese of a cultural societies might serve as resources warr for the latter. A panel of teachers will serve anted as judges of the poems. Student winners can and be recognized in a number of ways, respo including publication of the top poems in nsibl print or electronically, recognition at a e school assembly/awards ceremony, expla certificates, and/or token prizes. As an natio extension of this activity, LMS could engage n of the participation of art teachers and include a a visual arts component to the contest (S. varie Payne, personal communication, March 12, ty of 2012). litera ry Activity 2: Open-mic Poetry Reading and Students will participate in open-mic poetry infor readings. These reading will be presented mati each Friday in April in the cafeteria during onal the lunch period(s). Students interested in texts. participating in the poetry readings will sign up with the library media specialist. The ELA LMS will work with these students after 6R3, school prior to their reading to help them ELA rehearse and hone their oral reading skills. 7R3, Poetry readings may be recorded and posted ELA on the media center home page for extended 8R3 viewing. – The Activity 3: Poem in Your Pocket stude This activity is promoted annually by the nt Academy of American Poets. Poem in your reads Pocket Day for 2012 is April 26. The alou concept is simple: individuals select a poem d, they love and carry it with them to share accur with others. Students and teachers can be ately encouraged to participate. Teachers can pass (in out pocket poems in class, post them on the their blogs, and/or display them in class. rang Students can be encouraged to carry a poem e of in their pocket by providing those who do 95%) with the opportunity to share their poems in , class, post their poems on a poetry board in famil the media center, and/or by providing iar incentives such as a homework pass. A mate Poem in Your Pocket template and rial suggested pocket-sized poems are available in a at varie Activity 4: Poet/Poem Word Cloud ty of Recognition genr The media specialists will create twenty es, in word clouds (on for each school day in a April), each of which features the image of a way famous poet that has been created using that words from one of that poet’s famous make poems. A new word cloud will be displayed s each day during the month of April. mean Students will be challenged to identify the ing poet and the poem and place their responses clear in a drop box placed on the circulation desk. to Student winners can be drawn daily, weekly listen or at the end of the month depending on the ers. availability of prizes. See the flyer attached as Appendix 1 for an example of a word ELA cloud. 6W1 , Activity 5: Book Spine Poetry ELA Students will be invited to create book spine 6W1 poems. These poems are created by , arranging a stack of books so that the titles ELA form a poem. Each book title constitutes a 8W1 line of the poem. Students can browse the – stacks and the card catalog for titles. See The numerous examples of book spine poems at stude nt book-spine-poem-gallery-2/ Also see the prod example on the flyer attached as Appendix uces 1. This can be done as a contest with prizes writi awarded for the best book spine poem. ng that Public Relations: estab The media center will sponsor a contest for lishe competing in one or more of the activities s an listed above. See the flyer attached as appr Appendix 1 that will be used to promote the opria contest. The flyer will be posted in te classrooms, the media center, cafeteria, orga halls, etc. It can also be included in/attached nizat to electronic and print publications sent to ional parents. struc ture, Teachers, administrators and staff will be sets a asked to identify a favorite poem. The media conte specialist will make mini-posters (12x18”) xt that will include a photograph of the and teacher/staff member, the poem or selected enga lines/stanzas from the poem, and images that ges suggest the mood/meaning of the poem. the Posters will be laminated and displayed reade outside classroom doors, in hallways, in the r, cafeteria, media center, etc. main The haiku contest will be promoted by tains teachers in their classrooms, through cultural a displays in the media center and any cohe available display cases, and via the school’s rent news/announcement system. focus throu For the first year of the open-mic poetry ghou reading, the LMS and/or a volunteer t, teacher/staff member will record a poetry and reading. This will be aired on the school’s provi news program. In subsequent year, des a recordings of previous readings done by satisf students will be aired. ying LMS can promote Poem in Your Pocket day closu with teachers and students by providing re. teachers with copies of the template and a list of pocket-sized poems and/or poem ELA resources and encouraging teachers to 6W2 include this activity in their curriculum. , LMS can model the Poem in Your Pocket ELA by visiting classes on this day and sharing 7W2 their poems, both by reciting them and by , distributing pocket-sized print copies. LMS ELA can promote the program in the community 8W2 by making local businesses aware of the – event and by soliciting their support. For The example, a local supermarket or fast food stude restaurant might be willing to offer nt complimentary cookies to students who dem produce poems in their pockets on this day. onstr ates Resources: (writ ing) The Academy of American Poets. (2012). com Poem in your pocket day. Retrieved peten from cy in a Gerlock, J. (2012, March 29). April is . . . . varie [Electronic mailing list message]. ty of Retrieved from genr es. Jones, P., Gorman, M.,& Suellentrop, T. ELA (2004). Connecting young adults and 6W4 libraries: A how-to-do-it manual for , librarians (3rd ed.). New York: Neal- ELA Schuman Publishers, Inc. 7W4 , Jonker, T. (2012, April 2). 2012 book spine ELA poem gallery. [Blog]. Retrieved from 8W4 – /2012-book-spine-poem-gallery-2/ The stude Oldham, M. (2012, April 1). School Library nt Month. [Electronic mailing list consi message]. Retrieved from stentl wa.exe? y A2=ind1204&L=LM_NET&P=R44 uses &1=LM_NET&9=A&I=- the 3&J=on&d=No+Match%3BMatch writi %3BMatches&z=4 ng proc ess to devel op, revis e, and evalu ate writi ng.
SS7 G12 – The stude nt will analy ze the diver se cultu res of the peop le who live in Sout hern and Easte rn Asia (w/ speci fic emp hasis on YEAR TWO
QCCs/ Program Grade/Subject GPS Description of Program Timeline Banned 6, 7, 8 ELA Banned Books Week, begun in 1982, is Last Book Week 6W2 observed the last week of September and Week of , celebrates the freedom to read. We will Sept. ELA take this opportunity each year to highlight 7W2 , the importance of intellectual freedom and ELA remind ourselves not to take our precious 8W2 democratic freedom for granted. – The Activity 1: Speak out. Collaborate with stude ELA teachers and have students write nt letters to the editor, the public library dem director or the local school principal onstr supporting the freedom to read. ates com Activity 2: Collaborate with the art teacher peten and have students compete in a contest to ce in create a bulletin board display or door a decoration using a top ten list as used by varie ty of David Letterman. genr Examples: e. Some of the most farfetched (silliest, irrational, illogical) reasons to ban a book.
1. “Encourages children to break dishes so they won’t have to dry them.” ( A Light in the Attic, by Shel Silverstien) 2. “It caused a wave of rapes.” ( Arabian Nights, or Thousand and One Nights, anonymous) 3. “If there is a possibility that something might be controversial, then why not eliminate it?” ( Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, by Dee Brown) 4. “Tarzan was ‘living in sin’ with Jane.” ( Tarzan, by Edgar Rice Burroughs) 5. “It is a real ‘downer.’” ( Diary of Anne Frank, by Anne Frank) 6. “The basket carried by Little Red Riding Hood contained a bottle of wine, which condones the use of alcohol.” ( Little Red Riding Hood, by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm K. Grimm) Public Relations:
Selected posters and letters will be displayed throughout the school.
American Library Association (2012). Retrieved from /bannedbooksweek American Library Association (2012). Retrieved from /bannedbooksweek/ideasandresource s/activityideas
American Library Association (2012). Retrieved from /bannedbooksweek/ideasandresource s/displayideas
Moorefield-Lang, H (2011, November/December). Bringing the Arts to the School Library. Library Media Connection, 30(3), 10-12.
The Big 6, 7, 8 ELA Students will participate in a school-wide After Read 6LS reading of two of the Buford High series Labor V2, books; The Bully and its sequel, The Gun. Day ELA 7LS Every day at the same time for five weeks, V2, a chapter will be read by the students and ELA staff in their classrooms. 8LS V2 – The Big Read will take place right before The the lunch period begins when all classes are stude in session. The reading will take no more nt liste than 15 minutes of classroom time. ns to This publisher sells the books for one and dollar a copy making this program view affordable. During The Big Read all s student members and faculty will stop and vario us read the designated chapter for that day. form Discussion will take place in the s of classrooms of what was read. These books text and deal with bullying and can be tied into the medi standards. a in order Public Relations: to To kick off The Big Read for the five gath weeks, community members will read a er and chapter aloud over the intercom for three share days. infor mati The local news team will come and film on, several classes participating. This will be pers placed on the local news. uade other Students will have a contest for anti- s, bullying posters; these will be placed and through-out the school. expr ess Resources: and Berg, S. (2007). The Big Read. Ohio unde rstan Media Spectrum (13-16). Retrieved d from: ideas . ery The stude Dempsey, B. (2008). Big Read, Big ROI. nt Library Journal. (26-29). Retrieved will from: selec t and ery critic ally Price, L. (2008). Libraries Take the Big anal Read Challenge. Public Libraries yze (42-45). Retrieved from: mess ages usin ery g rubri cs as asses smen t tools . Hispanic 6, 7, 8 MLI. To highlight the impact of Hispanic culture Sept. 15 – Oct. 15 Heritage CU1 all around us, students will be exposed to Month – various cultural, historical, and The informational ideas that stem from stude Hispanic countries. nts deve Identifying the various flags as well as lop holidays, customary food and drink and an interesting famous people from each awar culture are fun ways to find out about the enes culture around us! s of Public Relations: pers pecti “I am Hispanic” bulletin board highlighting ves, various well-known Hispanic people pract explaining where they are from and what ices, they are known for, e.g., Jennifer Lopez, and Shakira, Enrique Iglesias, George Lopez, prod famous Hispanic Artists, Scientists, etc. ucts Can also highlight students from different of Hispanic countries as well. the Hispanic Trivia – A trivia question is cultu announced every day over the res announcements and each homeroom can wher send up a person to guess the correct e the answer. Each person who gives the correct targe answer gets a bag of chips and salsa or a t Hispanic lollipop. lang uage Scrolling Factoids – Scroll “Did you is know…?” slides featuring facts of spok interest/appeal to students on the TVs en. around the school. The Include crossword puzzles and fact quizzes stude as a part of homeroom or language arts nts: activities. A. D Resources: Hispanic heritage month. (n.d.). Retrieved MLI. April 11, 2012, from CCC 2 m1.html The stude nts Hispanic heritage month. (n.d.). National dem Hispanic heritage month. Retrieved onstr April 11, 2012, from ate an unde rstan ding of the signi fican ce of cultu re throu gh com paris ons betw een the cultu re(s) studi ed and the stude nts’ own cultu re. The stude nts:
A. Com pare patte rns of beha vior and inter actio n in the stude nts’ own
cultu re with those of the targe t lang uage.
B. Dem onstr ate an awar enes s of elem ents of the stude nts’ own cultu re.
Family 6, 7, 8 ELA Family Reading Night will be hosted once October, Reading 6RC every grading period. The media January, Night 2, committee will conduct a survey of March, ELA student’s favorite authors at the beginning May 7RC of the year. From this survey, four authors 2, will be picked for Family Reading Night. 9 Weeks ELA 8RC Students and their parents, guardians, or 2: another adult will have a list of books to choose from to read together before Family The Reading Night. stude nt The schedule for Family Reading Night is parti as follows: cipat 6:00 to 6:45 – welcome, name tags, es in refreshments discu 6:45 to 7:00 – a brief biography of the ssion chosen author s 7:00 – 7:30 – students and their family relat break into small discussion groups to ed to discuss the books they have read. . curri Parent volunteers and the LMS will rotate cular offering help with discussions, if needed. learn 7:30 – A quick evaluation will be filled out ing by participants telling their likes and in all dislikes of the program and what they subje would like to see in the future from the ct program. areas . Public Relations: The event will be placed on the school’s ELA web-site and in the school newsletter. 6LS V1, A list of books by the author will ELA accompany an invitation for the event to 7LS the parents and students. VA, The media center will display books by the ELA chosen author(s). 8LS V1: A bulletin will be displayed in the public library along with a list of books available The for check out. stude nt Resources: parti cipat Hoffman, A. (1985). Families that read es in together overcome rift. American stude Libraries, (647). Retrieved from: nt- to- ery teach Preddy, L. (2012). Hosting a Family Read- er, In. School Library Monthly. (39-40). stude Retrieved from: nt- to- ery stude nt, White, J. (2007). Literacy programs hold and innovative Family Reading Night grou events. Illinois Literacy. (1-2). p Retrieved from: verb al ery inter actio ns. Book All Subject Areas – Grades 6,7, 8 ELA The Media Center will host a Book Fair in Nov. Fair 6RC early to mid-November. The timing is 1, designed to take advantage of opportunities ELA students have to read over the 7RC 1, Thanksgiving and winter school breaks and ELA to provide gift-giving opportunities for 8RC students and parents. 1 – The The Media Center will have extended stude hours during the sale, opening one-half nt hour early each morning and remaining reads open one-half hour late each day. The a media center will also remain open until mini 6:30 p.m. on Thursday of the sale week. mum of 25 Parent volunteers will play a large role in grad organizing, setting up, manning, and taking e- down the book fair and in assisting in level appr covering the extended hours. opria Books will be available at point of sale and te book via on-line ordering. Books ordered on line s or will be delivered to students before the book winter break. equi valen Public Relations: ts Student volunteers will design promotional (appr oxim materials. These can be in the form of ately posters, flyers, news announcements, video 1, clips, and/or skits, etc., as appropriate to 000, time, talent and resources available to the 000 media specialists/teachers. This can be word done in the form of individual or class s) competitions with books being awarded as per year prizes to winners. from Media specialists (and, possibly, teachers) a will promote the book fair to students by varie ty of conducting book talks on popular titles in subje the weeks leading up to the book fair. To ct maximize reach, book talks may be disci recorded, though face-to-face interaction is pline preferred. s. The The book fair will be promoted to parents stude and community members via flyers sent nt home with students, notices on the school reads marquee, articles in the parent newsletter, both infor frequent inclusion in the school’s e-blast mati leading up to the dates of the fair, and onal announcements in the local newspaper’s and community calendar. fictio nal Resources provided by the company will texts be used to promote the book fair. These in a include flyers, posters, audio/video varie recordings, templates and tips. ty of genr es Resources: and mod Brown, M. (2012, March/April). High es of School Book Fairs: Seriously? disco Library Media Connection, 30(5), urse. NOT 33-35. E: Coleman, J. (2012, January/February). Simil Parent power: Involve your students’ ar stand parents and pump up your program! ards Library Media Connection, 30(4), are writt 25. en for Scholastic. (2012). Book fairs: Your 6th, reading partner. Retrieved April 4, 7th, 2012, from and th 8 /experience/ grad e math , scien ce, and socia l We Need a 6, 7, 8 AAS A contest will run during spring break for Spring Break Week Break Week L the most words read through the week. 2.1.6 Students will sign up in the media center – and select books to read during the break Use the from a given list. Students will write a writi review and create a presentation of three ng favorite books. proc ess, Public Relations: medi Presentations will be created to promote a and the books and will be viewed during the visua morning news segment. l litera cy, Resources: and Barone, C.S. (2010). Budget Friendly Ideas techn for Teen Read Week Programming. olog Young Adult Library Services 8(4). y 16-18. Retrieved from skills to creat sid=1007cc36-2f90-4496-b6dc- e 408964e8d885%40 prod sessionmgr112&vid=1&hid=110& ucts bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2Z that Q%3d%3d#db=lih&AN=52889881 expr ess new unde rstan dings .
ELA 6LS V2, ELA 7LS V2, ELA 8LS V2 – The stude nt listen s to and view s vario us form s of text and medi a in order to gathe r and share infor mati on, persu ade other s, and expr ess and unde rstan d ideas . National ELA 6,7,8 ELA This program could be specific to National April Library 6W2 Library Week with one activity/event Week Academic Content Areas – 6, 7, , scheduled for each day, or the activities 8 ELA could be spread out over the entire month of School 7W2 April to celebrate School Library Month. Library , Month ELA Activity 1 – Costume Day: Let Your Inner 8W2 Character Show – Start the week/month off by having students, The teachers, and staff come to school dressed as stude their favorite literary character. This could nt be done as a contest with prizes awarded to dem students with the best costume in various onstr categories, such as nonfiction, history, ates mystery, fantasy, or adventure. Alternately, (writ students could come to school wearing at ing) least one item of clothing that has a word on com it. peten cy in Activity 2 – Library Scavenger Hunt: A Fun a Fact-Finding Mission varie Develop a set of questions that involve ty of looking up information in books or in on- genr line resources. For example, What element es. has the atomic number 43, or What word comes after the word “robot” in the ELA dictionary? Differentiate this activity by 6R3, writing questions appropriate to different ELA age groups/abilities. Students can work in 7R3, groups to answer as many questions as they ELA can in a set time period, or they can answer a 8R3 set number of questions. Award prizes or – recognize winners individually, by group, The class or grade level. stude nt Activity 3 – Library Virtual Visit: The reads World’s Libraries at Your Fingertips alou Take students on a virtual tour of some of d, the world’s greatest libraries. Links to some accur of these libraries can be found at ately national- (in library-week.htm#online_collections. This the can be done via media center visits, class rang visits, over the in-house e of news/announcements program, or during an 95%) assembly. Alternately, LMS can present , targeted lessons to classes in which they famil introduce students to on-line library iar resources specific to areas of study. For mate example, LMS can introduce students rial studying the lives of slaves to copies of in a actual letters written by slaves in the Special varie Collections Library of Duke University ty of ( or genr students studying the presidency of es, in Abraham Lincoln to the original handwritten a police blotter from the day he was way assassinated at that ( make l ). s mean Activity 4 – Build a Book ing LMS will provide materials and conduct clear workshops on how to make a mini book. to Students will construct their books and then listen fill them in with reviews of favorite books ers. (or other content as appropriate to the curriculum). Students are encouraged to use ELA color and images (drawn or cut/pasted from 6LS other sources) to enhance the appeal of their V2, books. Ideally, the content of the books has ELS been drafted ahead of time as part of a larger 7LS curricular activity. Several web sites provide V2, instructions on how to make small books ELA with basic material. See 8LS V2 – Paper-Book, The , stude and/or nt listen for examples. Students can present their s to stories to their classmates or to a larger and audience by means of programs, assemblies, view and/or video recordings. s vario Activity 5 – Author Visit us Arrange for an author to visit the school and form speak to students about reading and writing. s of If it is not possible to fund an author visit, text the LMS can dress up as a famous author and from the past and present a “mock” author medi visit to students. a in order Public Relations: to gathe Create mini booklets on the order of those r and described in Activity 4 to publicize the dates share and events scheduled for this program. The infor cover would feature the title of the program mati and the inside pages would provide details on, of each activity. Parent/student volunteers persu could help run off, cut and fold the mini ade booklets. Booklets will be given to all other students to take home. Booklets could also s, be placed in local businesses as a way of and engaging the larger community and making expr it aware of the programs offered by the ess school media program. and unde Have the school logo added to the American rstan Library Association’s poster celebrating d National Library Week by submitting a print ideas quality logo file, library name and url (if . applicable) to [email protected]. ALA will generate a custom PSA in pdf TA format for LMS to print and copy. Go to MS6 .11, ationweeks/natlibraryweek for information TA on deadlines and specific requirements. MS7 These posters can be displayed throughout .11, the school, sent home to parents, and/or TA posted in local businesses to promote MS8 National Library Week. .11 – Resources: Enga ging American Association of School Librarians. activ (2012). School library month 2012. ely Retrieved from and appr /schoollibrary opria American Library Association. (2012). tely Celebrate national library week. as an Retrieved from audie conferencesevents/celebrationweeks/n nce atlibraryweek mem ber Bell, M. (2012, March 23). Share: National in library ideas. [Electronic mailing list theat message]. Retrieved from re or wa.exe? other A 2=ind medi 1203&L=LM_NET&P=R77171&1= a LM_NET&9=A&I=- expe 3&J=on&d=No+Match %3BMatch rienc %3 BMatches&z=4 es. Magloff, L. (2012). National school library week activities. Demand Media, Inc. AAS Retrieved from L Stan info_7940760_national-school- dards library-week-activities.html : Scholastic. (2012). Library treasures: At 1,1,6 your fingertips. [Lesson plan]. Read Retrieved from , view sson-plan/library-treasures-your- , and fingertips listen for infor mati on prese nted in any form at (e.g., textu al, visua l, medi a, digit al) in order to make infer ence s and gathe r mean ing.
1.3.4 Cont ribut e to the exch ange of ideas withi n the learn ing com muni ty.
3.1.2 Parti cipat e and colla borat e as mem bers of a socia l and intell ectua l netw ork of learn ers.
3.3.4 Creat e prod ucts that appl y to authe ntic, real- worl d conte xts.
4.1.8 Use creat ive and artist ic form ats to expr ess perso nal learn ing.
Cinco De 6, 7, 8 ML On May 5th, the media center will host a May 5 Mayo C.C Cinco de Mayo celebration. Students, U1 teachers, media staff, and other stakeholders The will provide Mexican foods for students to stude sample. The Spanish teacher will invite a nts speaker of Mexican descent to talk to deve students about the importance of the lop holiday. The media specialist will reserve a an collection of books in the media center that awar are Spanish language or are related to the enes theme in some other way. s of pers The media specialist will collaborate with pecti the art teacher and special needs students ves, will create “works of art” to be displayed in pract the media center for the event. ices, and Collaborate with the computer lab teacher prod for a scavenger hunt through Mexico. PDF ucts format guide and instructions are available of the at: cultu, CyberHunt: Take a Trip to res wher Mexico e the targe esson-plan/cyberhunt-take-trip- t mexico lang uage Public Relations: is spok A slide show will be created of photos, art en. and guests at the celebration. The show SNS will be shown in the cafeteria during lunch. 1.PP P1C A link will be available on the school and Ident media center website. ify and Resources: eval Moorefield-Lang, H (2011, uate November/December). Bringing the contr Arts to the School Library. Library ibuti Media Connection, 30(3), 10-12. ons of, CyberHunt: Take a Trip to Hisp Mexico (2012). Retrieved from anic http://www.schol cultu /teachers/lesson-plan/cyberhunt-take- res to trip-mexico the mod ern worl d. SNS 1. CCC 4 Appl y lang uage skills and expa nd cultu ral unde rstan ding by acce ssing infor mati on beyo nd the class room setti ng for recre ation al, educ ation al, and occu patio nal purp oses.
TA MS6 .6 , TA MS7 .6 , TA MS7 .6 – Rese archi ng cultu ral and histo rical infor mati on to supp ort artist ic choic es.
Get a Card 6, 7, 8 ELA Collaborate with the public library to May 6RC encourage continued reading throughout the 1, summer. ELA 7RC Public Relations: 1, The last month of school, the media ELA specialist will distribute bookmarks with the 8RC public library website and contact 1 – information. Card applications will be The available in the school media center. stude nt Twice a month, the media specialist will reads send a “Connect Ed” message to students a reminding them about events at the public mini library during the summer. mum of 25 Resources: grad Chen, P. Retrieved from http://www.library e- instruction .com/homeschooled.html level appr Golden, B. (2008, March).Summer Time: opria READING Time! Library Media te Connection, 26(6), 28. book s or LaMastus, L. (2008, March). Summer book Bookmarks. Library Media equi Connection, 26(6), 8. valen ts Wepking, M. (2009, (appr November/December).From oxim Communication to Cooperation to ately Collaboration: School and Public 1, Librarians as Partners for Student 000, Success. Library Media Connection, 000 28(3), 24-26. word s) per year from a varie ty of subje ct disci pline s. The stude nt reads both infor mati onal and fictio nal texts in a varie ty of genr es and mod es of disco urse. Appendix 1 – National Poetry Month Promotional Flyer