Office of the Executive Engineer (E)
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No:F.70(37)/EE/Eld.7/DDA/2011-12/1396 Dt. 01.10.2011 CORRIGENDUM Name of Work : C/O. 336 SFS Multi-Storyed Houses at Mukherjee Nagr. [SH :- Supplying and Installation of passenger lifts in 96 DU’s (60 Units of 3 bed room & 36 units of 2 bed room) Gr. II for 8 passenger lifts (Residual work).
NIT No. SE (E)-II/NIT-2/2011-12 Estimated To Cost Rs.77,28,560.00
Earnest Money: Rs 1,54,571.00
Period of Completion: 4 Months Cost of Tender : Rs.1000/- + 5% VAT
E-Tender Processing Fee – Rs.4262/- Due to administration reasons, the last date of sale, downloading technical cum commercial bid and opening of price bid is extended as given below :-
Sl. Events Date & Time Date & Time Format No. Format(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm) (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm) 1. Commencement of e-tender 4 Months 4 Months Last date & time for receipt of 04.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 11.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 2. requisition of e-tender
3. Late date & time for issue of e-tender 04.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 11.10.2011 at 3.00 PM Last date & time of submission of e- 10.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 15.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 4. tender Date & time of opening downloading 10.10.2011at 3.30 P.M. 15.10.2011 at 3.30 5. of e-tender ( Technical -cum P.M. -Commercial bid) Date & time of opening / downloading 14.10.2011at 3.30 P.M. 21.10.2011 at 3.30 6. price bid. P.M. Other terms & conditions will remain unchanged. Contd….2/-
:: 2 : : To 1. M/s M/s OTIS Elevator Co. India Ltd. (Northern Rigion), 504-505, Rectangle One, D-4, Saket, New Delhi-110017.
2. M/s SCHINDLER Pvt. Ltd. 4th Floor, B.K. Roy Court, 6/7, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-110002.
3. M/s E.T.A. MELCO Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd. (MITSUBISHI), Ist Floor, plot NO. 221, Okhla indl. Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi-110020.
4. M/s KONE Elevators India Pvt. Ltd. Unit NO. 701, 7th Floor, Aggarwal Corporate Heights, Plot No. A-7, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, Delhi-110034.
5. M/s Johnson Lifts Pvt. Ltd. Plot NO. 147, Udyog Vihar, Ph. I, Gurgaon, (Haryana) – 122016. Sd/- Executive Engineer (E), Elect. Divn.7/DDA No:F.70(37)/EE/Eld.7/DDA/2011-12/ Dt. 01.10.2011
Copy to: 1. C.E.(Elect.)/DDA for information please. 2. S.E.(Elect.) Elect. Circle-2/DDA as discussed for information please. 3. E.E.(Elect.)/Elect. Divn.1 to 6 & 8 to 12/DDA . 4. E.E. ( El.) Q.A.C., DDA, Vikas Sadan, New Delhi. 5. A.O.(Work)/DDA 6. Sr. A.O.(CAU)NZ/DDA 7. All AE’s/AE(P)/ED-7/DDA 8. Head Clerk/ED-7/DDA 9. Tender Clerk/CAU/NZ/DDA Ashok vihar, Delhi. 10. E-Mail Address: [email protected] Sd/- Executive Engineer (Elect) Electrical Division No.-7, DDA Keshavpuram, Delhi-110035. (PWD-6)
DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY NOTICE INVITING TENDER (For specialized work) 1. Item rate tenders are invited on behalf of Delhi Development Authority from qualified and eligible contractors for the work of Name of Work : C/O. 336 SFS Multi-Storyed Houses at Mukherjee Nagr.[SH :- Supplying and Installation of passenger lifts in 96 DU’s (60 Units of 3 bed room & 36 units of 2 bed room) Gr. II for 8 passenger lifts (Residual work).
1.1 The work is estimated to cost Rs.77,28,560.00 1.2 Intending tenderer is eligible to submit the bid, provided he has definite proof from the appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority. 1.3 Issue of Tenders: Only Pre-Qualified agencies are eligible for tendering. 2 Pre-Qualified agencies shall have to furnish an affidavit as under:- “ I / We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has / have not been got executed through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department, then I / we shall be debarred for tendering in DDA in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-In-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit / Performance Guarantee.” Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No. P.W.D 8. Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement. 3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 5 months from the date of start. As defined in schedule ‘F’. 4. The site for the work is …………..
5. The tender document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents except Standard General Conditions of Contract Form can be seen from website or
6. Earnest Money in the form of cash/receipt Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay order or Banker`s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt (drawn in favour of Sr. A.O.(CAU)/North Zone, DDA) or Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of tender submission and original should be deposited in office of Executive Engineer (E)/Elect. Division-7 / DDA.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case, 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lakh, whichever is less, will have to be deposited in shape prescribed above, and balance in shape of Bank Guarantee.
Interested contractor who wish to participate in the tender has also to make following payments in the form of Demand Draft/Pay order or Banker’s Cheque of any Scheduled Bank and to be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of tender submission:
i) Cost of Tender Document: Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of Sr. A.O.(CAU)/North Zone, DDA. ii) E-Tender Processing Fee – Rs.4262/- drawn in favour of "ITI Limited" payable at Delhi.
Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Bank Guarantee against EMD, Cost of Tender Document and Cost of Tender Processing Fee shall be placed in single sealed envelope superscripted as “Earnest Money, Cost of Tender Document and Cost of Tender Processing Fee” with name of work and due date of opening of the tenders also mentioned thereon.
Online tender documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those tenderers, whose Earnest Money Deposit, Cost of Tender Document and e Tender Processing Fee and other documents placed in the envelope are found in order.
The tenders submitted shall be opened at 3:30 PM Calendar of events
Sl. No. Events Date & Time Format
(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm) 1. Commencement of e-tender 4 Months 2. Last date & time for receipt of requisition of e-tender 04.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 3. Late date & time for issue of e-tender 04.10.2011 at 3.00 PM Last date & time of submission of e-tender 10.10.2011 at 3.00 PM 4. Date & time of opening downloading of e-tender ( Technical 10.10.2011at 3.30 P.M. 5. -cum -Commercial bid) 6. Date & time of opening / downloading price bid. 14.10.2011at 3.30 P.M.
7. The contractor whose tender is accepted will be required to furnish performance guarantee of 5% (Five Percent) of the tendered amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10000/-) or Deposit at Call receipt of any scheduled bank/Banker’s cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand Draft of any scheduled bank/Pay order of any Scheduled Bank (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1, 00,000/-) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule ‘F’, including the extended period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor. 8. Intending Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature
of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by D.D.A and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.
9. The competent authority on behalf of Delhi Development Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.
10 Canvassing, whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenderers is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 11. The competent authority on behalf of Delhi Development Authority reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.
12. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in Delhi Development Authority responsible for award and execution of contracts, in which his near relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any officer of Delhi Development Authority. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department.
13. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service, without the prior permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractor’s service.
14. The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of Ninety (90) days from the date of opening of tenders. If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period or issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the D.D.A shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further the tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the retendering process of the work. 15. This notice inviting Tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful tenderer/contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority shall within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of:- a) The Notice Inviting Tender, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, forming part of the tender as uploaded at the time of invitation of tender and the rates quoted online at the time of submission of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto. b) Standard P.W.D. Form 8. 16 In case any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of the tender online and hard copies as submitted physically in the office of Executive Engineer, then the tender submitted shall become invalid and the D.D.A shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further the tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the retendering process of the work. 17. Sale tax and or any other tax on materials in respect of this contract shall be payable by the contractor and DDA will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. Service Tax at the applicable rates will be payable to the contractor along with release of payment against a particular bill. It will be enjoined upon the contractor to deposit the same with the treasury as per provisions of relevant Act / Laws. The contractor will be required to issue a bill clearly mentioning the amount of Service Tax and work against which the bill being raised. However, here also it will be ensured while releasing the payment that the contractor holds the registration certificate in respect of the particular service. Under the service tax provisions, the Service Provider can either opt to pay service tax at the regular rates on the service portion of the contract or at the reduced rates on the gross value of the total contract under the Composition Scheme. Option can be exercised for each works contract separately and once exercised cannot be revoked. Should there be any amendments to the provisions of service tax which would be more beneficial to the Authority, the same shall be implemented and the benefit of the same would go to the Authority. 18. Pre-bid Conference: There shall be a pre-bid conference in which the doubts of the intending tenderer shall be clarified, besides discussions on any additional suggestion proposed by the tenderer including technical. If found, necessary a corrigendum to the tender documents would be issued to all the intending tenderer, and thereafter, no further query/condition shall be entertained.
The Executive Engineer (E), Elect. Divn.-7/DDA on behalf of Delhi Development Authority invites online Item rate tenders from the prequalified agencies for the following work :-
NIT No. SE (E)-II/NIT-2/2011-12 Name of Work : C/O. 336 SFS Multi-Storyed Houses at Mukherjee Nagr.[SH :- Supplying and Installation of passenger lifts in 96 DU’s (60 Units of 3 bed room & 36 units of 2 bed room) Gr. II for 8 passenger lifts (Residual work).
Estimated Cost put to tender: Rs.77,28,560.00
Earnest Money: Rs 1,54,571.00 Period of Completion: 4 Months Date of Commencement of e-tender: Last date & time of requisition of application of e-tender:
The tender document consisting of plans, specifications, the Schedule of quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be seen from website or free of cost. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get registered beforehand. If needed, they can be imparted training on online tendering process as per details available on the website. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the bid. List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of tender submission:- 1. Treasury Challan / Demand Draft / Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque / Deposit at Call Receipt / Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank against EMD 2. Demand Draft / Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque of any Scheduled Bank towards cost of Tender documents. 3. Demand Draft / Pay order or Bankers Cheque of any Schedule Bank towards cost of Processing Fee. 4. Certificate of Registration for Sales Tax / VAT and Service Tax. 5. Proof of having submitted the latest D-vat/CST return etc. 6. Valid registration with ESI & EPF Department. For any assistance on e-tendering please contact M/s ITI Ltd. On 011-49424365, 9871317488, 9212520281, 9854516163, 9953229185, 9854701186 & 9971662903.
A.E. (P) E.E. (P) S.E (E) P PWD-8
DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Item Rate Tender & Contract for Works (A) Tender for the work of:- Name of Work : C/O. 336 SFS Multi-Storyed Houses at Mukherjee Nagr.[SH :- Supplying and Installation of passenger lifts in 96 DU’s (60 Units of 3 bed room & 36 units of 2 bed room) Gr. II for 8 passenger lifts (Residual work). (i) To be submitted by ……………………………………….. to Executive Engineer (E) / Electrical Division no.7. (ii) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 3:30 PM in the office of Executive Engineer (E) / Electrical Division no.7. Issued to (contractor): …………………………………………………….. Signature of officer issuing the tender documents …………………………………………… Designation: Executive Engineer (E)………………………………………………… Date of issue: …………………………..
T E N D E R I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D ,E & F. Specifications applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work.
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for Delhi Development Authority within the time specified in Schedule ‘F’, viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions and in clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety (90) days from the due date of its opening of financial bid in case tender are invited on 2/3 envelope system and not to make any modifications in its terms & conditions. A sum of Rs 1,54,571.00 only is hereby forwarded in Cash / Receipt Treasury Challan / Deposit at call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank / fixed Deposit receipt of scheduled Bank/ Demand draft of a scheduled Bank, / Bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank as . If I/We fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the said Delhi Development Authority or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, If I/ We fail to commence work as specified, I/We agree that Delhi Development Authority or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money and the performance guarantee absolutely, otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, upto maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ and those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form. Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest Money or both Earnest Money and performance guarantee as aforesaid, I / we shall be debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work. I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for tendering in DDA in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in- Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Guarantee. I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information / derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We, am/are authorised to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the state. Signature of the Date contractor Witness Postal Address Address Telephone no. Fax E-Mail
ACCEPTANCE The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me for and on behalf of the Delhi Development Authority for a sum of Rs………………….
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement:-
(a) ------
(b) ------
(c) ------For & on behalf of DDA Signature………………………….. Date …………….. Designation……………………………. SCHEDULES SCHEDULE ‘A’ Schedule of quantities, enclosed on separate sheets from page …………………….. SCHEDULE ‘B’ Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor: S.No. Description of Quantity Rates in figures & words at Place of item which the material will be issue charged to the contractor. 1 2 3 4 5 ------NIL ------
: SCHEDULE ‘C’ Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor Sl. No. Description Hire charges per day Place of issue
1 2 3 4 ------NIL ------
SCHEDULE ‘D’ Extra schedule for specific requirements / NIL documents for the work, if any
SCHEDULE ‘E’ Reference to General Conditions of contract Name of work: Name of Work : C/O. 336 SFS Multi-Storyed Houses at Mukherjee Nagr.[SH :- Supplying and Installation of passenger lifts in 96 DU’s (60 Units of 3 bed room & 36 units of 2 bed room) Gr. II for 8 passenger lifts (Residual work). Estimated cost of work:- Rs.77,28,560.00 Only (i) Earnest money:- Rs. 1,54,571.00 Only (ii) Performance Guarantee:- 5% of tendered Value. (iii) Security deposit :- 5% of tendered Value.
SCHEDULE ‘F’ General Rules & Directions: -
Officer inviting tender: Ex. Engineer(E)/Electrical Division No.1 Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be 30% executed beyond which rates are to be determined in accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 Definitions: 2 (v) Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer (E) / Electrical Division no.7
2 (viii) Accepting Authority Suptdg. Engineer (E)-II
2 (x) Percentage on cost of materials and labour to 15% cover all overheads and profits. 2 (xi) Standard schedule of Rates Market Rates / DSR 2 (xii) Department DDA 9 (ii) Standard PWD contract form PWD form 8 (Item rate) as modified and corrected upto date. Clause 1 (i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee from the date of issue of letter of acceptance. 15 days (ii)Maximum allowable extension beyond the period 7 days provided in (i) above. Clause 2 Authority for fixing compensation under Superintending Engineer (E) ,Electrical Circle:-II Clause- 2. Clause 2A Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable No Clause 5 Number of days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance for reckoning date of start 10 days MILE STONE (S) AS PER TABLE GIVEN BELOW
Table of Mile Stone Table Description of Time allowed in % Amount of of Milestone (Physical) days (from date tendered cost Milest of start) to be with- one held in case of (s)Sl. non No. achievement of milestone NIL
Time allowed for execution of work Component of civil (Except materials covered under Xm Not applicable Authority to decide Extension of time & clause 10 CA)/ Electrical construction materialsExecutive Engineer (Elect.), Electrical Division No.7 Rescheduling of mile stones expressed as percent of total value of work. Superintending Engineer (Elect.) ,Electrical Circle:-II Component of labour expressed as percent of total Y valueClause of 6, work. 6A ClauseComponent applicable of POL – (6expressed or 6A) as percent of total value NA Z Clauseof work. 7 GrossClause work 11 to be done together with net payment / CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works NA adjustmentSpecifications of toadvances be followed for materialfor execution collected, of work if Part-I: Internal, 2005 & Part-II External 1994 any, since the last such payment for being eligible amended up to date & I.E Rules as applicable Clauseto interim 12, payment. 12.2 & 12.3 DeviationClause 10A limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shallList of apply testing for equipmentbuilding work. to be provided by the NA contractor12.5 Deviation at site limitlab. beyond which clauses 12.2 & Not Applicable. 12.3Whether shall clause apply 10-B(ii)for foundation shall be work. applicable NO Clause 16 Superintending Engineer (E). Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates. ClauseComponent 18 of labour expressed as percent ……………NIL .. % ofList value of mandatory of work machinery,(Clause 10C) tools & plants to be deployedMaterials by the contractorcovered underat site. this clause Not applicable (Clause 10 CA)
Clause 10CC to be applicable in 18 Months contracts with stipulated period of completion exceeding the period shown in next column Requirement of Technical Representative (s) and Recovery Rates (Clause 36(i) .
. r e o m e Minimum n Designation Rate at which recovery i u b N l
. p m m l i i u c S Qualification of ( (Principal Technical / n shall be made from the s i N i M D
Clause 42 Technical Technical Representative) contractor in the event of (i) (a) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical Not applicable Representative not fulfilling provision of e c
quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis of n
e clause 36 (i) i r
printed by CPWD with upto date correction slips e Figures Words p (ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities: x E (in Rs.)
a) 1 CementGraduate for works withE/ estimatedPrincipal cost Technical put to ------1 15000/- (Rs. Fifteen tenderEngineer not more than Rs.M 5 lakhs N.A. thousand only) for worksDiploma with estimatedE/ cost put to tender Technical more N.A. 5years 1 10000/- (Rs.Ten than RsEngineer 5 lakh M Representative thousand b) Bitumen for all works. N.A. only)
c) Steel Reinforcement and structural steel sections Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will be for each diameter, section and category. N.A. d) All other materials. treated at par with GraduateNil Engineers
Sl. Description of Rates in figures and words at which recovery shall be made No Item from the Contractor.
Excess beyond Less use beyond the permissible variation permissible variation
---NIL--- Terms & Conditions 1. The work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works amended upto date. 2. All the material to be used on work shall be got approved by the contractor from the Engineer – In – Charge before their use on work. All the rejected materials should be removed from the site of work immediately. 3. Watch & ward of the stores & their safe custody shall be responsibility of the contractor till the final taking over of the installation by the department. 4. In addition to schedule of work and specifications, the following works shall be deemed to be included in their tendered cost-whether specifically indicated in the schedule of work or not. Nothing extra shall be paid in this account:- a) Making opening in the walls / floors/ slabs or modification in the existing opening wherever provided for carrying out the work and making good all the damages done to the structure. b) Making good all damages caused to the structure during installation and restoring the same to their original finish. c) Protection required for the equipments from rain, dust, storm during transportation and stacking in yard till installation such as provision of polythene and stacking etc. d) Necessary equipments for the commissioning / site testing. e) All debris due to execution by work shall be removed & shall be cleared by the contractor soon as the work is completed. 5 Care shall be taken by the contractor during execution of the work to avoid damage to the building. He shall be responsible for repairing all such damages and restoring the same to the original finish at his cost. He shall also remove all unwanted and waste material arising out of the installation from the site of work from time to time. Any expenditure incurred by the department in this connection shall be recovered from the contractor and decision of the Engineer – in –charge about recovery shall be final. 6. All the safety procedures outlined in the safety codes shall be complied with by the contractor. Executive Engineer (E) Electrical Division No.7 DDA, Delhi OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (Elec.), DELHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
Name of Work : C/O. 336 SFS Multi-Storyed Houses at Mukherjee Nagr
SH : Supplying and Installation of passenger lifts in 96 DU’s (60 Units of 3 bed room & 36 units of 2 bed room) Gr. II for 8 passenger lifts (Residual work).
Sl. Description of Item Qty. Rate Unit Amount (Rs.) No. 1. Supplying, installation, testing, commissioning and putting into operation 8 passengers (544 kg) lift with all accessories and control equipments for a total rise of 23 meters (approx.) 07 4 Nos. landings/openings at a rated speed of 1.0 meter per second, as per detailed specifications enclosed.
2. Comprehensive maintenance of 8 passengers (544 Kgs) lift with all accessories and control equipments for a total rise of 23 meters (approx.) 07 landings/opening of a rated speed of 1.0 meter per second, lift which includes routine, preventive and break down 4 Nos. maintenance for a period of one year including repair/replacement of worn out items, as per additional terms and conditions enclosed. ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS
1.1 The contractor must get acquainted with the proposed site for the work and study specifications and conditions and drawing carefully before tendering. The work shall be executed in close co-ordination with the progress of civil work.
1.2 The work, as indicated in the schedule of work attached herewith including any modification/addition/alteration ordered subsequently, shall be carried out as per the specification indicated below :
(i) Indian Electricity Rules 2005 amended upto date. (ii) Delhi Lift Rules – 1942 amended upto date. (iii) Technical specification attached herewith. (iv) Relevant BIS standards as modified upto date. (v) CPWD specifications for electrical part III lifts 2003 amended upto date.
1.3 The safety provisions as per statutory regulations, BIS recommendations, regulations under Factories Act etc. where, ever applicable and also instructions issued from time to time in respect of labour employed by the successful tenderer directly or indirectly for the installation of the lifts, shall be strictly followed. Necessary barriers, warning signs and other safety measures wherever necessary to avoid accidents shall be provided.
In addition all safety procedures as outlined in Appendix “VIII” of general specifications for electrical works (part III lifts) 2003 shall be complied with.
1.4 All fittings, equipments, civil works and any other items, which are necessary for efficient assembly, installation, commissioning and successful operation of the lifts shall be provided within the quoted rates. 1.5 Scope of Works :-
The following shall be deemed to be included within the scope of work. i) All minor building work necessary for installation of equipment such as making of opening in walls/floors either RCC or brick masonry, and restoring them to original condition and finish. ii) Supply of necessary of R.S. joists or angle iron supports/brackets etc. for installation of the lift, either in the machine room or at other places as may be necessary including their installation in position. iii) All electrical works including inter-connection from TP & N switch and loop earthing from the earth bar provided in the machine room. iv) Responsibility to ensure safety of lift material against pilferage and damage till the installation are handed over to the Department. v) All scaffolding work as may be necessary in the hoist way during erection and its subsequent removal. vi) Temporary barricades with caution boards at each landing to prevent accident during the execution of work.
DDA shall be responsible for the following works only and these are excluded from the responsibility of the contractors. a) Provision of 3 phase 4 wire 50 Hz 415 Volts A.C. electric power supply terminated in the lift machine room with suitable size of TP&N switch for each lift. b) Provision of single phase 50 Hz 230 volts A.C. power supply terminated with suitable size of MCB for lighting inside the lift car. c) Free power of installation of lifts. d) Properly ventilated machine room, lift well and a water proof lift pit. e) Provision of adequate storage space for material. f) Provision of adequate lighting in the machine room, lift shaft and all landings. g) Provision of hoisting beam or hook above the lift well and trap door. h) Achitrave work at lift entrance. 1.7 DRAWING AND DATA
i) The contractor shall furnish the following drawings and data to the Engineer-in- Charge in triplicate, for approval within 15 days of award of work. a) General arrangement drawings. b) Details of foundations for equipment, load data of various assembled equipments. The data will include breaking load on guides, reactions on buffers, reaction on support in machine room lift well etc. c) Dimensions for every unit and group of units for erection purposes, as required. d) Any other data or information or drawing not specifically mentioned above, but necessary for the execution. e) The correction/changes, if any, intimated by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be incorporated and three sets of such corrected drawings shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-Charge within 15 days from the date of approval of drawings. The work shall be executed in accordance with the approved drawings.
1.8 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL Supply of material shall be phased in such a manner that erection work is not hampered for want of material. After award of work successful tenderer shall submit detailed programme bar chart for supply of material, erection, testing and commissioning of lifts.
All parts of the equipment shall be of such design, size and material so as to function satisfactorily under all rated conditions of operation. All components of the equipments shall have adequate factor of safety. The work of fabrication and assembly shall confirm to sound engineering practice and on the basis of “Fail Safe Design”. The mechanical parts subject to wear and tear shall be easily replacable type. The construction of the equipments shall be such as to facilitate easy operation, inspection, maintenance and repairs. All connections and contacts shall be design to minimize risk of accidental short circuits caused by animals, birds and vermins etc. All identical items and their components parts should be completely, interchangeable including spare parts.
All routine and type tests prescribed in relevant BIS specifications shall be conducted before dispatch of equipments. No equipments shall be dispatched from the manufacturer’s premises without such tests being conducted and test result recorded. These test certificates shall be given along with the supply of equipments. The Engineer-in-charge shall, if so desires inspect and witness the pre-delivery tests. For this purpose, the contractor shall give 15 days advance information. Department shall bear expenses for inspection as far as traveling and boarding/lodging is concerned.
1.11 INSPECTION AND TESTING AT SITE i) The lift installation shall be subject to necessary inspection during every stage of erection, by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. The tenderer shall provide all facilities as assistance for the purposes. ii) On completion of the installation, all adjustments as necessary shall be made for the satisfactory performance of the lifts. The completed installation shall be inspected and tested by the Engineer-in-charge in the manner as will be laid down by him, in consultation with the contractor. All tests necessary for satisfying the reliable performance of the safeties, smooth running of the cars under normal and overload conditions, level door operation, uniformity in rope tension, functioning of individual units like controller, and general performance of the lift installation as a whole shall be conducted. iii) The installation shall be got inspected and cleared from the lift inspector, Delhi Govt. by the contractor before handing over the lifts to the department. The inspection fee shall be borne by the department. iv) All instruments and facilities necessary for the tests shall be provided by the contractor. v) After satisfactory final inspection as stated in para 1.1 (iii) the contractor shall demonstrate the trouble free running of the lift for a period of not less than 30 days, before the deptt. takes over. 1.12 COMPLETENESS OF TENDER :
All fittings, equipments, accessories, hardware, foundation bolts, terminals lugs for electric connections, cable glands and items which are necessary for efficient assembly, shall deemed to have been included in the scope of work. The installation shall be completed in all details even where such details have not been mentioned in these specifications.
On completion of work, the contractor shall supply three sets of the following drawings/data for each set of lifts. i) Electrical wiring diagram ii) Detailed schedule of maintenance iii) Lubrication chart operation manual iv) Manufacturer operation manual v) Spare parts manual if the above information and drawings are not furnished, a sum of Rs. 10,000/- for each lifts will be deducted from the bill of the contractor. 1.14 MAINTENANCE The free comprehensive maintenance including attending to break down, repair / replacement of defective components with new ones etc. for a period of 12 months from the date of handing over of each lift to DDA shall be provided by the contractor. This service shall include regular examination of the installations during regular working hours by trained employees of the firm and shall include all necessary adjustments, greasing, oiling, cleaning, supply of genuine spare parts for replacement to keep the equipment in proper condition. The contractor shall provide 24 hours call back service facility.
2.1 The rates, tendered by the contractor, shall be firm and should be inclusive of all central/state Govt. taxes, duties and levies. No escalation in tendered rates shall be permitted except as in the printed conditions of the contract. 2.2 Concessional Sales Tax form C/D shall not be issued by the Department. 2.3 The contractor shall return all the dismantled material to the Department. 2.4 The work shall be considered as one package and indivisible except the comprehensive maintenance work. 2.5 Additional feature other than mentioned in NIT, if offered shall not be given any weightage.
2.6 TERMS OF PAYMENT : 2.6.1 80% payment on prorata basis shall be released on receipt of equipment in good conditions at site along with necessary test certificates. 2.6.2 10% on prorata basis shall be released on satisfactory completion on installation of all lifts as one package.. 2.6.3 Balance 10% on prorata basis shall be released after handing over of all lifts together to the department. 2.7 SUBMITTION AND OPENING OF TENDERS: i. The tender is in two parts:- The tenderers shall submit the bids in two parts through e. tendering system. a) Part I:- Technical cum commercial Bid. b) Part II:- Price Bid ii) Technical cum commercial bid shall be submitted by the tenderers on or before the last date & time as notified. iii) The tendereres are advice not to deviate from the technical specifications / item, commercial terms & conditions of NIT like terms of payment, Guarantee, inspection, arbitration clause, escalation etc. iv) The tenders shall be opened on the due date & time as specified in form PWD-6 in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representative Technical cum commercial bid shall be opened first. v) Scrutiny / evaluation of the Technical cum commercial bid shall be done by the department. In case it is found that Technical cum commercial bid of a tenderer is not in line with NIT, Specifications / requirements and / or contains many deviations, the department reserves the right to reject the Technical bid of such firm(s) without making any reference to the tenderer(s). vi) Necessary clarifications required by the department on the Technical cum commercial bid shall have to be furnished by the tenderer within the time given by the department for the same. Tenderer will have to depute his representative to discuss with the officer(s) of the department as & when so desired. In case, in the opinion of the department a tenderer is taking undue long time in furnishing the desired clarifications, his bid will be rejected without making any reference. vii) The price bid if only those tenderers whose Technical cum commercial bid has been accepted by the department, shall be opened on the due date & time of opening of price bid. viii) The price bid will be opened / downloaded by the Executive Engineer (Elect.) in the presence of the representatives of the tenderers who wish to be present. ix) The department reserve the right to reject any or all the price bids & calls fresh prices / tenders as the case may be without assigning any reason thereof. 3. WARRANTY All equipments supplied and installed covered by warranty for one year from the date of handing over of all lifts together against defective design, manufacturer workmanship and installation. If any equipment is found defective due to any of the above causes, the same shall be repaired and/ or replaced at site free of charge, by the contractor at his own cost during the warranty period. The warranty shall cover consequential damages to the equipments supplied and installed by him. All repairs / replacements shall be done promptly within a reasonable period.
4. GUARANTEE The tenderer shall guarantee the entire lift installation as per specifications for a period of 12 months from the date of handing over of all lifts together to the department. The installation shall be covered by the condition that the whole installation or any part there of found defective within the guarantee period shall be replaced by the contractor free of charge in a reasonable time. The guarantee shall cover the following :- a) Quality, strength and performance of the material and equipments used. b) Safe electrical and mechanical strength of all parts of the equipments under all specified conditions/operations satisfactory performance. c) Prompt service during guarantee period. d) Attending to consequential damage in the equipment and materials installed by the tenderer. e) Satisfactory performance during the guarantee period. f) Guarantee period of 12 months for each lift shall be counted from date of handing over of all lifts together to the department.
5. PACKING, FORWARDING, TRANSPORT, UNLOADING & STORAGE 5.1 GENERAL After inspection and clearance by department at the manufacturers place, wherever applicable the contractor shall arrange and co-ordinate with all concerned agencies for proper and expeditious packing, forwarding, transporting, unloading from carriers at site, inspection and storage at site and subsequent transfer to plant room / foundation for erection. 5.2 PROTECTION & PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION a) Prior to dispatch all plant shall be adequately protected by painting or by other approved means for the whole period of transit storage and erection against corrosion and incidental damage, including the effects of vermin, sunlight, rain, hot and humid climate. b) All items of plant shall be clearly marked for identification against the packing list. c) Every crate or package shall contain a packing list in water proof envelope. A duplicate copy of the packing list shall be sent by post to the Engineer-in-Charge. 6. INSURANCE The contractor shall include transit cum storage cum erection insurance right from the dispatch to commissioning of various equipment. All insurance which the contractor is required to enter into under the contract shall be affected with any authorized General Insurance Co. & in terms approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall produce the policies of insurance. 7. REMEDY OF FAILURE TO INSURE : If the contractor fail to effect and keep in force the insurance referred to in the proceeding sub-clause the department may effect and keep in force any such insurance and pay such premium as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the amount, so paid by the department, from any money due or which may become due to the contractor or recover the same as debit from the contractor’s bill. a. The department will not be liable for any damage, losses and compensation payable at law in respect of or in consequences of any accident or injury to any person. b. The lowest tenderer will be decided on the basis of item No. 1 to 2 collectively. However initial agreement shall be drawn for item No. 1 & 2 only, for item No. 2, separate agreement shall be drawn after the completion of main agreement. The terms and conditions of comprehensive maintenance i.e. for item No. 2 shall be as under Terms and Conditions for Comprehensive Maintenance Work Item No 2 and Schedule of Work. 8. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE Work Item No. 2 of SCHEDULE OF WORK 8.1 A separate agreement shall be drawn for Item No 2 after completion of the Item No. 1. 8.2 The contract for AMC shall be for the period of one year & shall come into force after the expiry of guarantee period of 12 months. The security deposit including performance guarantee @ 10% for item no. 2 shall be retained by the department from the security deposit of the main agreement and shall be released after completion of comprehensive maintenance contract. 8.3 The firm shall depute trained technical person directly employed or supervised by them, the technical person shall be qualified to keep the equipment properly adjusted and shall be responsible to maintain the elevator equipments in proper condition, examine, adjust and lubricates the elevator components as required. 8.4 The agency will take all reasonable care and precaution in seeing that the elevator are safe for use and are in good operating condition. 8.5 The agency during normal working hours shall send at regular intervals & or frequently but at least once in a month, a technician to inspect, adjust and lubricate the parts of the elevator necessary to maintain the elevator in satisfactory working condition. The agency will supply all lubricants necessary for this purpose. 8.6 After receiving intimation from the department regarding break down or failure of the elevator, the agency shall send, as soon as possible technician to carry out necessary repair in order to restore the elevator to satisfactory working condition. 8.7 The firm shall submit the preventive maintenance schedule and shall carry out the work accordingly. 8.8 In performing the services as mentioned above, the firm will replace or rectify identical or equivalent item, any component of the elevator rendered defective (with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge) due to normal wear and tear and arising out of ordinary and reasonable use of the elevator except for such items as mentioned below :- i) Elevator car enclosure (inside) ii) Elevator car and landing door panels iii) Bulbs (indicator bulbs, fluorescent tubes) and alarm Bell/Buzzer iv) Cabin fan v) Incoming electricity wiring up to main switch in the machine room. vi) Main switches in the machine room. vii) Intercom & telephone wiring upto machine room. viii) The firm will not be liable to replace or repair free of cost under this contract any damage caused all or part of the elevator as a consequences of fire, water seepage, flooding etc. ix) Dry cells & batteries. x) Decorative items including mirror & hand rail. 8.9 The agency has to provide technical assistance on behalf of the department & suggest improvement as and when required to the department.
8.10. All repair work shall be attended during normal working hours of the normal working days with department representatives not below the rank of Junior Engineer present at the time of the repair or replacement of the required parts.
8.11 The firm shall clearly exhibit caution board whenever required.
8.12 The agency shall get the licence of the lift renewed from the Licence Authority i.e. Electrical Inspector (lift) during the contract period. However, required fee shall be borne by the department.
8.13 The A.M.C. can be terminated at any time after giving 15 days notice.
9. LIST OF ACCEPTABLE MAKES/MANUFCTURERS S.No. Make Manufacturer 1. OTIS M/s. Otis Elevator Company (India) Ltd., 2. KONE M/s. Kone Elevator India Pvt. Ltd. 3 Schindler M/s.Schindler (I) Pvt. Ltd. 4. Mitsubishi M/s. ETA MELCO Engg. Co. Ltd., 5. Johnson M/s Johnson Lifts Pvt. Ltd.
10. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The lifts shall work on microprocessor based control system with self diagnostic features, site programming to suit the changing need of the user. The lift shall be silent in operation and shall have smooth and controlled acceleration and de-acceleration with leveling accuracy + 5 mm. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS i) Type of lift - Passenger lift ii) No. of lift - Item No. 1 = 4 Nos. iii) Rated Speed - 1.0 meter per second iv) Rated load - 544 Kg. (8 Passenger) Travel - Item No. 1 = 23 Meters (One-way_ v) No. & Name of floor served - Item No. 1 = 7 Nos. (G+6) vi) No. of openings/Landings - Item No. 1 = 7 Nos. vii) Position of machine room - Above the top of lift shaft/well viii) Position of counter weight - Rear side of lift car ix) Type of operation - Simplex & duplex collective. with/without attendant x) Type of control - A.C. Variable voltage variable frequency with Microprocessor based group control system. xi) Type of car doors - Central opening stainless steel sliding door in HAIRLINE finish. xii) Door operation - Automatic door operator with infrared electronic door detector. xiii) Construction design & - Stainless steel body with HAIRLINE finish on finishing of car body 3-Sides and plain finish on front side shall be given. The car shall be complete with PVC flooring & toe guard of adequate depth cabin fan light fittings with lamps and false ceiling. Stainless steel hand rails shall also be provided on 3-Sides. Disabled friendly lift in each lobby shall be suitable for handicapped persons (For this purpose the railing and controlling switches etc. shall be fixed at the appropriate height). xiv) Landing Doors - Centre opening sliding power operated stainless steel doors with HAIRLINE finish & shall have a fire resistance of not less than one hour. XV) TYPES OF SIGNAL SYSTEM Following signal and operating fixtures shall be provided with stainless steel face plate.
a) Call registration indication in buttons of operating panel. b) Digital car position indicator in the car. c) Digital car position indictor with up & down direction on all floors separately for each lift. d) Luminous hall call buttons on all floors. e) Maintenance free re-chargeable battery operated alarm bell & emergency light. f) Fire mans switch at ground floor for each passenger lift. On operation of fireman switch the lifts should respond. g) Overload warning with visual indication “OVER LOADED” and audio beep of Over Loading inside the car. h) Voice announcer system having standard features. i) Intercom system in each lift for communication between the passengers in the elevator and fire control room and machine room (Press and speak type) with rechargeable battery backup.
i) 415 volts, 3 phase, 4 wires 50 Hz, A.C. for hoist machine.
ii) 230 volts, A.C. 50 Hz for car lights & fan.
The elevator should be equipped with manual as well as automatic rescue devices. (a) Hand winding Wheel/Handle
When lift stops due to any reason, it should be possible to move lift car to the nearest landing manually. This manual operation should be by means of winding wheel/ handle to be mounted on the end of the motor shaft. The up or down direction of the movement of the car should be clearly indicated on the motor or suitable location for reference during such operation and door should also open so that the passenger may come out of the lift. The warning plate written in bold signal red colour to switch off the main supply before releasing the brake and operating the wheel and handle should be permanently displayed.
(b) Automatic rescue device i) The lift should be equipped with automatic rescue device so that in case of lift stops due to any reason, it should automatically reaches to the nearest landing and door should also open automatically, so that passengers may come out. The system should have adequate maintenance free re-chargeable battery backup. ii) Infrared beam type of door safety device shall be provided for full height of . iii) Wherever required only copper conductor cables shall be used. iv) Microprocessor based control system shall have in built voltage stabilizer to take care of voltage variation upto+ 10% to -20% on 415 volts. v) Supplying & installation of landing facia plates made of steel, car apron plate, sill support angle with necessary clamps foundation bolt, supports etc. as are necessary in connection with the installation of the lift.
A.E. (P)/ EC2 EE. (P)/EC2 SE (E) 2/DDA