Geography: You Should Be Able to Explain
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2015-2016 Social Studies Final Exam Review Sheet Geography: You should be able to explain… 1. How many time zones there are in the world 2. The purpose of both longitude & latitude 3. Locations of: Prime Meridian, Equator & International Date Line 4. Difference between cardinal & intermediate directions 5. Unique features of each of Georgia’s five geographic regions o Largest area? o Most populated? o Highest elevations? o Biggest agricultural producer? 6. Location & name of each of Georgia’s bordering states and rivers 7. Unique features of the Fall Line (& cities located along it.) 8. Why Georgia’s climate is good for business. 9. Importance of Georgia coastal islands (economy & protection) 10. Unique features of Georgia’s landscape o Highest point? o Largest wetland? 11. Function of Georgia’s aquifers
Prehistory: Identify 12. Differences between artifacts, primary sources, and secondary sources 13. WWWWWH first humans arrived in North America 14. Differentiate between the four prehistoric Southeastern Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian) Developments made in each era and how they affected the natives’ lifestyle, including: o Atlatl o Pottery o Bow and Arrow o Agriculture o Mounds o Religion
Exploration: Identify 15. Why explorers wanted to find a water route to Asia 16. Who made Europeans interested in the region in the first place 17. Columbus’ misconceptions about where he had voyaged 18. The first European to explore “Florida” and what he was looking for 19. Motivations of Europeans in New World 20. Difference between prehistory &history 21. Impact of European exploration on the Native Americans
Colonization: Identify 22. Major colonizers of the New World 23. Oldest European settlement in U.S. (and who established it) 24. Personal reason Oglethorpe proposed Georgia colony 25. Where Spanish settled in Georgia, why? What they named it. 26. Mercantilism and why colonies supported this economic system 27. Name of ship that brought first Georgia colonists to the New World o Point(s) of arrival? o Location chosen for settlement? 28. The negotiations involved in Georgia’s first settlement o Who was involved? o Who translated? 29. How Georgia’s leadership was different than every other English colony 30. Reasons for discontent among some Georgia colonists o How did it start? 31. Different groups of colonists who came to Georgia & contributions o What were its previous names Salzburgers 63. Who invented the cotton gin Portuguese Jews 64. The impact of the cotton gin on the economy of Georgia Scottish Highlanders 65. The significance of the founding of the University of Georgia 32. What conflict took place between English & Spanish in the Georgia colony 66. The Native American tribes that lived in Georgia 33. The characteristics of each colonial region: New England, Middle, Southern 67. The role of General Andrew Jackson in the conflict with the Native o Coolest climate? Americans in Georgia o Best agriculture? 68. The significance of Sequoyah to the history of the Cherokee o Largest cities? 69. The role of Creek Chief William McIntosh in Native American removal from Georgia o Best schools? 70. How the discovery of gold in Georgia impacted Indian removal 34. How headright system was used 71. How Supreme Court Justice John Marshall attempted to help the Cherokee American Revolution: Explain… 72. The laws passed by Congress that sped up the removal of natives How end of French & Indian War led to the American Revolution 35. 73. What occurred during the Trail of Tears 36. Various sources of conflict between the colonies and Britain Antebellum: You should be able to explain… 37. Differences of Whigs / Patriots v.s. Tories / Loyalists 74. The connection between the growth of the cotton industry, the demand for 38. Why Georgia did not send delegates to the First Continental Congress land, and the increasing number of slaves in Georgia 39. Who Georgia sent to Second Continental Congress & result of the meeting 75. The meaning of states’ rights and describe which area of the country 40. The role of Nancy Hart in the American Revolution supported them 41. What occurred at the Battle of Kettle Creek 76. Which area of the country supported high tariffs on imports and why 77. What nullification was Government: You should be able to explain… 78. Causes and results of the Missouri Compromise 42. What document outlined the first government for the United States and the problems with it 79. Causes and results of the Compromise of 1850 43. Who represented Georgia at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 80. Who the most outspoken and active abolitionists in the United States were 44. Details of 81. What occurred during the election of 1860 and why it divided nation o 3/5 Compromise 82. The events surrounding Georgia’s secession convention o The Great Compromise o Why was it held? 45. Why a system of checks & balances was added to the Constitution o Who attended? 46. How addition of The Bill of Rights helped Constitution get ratified o What were its results?
47. Functions of executive, legislative & judicial branch of government The Civil War: You should be able to explain… o Biggest? 83. The role of Georgian, Alexander Stephens (pre & post war) 48. What served as the model for the government of Georgia 84. Where the first shots of the Civil War were fired and why this was the case 49. The expenses of Georgia government 85. Which bloody battle took place in North Georgia and Tennessee 50. The requirements for running for governor of Georgia 86. The strategy of the Union used to cut off supplies into the Confederacy 51. The sequence of steps in a bill becoming a law 87. The material advantages of the north during the war 52. The options a legislative committee has when dealing with a bill 88. The significance of Andersonville Prison 53. The important individual jobs in the General Assembly o Who was there? o Presiding officers o How did it affect the soldiers? o Party leaders 89. Reasons for the Union March to the Sea and the Union leader in charge of it o Party whips 90. Why Atlanta was a major target for the Union army o Administration floor leaders 91. The significance of the Emancipation Proclamation 54. The function of appellate courts and examples of appellate courts in Georgia o What did it do? 55. The difference between a delinquent juvenile and an unruly juvenile o Who wrote it? 56. How a juvenile guilty of one of Georgia’s Seven Deadly Sins is treated o Why did it not apply to the Confederacy? differently o How did it affect northern troops? 57. The different levels of crime in Georgia 58. The two major categories of court cases in Georgia Reconstruction: You should be able to explain… 59. The governmental purpose of counties in Georgia 92. The purpose of the Freedman’s Bureau 60. The five cities that have served as Georgia’s capital 93. The similarities and difference between Tenant Farming and Sharecropping o Why did former slaves stay on the farm? Age of Expansion: You should be able to explain… o How did they get stuck there so long? 61. What happened during the Yazoo Land Fraud and its results 94. The basic principles behind Lincoln’s reconstruction plan 62. The origin of the city of Atlanta 95. How Johnson’s plan was different than Lincoln’s plan and why Methods used by southern states to disfranchise blacks: Poll taxes, literacy 96. World War II: You should be able to explain… tests, grandfather clause, & white primaries 130. How U.S. was involved prior to attack on Pearl Harbor 97. What happened in the first election involving black voters in Georgia Which Georgian became known as the “Father of the Two Ocean Who was elected? 131. o Navy” and why this was the case What happened to those elected? o 132. Where in Georgia ships and planes were built to support the war effort Why the Ku Klux Klan originated during reconstruction 98. 133. Which items had to be rationed in the United States during the war Carpetbaggers 99. 134. The impact of mayor William B. Hartsfield on the city of Atlanta 100. Scalawags The Civil Rights Movement: You should be able to explain… 101. Why the 14th amendment had to be added to the Constitution 135. What Jim Crow Laws were 102. The role of the Bourbon Triumvirate and why they were given this name 136. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s impact 103. The impact Rebecca Latimer Felton had on changing the south during 137. The demands made by participants in the Montgomery Bus Boycott reconstruction 138. The purpose of activist groups such as the SCLC The New South: You should be able to explain… 139. Why the Sibley Commission was created and what the group determined 104. Meaning of “The New South” 140. The significance of (in regards to civil rights) 105. Impact of International and Cotton States Exhibition Benjamin Mays 106. What law Tom Watson encouraged that significantly impacted Georgia Charlayne Hunter & Hamilton Holmes Maynard Jackson 107. Impact of the Plessy vs. Ferguson Lester Maddox 108. Booker T. Washington’s opinion on the type of education needed by 141. What the Albany Movement was African Americans and what he did to make this a reality 142. The groups responsible for organizing various civil rights protests 109. How Alonzo Herndon’s company helped many African Americans in Atlanta o What group set up sit-ins in Albany? 110. The background of leader W.E.B. DuBois and the writing of his that o Who planned the Freedom Rides? helped promote social advancement for African Americans 143. Why the Freedom Rides took place 111. The impact of John Hope and his wife Lugenia on Atlanta’s African 144. How the Brown vs. Board of Education decision impacted civil rights American communities 112. The businesses that contributed to Georgia’s growth that were Modern Georgia: You should be able to explain… established in the late 1800s 145. The role of Ivan Allen Jr. as mayor of Atlanta during the Civil Rights Movement and into the modern era The Progressive Era / 1920s: You should be able to explain… 146. The background of (and how they benefit Georgia’s economy) 113. The basic beliefs of the progressive movement The Home Depot 114. The role of muckrakers in the progressive movement Georgia Pacific 115. The goals of the temperance and women’s suffrage movements Delta 116. The events that led up to our involvement in World War I Coca-Cola 117. The impact of the boll weevil on Georgia’s agriculture Rich’s 118. How climate impacted Georgia’s farms during the ‘20s CNN 119. Why the 1920s are known as the “Roaring Twenties” 147. How Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport impacts economy of 120. What new developments in technology and entertainment contributed Georgia to the changing lifestyle of the twenties 148. The impact of the 1996 Olympics on Atlanta The Great Depression: You should be able to explain… 149. The role of Jimmy Carter as governor of Georgia & president U.S. 121. The name given to the day when the stock market crashed Matching: You should be able to… 122. Who was president when the market crashed 150. Identify location of Georgia’s biggest cities 123. What sights became common during the Great Depression that would Identify location of most significant rivers on a map not have otherwise been seen: Soup kitchens, shanty towns, migrant workers 151. 124. The purpose of the New Deal 152. Identify five regions on a map 125. Why Franklin Roosevelt spent a significant amount of time in Georgia 126. The programs of the New Deal that directly impacted Georgia o AAA: Why was it needed and how did it impact GA? o CCC: What parks exist in Georgia because of it? o SSA: Who was impacted and how? o REA: What experience of F.D.R. in Warm Springs lead to it? 127. Why many African American farmers did not benefit from the New Deal 128. The role of Eugene Tallmadge in combating New Deal programs in Georgia and what this resulted in 129. Which Georgia governor was the first to allow 18-year-olds to vote Georgia Studies Final Exam is on Tuesday, May 24. You may create a handwritten 4x6 index card with helpful notes. Please note that textbooks will be returned prior to exam so prepare accordingly.