Dear Beloved Ones In The Lord:
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Holy Myrrhbearers Antiochian Orthodox Church-Bonners Ferry, Idaho 10th ANNUAL PASTORAL REPORT…PREPARED NOVEMBER 2017
Dear Beloved Ones in the Lord: Christ is in our midst! May God bless all of our dear members and affiliates as we struggle through this life in preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven…that is our vision statement! Where our vision statement is put into effect is primarily in Holy Confession and prayer…this is such important work.
2017 VITAL STATISTICS: “As Many As Have Been Baptized into Christ” (Baptisms and Chrismations): Hans Wold…Nov.27, 2016; Charles Titus Wold…April 15, 2017; James Wold…April 15, 2017; Annie Wold…April 15, 2017; Michael Wold…April 15, 2017; Caroline Carrier…Aug.19, 2017; Blake Goodsen…Aug.26, 2017; Elisabeta Olaru…Oct.28, 2017 -- for a total of EIGHT. “Crown Them, O Lord, with Glory and Honor” (Weddings): None this year -- for a total of ZERO. “Grant Rest Eternal in Blessed Repose, O Lord” (Funerals): Robert Stevo Carrier – May 13, 2017– for a total of ONE. CENSUS: At the end of 2016 we reported 78 members in 41 families. As of now, we have 89 members in 43 families. We also currently have 2 officially enrolled catechumens and one affiliate not included in these numbers. This is a net gain of 11 members and Glory be to God! LITURGICAL LIFE: Our normal routine includes the celebration of Saturday evening Vespers, as well as Sunday morning Matins and Liturgy. It has also included the special services for the major Feasts, Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha during the past year. Please continue to ask me about scheduling any extra services that you would like to see on the calendar…personal feast days, memorial and prayer services, blessings etc. Special thanks go to Khouria Cindy for leading the choir and Readers Michael, Matthew, Thomas (Sebastian), Theophan (Gary-Just tonsured this year), Subdeacon John Van Fossen and Chanter Mary. Next, I would again like to thank the faithful altar servers for their dedicated assistance. They are led by our newly ordained Deacon John Schrom (Axios) and two Subdeacons: Matthew Matthews and John Van Fossen. EDUCATION: We occasionally have time for the teen and adult Church School class following Liturgy and lunch on Sundays. I would like to make this a much more regular occurrence either on Sundays or other days and am open to the various topics that need to be covered. Also, Tracy Van Woerkom is now in charge of the church school program for the smaller children…may she be blessed in this important work! The reading group has now begun The Glory of Marriage, edited by David & Mary Ford, who visited and taught us back in June…everyone is welcome to attend and/or to host a session. GENERAL: Once again, please allow me to thank all of the families that provide food for our weekly fellowship following the Sunday Liturgies. This remains a VITAL ministry of our community and a pleasant surprise for many of our visitors…thank you! As well, thank you for responding to the ongoing charitable Food Drive…we will continue to do this during the entire year. Thank you to those who clean and repair the church buildings...we can always use more help on the cleaning teams. Thank you also to our outgoing parish council members, Andrea Wallace and David Basaraba…many years!!! BUILDING: Many of the large icons have now been completed and installed on the iconostasis. There are only two remaining and the sisters in Goldendale have begun both. We also soon hope to finally complete the permanent Baptistry and to begin furnishing the Church with proper Orthodox chairs/furniture...may it all be blessed! Thank you to Subdeacon Matthew and the many folks that have worked on the various projects around the parish. MISSION, COMMUNITY AND CHARITY: I have led a few retreats this year and will be giving an OCF retreat at Antiochian Village in PA between Christmas and New Year’s Day. This past year was also a busy travel year with a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Greece, as well as a private pilgrimage to Cyprus…Glory be to God! Eva Basaraba spent almost two years as a missionary to Project Mexico and Pauline Harris is preparing for a three month monastic/missionary trip to Guatemala. Our parish continues to support Jesse Brandow, a long term missionary to Guatemala with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center who was able to visit with us this past year! We have also assisted with the hurricane and earthquake relief, as well as various local projects. Thanks to all who have helped fund the discretionary or benevolence fund…it has proven an incredibly useful tool in assisting those in need. Beloved, there is always work to do in this area!
I want to extend a special welcome to Fr. Larry and Myra Reinheimer who have retired from active parish administration and now reside just north of the Canadian border. They have begun attending our church and we look forward to many years together…may it be blessed.
PERSONAL: The latest on the Hortons: Khouria Cindy, now retired from secular work, has taken on the responsibility of Executive Director for Camp St. Mary of Egypt…keep her in your prayers! Tatiana, her husband Jed (Reader George), Tristan Michael (7 years old), Daniella (4 years old), and Raphael (2 years old) live in Uniontown, Washington (about 3.5 hours away). Maximos is now living and working in Las Vegas (one phone call away) and selling solar panel systems. Reader Sebastian, his wife Ellie, and Lucia Belle (Age 1), now live in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (about 1.5 hours away). Benjamin, his wife Tanisha, and Titus (Less than 1 Year Old), live in Pocatello, Idaho (about 9 hours away). Quira, Chuy, and Alessandra (Less than 1 Year Old), live in Salem, Oregon (about 8 hours away). Karla now attends North Idaho College in Coeur d’Alene (see distance under Reader Sebastian) and is studying Culinary Arts. Natalia (16), is in the 11th Grade at Connections Academy and studies at home (about 20 feet away unless she is hiding)...she is doing very well. Dear Ones, our entire family asks Christ to bless you during this Holy Season and throughout the New Year.
All of My Love in Christ,
Fr. Gregory+