Kosciusko County Community Foundation

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Kosciusko County Community Foundation

Community Funds Grant Application Guidelines These guidelines apply to applications to the Community Foundation’s Community Funds.*

The Community Foundation accepts grant THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION PLACES LOW applications to our Community Funds three times PRIORITY ON THE FOLLOWING, WHICH ARE each year. Applications are due January 15, May 15 and September 15. Grant awards are UNLIKELY TO RECEIVE FUNDING: announced nine weeks after each deadline.  Projects where Kosciusko County Community Foundation, Inc. is the sole funder  Reduction of debt (including payment for items APPLYING FOR A GRANT FROM purchased prior to grant approval) COMMUNITY FUNDS  Travel 1. Grant seekers are strongly encouraged to call  Attendance at conferences, seminars or other the Foundation’s program staff to discuss a grant projects proposal before submitting a formal application.  Programs that fall more appropriately under government funding, such as operating expenses 2. Once you have discussed your proposal idea for public schools and police or fire protection with program staff, complete and submit a grant  Requests from organizations that have received a application by the deadline. Application forms are Community Funds grant in the past 12 months available at our website  Requests from organizations that have an open www.kcfoundation.org. Community Funds grant file (i.e. a balance remaining on a previous grant or an unfiled final report) THE GEOGRAPHIC AREA WE SERVE Kosciusko County THE FOUNDATION WILL NOT CONSIDER GRANTS FOR: GRANT MAKING AREAS OF INTEREST  Individuals  Education  Health  Political activities or those designated to influence  Human Services  Arts & Culture legislation  Environment  Civic  National organizations (unless the monies are to  Recreation be used solely to benefit citizens of Kosciusko County) THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FAVORS  Fund-raising projects AWARDING GRANTS THAT:  The direct benefit of the donor or the donor’s  Reach a broad segment of the community, family especially those affecting citizens whose needs  Religious organizations for the sole purpose of are not being met by existing services that are furthering that religion (this prohibition does not normally expected to be provided by private apply to funds created by donors who have rather than government sources specifically designated religious organizations as  Request seed money to create innovative beneficiaries of the funds)* opportunities to meet needs in the community  Contributions to endowments.*  Stimulate and encourage additional funding  Promote cooperation and avoid duplication FOR MORE INFORMATION:  Help make a charitable organization more Contact program staff by calling (574) 267-1901, effective and efficient and better able to be by visiting us at 102 East Market Street, Warsaw, self-sustaining *These guidelines are for the Foundation’s community funds (non-designated), from which competitive grants are awarded. Please contact us for information on other fund types. IN 46580, or visit our website: www.kcfoundation.org.

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