Mary Mckernan Mckay, Ph

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Mary Mckernan Mckay, Ph

William M. Bannon, Jr., Ph.D., LMSW

Private Office Office 252 West 76th Street, 10A Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, New York 10023 Department of Psychiatry, #1230 (212) 933-1999 One Gustave L. Levy Place (646) 596-9610 (fax) New York, New York 10029 Office: (212) 241-3707 Email: [email protected]

Academic Appointments

9/07-present Assistant Professor Department of Community and Preventive Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, NY

1/07-5/07 A djunct Professor Graduate School of Social Service Fordham University, NY, NY

Postdoctoral Training

1/05-9/07 Post Doctoral Fellow NIMH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Training in Psychopharmacology and Outcomes Research Department of Psychiatry and Community Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, NY

Professional Experience

2/02-present Private Marketing and Academic Research Consultant

2/02-5/05 Research Associate School of Social Work Columbia University, NY, NY

5/00-12/01 Research Analyst (January 2001 - December 2001) Research Assistant (May 2000 - December 2000) Visiting Nurse Service of New York, NY, NY

9/99-5/00 Research Assistant Graduate School of Social Service Fordham University, NY, NY


9/02-10/05 Columbia University Ph.D. in Social Work Concentration in Social Policy, Planning, and Policy Analysis 2 Dissertation title: The effect of African American parental endorsement of racial socialization beliefs on urban adult and child mental health service use

9/98-5/00 Fordham University Master's Degree in Social Work Thesis title: Children's transition distress as a predictor of adjustment to kindergarten

9/88-12/92 Ramapo College Bachelor's Degree in American Studies


Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW; Date of licensure 07/18/07; License no. 075451)

Honors and Awards

1999 The Reverend Doctor Nicholas J. Langenfeld Award, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Work

9/02-8/05 Pre-doctorate Fellowship: NIMH Pre-doctorate Training Program in Mental Health

7/05-7/09 National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Program Initial award - $70,000 (funding period - 7/1/05 - 6/30/07) Second award - $70,000 (funding period - 7/1/07 - 6/30/09)

Selected Student Training Record

Name Level Role in Training Dates Trainee’s position Dara Kerkorian, Ph.D. doctoral research mentor 6/04 – 1/05 student Samantha Lewis, Ph.D. doctoral research mentor 6/05 – 6/06 student Wadiya Udel, Ph.D. Post doctoral research mentor 8/05 – 12/05 UWASH fellow Matthew Howard, B.A. medical research mentor 6/07 – present student Erika Levy, B.A. medical research mentor 6/06 – present student Geetha Goplin, MSW doctoral research mentor 10/05 – present student Orly Mann, Ph.D. Post doctoral research mentor 10/07 – present fellow Sarah Bergman, MSW doctoral dissertation committee 10/07 – present student member

Selected Faculty Mentoring Record

Name Level Role Dates Institution Annette Hernandez, Ph.D. Clinical Instructor Research Mentor 1/07 – present MSSM Evelyn Berger, M.D. Research fellow Research Mentor 9/06 – present MSSM

Teaching Activities 3

2007 Research Methods II Adjunct Professor, Fordham University School of Social Service

Current Grants under review

Racial socialization and mental health service use National Institute of Mental Health (R03 MH075835-01) $50,000 Principal Investigator

Racial socialization, civic participation, & African American youth mental health National Institute of Mental Health (K08 MH079981A) Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award $790,398 Principal Investigator

Training and Travel Awards

2005 Summer Institute on Youth Violence Prevention, Southern California Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention

2006 NIH Summer Institute on the Design and Development of Quantitative Research on Social Work Intervention in Health

2007 New York State Office of Mental Health Evidence-Based Training on Family Consultation for Adults with Serious Mental Illness

Peer Reviewed Publications

Alicea, S., Bannon, Jr., W. M., McKay, M. M., & Silvera, K. (in press). Creating and Testing Mechanisms for Meaningful Collaboration between Members of Urban Communities and HIV Prevention Researchers. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community.

Bannon, W.M., Cavaleri, M., Marcus, S., Weaver, J., McKay, M.M., & Rodriguez. J. (in press). African American parental racial socialization beliefs and participation in a community- oriented prevention program. Journal of HIV Practice and Research.

Bannon, W. M., Cavaleri, M., Rodriguez. J., & McKay, M. M. (2008). The effect of racial socialization on urban African American use of child mental health services. Social Work in Mental Health, 6(4), 9-29.

Bannon, W. M., Cavaleri, M., Rodriguez. J., & McKay, M. M. (2008). Conclusions and directions for future research concerning racial socialization. Social Work in Mental Health, 6(4), 80-82.

Bannon, W.M., DeVoe, E. R., Klein, T. P., & Miranda, C. (in press). Gender as a moderator of the relationship between exposure to the events of September 11th 2001 and the . behavioral outcomes of young children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Bannon, W. M., McKay, M. M., Alicea, S., Logan, C. A. & Dean, K. M. (in press). A Measure of Urban Community Parents’ Intention to Collaborate in Community-based, Youth 4 focused HIV Prevention Programs. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community.

Bannon, W.M., McKay, M.M., Chacko, A., Rodriguez, J. & Cavaleri, M. (in press). Cultural pride reinforcement: A racial socialization construct protective for urban African American youth anxiety. Families in Society.

Bannon, W. M. & McKay, M. M. (2005). Are barriers to service and parental preference match for service related to urban child mental health service use? Families in Society, 86(1), 30-34.

Bannon, W. M., & McKay, M. M. (2007). Addressing urban African American youth externalizing and social problem behavioral difficulties in a family-oriented prevention project. Social Work in Mental Health, 5(1/2), 217-236. Also published in: (2007) In M. McKay & R. Paikoff, (Eds.), Community collaborative partnerships: The foundation for HIV prevention research efforts (pp. TBA). New York: Haworth.

Beharie, N., Bannon, W.M., Torres, E. Lawrence, R., Paulino, A., & McKay, M. (in press). Addressing serious child mental health needs of homeless youth and families: Necessary outreach and engagement strategies. Child & Youth Care Forum.

Bell, C. C., Bhana, A., Petersen, I., McKay, M. M., Gibbons, R., Bannon, W. M., & Amatya, A. (in press). Building protective factors to offset sexually risky behaviors among Black South African youth. Journal of the National Medical Association.

Cavaleri, M., Bannon, W. M., McKay, M. M., & Rodriguez, J. (2008). The protective effect of African American parental endorsement of racial socialization beliefs on adult mental health. Social Work in Mental Health, 6(4), 55-64.

Cavaleri, M., Gopalan, G., McKay, M, Apel, A., Bannon, W. M., Bigley, M. F. et al. (2006) Impact of a learning collaborative to improve mental health service use among low- income, urban youth and families. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal 2(2), 67-79.

Cavaleri, M. A., Franco, L. M., McKay, M. M., Appel, A., Bannon, W. M., Bigley, M. F., et al. (2007). The Sustainability of a Learning Collaborative to Improve Mental Health Service Use among Low-income, Urban Youth and Families. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, (3)2, 52-61.

DeVoe, E. R., Bannon, W.M., & Klein, T. P. (2006). Post-9/11 Help-seeking by New York City parents on behalf of highly exposed young children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(2), 167-175.

DeVoe, E. R., Bannon, W.M., Klein, T. P. & Miranda, C. (2007). Correlates of post-9/11 parental mental health help-seeking among a sample of highly exposed New York City parents. Families in Society, 88(2), 311-316.

Gopalan, G., Cavaleri, M.A., Bannon, W.M., & McKay, M. (in press). Differential risk factors associated with the onset of externalizing behaviors within two impoverished, urban communities. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services: Research, Practice, & Policy. 5

Harrison, M., McKay, M. M., & Bannon, W. M. (2004). Inner-city child mental health service use: The real question is why youth and families do not use services. Community Mental Health Journal, 40(2), 119-131. (Reprinted in Data Trends, August, 2004, No. 102).

Kerkorian, D.L., McKay, M.M., & Bannon, W.M. (2006). Seeking help a second time: Parents’/caregivers’ characterizations of previous experiences with mental health services for their children and perceptions of barriers to future use. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(2), 161-166.

McKay, M. M. & Bannon, W.M. (2004). Evidence update: Engaging families in services. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 13(4), 905-921.

McKay, M., Lynn, C.J., & Bannon, W. M. (2005). Understanding inner-city child mental health need and trauma exposure: Implications for preparing urban service providers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(2), 201-210.

McKay, M.M., Bannon, W.M., Rodriguez. J. & Chasse, K. (2007). Understanding African American youth HIV knowledge: Exploring the role of racial socialization and family communication about hard to talk about topics. Social Work in Mental Health, 5(1/2), 79-98. Also published in: (2007) In M. McKay & R. Paikoff, (Eds.), Community Collaborative Partnerships: The Foundation for HIV Prevention Research Efforts (pp. TBA). New York: Haworth.

McKay, M. M., Hibbert, R, Lawrence, R., Miranda, A., Paikoff, R., Bell, C., Madison, S., Baptiste, D., Coleman, D., Pinto, R., & Bannon, W. M. (2007). Creating mechanisms for meaningful collaboration between Members of urban communities and university-based HIV prevention researchers. Social Work in Mental Health, 5(1/2) 143-164. Also published in: (2007) In M. McKay & R. Paikoff, (Eds.), Community collaborative partnerships: The foundation for HIV prevention research efforts (pp. TBA). New York: Haworth.

McKay, M. M., Pinto, R., Bannon, W.M., & Guilamo-Ramos, V. (2007). Understanding motivators and challenges to involving urban parents as collaborators in HIV prevention research efforts. Social Work in Mental Health, 5(1/2), 165-181. Also published in: (2007) In M. McKay & R. Paikoff, (Eds.), Community collaborative partnerships: The foundation for HIV prevention research efforts (pp. TBA). New York: Haworth.

Rodriguez. J, Bannon, W. M., &. McKay, M. M. (2008). The role of racial socialization in relation to parenting practices and youth Behavior: An exploratory analysis. Social Work in Mental Health, 6(4), 30-54.

Rodriguez, J., Bannon, W. & McKay, M. (2008). Parenting and mental health services utilization among African American families: The role of racial socialization. Social Work & Mental Health, 6(4), 1-8.

Sperber, E., Whitson, M., Bannon, W., Kalogerogiannis, K., & McKay, M. (in press). Racial socialization as a mediator of HIV knowledge and HIV-related stigma for homeless urban families. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services: Research, 6 Practice, & Policy.

Ssewamala, F., Alicea, S., Bannon, W. M., & Ismayilova, L. A. (2008). A Novel Economic Intervention to Reduce HIV Risks among School-going AIDS Orphans in Rural Uganda. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42, 102-104.

Udell, W., Bannon, W. M., & McKay, M. (2008). Spiritual and religious coping: A facet of racial socialization linked to avoidant behavior towards violent confrontations. Social Work in Mental Health, 6(4), 65-79.

Chapters & Research Reports

Bannon, W.M. & Mullen, E.J. (2003). International inter-center network for the evaluation of social work practice 5th Annual conference: Evidence-based social work practice and policy, conference proceedings [On-line]. Available:

Bannon, W. M., McKay, M. M., & Embry, R. (2007). Consumer satisfaction and outcome achievement: Preliminary findings from the evaluation of the Integrated After Care (IAC) program. Research report prepared for and submitted to the Department of Mental Health Services of Orange County, NY.

Essock, S. M., Harrison, M., Gomes, C., Marcus, S., Bannon, W. M., Jr., & Allen, G. J. (2006). A comparative evaluation of the Kids Oneida demonstration project, waiver case management, and intensive case management. Research report prepared for and submitted to the New York State Department of Mental Health.

Manuscripts Under Review (copies of articles available upon request)

Cavaleri, M., Bannon, W. M., & McKay, M. Attrition from child mental health services. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research.

Ssewamala, F., Bannon, W. M., Alicea, S., & Ismayilova, L. The Influence of Gender Within a Novel Economic Intervention to Reduce HIV Risks among AIDS Orphans in Rural Uganda. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Bannon, W.M. & McKay, M.M. The association between community-based youth group participation and a reduced likelihood of behavioral difficulties among youth.

Cavaleri, M., Bannon, W. M., McKay, M., & Lynn, C.J. Urban child, adult caregiver, and provider perspectives on child mental health service process characteristics and service use. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Udell, W., Bannon, W. M., & McKay, M. Youth socialization of community urban African American parents. Journal of Child Development.

Invited Presentations

Bannon, W. M. (2007, February). Professional Positions and Academic Appointments for Career Social Work Research Scientists. Graduate School of Social Service Integrative Seminar for Research Majors. Fordham University. New York, New York. 7 Professional Presentations

Beharie, N., Bannon, W. M., Mckay, M. M., Paulino, A., Torres, E., Lawrence, R., et al. (2008, May). The Effects of Contextual Factors of Shelters on Risk Behavior of Youth Residing in New York City Family Shelters. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA.

Olshtain-Mann, O., Bannon, W. M., Beharie, N., Paulino, A., Torres, E., Kalogerogiannis, K., et al. (2008, May). Parent-Youth communication regarding sexual & drug related risk: Implications for Parent and Youth Outcomes. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, San Francisco, CA.

Bannon, W. M. & McKay, M. M. (2008, February). Youth Group Participation: A Potential Component of Clinical Care for Behavioral Difficulties. Paper presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Gopalan, G., Cavaleri, M., Bannon, W., & McKay, M. (2008, January) Differential risk factors associated with the onset of externalizing behaviors among youth within two impoverished, urban communities. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 12th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Berger, E., McKay, M., Newcorn, J., Bannon, W., & Laraque, D. (2007, September). Under- treatment of minority children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Paper presented at the annual Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Providence, RI.

DeVoe, E. R., Bannon, W. M., & Miranda, C. (2007, July). Parenting, Violence Exposure, and Mental Health in Highly Exposed Urban Children: An Exploratory Study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of The Family Research Laboratory & the Crimes Against Children Research Center, Portsmouth, NH.

Bell, C. C., Bhana, A., McKay, M. M., Petersen, I., & Bannon, W. M. (2007, July). Outcomes of the CHAMP South Africa (Amaqhawe) Family-Based HIV Intervention. Paper presented at the AIDS Impact 8th International Conference, Marseille, France.

McKay, M. M., Sperber, E., Bannon, W. M., & Cavaleri, M. A. (2007, July). Knowledge about the African American Research Experience (KAARE). Poster presented at the annual Family and AIDS meeting of the National Institute of Mental Health, San Francisco, CA.

Alicea, S., Mckay, M. M., & Bannon, W. M. (2006, May). Creating and testing mechanisms for meaningful collaboration between members of urban communities and HIV prevention researchers. Paper presented at the annual Family and AIDS meeting of the National Institute of Mental Health, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.

Ssewamala, F., Mckay, M. M., Bannon, W. M., Ismayilova, L., & Alicea, S. (2006, May). Asset-ownership development for HIV orphaned children in Uganda. Paper presented at the annual Family and AIDS meeting of the National Institute of Mental Health, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. 8 Alicea, S., Rivera-Rodriguez, A., Ali, S., Bannon, W. M., & McKay. (2006, May). Creating and testing mechanisms for meaningful collaboration between members of urban communities and HIV prevention researchers. Paper presented at the annual Social Work and HIV/AIDS meeting of the Boston College School of Social Work, Miami, Florida.

Alicea, S., Bannon, W. M. & McKay, M. (2006, March). Community HIV/AIDS adolescent mental health project In our neighborhoods (CHAMPIONS): Year two. Poster presented at the annual Health Disparities meeting of Columbia University, New York, New York.

Alicea, S., Bannon, W. M., & McKay. (2006, March). Creating and testing mechanisms for meaningful collaboration between members of urban communities and HIV prevention researchers. Paper presented at the annual Health Disparities meeting of Columbia University, New York, New York.

Bannon, W. M., McKay, M. M., Rodriguez. J. & Cavaleri, M. (2006, February). African American parental racial socialization beliefs and child mental health service use. Paper presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Cavaleri, M., Bannon, W. M., & McKay, M. M. (2006, February). Comorbidity and attrition from child mental health services. Poster presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Cavaleri, M., Gopalan, G., McKay, M. M., Apel, A., Bannon, W. M., et al. (2006, February). Impact of a learning collaborative to improve mental health service use among low- income, urban youth and families. Paper presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

McKay, M. & Bannon, W. (2006, January). Community-Based HIV Prevention Research: How Do Minority Women Approach Collaboration with Researchers? Paper presented at the SSWR Meeting: Meeting the Challenge Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

McKay, M., Bannon, W. Cavaleri, M. (2006, January). Differences between the Research Experiences of African American Adults and Children: Crucial Knowledge for Researchers Who Work with Minority Populations. Paper presented at the SSWR Meeting: Meeting the Challenge Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

McKay, M., Bannon, W. Gopalan, G. (2006, January). Making It Happen: Parents, Providers and Academicians Collaborating in HIV Prevention Research. Paper presented at the SSWR Meeting: Meeting the Challenge Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Alicea, S., Watson, J., Bannon, W. M., Paulino, A., Chambers, N., Miranda, A., Martinez, J. et al., (2005, July). Community HIV/AIDS adolescent mental health project in our neighborhoods (CHAMPIONS): Year one. Paper presented at the annual Family and AIDS meeting of the National Institute of Mental Health, Brooklyn, NY.

Klein, T. P., DeVoe, E. R., Miranda, C., & Bannon, W. M. (2005, April). Post-9/11 adaptation in a sample of highly exposed New York City preschoolers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia. 9 Bannon, W. M., DeVoe, E. R., & Klein, T. P. (2005, March). Post-9/11 help-seeking by New York City parents on behalf of highly exposed young children. Poster presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Bannon, W. M., McKay, M. M., & Rodriguez, J. (2004, March). Cultural pride reinforcement: A protective factor urban African American youth mental health. Paper presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Kerkorian, D., McKay, M. M., & Bannon, W. M. (2004, March). Characterizations of previous treatment experiences and perceptions of barriers to future service use. Paper presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Bannon, W. M., Pinto, R. M., & McKay, M. M. (2003, July). Examining community collaboration in HIV prevention research. Poster presented at the annual Family and AIDS meeting of the National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, DC.

Bannon, W. M. & McKay, M. M. (2003, March). Youth mental health need or parental preference for service: Which relates to urban child mental health service use? Poster presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Harrison, M., McKay, M. M., & Bannon, W. M. (2003, March). Inner-city child mental health service use: The real question is why youth and families do not use services. Paper presented at the annual Children's Mental Health Research and Training Center meeting of the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Professional/Community Service

2008 Guest Editor; Social Work in Mental Health

2008 – present Reviewer; Community Mental Health Journal

2007 – present Reviewer; Social Work in Mental Health

2007 – present Coalition Member; Bronx Youth as Partners in Community-Based Participatory Research Coalition

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