Syllabus for Pre Ph

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Syllabus for Pre Ph

Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English


The Department of English, under Faculty of Arts and Languages, BPS Women’s University, shall have Pre –PhD course of 20 credits. Out of 20 credits, each Ph.D student shall earn 12 credits in the first semester immediately after admission to the Pre-PhD course. The breakup of the 12 credits offered in the first semester is as under:

COURSE I – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4 Credits 100 marks: External Assessment80 marks + Internal Assessment of 20 marks

COURSE II – APPROACHES TO LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE 4 Credits 100 marks: External Assessment80 marks + Internal Assessment of 20 marks

COURSE III – CRITICAL SURVEY AND LITERATURE REVIEW 4 Credits 100 marks: (External) Viva-voce of 80 marks + ( Internal) Seminar Presentations of 20 marks.

For Viva- Voce -- A committee would evaluate the student based on her overall performance, reviewed articles/books/research articles/ project reports/doctoral thesis/conference attended. The committee shall comprise of the Chairperson, Course-coordinator(s) and an External examiner appointed by the Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor on the recommendations of the Chairperson.

The remaining 08 credits shall be acquired by a Ph.D student during the first two years of the Ph.D programme by publishing research papers in refereed journals of national/international repute bearing ISSN number. Each research paper shall carry 3 credits. (3x2= 6 credits) The synopsis submitted to the department will carry 02 credits. Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English


Objectives: This course will –  Acquaint the student with research and research process.  Equip the students with the tools and materials for research.  To train them for documentation  To empower them to undertake their research project. Unit I: • What is Research • Types of Research • Objectives of Research • Research Tools • Research Format • MLA and APA style • Writing an abstract and synopsis • Thesis outline UNIT II:  Ethics of Research  Criteria for a good research  Credentials of a good researcher  The Principle of consent  Plagiarism  Tempering with Data or partial interpretation Unit III: • Brief survey of published research with reference to the broad area of research to be undertaken by the research scholar • A Critique/ Book Review of at least four (two Indian and two Western) books. Unit IV: • Listing the sources, E-sources and conventional sources, preparing a working bibliography, references, notes, citations, data collection, preparation of questionnaires, data analysis, proof reading, drawing conclusions, final compilation of thesis. • Computer Application in research (Basics of computer, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, using internet and other web resources)

Suggested Readings: • Bell, Judith How to Complete Your Research Project Successfully. New Delhi. USB Publishers, 1999. Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English

• Guthrie, Gerard. Basic Research Methods. Sage Publications, 2010. • Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th Edition). New Delhi: East-West Press, 2009. • Kumar, Ranjit.Research Methodology : A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners. London: Sage Publications, 2005

Evaluation: • Internal Assessment 20 marks Attendance 05 marks Surprise Test 05 marks Assignment/ Project 10 marks

• External Assessment 80 marks

Instructions for the Paper Setter:

Note: The paper must be strictly according to the prescribed syllabus. The paper shall be of 80 marks.

i) The Question Paper shall have four Units corresponding to the four units of the syllabus. ii) Three questions shall be set on each unit of ten marks each. The students shall have to attempt two questions from each unit. iii) The paper setter may set short-note type questions as well, subject to each question carrying ten marks. (10 x 8 = 80 marks) Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English

COURSE II: Approaches To Literature and Language 05 Credits (DOE-3103)

Objectives: This course will  Acquaint the students with various approaches.  Develop a critical understanding  Promote application of critical theories to studies both in language and literature.  Equip the students with interdisciplinary knowledge

Unit I Western Approaches -I • New Criticism and Russian Formalism • Structuralism and Post-structuralism • Feminism • Psychoanalytic Criticism Unit II: Western Approaches -II • Marxist Criticism and New Historicism • Post-modernism and Post colonialism • Reader Response Criticism • Theory of Translation Unit III: Major Indian Approaches • Alamkara • Vakrokti • Rasa • Dhvani Unit IV Approaches in Language • Stylistics • Pragmatics • Discourse Analysis • Semiotics

Suggested Readings: • Berry, Peter. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. 1995 • Ghosh, Manmohan. Natyashastra. Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1950 • Gnoli, Raniero. The Aesthetic Experience According to Abhinavagupta. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1985. Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English

• Guerin, W.L. , Labor and Morgan. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. London, Oxford University Press, Reprint. 2010 • Jha, Sir Ganganatha. KavyaPrakash. Allahabad: Indian Book House, 1925. • Joseph John and Tablot Taylor. Ideologies of Language. • Kapoor, K. Literary Theory: Indian Conceptual Framework. New Delhi: East-West Private Ltd., 1988 • Krishnamoorthy, K. Dhvanyaloka. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas, 1981 • Sastry, P. U. Kavyalamkara. Delhi: MotilalBanarsidas, 1970 • Singer, Alan & Allen Dunn. Literary Aesthetics: A Reader. UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2000.

Evaluation: • Internal Assessment 20 marks Attendance 05 marks Surprise Test 05 marks Assignment/Project 10 marks

• External Assessment 80 marks

Instructions for the Paper Setter:

Note: The paper must be strictly according to the prescribed syllabus. The paper shall be of 80 marks.

i) The Question Paper shall have four Units corresponding to the four units of the syllabus. ii) Three questions shall be set on each unit of ten marks each. The students shall have to attempt two questions from each unit. iii) The paper setter may set short-note type questions as well, subject to each question carrying ten marks. (10 x 8 = 80 marks) Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English


Objectives: This course will –  Prepare the student for their intensive study.  Apply the theories to their area of research.  Provide background knowledge necessary for their area of research.  Provide viability and relevance of their topic.

Unit I: Consulting and Reviewing of 40 research papers/books/anthologies/reference books/Published or unpublished doctoral thesis/Project reports

UNIT II: Preparing three Concept papers/ Term papers ; publishing at least one paper.

Unit III: Prepare a Synopsis/ Summary of reviewed 40 papers/books/thesis/Project reports, compile and submit.

Unit IV: Weekly Seminar/ Presentation of the reviewed articles/books/ Project Reports

Evaluation: • Internal Assessment 20 marks Attendance 05 marks Term paper/Assignments 05 marks Seminar/ Presentation 10 marks

• External Assessment (Viva-Voce) 80 marks

Note: i) There will be no theory examination for this paper. ii) Internal evaluation for this course will be based on seminars/presentations and term papers/ assignments during the semester; iii) External examination shall be conducted as an Oral/Practical examination at the end of the semester consisting of 80 marks. Syllabus of Pre-Ph. w.e.f. 2015-16 Department of English

Scheme of Examination

Sr. Code Paper Title Total Credits Max Marks No. L T+P Credits Internal External Total 1 DOE- Research Methodology 4 1 5 20 80 100 4001 2 DOE- Emerging Literatures 4 1 5 20 80 100 4002 3 DoE- Philosophy of Literature 4 1 5 20 80 100 4003 and Language 4 DOE- Critical Review and 4 1 5 20 80 100 4004 Assessment 5 DoE- Comparative Literature 4 1 5 20 80 100 4005 6 DOE- Dissertation -- -- 10 - 200 200 4006 Total Contact Hours/Credits 20 5 35 100 600 700

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