Through Considering Others Perspectives

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Through Considering Others Perspectives

UNDERSTANDING INTERNATIONAL MINDEDNESS THROUGH CONSIDERING OTHERS’ PERSPECTIVES Always keep the idea of “perspective” in mind TEACHER SAY: This week, we will be discovering what it means to be internationally minded. We will be doing some activities that will allow us to think deeper about the world around us and to consider how important it is for us to connect with other citizens of the world. We have to keep in mind that it is all about perspective. As humans, we have a different perspective about everything we see and do. You can have one idea/concept in one country (such as the freedom of speech) and then consider that idea/concept from the perspective of another country. The perspectives could be completely different. TEACHERS SAY & DO STUDENT OUTCOMES DAY 1 DAY 1

1) Quick Write: Use a CIRCLE MAP - Prompt: “What 1) Think-Pair-Share: Students think about this does the ‘International’ in International question and record their thinking (3 minutes) on a Baccalaureate mean to you?” bubble map. Pair up with a partner and share their thinking. Then share some student ideas aloud with the whole class (5 minutes).

2) Quick Write: Ask: “Why do we need to be caring, 2) Think-Pair-Share (via Round Robin): Students think principled citizens of the world?” about this question and record their thinking (3 minutes). Students will share their thinking round robin in their small groups of 4. Then share some student ideas aloud with the whole class (5 minutes).

3) Whole Class Discussion: Use a ONE-SIDED MULTI- 3) Students discuss this question and take notes on FLOW MAP - Ask: “What are the benefits to being what they discover. Goal is to have them think connected to the world around you?” FYI for outside of their community…to think globally and teachers only – ELICIT STUDENT RESPONSES but consider the perspectives of others world-wide (15 direct them toward advances in science, minutes). technology, literature, cultural diversity, etc…:Internet, Doctors without Borders, air travel, international business, trade (import/export), sustainability/conservation, intellectual & cultural exchange, etc…. At this point, try to keep students focused on the positives, rather than the negatives.

4) Whole Class Discussion: Use a ONE-SIDED MULTI- 4) Students discuss this question. Goal is to have FLOW MAP - Ask: “What are the consequences of them think outside of their community…to think not being a caring, principled and connected globally about what the consequences could be if citizen of the world?” FYI for teachers only – ELICIT we remain single-minded, not open to possibilities STUDENT RESPONSES but direct them terrorism, and not open to other perspectives. Students will global warming, pandemics, acid rain, nuclear CHART their responses to #3 and #4 on the TOP- radiation, depletion of resources, racism, war, etc… THIRD of a piece of chart paper. Make sure they - Suggest different options for charting (t-chart, title the top portion of the chart (25 minutes). ying/yang symbol, web, etc…). Bottom portion is to be reserved for later use.

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5) Quick Write: Ask: "What does international 5) Think-Pair-Share (Round Robin): Students think mindedness mean to you?" about this question INDIVIDUALLY and record their thinking (3 minutes). In their groups students share round robin. Come to a Consensus: Students negotiate and come to a consensus about which definition they want to chart (they can also combine definitions). Add their chosen definition to the bottom of the chart they have already started. Make sure students title the bottom half of this chart (20 minutes).

6) Collaborative Poster: Say: “Now that you have 6) Students will work together to make a collaborative individually recorded your thinking about poster to include the following: (1) visual re- international mindedness, now we are going to presentation, (1) original phrase, (1) ???. Total synthesize your thinking and work in a group to working time is 20 minutes then time to share out. make a collaborative poster. Etc….”


7) Show the videos and discuss. Pick and choose 7) Students will watch each video and then discuss which you would like to highlight for students. It is their perspectives on the following questions. Take not necessary to show them all however, you will notes as needed. want to definitely show the “…Matt” video and the d. What did you notice? “…Eats” video. Please do not front load anything e. What can you interpret about the video’s prior to showing each piece. We want students to message/intent? Why do you think this? ascertain their own perspectives without any f. What further questions do you have? teacher bias. Some of the videos (What the World Eats) provide questions to ponder within the video TEACHER NOTES: – discuss these. Post the following questions prior to viewing: a. What did you notice? b. What can you interpret about the video’s message/intent? Why do you think this? c. What further questions do you have?



8) Albatross Culture – READ the attached “Albatross- 8) Albatross Culture – READ the attached “Albatross- A Simulation Exercise” for directions and historical A Simulation Exercise” for directions and historical context. Directions and video are on Forms & Files. context.


~IBMYP/LAUnit1-International Mindedness/Ehrlich/Page 2 4/3/2018 Always keep the idea of “perspective” in mind TEACHERS SAY: We are going to continue our thinking about what it means to be internationally minded. We are going to continue with activities that will force us to think deeper about the world around us and to consider how important it is for us to connect with other citizens of the world and their perspectives on global ideas. Remember, as we work through these next few activities, we will discover that even people within our own classrooms will have different perspectives about what we are discussing. Imagine how different the PERSPECTIVES will be of others around the world… TEACHERS SAY & DO STUDENT OUTCOMES DAY 5 DAY 5

9) Pre-Assessment Activity: Using CIRCLE MAPS 9) Students will go to each circle map and record students will record synonyms for each of the 11 what they know to be the definition of (or words to get a baseline of what they already know synonym of) each of the 11 words. If they don’t about the meaning of each: intuition, fear, respect, know any, they can move on to the next word. tolerance, value, conflict, perspective, logic, attitudes, emotion, identity

10) Watch video: “The Girl Who Silenced the World for 6 10) Students will watch with the focus of the 11 Minutes” words and how she is exhibiting international v=pPfjCWwKj7w&feature=related – Instruct students mindedness. to focus on the 11 words and how she exhibits each of them (and international mindedness) in the video.

11) Whole Class Discussion: Add to existing CIRCLE MAPS - Define 10 international mindedness words – 11) Through partnerships, small group or whole class Teachers lead discussion of the meaning, as the kids (whichever works best for teacher), students add know it, of each word, but lead them toward a global definitions to existing circle maps. perspective of each word, as opposed to a limited personal understanding. Also, emphasize how each word can be put into context and can be connected through other words, within the context of the video. Purpose is to help kids gain further understanding of the 11 words and then adding to their circle maps.


12) Thinkering Activity: (USE A FLOW MAP- 12) Thinkering Activity: (A) Students will put 11 SEQUENCING) This activity is all about PERSPECTIVE. words in order of importance without talking or Split class into 2 groups and engage in silent looking at other group. (B) As a group, students negotiation. (A) Order the words. Which idea/word create a flow map with sub-stages that provide is more important? (B) Group creates a flow map written explanations to justify their thinking with sub-stages that provide written explanations to during the silent negotiation. (C) Groups will justify their thinking. (C) Reveal order of words and form two lines facing the other group. Each justifications to other group. Make sure to point out student will hold one of the words revealing their where the words conflict and fear are located for order of words to other group. Groups will each group, as well as which word they felt to be explain their justifications to the other group. most important and why. Also, ask where children of (D) Using the information from the activity, other countries might put these same words. (D) students will create a personal flow map based Using the information from the activity, create a on their OWN opinion of the order of the words personal flow map based on his/her OWN opinion of and justify it. The objective is to have that great the order of the words and justify it. academic discourse between groups and for each student to possibly gain a different perspective. ~IBMYP/LAUnit1-International Mindedness/Ehrlich/Page 3 4/3/2018 TEACHERS SAY & DO STUDENT OUTCOMES DAYS 7-10 DAYS 7-10

13) Critically Thinking About International Mindedness - 13) Critically Thinking About International Review the 11 words that were discussed yesterday. Mindedness Tell students that they are going to be interviewed a. Students will pick 1-2 words to write using responses to these 11 words. (a) Students questions that other students will answer. write questions to 1 or 2 words (b) students respond b. Modified Quick Write: All students will in writing to questions written by other students, for actually respond in writing to one question all 11 words AND provide an example or personal for all 11 words (there may be multiple example (c) students pick 1 or 2 responses to rehearse questions for some words). ALSO, for taping (d) (OPTIONAL) using new Flip Cameras, students will provide a general or personal students are filmed responding to the top response example supporting their response. they chose. NOTE: Lead students toward questions c. Students will select their 1-2 best that are internationally minded (ex: Fear – How responses and revise them for syntax and might fear lead to war? OR What are the semantics. consequences of being fearful about…?). ALSO d. Students rehearse and film their best of NOTE: When filming, make sure each word is filmed the two responses (OPTIONAL) at least one. NOTE: Before asking students to write e. Goal is to make a montage of all these and respond to the questions, it might be a good idea videos to be shown in each classroom to show the videos: “The Girl Who Silenced the World during IB Fest – either DIY or ask help from for Six Minutes” and “Free Hugs Campaign”. Connect a tech/IT person. all 11 of those words to what is happening in each of these videos.

DAY 11 DAY 11

14) After this work around IM, revisit the question/chart, 14) Students will have gained a deeper "What does international mindedness mean to understanding of international mindedness after you?" The goal is that, through this week’s all the previous activities and discussions. discussions, students gain deeper understanding of Students will discuss with their original groups international mindedness and can now add or and add their new knowledge and understanding completely change their original definition. Have to the original “What does international each group discuss and add new thinking to their mindedness mean to you?” chart. original chart...?

15) Bringing it all together: (A) Go back to the CIRCLE 15) (A) Students will revisit their first circle map from MAP from day 1 quick write about International day 1 (IB question). (B) Students will underline Baccalaureate to lead students toward bringing the all the adjectives on their IM question response learner profile together with international and add them to their initial circle graph. (C) mindedness. (B) Add adjectives from IM response #15 Students will create their own Tree Map in their to initial circle map from question #1 about notebooks and categorize all the adjectives from International Baccalaureate. (C) Instruct students to their circle map onto their tree map. Share out create their own tree map using their own individual tree maps with the class and compile information. PURPOSE is to categorize adjectives into on the class tree map. (D) Students will get each of the LP traits and to build schema about IB. introduced to the learner profile page in their TEACHER WILL create a classroom TREE MAP to add planner and identify the adjectives that describe student responses. Frame of reference question for each learner profile. Add these adjectives to the tree map: “How does the learner profile create an class tree map. (E) As a class or small group, internationally minded person?” Tree map will be students will discuss the connection between the ongoing and posted year round. (D) Introduce learner IB words, IM words and learner profile profile definitions from planner. Discuss findings and descriptions. have students add adjectives from planner page onto classroom tree. (E) Have discussion about how IM and IB are one and the same.

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16) Self Reflection Learner profile: Ask the following 2 16) Students will answer the two questions, questions: “Which learner profile trait best describes providing a short paragraph fully explaining you right now (strength)? AND Which learner profile his/her strengths and weakness. The goal is to trait do you need to work on the most right now revisit this and answer the same questions at the (weakness)? end of the year.

VIDEO RESOURCES: * Original version of “Where the Hell is Matt?” * “What the World Eats” * “Free Hugs Campaign” * “Dirt! The Movie Trailer” * “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Six Minutes” v=pPfjCWwKj7w&feature=related *“Amazing Speech by Retired War Veteran, Mike Prysner” *“Congratulations JR – The 2011 TED Prize Winner”


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