
Use Wordle in a Data Analysis Unit http://www.ed-tech-4-math.com/ This is an article about using Wordle in many different classroom situations, including math.

Copy/paste Theorems into Wordle Here are two examples of theorems copy/pasted into Wordle Students had to write the theorem out correctly using the words in the Wordle.

Copy/Paste Content from a Chapter into a Wordle This is content from a chapter on linear equations that has been pasted into a Wordle. Wordle could be incorporated into a website or blown up into a poster and hung on a classroom wall. Use Wordle to Visualize Frequency Distribution This is from the Math24X7 forum Reply by MariaD on April 22, 2009 at 9:36pm Wordle is one of the most beautiful ways to visualize frequency distributions. You can dump a bunch of numbers and it will find the mode for you. It can also handle multimodal distributions.

Use Wordle to reinforce vocabulary. Brainstorm synonyms, definitions, real-word applications. This Wordle includes a definition of Percent as well as ways percentages are used in everyday life. Other Web2.0 Tools

Wikis A wiki is like an online word processor that allows you to add to or edit text, create links, and upload documents and images to an online workspace. It is a great tool for collaboration.

PBWorks http://pbworks.com

Example Math 12V Outcomes Portfolio http://acrospire.pbworks.com/ This is an example of a wiki that was used in a math class.

Flickr http://www.flickr.com Flickr is an online photo-sharing tool. Find photos on Flickr that represent vocabulary words or concepts. You could also take pictures of people, places, or things that represent vocabulary words/concepts and post them to a Flickr account

Example Springfield High School Vocabulary Photo Stream http://www.flickr.com/photos/7334592@N02/ This isn’t math specific, but it is an example of students taking pictures that represent vocabulary words.

GeoGebra http://www.geogebra.org GeoGebra is free online mathematics software

Example Math and Web2.0—GeoGebra and Flickr activity http://mathandweb20.blogspot.com/2009/02/activity-2-graphing-quadratic-functions.html This example combines Flickr and GeoGebra

Videos/Comic Strips/Screencasts Create and post videos, comic strips, and screencasts explaining a concept or explaining the steps involved in solving a problem.

School Tube—a free, safe, media sharing website for posting videos http://www.schooltube.com/

Comic Strip web tools http://www.pikikids.com/ http://pixton.com/

ScreenCast web tools http://www.screenjelly.com http://screentoaster.com

Examples Springfield High School Math Videos http://mathvideos.wikispaces.com/

Kids Teach with Mathcasting http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2009/07/kids-teach-kids-with- mathcasting.html

Bubbl.us Bubbl.us is a free mind mapping application

Example Math and Web2.0—Bubbl.us http://mathandweb20.blogspot.com/2009/11/activity-7-cloud-mapping-relationships.html Students use mind mapping to solve equations.

Wallwisher http://www.wallwisher.com Wallwisher is an online bulletin board where teachers can post questions and students can answer using “sticky notes.” Good for online discussions

Example Honors precalculus discussion on what the class should do for a technology project http://wallwisher.com/wall/hancock

Symbaloo Symbaloo is a page aggregator. It allows users to link multiple webpages from a single location. It is similar to iGoogle.

Example YouTube video—Welcome to my PLE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEls3tq5wIY This video is narrated by a student who has created a “Personal Learning Environment” on her computer using Symbaloo. She has many different websites linked from one location that she can use for her class. Although the video is not math specific, I think Symbaloo would work well for students with netbooks.