College of Education and External Studies
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1ST YEARS FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS TIME TABLE FOR 2014/2015 AND 2ND, 3RD AND 4TH YEARS SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS TIME TABLE – 2013/2014 14TH APRIL – 25TH APRIL, 2014 DAY/ YEA 9.00AM – 11.00AM VENUE 11.30AM – 1.30PM VENU 2.00 PM – 4.00PM VENUE DATE R E 1 TPS 101: Introduction MPH, THG 101: Themes in Monday LT, to Psychology (620) African History (130) MPH 14/04/2014 LTB 1, TEC 113: Communication LTB Skills (60) 2 G2 2 TEC 202: Children with F4 TPR 201: Philosophy of LTB 2 special needs (60) Religion (120) TKG 202: Kenya Foreign TLT 204: East African Relations (100) G1, G2 Poetry (150) LTB 1
3 TMA 308: Complex Analysis I OL, TPE 302: Physiology of G1 TGN 302: Statistical TS (130) F6, Exercise (20) Techniques in Geography TEC 302: Human Learning (80) OL (35) G5 TLT 304: Caribbean TKS 308: Discourse and Literature (120) Discourse Analysis (30) 4 TPS 402: Introduction to LTB 2, TPR 406: Contemporary F4 Special Education (250) LTB 1 TPE 403: Handball & G1 Philosophy (10) TAP 402: Teacher Education Tennis (15) TMA 440: Functional G1 (280) MPH, LT Analysis (20) Tuesday 1 TLE 101: Introduction TMA 101: Basic LTB 1 TKS 101: LTB2 15/04/2014 Linguistics (120) LTB 2 Mathematics (120) Communication Skills TEC 107: Sociological in Kiswahili (120) Foundations (60) G1 2 TPS 202: Psychology of MPH, TEC 204: Art and craft for pre- F4 TMA 242: Probability and G5 Learning and Teaching OL school (60) Statistics I (15) (500) LT TEC 206: Mathematics G2 for pre-school (50) TPR 203: African Religion LTB 1 (100) 3 TPR 302: Research TKG 301: International OL TBS 302: Microeconomics Methodology (60) F4 Relations (130) (180) MPH TGN 304: Agricultural F6 TLT 306: American Geography (50) Literature (50) F4 TEC 306: Methods of Teaching G5 Mathematics (35) TLE 302: Semantics (180) MPH 4 TKS 404: Historical and TBS 408: Advanced G1 TBS 414: International G1 Comparative Study in Accounting 2(10) Economics (30) Kiswahili (120) LTB 1 TBS 404: International G2 TPR 408: Islamic LT TLT 404: West African Poetry Marketing (120) Theology and Principles and Drama (50) G2 LTB 2 (25) LT TPI 402: Islam & International Relations (2) MPH TLE 402: English Phonology and Morphology (90) TPE 103: TEC 109: Food & Nutrition G1 TGN 103: Field Work OL for pre-schools (60) Gymnastics/Dance (30) G3 and Research TLT101: Nature &Function LTB 2 Wednesday 1 TPR 103: Comparative of Lit. (120) Methodology in 16/04/2014 TMA 103: Calculus 1 (120) MPH Religion (120) LTB 2 Geography (90) 2 TMA 204: Linear Algebra II LTB 1 (120) 3 TAP 302: Educational MPH TPE 306: Outdoor Pursuits G5 TLT 302: South African Administration (510) OL (20) Prose (50) LTB1 LT TPR 316: Principles of TEC 310: Methods of Leadership (60) G2 Teaching Arts and Craft (40) F4 TBS 316: Introduction to Econometrics (60) LT 4 TLT 410: European Poetry F6 TPR 402: Christian Response OL TBS 402: Public Finance MPH (25) to Contemporary Issues (110) and Policy (100) TEC 402: Children at Risk G2 TPR 410: Muslim Response to OL TLE 406: Pragmatics (60) G1 and ECE (50) Response to contemporary TLE 406: Pragmatics (60) MR TGN 404: Biogeography G3 issues. (30) (40) Thursday 1 TEC 103: Child TKS 103: Early History of LTB 1 17/04/2014 Development: Pre-natal F6 Kiswahili (120) to Infancy (60)
2 TGN 202: Natural Resources TLE 202: English Vocabulary MPH TKS 204: Study of OL Management (75) F4 and Sounds System (110) Kiswahili Literary Devices LT (160) 3 TPS 302: Guidance and MPH , THG 310: History of the TPE 304: Field Athletics & Counselling (510) OL Middle East (100) LTB 2 Advanced Swimming (20) G5 LT TBS 308: Money & Banking (60) F4 TKS 306: Kiswahili Dialectology (120) LTB1
4 TEC 406 Educational LTB 2 THG 411: Transformation of OL TMA 408: Complex MPH Statistics (50) G2 Europe since 1971 (90) Analysis II (180) TPR 410: Philosophy of Law TLT 402: Afro-American (20) LTB 1 Literature ( 120) LTB 2 TBS 416: Management of Human Resources (200)
1 TGN 101: The East OL TEC 111: Administration & F4 TFD 101: History of MPH, Tuesday Education (620) OL, LT, 22/04/2014 African Environment (90) Supervision of Pre-school TEC 101: General (60) LTB 2, LTB 1 Psychology (60) F4 2 TGN 204: Elements of LT TBS 204: Accounting for LTB1 TEC 210: Physical G1 Cartography (75) assets (85) Education and pre-school TLE 204: Writing Skills in MPH (60) English (150) TLT 202:Elements of OL Drama (110) 3 TLT 312:Theatre Arts (50) MR TKS 304: Introduction to TLE 304: Modern English TMA 344: Sample Survey G1 Kiswahili translation (140) LTB2 Grammar (180) MPH (15) G2 TMA 322 Numerical TEC 312:Environmental Analysis I (15) G5 Studies (35)
4 TBS 412: Accounting for TLE 404: Sociolinguistics (50) OL TBS 406: Econometrics II G2 Govt. & Non Profit LTB 2 TBS 410: Advanced Macro (50) Entities(120) economics (50) G2 TEC 404: Child Advocacy F6 in ECE (50) TKG 401: Public F4 Administration & Development (50) 1 TPE 101: Foundations of G5 TEC 105: Historical G1 TLT 103: Language P.E. &Sport (30) Foundation of Early Use in Literature LTB2 Childhood Education (60) (120) Wednesday TPR 101: Introduction F4 23/04/2014 to Philosophy (120) 2 TEC 212: Instructional Media G1 THG 202: Topics in Kenyan OL TPE 203: Rugby, Hockey OL Technology (60) History (130) and Soccer (25) 2 TPE 204: Sports Nutrition F6 (25) 3 TEC 308: Methods of Teaching G5 THG 306: LTB 1 Language (35) Transformational Europe TGN 306: Population F4 (100) OL Geography (50) TBS 304: Financial Management 4 TGN 408: Demography (40) G1 TLT 406: Single Author (40) G2 TPE 402: Management F6 of Sports Facilities TPR 408 : Contemporary F4 (15) Philosophy (30) TKS 402: Pre 20 th Swahili MPH Literature (120)
3 1 TBS 103: Introduction to LTB2 TKG 101: Kenya Govt.& MPH TLE 103: History & LTB 2 Micro Economics (150) Politics (130) Sociology of English (120) 2 TPR 204: Religion MPH TPE 406: Biomechanics of P.E. G3 TMA 206: Introduction to MPH Technology and Environment & Sports (6) Analysis (120) Thursday (100) TBS 202: Quantitative LTB 2 TPR 202: Ethics (100) OL 24/04/204 TEC 208: Literature for pre- G2 Methods (100) school (60) 3 TKS 302: Kiswahili Syntax LTB1 TEC 304: Guidance & OL TKS 310: Creative G1 (140) Counselling (35) Writing (30) TBS 306: Business Law (120) MPH 4 TKS 408: Psycholinguistics in F4 TMA 405: Algebra II (20) G5 TPR 406: Professional G2 Kiswahili (50) Ethics (5) TKS 406: Kiswahili F6 Translated Text (50) TEC 416: HIV/AIDS and G1 Children in Kenya (50) FRIDAY 1 CCS 010: HIV/AIDS (620) MPH, TBS 101: Introduction to 25/04/2014 LT Business (150) LTB 2 LTB1, LTB 2 2 TKS 202: Kiswahili Morphology & MPH Morphophonology (160) 3 TKS 306: Dialectology in OL TBS 314: Principles of MPH TPR 304: Epistemology F4 Kiswahili (140) Management (120) (60) LTB 1 TLE 306: Stylistics (180) G1 TPR 308: Theology of the Bible (60) G2 TBS 312: Management Accounting (9) 4 THG 408: Africa and the F4 TEC 415: Gender Studies and G1 TGN 402: Geography of OL Black Diaspora (50) ECE (40) Development (75) THG:410: Historical Research Methods (90)