Provisional Agenda Item No. D.15.B - Proposed Budget for the Year 2012
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40th session of the FAFICS Council Geneva, 4-7 July 2011
Council 40/2011/D.15.b
Provisional Agenda item no. D.15.b - Proposed budget for the year 2012
An advance copy of this document was circulated to Member Associations and Associate Member Associations on 4 April 2011. Following the circulation of the Provisional Agenda it has now been given its official Council document number D.15.b, as part of provisional agenda item 15, Administrative and Financial Questions.
Page 1: Introduction Page 2: Estimated Income and Observations Page 3/4: Estimated Expenditures and Observations Page 5: Comparative table showing budgets and expenditures of prior years Page 6: Membership Associations data as at 31 March 2011
1. In accordance with article 5.9 of the FAFICS Rules of Procedure, the proposed budget for the year 2012 is hereby circulated to Members and Associate Member Associations three months before the beginning of the annual Council session. A numbered Council document version of this budget will be issued, when a provisional agenda for the 40th session has been circulated and the provisional agenda item number for the Council’s review of the budget for 2012 is known.
2. At its midterm meeting, held in Geneva on 24-26 January 2011 the FAFICS Bureau received copies of the Treasurer’s preliminary and un-audited income and expenditure accounts for the year 2010. This showed that FAFICS accounts for the year 2010 would produce an excess of income over expenditure at $632.16.
3. In view the slight excess of income over expenditure the Treasurer and Secretary recommended that the current rate of contribution at $1.35 per individual member of member associations should be maintained for 2012. The proposed expenditure budget would in general be identical to that of 2011 and it would be kept within the projected income from membership contributions and investments. The Bureau accepted the maintenance of the contribution rate at $1.35 and the intention to keep the expenditures within the projected income.
4. All income and expenditure estimates are in US dollars, unless marked otherwise.
Juan Mateu Jayaraman Sundaresan Treasurer Secretary
Members’ contributions (17,706 x 1.35) 23,903 Bank interest 300
Total estimated income 24,203 Rounded up to 24,250
5. FAFICS’ income is made up of two elements. The first element is contributions by member associations. The second element is annual interest earned on financial resources deposited with the UNFCU, New York.
6. Membership contributions
The estimate of contributions by member associations is based on membership data, declared as at 1 January 2011 by the associations in conformity with article 2.9 of the FAFICS Rules of Procedure. Some of the membership numbers given on page 6 are from a previous year, because we had not yet received a declaration from a few associations for 2011. These associations’ data is marked with an asterisk. At the time when we prepared this budget forecast at the end of March 2011, FAFICS membership amounted to 17,7061 .
7. Bank interests
The sum of 300 is an estimate of the interest that may be earned on FAFICS deposit of 15,000 with the UNFCU. As a result of the low interest rates in the United States, the UNFCU has had to reduce the rates on the FAFICS deposit. We find it preferable to continue maintaining this reserve with the UNFCU, which is FAFICS’ principal bank.
1 In reality the contributory FAFICS membership is 17,955. However, the FAFICS Council has accepted requests from AFICS-Moscow and AFICS-Kiev that these associations should not pay contributions for members who have lost their UN pension. As a result of this, AFICS-Moscow total membership is 210 but it will only pay for the 23 members out of this membership who receive a UN pension. AFICS-Kiev’s total membership is 39 but it will only pay for the 4 members out of its membership, who are receiving UN pensions. When these associations’ full membership are included, the total declared membership of FAFICS becomes 17,955. .
8. Travel expenses for required mobility and representation 20,100 r esponsibilities of the President and the administrative r equirements of the Secretary and the A ssistant Secretary
a. The venue of the 41st session of the FAFICS Council is not known at this time, but it has been assumed that it might take place somewhere in Europe and that the FAFICS Council will held in the same location as the Pension Board meeting. The UNJSPF will pay for the President’s air travel to the venue of the two meetings, terminal expenses and daily subsistence allowances during the Pension Board session as he will be one of two FAFICS representatives whose travel costs will be borne by the UNJSPF. FAFICS will cover the costs of subsistence during the time the President spends on FAFICS business in connection with the Council session. The UNJSPF will also pay the travel, daily subsistence allowance (DSA) and terminal expenses for a second FAFICS representative.
b. Other costs will be for the Secretary and Assistant Secretary’s travel to service the Council session, brief travels by the President to Geneva, as well as any other travel by the President, which may become necessary for the discharge of his functions during the year. Travels by the the President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary will be subject to a 70% ceiling of the official UN daily subsistence allowance rates.
Other travel costs
c. FAFICS subsidizes the travels of two alternate representatives to the Pension Board meeting and the forecast of 20,100 includes provision for Such subsidies in 2012. Funds permitting limited subsidies will also be made available to provide some financial assistance to the travel costs of Vice-Presidents who need to travel between continents in order to attend the mid-term meeting of the FAFICS Bureau in Geneva.
9. Hospitality 600
As in past years this item will cover the annual lunch offered by FAFICS to the CEO of the UNJSPF, the UN Secretary-General’s Representative for Investments and their respective senior staff, as well as some hospitality extended to the FAFICS auditors. It may also cover some other minor hospitality offered by the President.
10. Secretarial Assistance______2,000
This item is intended to pay for temporary assistance by a locally recruited secretary during the Council sessions.
3 11. Contributions for FAFICS Membership in other organizations 600
Since 2009 FAFICS has sought to obtain a reduction of its annual contribution to FICSA from CHF 600 to 300, where the Federation finds itself lumped together with major affluent associations, such as those of the World Bank, and AMFIE, which are FICSA members in consultative status.
FICSA’s Budget Committee could not muster a consensus on this matter, but in 2010 three staff associations, from WHO-EURO-Copenhagen, WHO-AFRO-Brazzaville and UNRWA volunteered to pay the full FAFICS contribution to FICSA. New gestures of solidarity were made for the year 2011 by staff associations attending the 64th session of the FICSA Council, held in Washington on 14-18 February 2011, notably the UNRWA/ASA-Lebanon association which has paid CHF 188.40 and the IFAD Staff Association, which paid CHF 100.00, thus reducing FICSA’s claim on FAFICS from CHF 600 to CHF 311.60.
We propose that FAFICS should pay following annual contributions in 2011:
CoNGO membership contribution during 2012: $300 Reduced FICSA contribution: CHF 300
12. Equipment ______0
It may become necessary to replace the Treasurer’s old PC and efforts will then be made to obtain the necessary equipment on loan from the UN Office, should this fail the necessary funds will be drawn from the reserves.
13. Office supplies______500
14. Bank charges______200
15. Communications______200
Total estimated expenditures 24,200
Year 2006 Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Geneva/ 35th New York/ 36th Rome/ 37th Vienna/ 38th London/ 39th Geneva/ 40th
Subject Budget Expenses Budget Expenses Budget Expenses Budget Expenses Budget Expenses Budget US$ v. CHF rate $ 1.31 $ 1.21 $ 1.21 $ 1.12 S 1.12 $ 1.194 $ 1.194 $ 1.03 $ 1.03 $ 0.968 $ 1.03 Travel to Council 15,500 13,500 14.000 18,000 19,500 20,700 session & Pension 8,965.56 13,255.36 15,169.04 17,571.44 13,540.93 Board/St.Cttee 3,291.90 3,000.00 2,415.11 1,602.00 3,000.00 Other travels & 4,500.00 2,000.00 Subsidies ______3,840.00 Total 12,257.46 16,255.36 17,584.15 23,673.44 22,380.93 Hospitality for 700 700 850 850 600 550 CEO/ 975.79 73.78 348.15 266.40 Others 196.36 431.23 Secretarial 2,000 4,000 2,500 3,000 2,000 2,000 assistance & 2,024.00 4,000.00 0. - 1,110.00 3,241.33 Conference fees Contributions: 1,100 1,100 1,000 1,000 600 600 CONGO 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 FICSA 458.00 535.71 608.38 582.52 ---2 NGO’s Cttee on 89.29 83.75 97.02 --- Human Rights 82.64 925.00 992.13 979.61 Equipment 500 2,000 2,000 1,500 Nil Nil 421.48 2,944.68 0. - 861.55 Nil 300 300 350 500 500 650 Office supplies 390.93 474.84 641.64 599.70 198.86 200 150 100 200 Bank charges 300 188.54 300 117.21 246.64 155.41 304.13 200 200 200 200 200 100 Communications -- 0. - 0. - 0. - 85.33 20,600 22,100 21,100 25,200 24,800 Sub-total 17,295,20 25.148.32 19,542.66 27.727.86 23,500 26,776.98 Non-budgeted expenses/other ------236.74 -- 365.69 -- -- 20,600 22,100 21,100 25,200 24,800 Gd-Total 17,295.20 25,148.32 19,779.40 28,093.55 23,500 26,776.98
Difference over Estimates -- 3,304.80 -- (3,048.32) -- 1,320.60 (2,893.55) (3,276.98)
Income: Contributions 17,500 18,498.84 19,858 21.053.93 20,750 20,461.50 22,680 23,719.66 23,200 25,039.92 24,500 Bank Interest 500 645.69 600 855.80 750 598.82 450 397.43 300 269.22 300 Other + 208.22 175.50 688.58 2,100.003
Total 18,000 19,144.53 20,458 22,117.95 21,500 21,235.97 23,130 24,805.67 23,500 27,409.14 24,800
Difference over Estimates +1,144.53 -- +1,651.95 (264.03) +1,675.67 +3,909.14
2006 rate $1.15 2007 rate $1.25 2008 rate $1.25 2009 rate $1.35 2010 rate $1.35 Rate $1.35 Income: 19,144.53 22,117.95 21.235.97 24.805.67 27,409.14 Expenses -17,295.20 25,148.32 19,779.40 28,093.55 26,776.98 Over-expend. +1,849.33 - 3,030.37 + 1,456.57 - 3,287.88 + 632.16 Membership + 16,206 / 37 16,539 / 40 16,686 / 42 17,224 / 45 18.326 / 49 Associations Assets: UBS US Dollar US$ 8,699.38 US$ 8,731.81 US$ 6,208.18 US$ 2,306.98 US$ 2,693.36 UBS CHF US$ 606.72 US$ 768.56 US$ 483.14 US$ 2,401.17 US$ 2,876.35 US$ 20,381.22 US$ 20,811.78 US$ 22,028.01 US$ 20,467.43 US$ 19,555.51 Total US$ 29,687.32 US$ 30,312.15 US$ 28,719,93 US$ 25,175.58 US$ 25,125.22 -US$ 4,000.00 US$ 178.10 US$ 126,70 US$ 76.95 US$ 26,312.15 US$ 28,898.03 US$ 45.90 US$ 39.26 US$ 25,348.18 US$ 25,241.43
2 FAFICS 2010 contribution to FICSA was paid in full by three FICSA member associations. 3 UNFCU donated 2,100 to FAFICS to help member associations from Kenya and Thailand finance their participation in the Council session in London in 2010. 5 LIST OF FAFICS MEMBERSHIP AS AT 1 JANUARY 2011 (based on data on hand on 31 March 2011. An asterisk indicates that the figure is from 2010) AFICS-Argentina 143 ARICSA-Australia 240 AAFICS-Austria 1,016 AFUNSOB-Bangladesh 75 AFICS-Bolivia 52 AAFIB-Brazil 115 AAFNU-Burkina Faso 75 CAFICS/ACAFI-Canada 552 AFICS-Chile 520 ASOPENUC-Colombia 105 * ACAFNU-Brazzaville-Congo 230 * ARNUC-Kinshasa-Congo DR 61 * ACEFUN-Costa Rica 45 * AEFNUC-Cuba 41 AEFSNU-Ecuador 51 * AFICS-Egypt 65 * AFICS-Addis Ababa 420 AAFU/AFUS-France 1,591 APUNG-Greece 63 * AFUNPI-Bangalore-India 294 * UNPAI-New Delhi 360 * AFUNPR-Indonesia 90 IAFICS-Israel 21 FFOA-Rome-Italy 2,157* FOA-Turin-Italy 106 AFICS-Kenya 31 * AFICS-Lebanon 50 * AFICS-MSB-Malaysia 48 * AMAFINU-Mali 76 AFICS-Mauritius 25 AFPNU-Mexico 69 IGFICS-Myanmar 42 * AFICS-Netherlands 186 AFUNO-New Zealand 66 * PAFICS-Pakistan 68 APEFONU-Paraguay 31 * AEFNUP-Peru 60 AFICS-Philippines 38 * AFICS-Russia 234 AFICS-Sri Lanka 55 AAFI-AFICS-Geneva 3,679 UNAPATA-Tanzania 52 AFICS-Thailand 248 BAFUNCS-United Kingdom 829 AFICS-Ukraine 394 AFICS-New York 3,307 AFICS-Uruguay 112 ARICSCAM-Cameroon – Associated 17 member UNPAS-Somalia – Associated 67 member Provisional total of paying members 17,706
4 As mentioned in footnote 1 on page 2, AFICS-Moscow has 23 members receiving UN pensions out of a total of 210 members and AFICS-Kiev has 4 members receiving UN pensions out of 39 members. When these associations’ full membership is added, the total membership of the Federation becomes 17,955