Manasquan Elementary School
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Manasquan Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Manasquan Elementary School PTO meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.
A motion to approve the September minutes was made by Suzanne Brown, Recording Secretary. 1st Maggie Daugherty, 2nd Maria Bolderman.
Principal’s Statement – Colleen Graziano, Principal Reviewed upcoming school events: 10/14 Parents of Teens seminar, 7 p.m. MES cafetorium 10/29 MES Halloween Parade – all parents encouraged to dress up and march with your child’s grade level 11/9 School Picture make-ups 11/18, evening and 11/22-11/24 Parent/ Teacher Conferences 11/30 8th Grade High School Open House Training for the new Honeywell Alert System will take place next week. Expect an early November kickoff. Phase 1 of the Courtyard Project is almost complete
Co-Presidents’ Statement - Jill Connolly and Patti Bossone No report
Vice President’s Statement – Alison Maher No report
Recording Secretary – Suzanne Brown No report
Corresponding Secretary – Theresa Warren Chairperson(s) needed for the following committees: Elections/ Nominations Christmas Giving Tree Book Fair School Store Squan Super Scavenger Hunt (1 needed)
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Heenan $12,003.70 is in our current balance
Fundraising Chair – Susie Liggett Casino Night – 1/22/11 Spring Lake Manor, $65 per ticket Discussed business sponsorships: table sponsors, ads for program, need one big sponsor Gift basket donations due to Susie or in PTO mailbox
Teacher’s Report – no report
Past Business –
Directory/ Membership – Heather Wiseman Directories have been put to print, will be distributed by youngest child in family by 10/18, extra copies are $3.00 if you are a paid PTO member
Pinwheels for Peace – Karen McHugh Went great! T-shirts will be distributed on Friday. Profits will go towards the Organic Garden. Some extra shirts will be available to those who did not order.
Wrapping Paper – Karen McHugh Deadline extended to 10/15, after that order on-line
Upcoming Events/ Committee Updates –
Bricks for the Courtyard Fundraiser Committee – Ann McCutcheon Spoke with a brick company to obtain info about sizes, prices, options
Ice Cream Social – Maggie Daugherty Friday 10/22/10, 7-9 p.m. Volunteers needed
Organic Garden - Shawna Hashemi Preparing beds for spring on 10/24, 8:30-12:30, anyone welcome to help! Volunteers needed to go into classrooms to do garden related projects
Pizza Night Fundraiser Runs the night of the PTO Mtgs. Starting 10/13 $3.00 of every pizza ordered from Squan Tavern or East Main Street Trattoria that night goes to the PTO Flyer coupon will be on MES website
Thanksgiving PTO Float Possible theme “Always for the Kids”, ideas welcome! Discussed contest for children to ride the float, one per grade level
Book Fair – Kris Forcillo 11/9 - 11/10, and during PTO meeting on 11/10 Volunteers needed Encourage teachers to make wish lists Mother’s Day Run – Shawna Hashemi Maura Bradley and Jen Collins volunteered to co-chair event Obtained paperwork from the Borough Next step: Town Council Meeting
Box Tops/Juice Pouches – Shelly Hamilton 10/15 box tops due, next collection in Feb. Campbell Soup Labels – Dec. and May collection Juice Pouch collection in April
New Business - Library volunteers needed Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays 3 – 3:45. Contact Debbie Petrilli if interested.
Lori Norton won raffle prize. Next PTO meeting: November 10, 2010 at 7 p.m. Upcoming BOE meeting on Tuesday 10/26 @ 7 p.m.
Meeting adjourned @ 8:25 p.m. 1st Lori Norton, 2nd Heather Wiseman
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Brown, Recording Secretary