Course Description & Expectations for Spanish 2, Sra. Jenkins, 2016-2017

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Course Description & Expectations for Spanish 2, Sra. Jenkins, 2016-2017

Nombre: ______Hora: ______

Course Description & Expectations for Spanish 2, Sra. Jenkins, 2016-2017

Course Description: With an emphasis on communication, the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing learned in Spanish 1 are extended and assessed regularly. Comprehension of written, oral, and visual communication is practiced with cultural selections and literature from the Spanish-speaking world. New vocabulary topics are taught thematically, and grammar is taught in context.

Course Materials  Writing utensils: Pencils & blue or black pens, a highlighter, and a red pen  Binder: o 1 ½-inch with “view” cover with Spanish-related decorated cover page in front cover or attached & protected; include this information: Your name, Español 2, (1ª, 3ª, 5ª,6ª,7ª) hora, Sra. Jenkins o 7 dividers, labeled: Ahora, Unidad 1, Unidad 2, Unidad 3, Unidad 4, Unidad 5, Papel o Loose-leaf paper  The following contribution to classroom supplies: ______.

Class Technology: Sign up for this class in Edmodo, which will be used for homework and other class information, by going to & using the following class code: ______. If you already have an Edmodo account, just add this class; don’t start a new account!

Expectations 1. Be prompt: Be seated by the time the bell rings. 2. Be prepared: Bring all required materials, do your homework, and study. 3. Be productive: Use your time well, engage in activities with a positive attitude, & do your own work. 4. Be polite: Respect the teacher as well as other students and their property. For example:  Use technology only when the teacher permits & only for educational purposes. No texting during class!  Speak positively & with appropriate language, & pay attention when the teacher or other students speak.  Raise your hand to ask or answer questions or participate in class discussions.  See the teacher before or after class if you have a concern or complaint.  Avoid coloring, writing or passing notes, doing homework, sleeping, making noises, putting on makeup, etc.  Avoid eating, chewing gum, or drinking anything other than water.  Avoid any other behavior which breaks school rules or keeps the teacher from teaching.

Consequences 1. Items unrelated to Spanish class will be confiscated; phones will be turned in to the front office, and other items will be returned to the student after school. 2. Cheating will result in a 0 on the assignment or assessment and a discipline referral. 3. Other offenses will lead to a warning, followed by detention. 4. For repeated or serious offenses, parents may be notified or the student may be referred to the assistant principal.

Makeup Work, Late Work, & Retesting Policies 1. In case you are absent, you are responsible for finding out about the work that you missed. Check Edmodo or ask the teacher about what you missed, and complete any missed written work. 2. If you know you will be absent, see me before the absence. Any assignments must be completed on time, and you must be caught up when you return to class, unless we make other arrangements. 3. If you return after one day's absence, you must take any quiz or test administered that day if the material was covered before your absence.

1 4. You have the same number of days that you were absent to turn in written assignments assigned or make up quizzes or tests given while you were absent. Work assigned before your absence is due on time. Quizzes and tests must be made up before or after school, not during class time. 5. Homework, since it is part of a cumulative grade, will be collected or checked at the beginning of the period. No late homework is permitted, unless you were absent. Daily or major grade assignments turned in late will be penalized as follows: 1st day (or same day at later time than designated)—20 pt. grade reduction; 2nd day—30 pt. grade reduction; 3rd day—40 pt. grade reduction. Daily and major work will not be accepted after three days. 6. Any student who makes below a 75 on a major grade in-class test has the opportunity to retest or make test corrections (per teacher specification) for a higher grade of up to 75. Students must attend at least one tutorial session and complete the retest/test corrections on the date and time designated by the teacher. Classwork & Homework Procedures 1. At the classroom door, respond appropriately to the teacher in Spanish, enter immediately, and go directly to your seat. Make sure you have all your materials; if necessary, borrow or share, but on a limited basis. 2. Begin working right away on the warm-up exercise or journal entry, and complete it within five minutes for warm- ups, 10-15 minutes for journal entries). Homework is not to be done during this time. 3. Write your first and last name, period, and date at the top of all papers. Write an appropriate title/label (unit, activity and page number) for the work you are doing. Write on your own paper for quizzes and tests. 4. When directed to work in pairs or groups, move quickly and efficiently. 5. Each nine weeks you will receive a Permiso para salir (permission to leave) which entitles you to one 5-minute trip to go the bathroom or the office. To leave the room, ask permission in Spanish to go to your destination, hand the teacher your Permiso, and pick up the hall pass near the door. If you turn in your unused Permiso at the end of the nine weeks, you may drop your lowest quiz grade. 6. At the end of class, copy homework and upcoming events. Wait for permission to put your materials away, and wait for the bell to ring before leaving your seat. 7. Treat substitutes with respect, do assigned work, and turn it in before leaving class, if required. Do not ask to leave the room when there is a substitute, and do not change seats without permission. 8. Use class time wisely. If you finish written work before others, for example, study vocabulary or notes. If you finish paired or group work before others, change roles and repeat the activity. Keep working! 9. Complete work independently, both in and outside of class. Do not copy others’ work. Use other students, dictionaries, textbooks, other books and online sources as resources, but do not plagiarize. Write in Spanish, not in English to translate into Spanish. Think of what you know how to say and the structures you have learned or are learning. Keep it simple. TRANSLATING DEVICES, SOFTWARE, WEBSITES, and NATIVE SPEAKERS may ONLY be used for individual words, as you would use a dictionary; do not overdo it—you can get most of the words you need from your head or your binder. Evidence that you have used any of these resources to translate or write an assignment will result in a discipline referral, and a 0 on the assignment until you come after school to write your text on a new topic in my presence. 10. Almost all of the class will take place in Spanish. Make an effort to speak it—it’s the best way to learn!

Evaluation  Daily Grades (50%): Quizzes, mini-quizzes or exit tickets (several averaged together), homework/class work (generally assigned daily, checked at the beginning of the period and given estimated grades; 10-20 are averaged together, adding up to 3-4 grades per nine weeks), performance tasks (short, impromptu spoken/written tasks such as dialogs, role plays or writing messages), "Ahora" warm-up exercises, journal entries, other graded work such as maps, art projects, compositions, letters, etc.  Major Grades (50%): Interpersonal, presentational, interpretive or integrated performance assessments (3 per nine weeks); projects


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