Meeting of the Working Group

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Meeting of the Working Group


Directorate E: Sectoral and regional statistics Unit E-3: Transport

Document: ROAD-WG-2014-2 Original: English Version: 28/03/2014

EU Transport Statistics

Meeting of the Working Group on Road Freight Transport Statistics

Luxembourg, 02-03 June 2014

BECH Building

Room Ampère

Beginning 09:40 AM


For Director, Dir. E 10:00 Item 1 Opening address information Eurostat

For adoption 10:15 Item 2 Adoption of the Agenda Doc.ROAD- Head of Unit, Transport WG-2014-2 Recent developments in EU Transport Policy The Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG For 10:20 Item 3 DG MOVE D3 MOVE) will report on recent developments in road transport information Doc. ROAD- policy. WG-2014-3 Implementation of the Regulation 70/2012: Status of data For collection and validation information 10:40 Item 4 Eurostat Eurostat will present the data collection status and the main Doc. ROAD- issues encountered in data validation. WG-2014-4 Data quality and dissemination For 11:10 Item 5 Eurostat will present the latest time series checks and the channels information Eurostat Doc. ROAD- of data dissemination . WG-2014-5 Update of the methodology manual Eurostat will present progress in collecting information for For 11:30 Item 6 Eurostat updating the manual “Methodologies used in surveys of road information Doc. ROAD- freight transport in Member States and Candidate Countries”. WG-2014-6 The report to the Council and Parliament on the implementation of Regulation 70/2012 For 12:00 Item 7 Eurostat will present the structure of the report to the Council information Eurostat and Parliament on the implementation of the Regulation Presentation 70/2012, to be prepared by the end of the year. 12:30 LUNCH BREAK Round table discussion Member States will present the main issues related to the statistical production process related to road freight statistics For 14:15 Item 8 Eurostat/Member States at national level, with reference to data collection, validation information and dissemination as well as problems encountered and future plans. The experience of the Netherlands in electronic data For collection and processing Peter Smeets 15:00 Item 9 information The experience of the Netherlands in collecting and processing Doc. ROAD- Statistics Netherlands road freight transport survey data will be presented. WG-2014-9 Electronic means of collecting and processing road freight For Swiss Federal Statistical transport data in Switzerland 15:20 Item 10 information Office The experience of Switzerland in collecting and processing Doc. ROAD- road freight transport survey data will be presented. WG-2014-10 15:50 COFFEE BREAK

The Danish experience on cabotage For Danish Transport 16:10 Item 11 Denmark will present the status of the debate and the political information Authority Doc. ROAD- importance of cabotage in their country. WG-2014- 11 Discussion on improving statistics on cabotage Eurostat will present the available statistics on cabotage to For 16:30 Item 12 information Eurostat/Member States initiate a discussion on possible actions for improving the Presentation quality and coverage of available data.


DAY 2 Compensating for differences between the EU road rurvey and benchmark data with an innovative modelling approach For University of Natural Austria will present a method for compempensating for the 09:30 Item 13 information Ressources and Applied differences between the European road freight survey and the Doc. ROAD- Life Sciences, Vienna Cross-Alpine survey using information from the from Austria’s WG-2014- 13 toll system and the automated traffic counting units. The use of road freight transport statistics for modelling For The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre will 10:00 Item 14 information European Commission present their work on modelling of transport flows across the Doc. ROAD- JRC - IPTS EU, using the road freight transport survey data. WG-2014- 14 The Austrian experience in calculating inland road freight For transport flows information 10:30 Item 15 Austria will present the a method for estimating inland Doc. ROAD- Statistics Austria transport performance on Austrian territory from WG-2014- consolidated European road freight data. 15_1&2 11:00 COFFEE BREAK TRIS – The new IT transport statistics system The mode of operation and functionalities of the new For 11:20 Item 16 information Eurostat TRansport statistics Information System used for the Presentation production of road freight statistics will be presented. Intermodal transport For 11:45 Item 17 information Eurostat Recent developments in intermodal transport statistics Presentation

12:15 Item 19 Any other business

For 12:30 Item 20 Conclusions of the Working Group information Eurostat Presentation


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