Lacombe Ringette Association

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Lacombe Ringette Association

Lacombe Ringette Association February 19th, 2014 Executive Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order – Carmen, Jackie, Jamie, Hillary, Shawna, Shelley, Carol, Kelly, Chad, Cheryl, Michelle, Megan, Lori, Shawn, Sonja, Bill, Colleen, Bev, Jodi, Sarah, Miranda, Greg, 2. Agenda – additions/adoptions  Set a date to discuss Spring Bring a Buddy – added to Marketing Report  Colleen motioned to accept the agenda with the addition, seconded, carried. 3. Minutes from last meeting – January 15th, 2014  Lori moved to accept the January minutes, seconded, carried. 4. Correspondence  Development Camps – this has gone out to the membership  Katarina from U of C asked for our participation in a research project focused on nutritional intact and dietary supplement use in young athletes. Participation in this survey will be voluntary but will be sent out to our membership.  March 8th – Wham and Bamm teams have invited us to attend their 1:30 Game time in Lacombe and 6:00 in Clive. These teams are having these games for a fundraiser; details will be emailed out to the association. 5. Request for a player advancement in the 2014-15 season  Greg and Cheryl Law have requested that Ashley move up to U10 for the 2014-2015 season. Letter of request was submitted. Request was discussed and it was decided to table the request until the August executive meeting and at this time we will also have a better handle of our numbers for the 2014/2015 season. 6. Review of affiliation process  Feb 2nd Bev sent out an email regarding processes on using affiliate players. It is in Lacombe Ringette procedures that coaches will talk to coaches when requesting to use an affiliate, this includes talking to the parents as well. Becky requested that if the schedules are free to allow the coach to contact the affiliate player’s parent directly instead of going through the coaches. This was discussed and it was concluded that communication is the key and there has to be respect to the process. The coaches need to continue to be contacted and include the parents. All parties need to be contacted but the order in which this happens does not really matter. 7. Association team naming contest  The contest has been concluded and the names submitted have been narrowed down to 4 choices by the name change subcommittee. No one will know the results of tonight’s vote until the AGM. The four choices will not be included in the minutes as we want the final choice to be a surprise to our membership at the April 1st AGM. 8. Reports  Treasurer – Trevor Krall 1. Financial Report – report submitted Trevor moved to accept his financial report as submitted, seconded, carried.  Ice Allocator – Steven Pluister (Dee Zunti) 1. Update on ice – March ice will be posted ASAP. 2. Bring a buddy will be March 18th, 2014.

 Tournament – Theresa Grubb, Michele Cade, Nadine Cunningham 1. January 24, 25, 26th – U6, 9, 10, Open – RECAP No final numbers are in yet as there are still outstanding costs. There were some factors that were different this year as we had to move our dates which increased costs for refs etc. The tournament was a success and there was lots of positive feedback.  Casino – Lori Winslow – Not a casino year  Fundraising Committee – Carmen Bexson, Val Fredrick, Bobbi Fitzgerald, Allison Valliere

1. Yearend certificates are being printed and are ready to go out. 2. The ad for the Globe will also be created. Michelle asked that Carmen to wait on the ad in the Globe and they can put in an ad together.

 Marketing Committee – Tammy Gagnon, Colleen Shippelt, Lori Winslow 1. Bring a Buddy will be on March 18th, 2014.

 Referee Allocator – Jamie Figursky 1. Great committee of refs and associations were willing to help each other out. It has been a great season! 2. Bill reminds coaches to actively promote sportsmanship towards the referees and to model that for the players so they also treat 3. to the refs with respect.  Equipment Director - Sarah Wilson 1. It was suggested to double check our left handed equipment in particular our goalie equipment. We will take note of this when we do the yearend inventory. 2. It was suggested that we consider having a permanent mount for the shot clocks in Clive.  Grocery Cards – Bobbi Fitzgerald, Jodi Dorn 1. Central Alberta Coop feels they are having a loss on the coop card program. Feb 1st to Feb 1st is the Coop fiscal year. They have new rules that up to $75,000 per year will give us 10% pay back to the association and any amounts after that will be a 5% pay back to the association. We many need to cap the number of Coop cards that we purchase. Jodi feels we are fine with 2014/2015, but we may need to keep our eye on the future of the Coop Card program.  Registrar – Megan Miller 1. Report on Registrations – all registrations and payments will be online for the upcoming season, Megan is setting that up. The upcoming budget meeting will review the registration costs for the 2014/2015 season. 2. Team Registrations and Provincial Updates – everyone is going and play downs have begun. 3. Coaches/Team Reports  Coach Liaison/Mentor – Bev Smith 1. Update – the last coaching session was very positive and the last session really great to have prior to play downs and provincials. It is suggested that these sessions continue.  Zone 4 - Jackie Hutchison, Tracy Froehler 1. Coaches at the U10 level and below need to get their numbers to Jackie ASAP.  Zone 5 / Black Gold League – Miranda Kanngiesser / Cheryl Law 1. Black Gold is not happy about the new play down structure  AGM – Jaime Flewelling 1. Date – April 1st, 2014 1. Doors open at 12:00 for decorating 2. Doors open for the evening at 4:30 3. Eat at 5:00 to 6:00 4. Awards/Contest/Team Intro – 6:00 to 6:30 5. 6:30 to 8:00ish AGM/Entertainment 6. Players, coaches and children under 2 are free, other guests are $10.00 per person. 7. Year End Reps are to send a year end write up and pictures in to the committee. 8. Cleanup crew is not needed at the LMC has clean up included in the costs of the rental. 9. Start recruiting for executive positions ASAP, we have many open positions on the executive.  Web Site – Dee Zunti- nothing to report 9. VOAN Update – next year all members that require a Police Records Check MUST have that completed by October 31st, 2014. 10. Bylaws still need to be updated – ongoing (I’m still procrastinating) 11. Next Meeting: March 12th, 7:00 12. Adjourn

To Do: 1. Steve needs to book bring a buddy ice for March 18th. 2. Bill will check in with Zone 4 regarding “no shows” for games. 3. Bill or Colleen will get the nonprofit status certificate to Megan. 4. U10 coaches and levels below that need to get their numbers to Jackie ASAP so she can order medals. 5. Executive Positions are open and we all need to recruit for the many open positions. Bill will send out the role descriptors for the executive positions prior to the AGM. Coaches will be asked to forward this to the parents. It is felt we need heavily recruit the younger age parents to move into some executive roles.

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