Chapter 5, Physical Geography Of The United States And Canada

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Chapter 5, Physical Geography Of The United States And Canada

Chapter 5, Physical Geography of the United States and Canada

I. The Land

A. Landforms 1. Western Mountains, Plains, and Plateaus a. Sierra Nevada b. Cascades c. Coast Range d. Alaska Range e. Rocky Mountains f. Dry basin and plateaus fill the areas between the pacific ranges and the Rockies g. Great Plains exist east of the Rockies for 300-700 miles 2. Eastern Mountains and Lowlands a. Appalachian Mountains (Quebec to Alabama b. Oldest mountains in North America c. Piedmont exists between the Appalachians and the Atlantic Coastal Plain 3. Islands a. Maritime Provinces, Long Island, Vancouver Island etc… B. Water Systems 1. Rivers a. Divide – the high point that determines the direction that rivers flow b. Headwaters (source) c. Tributaries – smaller bodies of water that flow into larger rivers etc. d. Mississippi river drains most of the United States e. Fall Line – location of waterfalls in the southeast 2. Lakes and Other Waterways a. Great Lakes (SMHEO) – formed by glaciers & left behind mineral deposits b. Provides a link between the interior and the Atlantic Ocean c. St. Lawrence seaway – series of locks to allow ocean going vessels into the interrior

C. Natural Resources 1. Fossil Fuels and Minerals a. Petroleum and natural gas b. Texas, Alaska, Alberta c. Coal in the Appalachians, Wyoming, and BC d. Rockies – gold, silver, copper, iron ore, nickel, potash e. Non-renewable vs renewable resources f. Restoring land use in mining operations g. Impact on water systems and air systems 2. Timber and Fishing a. Uses for forest products? b. How to harvest timber responsibly c. Impact on biodiversity, water systems and fisheries d. Pacific Northwest and Grand Banks e. Gulf of Mexico f. Aquaculture (shell fish & salmon)

II. Climate and Vegetation

A. Southern Climates - Subtropical, tropical, desert, and Mediterranean climates 1. Warm and Wet Climates a. Humid subtropical – warm & rainy, mild winters, wetlands, swamps, large tracts of forests b. Southern Florida has a dry season in winter c. Everglades d. Hurricanes 2. Warm and Dry Climates a. Rain shadow effect impacts much of the west b. Much of the area has a steppe or semi-arid climate c. Mediterranean climate characteristic of southern CA d. Chaparral vegetation subject to fires due to the Santa Ana winds

B. Northern Climates 1. Interior Climates a. humid continental climate – extremes in temperatures b. treeless plains with thick grasses – moderate rain c. Supercells form – tornadoes d. Dust Bowl of the 1930s e. Rockies have a highland climate f. Timberline varies with latitude and exposure g. Chinook winds melt snow in the spring 2. Coastal Climates a. Marine West coast climate – steady rain and mild temperatures (combination of ocean currents and westerlies)

C. High Latitude Climates a. Much of Canada and Alaska experience extreme cold and long winters with short summers b. Sparse vegetation, large expanses of coniferous forests, and tundra

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