Spaxton Parish Council Meeting MINUTES

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Spaxton Parish Council Meeting MINUTES

Spaxton Parish Council – Meeting MINUTES

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 26 September 2016 at 8pm at Spaxton Village Hall

Members present: The Chairman – Simon Stretton, David Jeanes, Chris Knight, Bruce Porter, Carol Harmon, Peter Williams and Robert Adcock. County and District Councillors present: Cllrs. J Edney, J Pay and M Caswell. Members of the public present: Philip Ham, John Tomlinson, Gerry White.

Before the start of the formal meeting, a public session was held. Mr Tomlinson advised members that he had carried out significant work at the crossroads on the approach to the Village, including partial re-turfing. He was happy to continue, but would not be available for the next 2 months. Further, the village noticeboards had been spruced up as requested, although the one at Aisholt needs further remedial work. Mr Tomlinson also kindly offered to oil the new bench installed in memory of John Edwards.

The formal meeting commenced at 8.07pm.

1. Apologies for absence: Mrs D Wilson, Mr J Schwieso.

2. Dispensation requests. None.

3. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 22 August 2016 were approved and signed.

4. Matters arising:

 Flooding: Mr S Stretton and Mr D Jeanes had met with Somerset County Council’s Flood Mitigation Officer, Didier Lebrun, and identified 1 footpath that had worn away and needed attention. Mr Lebrun was also going to supply a number of forms for completion by residents who had suffered flood damage, in the hope that there would be sufficient feedback for the Council to undertake a formal study. In the meantime, Mr Jeanes had also met with Natural England to discuss other ways of slowing down water flow.  Debris at the allotments: following Mr Stretton’s discussion with Adrian Burland, this has now all been cleared away, and Mr B Porter has sprayed off the weeds so that the allotment can be re-let.  Crossmoor Farm: the clerk has now written to Mr Rood and a response, or action, is awaited.  Spaxton Community News: this situation has been resolved amicably. Future items in SCN will be properly attributed to avoid suggesting that they represent the views of the Parish Council.  SDC Response re. Cannington Enterprises: this matter is now in the hands of the Enforcement Team.  New website: members voted unanimously to adopt the new website and close down the old one.

5. Parish Council vacancy: two applications had been received, from Alan Cable and Michael Hodson. Unfortunately, Michael Hodson did not fulfil the 12-month residency criterion, and members therefore decided unanimously to co-opt Alan Cable. The clerk was asked to advise both applicants of the outcome.

6. Reports: SALC: QHJAC: Parish Cluster: Hinkley Point SSG (as appropriate) – none. With reference to footpaths, Mrs C Harmon advised that the Charlynch to Currypool path is once again inaccessible due to being ploughed over, and complaints are likely to follow. Members were advised that there is a new system for reporting problems on the highway, via an online, interactive map at: the-road When residents report a road defect it will be inspected within 3 working days and programme repair work will be scheduled where required. For footpath issues, the url is: These will both be posted on the Parish Council website.

Mr S Stretton attended an all-parish meeting at Sedgemoor District Council’s offices earlier in the month. One notable outcome was the decision to delegate powers to the Chairman and Clerk in the event of an illegal encampment of travellers, enabling immediate action to be taken without the need to wait for a formal Parish Council meeting. At the meeting, it was also advised that the boundaries of the Quantock Cluster group would remain unchanged. Cllrs. Edney, Caswell and Pay left the meeting at 8.45pm.

7. Financial items:  Statement of accounts as at 5 September 2016: Current a/c £11358.24 credit; Capital Reserve a/c £9102.24 credit.  The following payments were confirmed: cheque no. 655 for £288.00 in favour of S E Felstead in respect of clerk’s salary from July to September; cheque no. 656 in favour of HMRC for £72.00 in respect of PAYE for the same period; cheque no. 657 in favour of J Tomlinson for costs incurred in refurbishing the village notice boards; cheque no. 658 for £450.00 in favour of Mark Husband in respect of grass cutting for the year; cheque no 659 for £31.50 in favour of Rosevean bookkeeping in respect of the period July – September; cheque no 660 for £1000.00 in favour of Spaxton Village Hall in respect of a donation towards a new hot water system, agreed in October 2015; cheque no. 661 for £9800.40 in favour of Sutcliffe Play in respect of new play equipment at the Village Hall; cheque no. 662 for £850.00 in favour of Spaxton PCC in respect of donations (£350 for 2015/16 and £500 for 2016/17) towards the upkeep of the cemetery; cheque no. 663 for £180.00 in favour of Aisholt PCC in respect of a donation towards the upkeep of the cemetery.  The Annual Audit had been completed. Grant Thornton wished to draw the Council’s attention to the fact that the Annual Governance Statement must be considered, approved and signed before the Accounting Statements at Section 2 by resolution of members of the Parish Council as a whole. Therefore, in future, the Parish Council is required to ensure that the minute references clearly demonstrate that the Annual Governance Statement was considered, approved and signed before the Accounting Statements.

8. Planning items: Applications decided since last meeting: as per the published agenda.

New applications: 45/16/00021 Mrs S Bristow, removal of condition 4 of planning permission 45/13/00022 which restricts use of the building to holiday accommodation only at Winters Barn, Merridge Hill, Spaxton – withdrawn after registration. 45/16/00022 Mr & Mrs K Read, erection of a garage on site of existing (to be demolished) and erection of a single storey extension to east elevation at parish land barn, Merridge Hill, Spaxton – withdrawn after registration. 45/16/00023 Mr & Mrs Pike, erection of 2-storey extension to north elevation at Nonsuch Cottage, Spaxton road, Spaxton – no observations. 45/16/00024 Mr Traynor, erection of part single storey, part 2-storey extension to west elevation and relocation of secondary access at Dore lodge, Splatt Lane, Spaxton – no observations. 45/16/00025 Mrs S Upfield, erection of building to be used as garage/store/workshop with first floor studio, on site of existing (to be demolished) at Dobbie’s Barn, Splatt Lane, Spaxton – no observations.

9. Correspondence received: it was decided to take up Sedgemoor District Council’s offer of free bulbs.

10. Matters of report and items for the next meeting: The Clerk was asked to investigate the possibility of a Village Plan, and to look at what other villages have done. This is to be an agenda item for the next meeting. Mr B Porter asked if it would be possible to allow a water pipe across the allotments and into the neighbouring paddock, for watering horses. Mr S Stretton asked for more information, in case a wayleave or other formal agreement is necessary.

11. Date & time of next meeting:  Mondays 31 October, 28 November and 19 December all at 7.30pm, all at Spaxton Village Hall

The meeting closed at 9.28pm.

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