Maths Overview-Year 4 Term 3
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MATHS OVERVIEW-YEAR 4 TERM 3 YEAR LEVEL CONTENT DESCRIPTORS Year 4 Number & Algebra DURATION ACMNA071 Investigate and use the properties of odd and even Term 1 numbers LINKS TO OTHER LA’s ACMNA072 Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of thousands ACMNA073 Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems ACMNA074 Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 ACMNA075 Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts ACMNA077 Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts ACMNA079 Recognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation Measurement & Geometry ACMMG087 Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means ACMMG088 Compare and describe two dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies ) ACMMG090 Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic map Statistics & Probability ACMSP092 Describe possible everyday events and order their chances of occurring ACMSP095 Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey questions and recording sheet
1 2 MAG Planning Term 3 Year 4 K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.1.4 ACMNA077 U Checking for basic For students with a consolidated For students with a • Paper Strips, Fractions Investigate n concepts of fractions understanding of equivalent fractions. consolidated understanding of Coloured equivalent fractions d and Comparing Fractions: strategies: equivalent fractions. Comparing pencils used in contexts. e Language Assessment : Test your understanding Fractions: strategies: /crayons r of fractions. Decide which one of a pair Assessment : Test your • Fraction s of fractions is larger, or if they are the understanding of fractions. Rods, t same. Choose which strategy you used Decide which one of a pair of Fraction fans a to compare the two fractions. fractions is larger, or if they are • FISH Kit n the same. Choose which d strategy you used to compare i the two fractions. n g
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.2.2 ACMMG084 Use S Show a series of (It is important for students to Work out how many measuring Maths Journals Scales scaled instruments to o photos, pictures or estimate before they measure objects devices are in your school. Various measuring measure and m images of familiar because this process focuses on what Represent your findings with instruments: compare lengths, e graduated scales is being measured and understanding digital technology. Picture gallery of masses, capacities and pose questions of basic measurement units. Design a speedometer to fit on measuring and temperatures a such as: Sandy filled a container using three the front of a skateboard. instruments and their t • Where cups of water. What container might Research current car properties t might we she have filled? How was she able to speedometer designs. The r find this? accurately measure a cup of water. design must fit on a copy of a i • What would Under what circumstances would it be skateboard given by the b we use this practicable to use standard or non teacher. The graduations on the u for? standard measurement? What kind of speedometer need to be clearly t scale and unit of measure did she use marked. e and why? s
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.4.5 ACMNA079 D Counting forwards A number of activities in this MAG are ideal Investigating ½, ⅓, ¼ as a ● FISH problem solving Decimal Recognise that the e and backwards from for teacher observation. While teachers’ decimal kit typically observe learners at work and place value system c any given 1. Even though our decimals are ● Number lines can be extended to i interact with them, it is recommended that tenths and hundredths only, teachers in this instance nominate a ● Blue number line mat tenths and m can we still write a half as a particular observation emphasis. ● Paper Plates hundredths. Make a decimal, or a quarter, a third connections between l etc.? Yes - how? Prove it/show fractions and decimal s it. notation. a r e
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.3.5 ACMMG087 C Ask the students, Wallpaper (irregular shapes) FENCE IT ● FISH problem Comparing Compare the areas of o How can we measure solving kit Areas regular and irregular m how big the piece of This challenging problem is for shapes by informal paper is without able students to work p ● A5 blank paper means using a standard tool Arrange these pieces of wallpaper in systematically while applying a such as a ruler? How order of size. Put the smallest first. their knowledge of areas of r can we cover it? Wallpaper is designed to help children rectangles. It offers ● Grid paper (cm 13 e Record and discuss begin to understand the meaning of opportunities for higher level squares) suggestions. area. Can you explain how you did it? mathematical thinking. t Torn Shapes (regular based shapes) h e Jason's class cut out rectangles and a some shapes which were two r rectangles joined together from one e centimetre square a s
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A ACMSP095 Select W Ask students such Evaluation of Investigation: How did The playground is a crowded Varied and trial methods for e questions as . the student survey and display the space. How can we make data collection, When do we collect information. Did their data and spaces available for activities including survey c information? Who reflection match the purpose of the many children want to play? questions and a collects information? questions asked. Students choose a question or 15 recording sheets n Why do we collect Results of investigations problem that to be informed by ACMSP096 Construct information? Eg. Jobs 1. Basic aspects of interpreting category data. suitable data s that use data. survey results include selecting an Choose an effective way to displays, with and h (Lead students in appropriate sample size and tally collect and record data for without the use of o discussion how there responses investigation digital technologies, w arenow more jobs 2. What question needs to be Refine questions if necessary from given or that use data and answered and who is it important after a small trial 4.2.7 collected data. d predictions, to? Discuss and determine possible Graphing Include tables, a especially with improvements to the questions 3. Use the survey to make column graphs and t internet and IT) or recording sheet accurate predictions about e.g. picture graphs where a Brainstorm ways of What inferences can be made populations etc one picture can collecting data. about the information gathered represent many data f After recording the in respect to the original values r list sort the ideas into question problem o categorical and Compare the effectiveness of m numerical data different methods of collecting Explain the terms and recording data egg. Using t categorical and tally marks or open ended h numerical if needed questions e
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i n f o r m 17 a t i o n .
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.1.7 ACMMG089 T Compare angles 1. This is a right angle. We measure o1ubow • Transparenci Angles Compare angles and w using informal means angles in standard units called degrees What type of folds are used es classify them as equal o such as an angle (°). A right angle measures 90°. when creating a paper plane • Protractors to, greater than or - tester. Find an object that has a corner with Make a model paper plane. • Geoboards less than a right angle Students will the same measurement as this angle. What shape are the wings? • Computer a need a sheet Use this Which angle was most access n with various object as a go-between to complete consistently created by the d angles or shapes the folding. • Sport and a right angle problem. Circle which angles are less Test fly and graph the results of images t on a than the right angle. flight involving h transparence. Explain the method you used to solve Do the shape/angles used affect angles r this problem. the flight efficiency of the • Jacob’s e 2. You are working on a 5 X 5 dot grid. design? Angle ibook. e You use dots on the grid as vertices of • Sports - polygons. What polygons with lots of Angles.ppt d sides can you create? • FISH Kit i 3. A shape has six sides and two 900 m angles. What could it look like? e n s i 22 o n a l
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a t t r i b u t e s K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.3.6 ACMMG091 Create S Students observe an Students create their own symmetrical Students are given examples of ● FISH problem Symmetry symmetrical y inspirational maths pattern using 2‐dimensional shapes. flags to investigate flags that solving kit patterns, pictures m video. They are required to develop their are symmetrical and and shapes with and m own design using grid paper to assist asymmetrical. They are asked ● iOrnament App without digital e them in their final product. to cut and paste them into two $0.99c (optional) technologies t 296951 categories ‐ symmetrical and r asymmetrical shapes and/or y and discuss concepts flags that have a vertical mirro line and those that have a 25 i shown horizontal mirror line. Students s are given textiles and/or examples of art (e.g.Esher) i thathavesymmetricalpatterns, m pictures and/or shapes. How p many repeated examples of a o given pattern can they find that r cover a given area. t a n t
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.2.3 ACMSP093 Identify • Understanding terms . Hold a fund raiser activity and Students conduct some • cards with Events everyday events Distribute chance evaluate how accurate your probability trials for a board 27 where one cannot R words on cards to probability statements were. game company. They are to language of happen if the other students in small 2. Observational Checklist of extension design and construct a spinner chance happens • groups. Students activities that has 4 different colours and printed on ACMSP094 Identify U discuss the meaning • Demonstrates understanding of meets certain requirements as them events where the and use of such probability vocabulary to describe per instructions. • Butchers chance of one will terms by comparing outcomes Board Game Spinners (adapted paper and not be affected by them to statements. • Demonstrate level of from Western Alliance Maths felt pens the occurrence of the • This year you will understanding by explaining their Year 4 – Board Game Spinners • 20c coins other Maths Investigation) have a birthday thinking behind their choices- • Student • It will snow on Reasoning Journals th the 25 • Analysing, • Playing December • Proving cards • You will draw a • Evaluating • FISH Kit picture today • Inferring • Scenario to • A tiger will teach • Justifying context maths • Generalising cards 3. A game of cricket was underway when one of the batsmen threw down his bat and stormed off saying, “Its not fair.’ What might he be referring to? Students make a list of ideas about this event and justify them. K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.2.6 ACMNA082 T Display the word A survey of hospitals presented the Calculate the number of people Fish Kit and strategy Problem Solve word problems h ‘Metacognition’ and fact that 210 children were injured in attending a Taipan’s game if the cards Solving by using number e ask the students skateboard accidents in a year. Gold and Bronze sections are Take a Look sentences involving r what this work might Create a multiplication and division completely filled. You will need reflection cards multiplication or e mean. word problem that includes at least 2- to access the Taipans website division where there • Examine the 3 of the above facts. to is no remainder a Prefix ‘meta’ 1. Apply the FISH procedure to Find the seating arrangement of r • Examine the your word problem. these sections. e meaning of 2. Identify the problem-solving Are students able to identify an the word strategy you would use. appropriate strategy? m Do students apply 28 a ‘cognition’ 3. Demonstrate how reasonable multiplication and/or division n Display the title of your answer is appropriately to their problem- y the Metacognition Another student must complete your solving? and examine the problem without assistance Do they demonstrate an d associated questions understanding of equal groups? i that focus on what Repeated addition? f metacognition is and Are they able to identify and f how it could help apply appropriate calculations e when solving from selected information? r problems. e http ://illuminations.n n t blemSolving/OneStep AtATime-OH- w Metacognition.pdf a y s
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K E Y CONTENT STUDENT TOPIC Pre-ASSESS ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION RESOURCES DESCRIPTOR I JOURNAL D E A 4.4.10 ACMMG085 S Brainstorm student Use a number line to show your Ten Green Bottles FISH problem solving Units of -identifying and using t knowledge about working out1. Ben’s cricket game If the first bottle fell at ten past kit Time the correct operation u time. started at 11:52 am and ended at five in the morning (5.10 a.m.) for converting units d 4:11pm. How long did it take before a and the others fell down at 5 ●large teacher clock of time e team was declared a winner? minute intervals, what would n the time be when the last ●small individual ACMMG086 -Use am t Use two different methods to work bottle fell down? clocks (class set) and pm notation and s out2. What is the elapsed time from solve simple time 11:30am to 11:35pm ●number line problems c 30 a (teacher and student) n
f i n d
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