Staff meeting

Tuesday 14 th October 08

How do you feel routine is going ?

How are the new groups going? We need to shuffle around again and we will also be able to move children up a group in January when some of ours move up to St Peters. Observations – How are these going?

Christmas sing along?

Christmas party? Resources needed?

Planning? I would like to see everyone’s planning from now on and will be asking for a photocopy of all your monthly/termly planning sheets. I am keen to keep up with what you are all doing. I would also like to sit with each of you at group time and activity time now and then so as I can see how things are going. Now all I need to do is find the time. Now I’d like us to discuss a matter that has been niggling away at me for a while and that is the state of the nursery in the morning. I understand that it is very annoying to come in, in the morning and have to face the prospect of setting up the nursery, but we have done it for years and yes there has always been difficulty with the place not having been hoovered or the kitchen left in a mess and table and chairs left out. Now I don’t mind having a moan and a groan if I feel it is in our best interests. I have often complained to Kathy about tables and chairs being left out, her view on this is that it is Linda’s job in the morning so ask for her help. There is no caretaker on after 9 at night and often clubs and meetings finish after this time. I also feel that we don’t always tidy up as we should after our activities or at the end of the day. Other people use our kitchen and it is often left full of clutter and sometimes not that clean, we do not hoover after we have used the rooms every day and we don’t always put things where they are supposed to be. I can appreciate that you are all busy but if we want to complain about the slightest thing then we have to be prepared to have that reciprocated. Dave has pointed out to me, that we have 3 members of staff paid to come in and set up, whereas there used to be only 2. We are now allowed to leave out more things than we used to be. The things we moan about today are the things we all moaned about from the day I started and every year since, it is very annoying but we try and work together as a team as part of the community centre.

I am happy to complain about tables and chairs, or the floors being hovered but all we will be told is to ask Linda, so I suggest if there is a problem you find Linda in the morning and ask kindly for her help, then the situation will be resolved.

I would like us to work happily as a team together and as a part of the community centre it makes for a far happier working environment.

The management committee are happy to be as flexible and supportive of us as a team and individuals but it will only work if we can give back the same.