Overview Managing our vast database of potential clients through our CRM system (Karma) is one of the best ways to increase your sales conversion success. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of CRM and our Karma System.

Managing CRM Properly Really Works  CRM systems can increase revenue by 41% per each individual sales person  CRM systems can increase led to sales conversion rate improvements +300%  CRM systems can led to an increased customer retention rate of 25%

Karma – Our CRM System  With just 15 minutes a day inputting notes and updating records you will be amazed at the results you will get Notes - up to date notes for every conversation and meeting you have with a prospect into KARMA increases the odds of you closing that prospect. Details such as who you saw, what you discussed, the amount of time spent, observations about the level of tech or sophistication in the office, size of office, number of operatories, meeting rooms, and what are the next steps and timing. Territories – Karma is our territory definition system. If it’s your client and you keep the files up to date with actionable notes and next steps then when it comes time to register a sale there will be no doubt that it is yours Abandoning a Client – if you decide that a particular client is just not “close- able” then leave notes up to date on your efforts and make note that you tried your best and the reason you are abandoning the client. This will help you or someone else should you/they decide to return to this client again well into the future Calendar – Please keep yours up to date, who you are seeing when, and if its personal time call it personal time – honesty in Karma is always the best policy Remember – 15 Mins/Day Can Pay You Back Big