Insert the Sentence in Present Simple : What S the Matter?

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Insert the Sentence in Present Simple : What S the Matter?

1. Grammar

$$$ 1 Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: What’s the matter? You … very happy. A look B looks C looked D were looking E was looking

$$$ 2 Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: She … generous. A are B do C does D is E am

$$$ 3 Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: How many books … they…? A did … wanted B are … want C does … want D is … want E do … want

$$$ 4 Insert the sentence in “Present Simple”: We … glad to see you. How … you? A am … are B is … are C am … does D am … is E are … are

$$$ 5 Insert the sentence in “Present Simple” Where …Mary live? A do B does C shall D will E 0.

$$$ 6 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: I ... … next week. A are arriving B was arriving C were arriving D am arriving E Is arriving

$$$ 7 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: She … … a party tomorrow. A was having B were having C have D are having E is having

$$$ 8 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Father (still/work) in the garden. A is still working B still works C work D Are still working E am still working

$$$ 9 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: What … she … now? A is doing B are doing C was doing D does E do

$$$ 10 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain) now. A was not raining B were not raining C rains D is not raining E are raining

$$$ 11 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Don’t make so much noise. I (to work) now. A am working B are working C worked D is working E works

$$$ 12 Use the right form of Present Continuous: Listen! They… a lovely song. A are singing B am singing C is singing D sings E was singing

$$$ 13 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: They … … football in the garden now. A is playing B are playing C am playing D were playing E was playing

$$$ 14 Insert the sentence in “Present Continuous”: Tom … a shower at the moment. A have B has C had D are having E is having

$$$ 15 Give the opposite to the word: important A unimportant B imimportant C disimportant D irimportant E inimportant

$$$ 16 Give the opposite to the word: official A disofficial B postofficial C antiofficial D unofficial E inofficial

$$$ 17 Give the opposite to the word: possible A impossible B irpossible C inpossible D dispossible E ilpossible

$$$ 18 Choose the right variant of translation: легко (оңай, жеңіл) A easily B easeness C easier D easiest E easiless

$$$ 19 Form adjective from noun: care A ous B ful C ic D word E ly $$$ 20 Compose noun using the necessary suffix: weak A age B ness C or D hood E ist

$$$ 21 Choose a noun: A seven B kingdom C unpleasant D reopen E historical

$$$ 22 Translate into English: загорать (күнге қыздырылу) A To sunrise B To get brown C To sunbath D To get a tan E To lie

$$$ 23 Choose the right variant of modal verbs: The sky is dark. It… rain soon. A have to B need C should D may E has to

$$$ 24 What is the symbol of peace? A shake B dove C blueberry D lark E lion

$$$ 25 Choose the antonym: well A good B bad C worse D best E badly

$$$ 26 Translate into English: стыдиться, бір нәрсеге ұялу A To be ashamed B To be disappointed C To feel pity D To be shy E To be furious

$$$ 27 Choose adjective: A slowly B silly C bravely D luckily E fortunately

$$$ 28 Choose the right variant: If I … her number, I would phone her. A were knowing B will know C known D know E knew

$$$ 29 Choose the right variant of equivalent of modal verb: You … do your homework right now. A is B have to C didn't have to D had to E has to

$$$ 30 Choose the right gerund: He is fond of … . A eating B painting C keeping D forgetting E knowing

$$$ 31 Choose the right gerund: I'm worried about … mistakes. A doing B making C writing D sending E leaving

$$$ 32 Find a noun: A central B ability C backwards D repeat E delicious $$$ 33 Translate into English: воспитывать, тәрбиелеу A bring down B bring away C bring out D bring off E bring up

$$$ 34 In what word do you pronounce “k”? A knock B krona C kneel D knee E knife

$$$ 35 Choose uncountable noun: A table B raincoat C scissors D pancake E politics

$$$ 36 What is opposite of the word ‘skilled? A inskilled B unskilled C disskilled D ilskilled E imskilled

$$$ 37 Translate into English: заполнять ( бір нәрсені толтыру) A put on B fill in C wait for D get on with E turn on

$$$ 38 Translate into English: одевать что-нибудь ( киім кию) A put on B take off C wait for D get on with E turn on

$$$ 39 Translate into English: снимать ( киім шешу) A put on B take off C wait for D get on with E turn on

$$$ 40 Translate into English: ждать (күту) A put on B take off C wait for D get on with smb E turn on

$$$ 41 Translate into English: смотреть на что-то (қарау) A look for B look after C look at D look around E look up

$$$ 42 Translate into English: искать (іздеу) A look for B look after C look at D look around E look up

$$$ 43 Find the odd word: A kilo B box C can D packet E carton

$$$ 44 Give the opposite to the word: be awake A be married B be born C be asleep D be happy E be single

$$$ 45 Give the opposite to the word: be single A be married B be born C be awake D be asleep E be happy $$$ 46 Give the opposite to the word: to pass an exam A to fail an exam B to get a mark at the exam C to take an exam D to take a course E to do a subject

$$$ 47 Choose the opposite to the word: modern A lazy B ancient C shy D talkative E selfish

$$$ 48 Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who studies pedagogic is … A an actor B a teacher C a writer D a doctor E an editor

$$$ 49 Complete the sentence using names of professions: A person who makes sculptures is … A a designer B a soldier C a nurse D a sculptor E a writer

$$$ 50 Compose compound word: Bed … A ice B room C paper D class E away

$$$ 51 Compose compound word: Mother … A dom B ultra C post D land E ment

$$$ 52 Place where people sleep. It is…. . A a bathroom B a kitchen C a study D a bedroom E a sitting room

$$$ 53 Find the right translation of the word: әдемі/красивая. A Slim B Graceful C Plump D Beautiful E Fresh

$$$ 54 Country is India, nationality is … A Hindy B Hungarian C Hebrew D Indian E Italy

$$$ 55 Country is Japan, nationality is … A Dutch B Arabic C Japanded D Japanese E Chilean

$$$ 56 A person who drives a car is called … A a teacher B a translator C a speaker D a driver E a pedestrian

$$$ 57 The frozen raindrops falling from the sky is … A white frost B rainbow C Snow D Gale E Hail

$$$ 58 The meal that you eat in the morning is … A Water B Supper C Breakfast D Kitchen E Pepsi $$$ 59 The meal that you eat in the middle of the day is … A Lunch B Supper C Tea D Coca-cola E Breakfast

$$$ 60 The meal that you eat in the evening is … A Breakfast B Lunch C Kitchen D Water E Supper

$$$ 61 The main room for guests in the house. It is …. . A a hall B a living room C a bedroom D a kitchen E a study

$$$ 62 A place where people eat. It is…. . A a bedroom B a hall C a kitchen D a study E a nursery

$$$ 63 Choose the antonym: Enemy. A Friend B Girl C Boy D Sister E Brother

$$$ 64 Complete the proverb: Bees … sleep. A often B always C never D usually E reguallary

$$$ 65 We use it to drink tea. It is … . A a spoon B a table C a knife D a saucer E a cup

$$$ 66 People take it if they are in a hurry. It is… . A a ball B a ticket C a child D a dall E a taxi

$$$ 67 Translate the word: Өшіру, выключать. A turn off B turn from C turn into D turn up E turn down

$$$ 68 Make compound word: Railway. A state B airport C station D Shop E Terminal

$$$ 69 Translate the word: жұмыс іздеу, искать работу. A to look out on job B to be looking on job C to look for a job D to look in job E to look down on job

$$$ 70 Translate the word: салыстырмалы, сравнительный. A superlative B comparative C comparably D comperedive E comparativeness

$$$ 71 Choose the right antonym: Always. A ever B never C sometimes D often E seldom $$$ 72 Choose the right variant: … your sister …to school every day? A Is\- B Are\go C Is \goes D Does \go E Does\goes

$$$ 73 Choose the right variant of the verb: Where do you … every day? A Goes B Went C gone D Go E are going

$$$ 74 Choose the right variant: Do you usually … mistakes in your exercises? A Made B Is makes C Makes D Make E Maked

$$$ 75 Choose the right form of the verb: They …their hands every day. A Wash B Washes C Is wash D Are washing E Is not washing

$$$ 76 Choose the right form of the verb: Your sister … a letter at the moment. A Is writing B Are writing C Am writing D Write E Wrote

$$$ 77 Choose the right form of the verb: … she usually get up at seven o’clock ? A Do B Does C Do not D Is E Are

$$$ 78 Find the right form of the verb: My mother always … the flat in the morning. A Clean B Cleans C Cleaned D Cleant E Is cleaning

$$$ 79 Choose the right form of the verb: … she speak English well? A Do B Does C Do not D Has not E Is

$$$ 80 Choose the right variant: What … yesterday from 6 till 7? A were you doing. B did you do. C have you done. D will you do. E would do.

$$$ 81 Show the right variant: I’m really interested in fashion. … I. A So do B Neither C So am D Neither am E Am

$$$ 82 Show the right variant of the verb: Last night … a terrible thunder-storm. A there is B it is C were D there was E was there

$$$ 83 Identify the right variant: The theatre … built here next year. A are. B were. C was. D is. E will be.

$$$ 84 Find the appropriate variant: I … free next week. A Am B shall be. C be. D would be. E is. $$$ 85 Find the appropriate variant: It was raining when Kate … the bus. A waits. B was expecting. C expected. D waited for. E waiting for.

$$$ 86 Find the appropriate variant: I don’t know when I … free next week. A am B will be. C be. D would be. E is.

$$$ 87 Find the right variant: It (to rain) now. A Is not rain B Is raining C Do rain D Was raining. E Rains

$$$ 88 Choose the right variant: Grammar ... by our teacher. A Are explained B Explains C Is explained D Will explain E Explained

$$$ 89 Express in one word: Betty’s father and mother are in Canada. A сlassmates B brother C sister D parents E friends

$$$ 90 Find the right variant: I (to do) all my homework yesterday. A do B shall have done C shall do D did E have done

$$$ 91 Choose the correct variant. Mr. Snowdon ... at the moment. A was interviewed B is interviewed C is being interviewed D has been interviewed E to be interviewed

$$$ 92 Choose the right variant: The library ____this year. A is building B has been built C was built D builds E building

$$$ 93 Find the correct answer: “Are you busy?” .... A Not at all. B I haven't got any money. C That's nothing. D Yes, please. E Yes, I am.

$$$ 94 Choose the correct answer: You don't need to vacuum the carpet. I've ... done it. A already B rather C yet D often E still

$$$ 95 Choose the correct variant: This school … next year. A shall be built B will be built C has be built D have be built E will built

$$$ 96 Indicate the correct answer: I ... you for ages. A Had seen. B Has seen. C Didn’t see. D Haven’t seen. E Saw.

$$$ 97 Choose the right verb: My friend isn’t at home. He … to work an hour ago. A goes B go C gone D went E going $$$ 98 Choose the right verb: Ten minutes ago I … a strange noise. A hear B heard C was hear D hearing E hears

$$$ 99 Choose the right verb: My friend … all the teacher’s questions last week. A answered B is answering C answer D answers E was answering

$$$ 100 Insert the sentence in “Present Simple” Where …Mary live? A do B does C shall D will E -

2. Vocabulary

$$$ 1 Yellow A. жасыл (зеленый)

B. ақ (белый)

C. қызғылт сары (оранжевый)

D. жарық (светлый)

E. сары (желтый)

$$$ 2 Жасыл (зеленый) A. red

B. grey

C. brown

D. yellow E. green

$$$ 3 Домалақ (сын есім), круглый A. triangular

B. Rectangular

C. Round

D. Square

E. a pen

$$$ 4 Tікбұрышты (прямоугольный) A. a triangle

B. rectangular

C. circle

D. square

E. a pen

$$$ 5 Үшбұрышты (треугольный) A. triangular

B. rectangular

C. circle

D. square

E. a pen

$$$ 6 Tөртбұрышты (квадратный) A. triangular

B. rectangular

C. circle

D. square

E. a pen $$$ 7 Қара (черный) A. black

B. grey

C. brown

D. yellow

E. white

$$$ 8 Сұр (серый) A. red

B. grey

C. brown

D. yellow

E. white

$$$ 9 Көк (синий) A. red

B. grey

C. blue

D. yellow

E. white

$$$ 10 a circle A. шеңбер (окружность)

B. кайшы (ножницы)

C. сызғыш (линейка)

D. сомын (провод)

E. ағаш (дерево)

$$$ 11 Үшбұрыш (треугольник) A. a triangle

B. a rectangle

C. circle

D. square

E. a pen

$$$ 12 Tікбұрыш (прямоугольник) A. a triangle

B. a rectangle

C. circle

D. square

E. a pen

$$$ 13 Aлжапқыш, фартук A. a fan

B. an apron

C. a table

D. furniture

E. a wall

$$$ 14 Желім, клей A. glue

B. an apron

C. a table

D. furniture

E. a wall

$$$ 15 Line A. арыстан (лев) B. үстел (стол)

C. сызғыш (линейка)

D. сомын (провод)

E. ағаш (дерево)

$$$ 16 схема, диаграмма A. a bolt

B. a blade

C. a box

D. a diagram

E. a cabinet

$$$ 17 Қызыл (красный) A. red

B. grey

C. pale

D. a key

E. thin

$$$ 18 Orange A. жасыл (зеленый)

B. ақ (белый)

C. қызғылт сары (оранжевый)

D. жарық (светлый)

E. сары (желтый)

$$$ 19 Ақ (белый) A. red

B. grey C. pale

D. yellow

E. white

$$$ 20 Қоныр (коричневый) A. red

B. grey

C. brown

D. yellow

E. white

$$$ 21 Краска (бояу) A. a brush

B. a pan

C. brown

D. paint

E. white

$$$ 22 Искусство (өнер) A. red

B. art

C. brown

D. yellow

E. white

$$$ 23 Суретші (живописец) A. a painter

B. a doctor

C. a worker D. a teacher

E. a student

$$$ 24 Картина, живопись (сурет) A. a painter

B. a brush

C. paper

D. a teacher

E. painting

$$$ 25 a studio A. мүсін (статуя)

B. қылқалам (кисть)

C. студия

D. қағаз (бумага)

E. мольберт

$$$ 26 an easel A. мүсін (статуя)

B. қылқалам (кисть)

C. студия

D. қағаз (бумага)

E. мольберт

$$$ 27 a frame A. мүсін (статуя)

B. қылқалам (кисть)

C. студия

D. рама

E. мольберт $$$ 28 Қылқалам, кисть A. a painter

B. a brush

C. paper

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 29 Tүтік, тюбик A. a painter

B. a brush

C. paper

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 30 Paper A. мүсін (статуя)

B. қылқалам (кисть)

C. студия

D. қағаз (бумага)

E. мольберт

$$$ 31 Натюрморт A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a still-life

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 32 Пейзаж A. a landscape B. a brush

C. a still-life

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 33 Mүсін, бюст, поясной портрет A. a landscape

B. a brush

C. a still-life

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 34 Cуретші, художник A. a landscape

B. an artist

C. a still-life

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 35 Заманауи, современный A. red

B. art

C. modern

D. classic

E. new

$$$ 36 Aтақты, знаменитый A. red

B. art

C. modern D. classic

E. famous

$$$ 37 Шебер, мастер A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a master

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 38 Ұлы, ұлағатты, (великий, большой) A. red

B. great

C. modern

D. classic

E. famous

$$$ 39 Портрет A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a portrait

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 40 Cурет салу, рисовать A. to start

B. to walk

C. to measure

D. to make

E. to draw $$$ 41 Mайлы бояумен сурет салу, (писать маслом) A. to start

B. to paint in oils

C. to measure

D. to make

E. to draw

$$$ 42 Бояу тақтайша, түс түрлері, (палитра) A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a palette

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 43 Mүсін, статуя A. a statue

B. a brush

C. a palette

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 44 Cурет, рисунок A. a statue

B. a brush

C. a palette

D. a drawing

E. a bust

$$$ 45 Әңгіме, желі, рассказ, сюжет A. a painter B. a brush

C. a story

D. a tube

E. a bust

$$$ 46 Галерея A. a statue

B. a gallery

C. a palette

D. a drawing

E. a bust

$$$ 47 Tүс, цвет A. a colour

B. a gallery

C. a palette

D. a drawing

E. a bust

$$$ 48 Pеңші, колорист A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a master

D. a tube

E. a colourist

$$$ 49 Cтиль A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a master D. a style

E. a colourist

$$$ 50 Cуретші шеберханасы, мастерская художника A. a painter

B. a brush

C. a palette

D. an art studio

E. a bust

3. Professional language

$$$ 1 These two words are often used together to denote the lighter and darker parts of a picture, that is, those p arts which are represented as illuminated, and those represented as lacking illumination. A. Seascape and print

B. Etching and

C. Cityscape and light

D. A print and shade

E. Light and shade

$$$ 2 This word means how the various elements of the picture are arranged

A. a statue

B. composition

C. a palette

D. a drawing

E. a bust

$$$ 3 French painter greatly influenced the impressionists. Some of his most well-known works are The Balcony and The Fife Player. A. Edouard Manet

B. Peter Paul Rubens

C. John Constable

D. Josef Turner

E. M. Vrubel

$$$ 4 This word means to create a picture by making lines with a pen or pencil. A. To give a portrayal

B. To draw

C. To impress

D. To treat

E. To become

$$$ 5 What is the name of the earlier period of Egyptian Art? A. Old Kingdom B. Paleolithic C. Ancient Egypt D. Old Egypt E. Old country

$$$ 6 Who painted work « The Swan Princess»? A. Vasily Surikov B. A.Kuindzhi C. I. Repin D. M. Vrubel E. A. Ivanov $$$ 7 Who painted work « The Last Day of Pompeii»? A. Vasily Surikov B. A.Kuindzhi C. I. Repin D. M. Vrubel E. K. Bryullov $$$ 8 French artist, he is best known for his paintings and drawings of ballerinas. A. Edouard Manet B. Edgar Degas

C. John Constable

D. Josef Turner

E. M. Vrubel

$$$ 9 Who painted work « The Boyarinya Morozova»? A. Vasily Surikov B. A.Kuindzhi C. I. Repin D. M. Vrubel E. K. Bryullov

$$$ 10 Who painted work « The Volga Boatmen»? A. Vasily Surikov B. A.Kuindzhi C. I. Repin D. M. Vrubel E. K. Bryullov

$$$ 11 Who painted work «Girl with peaches»? A. Vasily Surikov B. V. Serov C. I. Repin D. M. Vrubel E. K. Bryullov $$$ 12 This word means to make a copy of something such as a picture, a piece of writing, or a musical sound. A. to reproduce

B. primary colours

C. a painting-box

D. skyline

E. canvas

$$$ 13 This word means the process of making a copy of something or of doing something again in the same way as before. A. a statue B. composition

C. a palette

D. reproduction

E. a bust

$$$ 14 Painting technique: painting with pure pigment in the form of crayons without the use of fluid mediums. A. Oil painting

B. Water color

C. Gouache

D. Pastel

E. Fresco

$$$ 15 Painting technique: painting on freshly applied, wet, lime-plaster walls with colors made by grinding the pigments in water. A. Oil painting

B. Water color

C. Gouache

D. Pastel

E. Fresco

$$$ 16 Painting technique: the typical or customary example is a picture painted in straight oil colors on stretched linen canvas. A. Oil painting

B. Water color

C. Gouache

D. Pastel

E. Fresco

$$$ 17 Painting technique: painting on pure white rag paper with prepared transparent watercolor paints sold in tubes or pans. A. Oil painting B. Water color

C. Gouache

D. Pastel

E. Fresco

$$$ 18 Painting technique: Paintings on white or tinted paper with the same materials as watercolor except that opaque instead of transparent colors are used. A. Oil painting

B. Water color

C. Gouache

D. Pastel

E. Fresco

$$$ 19 Compositional model: in this simple composition a dynamic balance is created by the changes in value from dark to light. There are not equal amounts of dark or light on each side. A. Sequential

B. Quadrant

C. Asymmetrical

D. Colour

E. Model

$$$ 20 A form of printmaking in which the artist draws or paints on some material, such as glass, and then prints the image onto paper, usually with a press. A. Oil painting

B. Water color

C. Gouache

D. Monotype

E. Fresco

$$$ 21 Picture is made by printing from a block, plate etc. A. a statue B. composition

C. a palette

D. reproduction

E. print

$$$ 22 Who painted work « Ivan Grozny Killing his son Ivan»? A. Vasily Surikov B. A.Kuindzhi C. I. Repin D. M. Vrubel E. K. Bryullov

$$$ 23 This is an instrument for spraying paint or varnish in a fine mist by means of compressed air. A. a statue

B. a cup

C. a palette

D. air brush

E. a ruler

$$$ 25 Who painted work “Mona Lisa”? A. Edouard Manet

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. John Constable

D. Josef Turner

E. M. Vrubel

$$$ 26 Who painted work “Birth of Venus”? A. Edouard Manet

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. John Constable

D. Josef Turner E. Sandro Botticelli

$$$ 27 Arts or crafts concerned with the design and manufacture of beautiful objects that are also functional. A. to reproduce

B. primary colours

C. decorative arts

D. skyline

E. canvas

$$$ 28 When was born Michelangelo? A. 1475

B. 1345

C. 1567

D. 1434

E. 1678

$$$ 29 An Italian sculptor, painter, architect, he is best known for his marble statue “David” and work “Pieta”. A. Edouard Manet

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. John Constable

D. Michelangelo

E. Sandro Botticelli

$$$ 30 An early Renaissance sculptor, his work is Monument of Gattamelata. A. Donatello

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. John Constable

D. Michelangelo

E. Sandro Botticelli $$$ 31 This is the history of any activity or product made by humans in a visual form for aesthetical or communicative purposes, expressing ideas, emotions or, in general, a worldview. A. Modern history

B. History of Art

C. History

D. Art

E. Design

$$$ 32 The art and science of designing and buildings and (some) no building structures. A. Painting

B. History of Art

C. Architecture

D. Drawing

E. Design

$$$ 33 The brunch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. A. Painting

B. Sculpture

C. Art

D. Drawing

E. History

$$$ 34 The sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material. A. Painting

B. Relief

C. Architecture

D. Drawing

E. Design

$$$ 35 Who painted work “Bedroom in Arles”? A. Edouard Manet

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. John Constable

D. Vincent Van Gogh

E. Sandro Botticelli

$$$ 36 Where is the Trafalgar Square? A. Rome

B. Relief

C. Astana

D. Moscow

E. London

$$$ 37 An apple a … keeps a doctor away. A. sun

B. week

C. year

D. day

E. yesterday

$$$ 38 A ____ in a teacup. A. sun

B. snow

C. wind

D. day

E. storm

$$$ 39 8.30 A. It’s half past eight B. It’s half past nine.

C. It’s half past eight.

D. It’s half to eight

E. It’s half past seven.

$$$ 40 9.15 A. It’s half past eight

B. It’s a quarter past nine.

C. It’s half past eight.

D. It’s half to eight

E. It’s half past nine.

$$$ 41 Astana is situated on the bank of the river … . A) Irtysh; B) Ishim; C) Syrdarija; D) Tobyl; E) Tenteksu.

$$$ 42 Pavlodar is situated on the bank of the river … A) Irtysh; B) Ishim; C) Syrdarija; D) Tobyl; E) Tenteksu.

$$$ 43 What countries does Kazakhstan border on? A) Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan; B) Russia, China, Georgia, Mongolia; C) Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkmenistan; D) Russia, China, Pakistan, Mongolia; E) Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan;

$$$ 44 When is the Independence Day of Kazakhstan? A) September 5; B) August 30; C) February 14; D) Nauryz 22; E) December 16. $$$ 45 What is the capital of Kazakhstan? A) Astana; B) Almaty; C) Kyzylorda; D) Taldykorgan; E) Tashkent.

$$$ 46 When did Kazakhstan become independent? A) 1992; B) 1997; C) 1991; D) 1917; E) 2000.

$$$ 47

Who wrote “The Path of Abai”? A) Abai Kunanbaev; B) Mukhtar Auezov; C) Mukhtar Maghauin; D) Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov; E) Mukhtar Shakhanov.

$$$ 48 What is the national currency of Kazakhstan? A) Tenge; B) Rouble; C) Dollar; D) Pound; E) Euro.

$$$ 49 Who are the famous painters of Kazakhstan? A) A.Galymbaeva, A.Kasteev; B) R.Rymbaeva, B.Tolegenova; C) K.Satpaev, A.Margulan; D) S.Toraighyrov, Sh.Kudaiberdiev; E) M. Auezov, M.Maghauin;

$$$ 50 How is the milk of the camel called? A) Kymyz; B) Shubat; C) Milk; D) Airan; E) Kurt.

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