Annual Academic Economics Goals

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Annual Academic Economics Goals

Revised: November 30, 2004


For each of the sections that follow, students may be required to analyze, recall, explain, interpret, apply, or evaluate the particular concepts being taught.

EUROPE DISCOVERS AMERICA - identify the forces that drove Europeans to exploration - define the problems confronted by English settlers - compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the three colonial sections

AMERICAN SOCIETY IN THE MAKING - explain how the realities of settlement forced changes in the plans for colonization - discuss the natural factors that led to separate development in New England, the Middle Colonies and the South

AMERICA IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE - describe the theory and application of mercantilism - analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Awakening - identify the course of events between 1763 and 1776 as turning points leading to revolution

THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - analyze how the Declaration of Independence justified America’s independence - describe the structure of government under the Articles of Confederation - analyze how the Revolution led to some social and political reforms

THE FEDERALIST ERA - assess the economic consequences of the Revolution - analyze the major compromises that shaped the Constitution - explain the origins of political parties

JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY - explain Jefferson’s philosophy of government - analyze the constitutional issues involved in the Louisiana Purchase - describe the impact of European wars on America’s economy NATIONAL GROWING PAINS - analyze conflicting feelings about European encroachment on the frontier and violation of neutral rights on the seas - explain the origins of the Monroe Doctrine - evaluate the issues leading to the Missouri Compromise

TOWARD A NATIONAL ECONOMY - analyze factors that encouraged industrialization - evaluate factors that led to the expansion of cotton cultivation and slavery as an institution - assess the role of the Marshall Court in aiding economic development

JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY - explain specific ways in which politics became more democratic in the Age of Jackson - analyze the factors that led to the nullification crisis and its resolution - assess the factors that led to the revival of sectional tension

THE MAKING OF MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA - describe the impact of the growing factory system on the structure of the family - cite the social origins of the Second Great Awakening - discuss the origins of the abolitionist and feminist movements

A DEMOCRATIC CULTURE - identify the main intellectual trends of the early nineteenth century

EXPANSION AND SLAVERY - discuss the concept of manifest destiny and its impact on American foreign policy - analyze the cause and results of the Mexican War - discuss the divisive impact of the slavery issue in the territories

THE SECTIONS GO THEIR WAYS - assess the impact of slavery on the southern economy - explain the impact of railroads and economic development on sectional conflict

THE COMING OF THE CIVIL WAR - analyze the political impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act - analyze the events leading to southern secession THE WAR TO SAVE THE UNION - assess the impact of the war on northern and southern economies - analyze the political divisions in northern and southern societies - debate the issue of whether secession was the ultimate expression or rejection of democracy

RECONSTRUCTION AND THE SOUTH - discuss the legal arguments regarding readmission of the Southern states - compare the relative successes and failures of reconstruction governments - analyze the reasons for the eventual disenfranchisement of former slaves

IN THE WAKE OF WAR - discuss the major political issues of the Gilded Age - explain the impact of western migration, gold mining and Indian policies

AN INDUSTRIAL GIANT - cite several factors that contributed to industrial growth in the late nineteenth century - compare different approaches taken by reformers and critics of big business - analyze the effect of industrialization on economic and social life in America

AMERICAN SOCIETY IN AN INDUSTRIAL AGE - discuss the changing nature of employment - identify the problems associated with the growth of large urban areas

INTELLECTUAL AND CULTURAL TRENDS - identify and discuss changing educational standards - identify and discuss the philosophies of Social Darwinism and pragmatism

POLITICS: LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL - discuss the operation of political parties in the late nineteenth century - cite sources of agrarian discontent and the rise of the Populist Party

FROM ISOLATION TO EMPIRE - examine the reasons for and results of increased interest in foreign expansion - analyze the causes and results of the Spanish American War - explain the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine THE AGE OF REFORM - discuss the "search for order” in the Progressive Era - cite the reforms advocated by the Progressives and compare to the Populists - compare Roosevelt’s New Nationalism and Wilson’s New Freedom

WOODROW WILSON AND THE GREAT WAR - trace events leading to American involvement in World War I - define Wilson’s Fourteen Points and explain the failure of the Treaty of Versailles to incorporate them

POSTWAR SOCIETY AND CULTURE: CHANGE AND ADJUSTMENT - discuss the changing role of women and minorities in society - explain how prohibition reflected and deepened the rifts in American society - analyze the basis of the economic prosperity of the 1920’s

THE NEW ERA: 1921 TO 1933 - review the presidencies of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover - explain the economic weaknesses underlying prosperity in the 1920’s - relate the social impact of economic collapse

THE NEW DEAL: 1933 TO 1941 - analyze the content and impact of the New Deal - compare the politics of the extreme left and right in the 1930’s - trace the steps that led the U.S. closer to involvement in World War II

WAR AND PEACE - assess the impact of World War II on the American economy - analyze the controversy surrounding the decision to use the atomic bomb - define points of conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union

THE AMERICAN CENTURY - explain the origin and intent of the containment policy - explain the intent and result of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan - analyze the reasons for anti-Communist hysteria of the late 1940’s and early 1950’s THE BEST OF TIMES, THE WORST OF TIMES - trace the origins and evolution of a grass-roots movement for racial equality - explain Johnson’s approach to social reform in the War on Poverty - discuss the growing military commitment in Vietnam - trace the sequence of events that led to Nixon’s resignation

SOCIETY INFLUX - assess the positive and negative consequences of the booming economy of the 1960’s - discuss the emergence of groups fighting for equality for Hispanics, Native Americans and African Americans - discuss factors leading to the breakdown of traditional mores

OUR TIMES - assess the relative successes and failures in foreign policy of the Ford and Carter administrations - analyze Reagan’s economic policies - trace major social and demographic trends of the 1980’s - trace events leading to the end of the Cold War - discuss the broad issues defining the Bush and Clinton administrations

PROJECT(S) ACCEPTABLE FOR GRADUATION PROJECT: 1) Students organize and produce multi-media Decades Projects in teams as a culminating research project

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