Middlefield Board of Selectmen
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Middlefield Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting June 21, 2016 Minutes
1. Call to Order Ed Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present is Taryn Ruffino, Jon Brayshaw and Ed Bailey.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Public Comment No Comment
4. Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Ed Bailey to approve the agenda with the following change: -Add under appointments 7.e: Appointment of Ad Hoc Lake Beseck Environment Committee -Add under item 9: Proclamations Durham Fair and Eagle Scout William James McAllister Staddon. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
5. Approval of Minutes of the May 27, 2016 meeting A motion was made by Taryn Ruffino to approve the minutes of the Special May 27, 2016 Board of Selectmen Meeting. This motion was seconded by Jon Brayshaw and approved by all voting members.
6. Old Business
(a) Job Descriptions and Salary Study – Update Ed Bailey stated that the job descriptions are finished and the salary study is approximately 90% complete. Mr. Bailey explained that sometime around August he will present his salary recommendations to the Board of Finance.
(b) Cell Tower – Update Ed Bailey explained that the Town is trying to get the Emergency Management equipment on the top of the Cell Tower. Mr. Bailey stated that he instructed the Consultant to work out a deal to modify the existing lease.
(c) Sesquicentennial Update Taryn Ruffino stated that the Town had 33+ member committees from organizations to residents that made the Sesquicentennial Celebration happen. Mrs. Ruffino explained that there was a great turn out at all the events and she spoke to members of Park and Recreation who are interested in getting back on the Old Home Days Committee. The Town will not be able to do this event every year due to cost, but they hope to do a “Taste of Middlefield” and “Cardboard Boat Race” event every year. Mrs. Ruffino explained that, financially, the Town broke even from the Sesquicentennial events. The board members agreed to take down the flags after the Fourth of July. Jon Brayshaw stated that he will take them down
Board of Selectmen, Regular Meeting, June 21, 2016 Prepared by Leanne M. Henry and have them properly wrapped and stored. Taryn Ruffino suggested they inventory what needs to be replaced and work on setting up flags throughout the year on special occasions such as, Memorial Day, July 4th, Flag Day, etc. Mrs. Ruffino suggested selling left over memorabilia from the Sesquicentennial events at the Town Hall, Community Center and Library. Jon Brayshaw suggested having the Park surveyed for the next budget year.
(d) Rainbow Springs Water System – Update Ed Bailey stated that the Town had more interrogatories from PURA and submitted the information but, they have not yet heard back on the matter. Mr. Bailey explained that this has been going on for a year now and the last hearing was held in October.
(e) Old Indian Trail Water System – Update Ed Bailey stated that the Old Indian Trail Water System has been completed, but regretfully the Town is over budget. Mr. Bailey stated that the Town will be having a meeting with the First Selectwoman of Durham to discuss the issue.
(f) Community Center Use Policy – Update Ed Bailey explained that he would like to have a shared calendar for the use of the Community Center accessible to all Town employees. Mr. Bailey stated that his main goal for the Community Center is to make sure the Town knows who is using the rooms and when. Mr. Bailey stated that he is exploring the idea of a carded entry for the building rather than keys.
6. New Business
(a) Park & Recreation Director and Police Secretary Vacancies Ed Bailey stated that he is in the process of interviewing for the Park and Recreation Director position. The Town has received twenty-seven resumes and Mr. Bailey has narrowed it down to seven candidates. Mr. Bailey explained that the Park and Recreation Commission hopes to have the position filled in a reasonable amount of time. Mr. Bailey noted that each candidate is very qualified and experienced.
Ed Bailey stated that he has received approximately thirty resumes for the Police Secretary position and he has narrowed it down to four candidates.
(b) Surplus Town Property on Lakeshore Drive – Sale Ed Bailey stated that there is a property on Lakeshore Drive that was brought to the Board of Selectmen ten years ago. Mr. Bailey presented the members with a survey map and explained that the lot does not have frontage on Lakeshore Drive due to the fact that a small portion of land between the parcel and the road is Town property. Mr. Bailey explained that the strip was given to the Town by the previous owner. Mr. Bailey stated that the Town can either create an Easement or they can give the strip of land to the new property owner. Mr. Bailey explained that giving the land to the property owner would benefit the Town and the owner. The strip of land amounts to 1,377 square feet and seeing how it is surplus property, Mr. Bailey recommended conveying it for one dollar. Jon Brayshaw stated that the Board of Selectmen would need to hold a Town Meeting and get the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission to sell the land. Ed Bailey stated that the matter can be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their next meeting on, July 13, 2016.
Board of Selectmen, Regular Meeting, June 21, 2016 Prepared by Leanne M. Henry A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to support the sale of a certain 1,377 s/f strip of Town owned property that is shown on a plot plan prepared by Bascom & Benjamin drawn 5/25/16. The plot connects (joins) with Lakeshore Drive with Map 10.1-Lot 140. Plot Plan titled “Property of Mark E. & Sandra M. Meadows”. Set date for Town Meeting on July 19th 7 PM at the Community Center, subject to 8-24 review by Planning and Zoning Commission. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
Susan Miller of 24 Iroquois Road was present for the discussion regarding the Lakeshore Drive surplus property. Jon Brayshaw explained to Mrs. Miller that the Town selling the strip of property does not give the owner legal permission to build on the lot. The sale of the strip of land simply eliminates one of the burdens of the lot that has been preventing the ability to build on the lot.
(c) Closing of Rt. 147 at Lyman Meadow Brook for construction beginning July 10th. 18 day detour. Ed Bailey explained there will be a meeting at the construction office at 6 Way Road next week.
7. Appointments
(a) Park and Recreation Commission: Raise Alternate Donald Ginter to fill vacated term of Barbara Neligon, term expiring 12/31/2016 (b) Planning and Zoning Commission: Appoint Eric Ekblade as an alternate to the – term 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2018.
A motion was made by Ed Bailey to: Raise Alternate Donald Ginter to fill vacated term of Barbara Neligon, term expiring 12/31/2016 and Appoint Eric Ekblade as an alternate to the – term 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2018. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
(c) Appointment by First Selectman, Edward Bailey, of Jaclyn Caturano to the Region II – Mental Health Board. (d) Appointment by the First Selectman, Edward Bailey, of William Roberts to the position of Emergency Management Director.
(e) Ed Bailey read a progress report presented by the Ad Hoc Committee. Members of the board discussed options to address milfoil weed control for Lake Beseck. Ed Bailey explained that the Lake Environment Committee will meet next week to discuss the options.
A motion was made by Edward Bailey to appoint an Ad Hoc Lake Beseck Environment Committee as per attached. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members. (Exhibit “A” attached)
8. Tax Refunds A motion was made by Ed Bailey to approve the Tax Refunds as noted on Exhibit “B” attached. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
9. First Selectman's Report Ed Bailey thanked Taryn Ruffino for all her efforts leading the Sesquicentennial celebrations.
Board of Selectmen, Regular Meeting, June 21, 2016 Prepared by Leanne M. Henry Ed Bailey read a Proclamation for Eagle Scout, William McAllister Staddon as attached.
Ed Bailey read a Proclamation on the occasion of the Durham Fair Centennial as attached.
Ed Bailey stated that there is a meeting next week regarding the disposition of Korn School. Mr. Bailey explained that the Town of Durham would like to use the building for a Senior/Community Center depending on cost.
Ed Bailey stated that possibly sometime within the next six months the Board of Selectmen may put a committee together to look into utilization of the Town of Middlefield buildings. Mr. Bailey stated that he believes the management of the Town employees would approve of having everyone in the same building with a more modern office layout.
Ed Bailey explained that he was at Powder Ridge for a Certificate of Occupancy Inspection with the building official. Mr. Bailey stated that the menu at Powder Ridge has been updated with larger portions and lesser cost.
Regarding the summer schedule, Ed Bailey suggested skipping the first July meeting and picking up the next meeting on July 19th unless pressing business comes along.
10. Adjournment A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
Board of Selectmen, Regular Meeting, June 21, 2016 Prepared by Leanne M. Henry