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8th Grade Weekly & Daily Lesson Plan Teacher: Ms.Valencia & Mr. Scheftic November 09 – November 09, 2015 Science :Qtr.2 Week 15 Unit Theme: Mitosis & Meiosis
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Vocabulary, Storm Vocabulary, Storm Vocabulary, Storm check, partner Vocabulary, Storm check, Vocabulary, Storm check, Materials check, partner work, 7-up check, partner work, 7-up work, 7-up sentences, engagement partner work, 7-up partner work, 7-up sentences, sentences, engagement sentences, engagement strategies (sticks), scaffolding, sentences, engagement engagement strategies (sticks), strategies (sticks), strategies (sticks), modeling, frames/visuals power strategies (sticks), scaffolding, modeling, scaffolding, modeling, scaffolding, modeling, point, editing strategies. Flip scaffolding, modeling, frames/visuals power point, frames/visuals frames/visuals chart. frames/visuals power point, editing strategies. Flip chart. power point, editing power point, editing editing strategies. Flip strategies. strategies. Flip chart. chart. Bell-work Number each line and Identify each text Number each line and Study for vocabulary quiz and paragraph in the incidental words on your HOLIDAY paragraph in the finish any Storm check worksheet. Identify text. Copy the storm worksheet. Identify every questions unanswered. every text structure and check questions by text structure and text text feature. Look at creating a storm check feature. Look at the the screen for bell work format. screen for bell work question. question. Explicit ELPS: (NONE) * Use words relevant to * Review picture word cards. As * Review pictures. As * Review picture word cards. current reading and/or teacher displays the picture, teacher displays the As teacher displays the Vocabulary * Use words relevant to content areas – academic students call out the vocabulary pictures, students call out picture, students call out the current reading and/or or domain specific word. Give corrective feedback. the vocabulary words. vocabulary word. Give content areas – academic words. * Teacher demonstrates the Students repeat the corrective feedback. 1. mitosis or domain specific * Show pictures that physical representation of word. words. * Partners review physical 2. meiosis words. represent the word. Use Students call out word. * Review physical representations and practice * Show pictures that real as if you have it. In * Students practice saying the representations – students saying the word, stating the 3. dominant represent the word. Use partners, students word and the definition multiple call out words. Partners definition in a complete 4. recessive reliable if you have it. In predict through times. practice saying the words sentence and using the word partners, students discussion the possible *Students sketch their own and practice saying the in a complete sentence. predict through word that the picture picture (homework or center). definition to each other in * Partners orally rehearse discussion the possible represents. Partners * Students exchange their complete sentences. their sentences; then write a word that the picture speak in formal language sketches with a partner. * Word Work Day – sentence. You designate which represents. Partners using complete Students explain to a partner in Partners discuss one or type of sentence, i.e., simple, speak in formal language sentences. complete sentences why their more of the following list: Seven-Up+ Sentence, complex, using complete * Give students the own sketch represents the synonyms, antonyms, compound, etc… sentences. graphic organizer blank word. homonyms, prefixes, * Partners discuss to create * Give students the “Storm Vocabulary * Check for understanding – suffixes, related words, or and write an analogy. Elephant: graphic organizer blank Acquisition” Teacher poses a sentence using cognate. ______; Ballerina: “Storm Vocabulary *Teacher models the the target word either correctly * Groups play oral ______. Or, create a Acquisition” pronunciation of the or incorrectly. Students use language game “Vocabulary word array. *Teacher models the word. Then, students signals thumbs up/down. In Challenge.” They will say pronunciation of the practice saying partners, students must justify the word, use it in a word. Then, students (pronouncing) multiple why the sentence is right or complete sentence, and practice saying times. Clap out syllables. wrong. then demonstrate the (pronouncing) multiple Air writes the word in * Partners discuss the word’s physical representation. times. Clap out syllables. syllables or phonemes. nuances (shades of meaning). 10-15 minutes Air write the word in Teacher listens for * Partners use the word in a syllables or phonemes. correct pronunciation. complete sentence. Teacher listens for Teacher gives corrective *See Word Forms section (next). correct pronunciation. feedback. Practice using prefixes and Teacher gives corrective * Teacher displays the suffixes to change parts of feedback. dictionary definition. speech and meanings. Use as * Teacher displays the Teacher explains the whole class instruction. Use "I do, dictionary definition. word. All students read We do, and You do.” Teacher explains the it out loud. In * Partners discuss the suffixes word. All students read partners, students for tenses or conjugating. it out loud. In deduce the friendly Partners discuss the new meaning partners, students definition using the of the word once the affix has deduce the friendly dictionary definition, the been added. definition using the explanations, and the dictionary definition, the picture. Teacher selects explanations, and the a suitable friendly picture. Teacher selects definition. a suitable friendly * Students write the definition. word in the rectangle at * Students write the the top with the color word in the rectangle at that correlates to the the top with the color part of speech. Partners that correlates to the determine the part of part of speech. Partners speech and origin. determine the part of * Teacher demonstrates speech and origin. a physical * Teacher demonstrates representation of the a physical word at first. (The first representation of the two weeks, teacher word at first. (The first provides the physical two weeks, teacher representation of the provides the physical word. Students learn it. representation of the Later, in groups word. Students learn it. students discuss in Later, in groups compete sentences a students discuss in possible physical compete sentences a representation. possible physical * Teacher uses word in representation. context (refers to * Teacher uses word in positive, negative, context (refers to neutral connotations) positive, negative, and provides neutral connotations) examples/non- examples and provides and explanations. Can examples/non- examples use sentences right out and explanations. Can of text. Post sentences use sentences right out in a highly visible place. of text. Post sentences The whole class reads in a highly visible place. the sentences out loud The whole class reads daily. In partners, the sentences out loud students create daily. In partners, examples/ non- students create examples in complete examples/ non- sentences. examples in complete * Check understanding – sentences. Teacher poses a * Check understanding – sentence using the Teacher poses a target word either sentence using the correctly or incorrectly. target word either Students use signals correctly or incorrectly. thumbs up/down. In Students use signals partners, students thumbs up/down. In must justify why it is partners, students right or wrong about must justify why it is the answer. right or wrong about 20-25 minutes the answer. 20-25 minutes
AZS: SC08-S4C4-01 – AZS: SC08-S4C4-01 – AZS: SC08-S4C4-01 – AZS: SC08-S4C4-01 – AZS: SC08-S4C4-01 – Direct Instruction - CSIC SC08-S4C4-05 SC08-S4C4-05 SC08-S4C4-05 SC08-S4C4-05 SC08-S4C4-05 Basic/Intense AZCCRS: RSI.8 AZCCRS: RSI.8 AZCCRS: RSI.8 AZCCRS: RSI.8 AZCCRS: RSI.8
Objective: SWBAT: th “Buckle Down AIMS 8 Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: Objective: SWBAT: I will Objective: SWBAT: I will be better understand I will be better understand be better understand the I will be better understand I will be better understand the grd.” Paperback book the relationship of the relationship of relationship of structures to their the relationship of structures relationship of cell structures structures to their structures to their functions and life cycles, to their functions and life and their functions in life cycles, functions and life cycles, functions and life cycles, interrelationships of matter and cycles, interrelationships of Page 98- 101( mitosis ) - interrelationships of interrelationships of energy in living organisms, and the matter and energy in living matter and energy in matter and energy in interactions of living organisms with organisms, and the Life’s structure and function living organisms, and the living organisms, and the their environment. interactions of living EBSR: Page 108-109 ( meiosis) - interactions of living interactions of living organisms with their organisms with their organisms with their DOK Question: environment. * Students read text again for Life’s structure and function environment. environment. Practical DOK Question: Page 128-129 - Life’s DOK Question: different purposes. Use the Practical structure and function Practical CSIC, for example, 4 T’s, Main DOK Question: DOK Question: Idea, 4 E’s, etc. Use the CSIC Practical Practical chart as a guide. What key traits Q1- Q1- *Uses CSIC procedures for distinguish a living Summarize all the discourse Q1- Name the organism from Q1- Summarize all the steps of mitosis by * Use DOK 2 & 3 questions to something not alive? steps of mitosis in making diagrams of check for comprehension. Use steps of mitosis by making • each. order. diagrams of each. Storm Check. Analyze Analyze *Follow procedures with What is the Analyze Q2- Analyze “Response sheets.” difference between * Make sure all students prokaryotic and Q2- Explain experience all the roles eukaryotic cells? Q2- . throughout the week by what happens to Research • Q2- Explain what changing roles daily. Describe what duplicated Q3- Create a graphic chromosomes in organizer for happens to happens to duplicated anaphase I ? ESSENTIAL prokaryotic , chromosomes chromosomes in before Research QUESTION: eukaryotic and anaphase I ? After reading “Life’s bacterial cells. mitosis? Research • Q3- Compare structure and function” • and contrast explain the each steps that * Students read the Research meiosis 1 and they undergo? Give examples text to themselves in a meiosis II with of both and how the whispery voice and with the help of separation occurs. a pencil in hand to circle • Q3- Compare and • Q3- Why diagrams. Write a paragraph explaining unfamiliar words. contrast meiosis 1 and the process. Support your * Use “Active” reading do you think it meiosis II with the help * Students read text again discussion with evidence from strategies to read the is important of diagrams. for different purposes. Use the text. text with the whole for a cell to • the CSIC, for example, 4 class. Read text at least undergo cell * Students read text again for T’s, Main Idea, 4 E’s, etc. twice. division? different purposes. Use the Use the CSIC chart as a * Incidental Vocabulary CSIC, for example, 4 T’s, Main guide. – Students tell teacher Idea, 4 E’s, etc. Use the CSIC *Uses CSIC procedures for words they do not know. chart as a guide. discourse Teach charts one word * Students read the *Uses CSIC procedures for * Use DOK 2 & 3 questions at a time. text to themselves in a discourse to check for - Students say the word whispery voice and with *Use DOK 1 & 2 questions to comprehension. Use Storm and clap out syllables, a pencil in hand to circle check for comprehension. Use Check. -Teacher directs unfamiliar words. Storm Check CSIC INTENS. *Follow procedures with students to use “word * Use “Active” reading *Follow procedures with “Response sheets.” analysis” skills such as strategies to read the “Response sheets”. * Make sure all students context clues, etc. text with the whole * Make sure all students experience all the roles -Teacher affirms class. Read text at least experience all roles throughout throughout the week by meaning, sketches on twice. the week by changing roles daily. changing roles daily. chart paper, and * Incidental Vocabulary students write in – Students tell teacher interactive notebook. words they do not know. * Teacher asks DOK 1 & Teach charts one word 2 questions to check for at a time. comprehension. Use - Students say the word Storm Check. and clap out syllables, -Teacher directs students to use “word analysis” skills such as context clues, etc. -Teacher affirms meaning, sketches on chart paper, and students write in interactive notebook. * Teacher asks DOK 1 & 2 questions to check for comprehension. Use Storm Check. Repeated Reading Teacher provides Teacher provides Beginning: Read the correct (Error Analysis) Assessment schema/built schema/built version of the passage chorally 1. Beginning: Read the 1. Chorally read the text in background. background. and in unison two times using correct passage chorally unison using active reading “Buckle Down AIMS 8th 1.Give students a 8.Give students a larger meaningful phrase groups and in unison 2 times strategies. minute or two to read minute or two to read and preserves the author’s using larger meaningful Teacher administers a 4-5 grd.” Paperback book the passage on their the passage on their syntax. Listen for correct phrase groups and content-based question quiz. own. Students read in own. Students read in pronunciation. Provide preserving the author’s Quiz contained a variety of a whispery voice so a whispery voice so corrective feedback. syntax. Used a variety questions (true/false, multiple teacher can monitor teacher can monitor 1.New Instruction: Identify key of active reading choice, fill in the blank and/or decoding and decoding and concept and domain specific strategies. short answer). pronunciation. This pronunciation. This words. Discusses possible 2. New Instruction: Read gives students the gives students the synonyms for words. Uses the the passage that opportunity to decode opportunity to decode “Storm Check”. contained content on their own first. on their own first. 2.Students identify the text errors. Identify the 2.Teacher circulates to 9.Teacher circulates to features. errors and make listen to specific listen to specific corrections. Give 3.Students identify the correct students. students. corrective feedback. text structure, mind map or 3.Students read with 10. Students read organizer. 3. Closure: Ask larger meaningful with larger meaningful comprehension questions 4.Question what the main idea is phrases groups and phrases groups and at a variety of cognitive and what is not. Require preserved the preserved the levels “Bloom” from the evidence. Give corrective author’s syntax, read author’s syntax, read “Comprehension feedback. with prosody with prosody Questions” list. (expressive (expressive 5.Closure: Teacher asks Students written responses interpretation) interpretation) comprehension questions at a are entered on Storm variety of cognitive levels 4.Students identify 11. Students Check. (Bloom) from the unfamiliar words. identify unfamiliar “Comprehension Questions” Teacher discusses words. Teacher list (consider using CSC). words. Students discusses words. Students written responses are repeat word and Students repeat word entered on Storm Check. friendly definition. and friendly Add these to the definition. Add these comprehension word to the comprehension wall chart. Use word wall chart. Use synonyms. synonyms. 5.Teachers and 12. Teachers and students chorally read students chorally read text in unison using text in unison using active reading active reading strategies. strategies. 6.Teacher checked for 13. Teacher correct pronunciation checked for correct and provided pronunciation and corrective feedback. provided corrective 7.Students identified feedback. cognates. 14. Students Closure – Explain and identified cognates. discuss content and its Closure – Explain and connection to discuss content and its standards. Explain and connection to elaborate on concepts. standards. Explain and elaborate on concepts.
In-Class Target Skill: RSI.8 Target Skill: RSI.8 Target Skill: RSI.8 Target Skill: RSI.8 Target Skill: RSI.8 Support Activity: SWBAT Activity: SWBAT Activity: SWBAT Activity: SWBAT Activity: SWBAT (PCR Practice) Re-teach Re-teach Re-teach Re-teach Re-teach Re-teach the Re-teach the Re-teach the students during Re-teach the students Re-teach the students students during small students during small small group or whole group during small group or during small group or whole group or whole group group or whole group the objective that they didn’t whole group the group the objective that the objective that the objective that master during the objective that they they didn’t master during they didn’t master they didn’t master benchmarks. didn’t master during the the benchmarks. during the during the benchmarks. benchmarks. benchmarks. Homework Anything that was not Anything that was not Anything that was not Anything that was not finished during class. finished during class. finished during class. finished during class.