Advanced Website Auction Script

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Advanced Website Auction Script




 User can find the “Registration” in top of the website

 User can register with valid E-mail address and username

 Password will be sent to registered mail address

 Conformation mail sent to registered mail

Sign in:

 User login with valid username and password

 Forget password option also available in login form

 User can re-set the password using registered mail-Id

Home screen:

 User can view various product with expiry details

 User have search option

 User can change their desired city


 User can view product with product screen shot

 Each product contains their details

 User can view more detail about product

 User can bid in the product

 User can view history of product bidding

 User can view author of the post with their details

 User post a comment in product

 User can request author using contact form  User can view expiry date of product

 User can make product of their favorite

 User can share product details with social networks

 User can print the product details


 User can search product by product name

 User can search product by category

 Used can search product by their desired price

City management:

 User have multi city option

 User can choose their desired city

 User can view product by their desired city


 User can manage their favorite product

 User can find favorite product by filtrations


 User can signup newsletter for auction script

 User can get newsletter from the site

Add product:

 User can add a new product

 Enter the details of product


 User can manage their profile details

 User can change their password  User can manage uploaded product

Product management:

 User can view their published product

 User can manage their published product

 User can search published product using filtrations

Membership plan:

 User can view their membership plan

 User can upgrade their membership plan

 User can upgrade membership plan using PayPal


 User can send a mail to other users

 User can manage inbox


 User can manage their feedback details

 User also manage from whom send feedback about their product

Bidding history:

 User can view record list of bidding

 User can search bidding filtrations

CMS Page:

 Social network connections


Login:  Admin can login with valid username and password

 Form is validated with JQuery

 Forget password option also available in login form


 Admin can view comments and pages at a glance

 Recent published post can be view by admin

 Admin can take quick notes using quick draft

Product management:

 Admin can add and manage product

 Products are filtered using date

 Admin can search product using search box

 Admin can add and manage new category to the product


 All media are managed by the admin

 Media are filtered using date

 Admin can search media using search box


 All pages are managed by the admin

 Pages are filtered using date

 Admin can search pages using search box


 All comments are managed by the admin  Comments are filtered using type

 Admin can search comments using search box

Membership plan management:

 Admin can add and manage membership plan

 Plans are filtered using date and SEO Score

 Admin can search plans using search box

User feedback form:

 All forms are managed by the admin

 Forms are filtered using type

 Admin can search forms using search box


 Admin can manage user detail

 Users are filtered using role

 Admin can search user by name and Email


 Admin can manage

 Site title

 Site address

 E-Mail address

 Time zone

 Date and time format

 Site language

 Payment gateway

 Admin manage social network sharing settings Newsletter:

 Admin can send newsletter to their users

 Admin can send newsletter by specific or group newsletter


 Admin can manage logo and favicon settings

 Admin manage social network connection settings

 Admin manage layout settings

 Admin manage settings of background color and image

 Admin manage PayPal settings

 Admin can report

Advance feature:


Login Security:

 Sign-in using your password and your cell phone to vastly improve login security. This is called Two Factor Authentication and is used by banks, government agencies and military world-wide for highest security authentication.

 Includes two-factor authentication, also referred to as cell phone sign- in.

 Enforce strong passwords among your administrators, publishers and users. Improve login security.

 Checks the strength of all user and admin passwords to enhance login security.

Blocking Features:

 Real-time blocking of known attackers.  Block entire malicious networks. Includes advanced IP and Domain WHOIS to report malicious IP's or networks and block entire networks using the firewall. Report security threats to network owner.

 Rate limit or block security threats like aggressive crawlers, scrapers and bots doing security scans for vulnerabilities in your site.

 Choose whether you want to block or throttle users and robots who break your security rules.

Security Scanning:

 Scans for the HeartBleed vulnerability - included in the free scan

 Scans core files, themes and plugins

 See how files have changed. Optionally repair changed files that are security threats.

 Scans for signatures of over 44,000 known malware variants that are known security threats.

 Scans for many known backdoors that create security holes including C99, R57, RootShell, Crystal Shell, Matamu, Cybershell, W4cking, Sniper, Predator, Jackal, Phantasma, GFS, Dive, Dx and many many more.

 Continuously scans for malware and phishing URL's including all URL's on the Google Safe Browsing List in all your comments, posts and files that are security threats.

 Scans for heuristics of backdoors, trojans, suspicious code and other security issues.

Firewall setting:

 Includes a firewall to block common security threats like fake Google bots, malicious scans from hackers and botnets.

Monitoring Features:

 See all your traffic in real-time, including robots, humans, 404 errors, logins and logouts and who is consuming most of your content. Enhances your situational awareness of which security threats your site is facing.

 A real-time view of all traffic including automated bots that often constitute security threats that Javascript analytics packages never show you.

 Real-time traffic includes reverse DNS and city-level geolocation. Know which geographic area security threats originate from.

 Monitor your DNS security for unauthorized DNS changes.

 Monitors disk space which is related to security because many DDoS attacks attempt to consume all disk space to create denial of service.

Multi-Site Security:

 Our security plugins security for multi-site also scans all posts and comments across all blogs from one admin panel.

IPv6 Compatible:

 Fully IPv6 compatible including all whois lookup, location, blocking and security functions.


Google Page Speed improvements in overall site performance Optimize Features:

 Improved web server performance. sustain high traffic periods

 Transparent content delivery network (CDN) management with Media Library, theme files and WordPress itself

 Mobile support: respective caching of pages by referrer or groups of user agents including theme switching for groups of referrers or user agents

 Caching of (minified and compressed) pages and posts in memory or on disk or on CDN (mirror only)  Caching of (minified and compressed) CSS and JavaScript in memory, on disk or on CDN

 Caching of feeds (site, categories, tags, comments, search results) in memory or on disk or on CDN (mirror only)

 Caching of search results pages (i.e. URIs with query string variables) in memory or on disk

 Caching of objects in memory or on disk

 Minification of inline, embedded or 3rd party CSS (with automated updates)

 Browser caching using cache-control, future expire headers and entity tags (E-Tag) with "cache-busting"


Our Premium SEO Optimize Concept contains all the features

Title & Meta format:

You can setting up custom page titles, meta description, Meta keywords, Meta robots and social Meta using defined format tags for homepage, post, pages, category, tags, custom taxonomies, archives, authors, search, 404 page and pagination

Off page optimization:

 Back link Builder – automatically add your link to thousands of different website directories that will automatically provide free back links

 Link Builder – improve your site internal link building.

 301 Link Redirect – useful for any permalink changes  Social Stats - keep track of your social network size

Advanced setup:

 Files Edit - allows you to edit the robots.txt and .htaccess files.

 W3C Validator - Mass Check the markup (HTML, XHTML,) of your pages/posts/custom taxonomies.

 SEO Insert Code - Add custom code into < head > and wp_footer

 Media Smushit -For this module we use the Smush. It API that allows you to optimize the website images without changing their look or visual quality.

 Facebook Planner - The Facebook Planner module allows you to publish your website data directly to Facebook profiles / pages / groups

Advance SEO optimize settings:

 Modules Manager – allows you to activate / deactivate modules

 Capabilities - allows you to give certain permissions to different classes of users

 Setup/Backup – install default configuration, import SEO settings from other SEO plugins, backup current settings

 Server Status – the server status allows you to see what modules are active, if they are configured correct and so on

 Remote support – this allows you to give us secured access to your wordpress install, in case that you have issues with the plugin

Rich snippets:  Rich snippets are the extra bits of information that you see on result pages, usually affecting visitor behavior and click through rates(CTR)

 They work well with google, bing, yahoo and facebook engines

 These rich snippets come in the form of reviews, event, people, product, recipes and more Facebook planner:

 You can select what do post on facebook(post/pages), Auto-complete data from post/page, publish to facebook privacy option, schedule when to post on facebook, publish now on facebook option and more

 Local SEO:

 Configure a custom location and after that you can easily insert short codes like google map, address and phone and so on into any pages and posts Page speed insight:

 SEO pack page speed module you can test the page speed on multiple page as once, mass test speed pages or one by one and view the score on desktop & mobile and view a full report 404 monitor:

 On this module check what URL is referring visitors to 404 pages  Check how many hits it had and the possibility to redirect them to another page  This helps to keep our ranking without google downgrading site Sitemap:

 We have available multiple sitemaps  More exactly for website posts and pages  Also user for easily navigate to images and video  We have location sitemap too

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