Breakout: Jurassic Park 5

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Breakout: Jurassic Park 5

Breakout: Jurassic Park 5

"Their Time Has Come"

Disclaimer: I own and claim absolutely no rights to Jurassic Park. *Dies* Those rights and honors go to one of the greatest authors ever known, Michael Crichton. I am making no profit from this screenplay what so ever, so please do not sue me. I have no money to pay at all. Now that that’s out of the way, I hope you enjoy this horrible sequel to Warpath.

Camera shows complete darkness as sounds of STOMPING are heard in the background followed by music.

The following words come up on screen:

"Universal Pictures Presents" and then, "An Amblin Entertainment Production"



Finally, the screen fades up to show a beautiful sunny day with a large funeral home before the screen.

At the bottom of the screen is the following:

"Cabo Blanco, Costa Rica, 135 miles east of Isla Nublar"



Camera shows the inside of the funeral home with John Hammond’s body in the coffin and standing beside it is LEX MURPHY and TIM MURPHY crying as they look at the poor man's body.

Then Camera shows ELLIE DEGLAR and MARK DEGLAR entering the main room of the building. They both walk up to Lex and Tim. ELLIE "I'm so sorry about what happened."

The two kids turn around and smile when they see Ellie. Lex hugs the woman.

LEX "Thank you so much for coming."

ELLIE "You're welcome. I had to be here for you in this sad time ya know. I may not have ever talked to Hammond after the incident, but he was still a nice person after all... Oh, this is my husband Mark Deglar. Mark I’d like you to meet Lex and Tim Murphy."

TIM (Shaking Mark’s hand.) "It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

MARK "The pleasure is all mine. I've heard some interesting stories about what happened to the three of you on Jurassic Park all those years ago."

LEX "So do you have any kids Ellie?"

ELLIE (Smiling) "Yes. I have two beautiful children. They're back at home with their aunt."

GRANT (From behind) "That's too bad."

Ellie turns around and smiles at Grant.

ELLIE "Alan! It's so good to see you still alive. I heard what happened."

GRANT "Yeah I know. It's good to see you again Mark." MARK "Likewise."

MALCOLM "Well isn't this a lovely little reunion."

ELLIE (Shocked.) "Dr. Ian Malcolm!"

MALCOLM "That's my name as sad as it may be."

ELLIE (Laughing.) "You never change Ian. Hey Mark hunny this is Ian Malcolm."

MARK (Shaking hands.) "I read your book awhile back. Couldn’t put it down."

MALCOLM (Smiling.) "I'm glad to hear it."

GRANT "You should've heard what a kid said about it."


GRANT "Nevermind."

BILLY (From behind.) "Are you talking about me behind my back again?"

GRANT (Turning around and smiling.) "It's good to see you Billy. How was Paris?"

BILLY "It was good. The only bad thing about it was the fact that Paul was extremely irritating."

GRANT (Suddenly tense.) "They aren't here are they?"

BILLY (A little embaraced.) "I'm afraid so."

Billy turns around to point at the three Kirbys. PAUL and AMANDA are standing together waving at Grant. He waves back but not whole-heartedly. He sees ERIC walking up toward him.

ERIC "Hey Alan!"

GRANT "Hey Eric! Did you enjoy Paris?"

ERIC (Smiling.) "You bet I did! So did you consider what I asked before I left?"

GRANT (Confused.) "Huh? Oh that! Yeah, and I decided that it would be a very great idea for you to start learning some Paleontology under my wing."

BILLY "I thought I was your apprentice?"

KATHY (Sadly.) "Not anymore."

BILLY "What do you mean?"

KATHY "Richard died on Nublar."

BILLY "Nublar?"

GRANT "We were just there. That's why we're all ruffed up." BILLY "So does that mean that I'm your partner now?"

GRANT (Smiling.) "You bet!"

ROLAND "I wish you bloody people wouldn't stand right in the middle of the doorway! You think you own the place or something?"

MALCOLM "Roland Tembo? Never thought I'd see you here."

ROLAND "I've got two more surprises as well."

Suddenly NICK VAN OWEN comes into the room followed by KELLY MALCOLM.

MALCOLM (Smiling) "Kelly dear."

KELLY "Hey dad."

Malcolm and Kelly hug before Malcolm turns to Nick and shakes his hand.

MALCOLM "Good to see you again."

NICK "I couldn't miss the funeral of the one that began our long journey I guess I should call it."

MALCOLM "Same here."

SARAH "Ian Malcolm you are in trouble!"

MALCOLM (Turning around) "Sarah hunny. I didn't know you'd be here."

SARAH "Well I got an invitation and I thought you'd be here. I also wanted to make sure you were ok."

MALCOLM "Well I am, and there's something that I need to talk to you about. It deals with Alex."

SARAH "What's that?"

MALCOLM "I'll tell ya later on our way home. Now let's just get settled over there with Matt."

SARAH (Surprised) "Matt's here!"

MALCOLM "There's more that you don't know. I'll explain everything dear."

SARAH (Angered) "You had better!"

Camera switches to a PRIEST standing beside Hammond’s coffin.

PRIEST "If you'd all please have a seat we can begin."

Everyone in the room begins to sit down in their seats in the funeral home. The Priest readies himself for the funeral as everyone is settling in.

PRIEST "Death is a think that everyone hates to deal with, and this death is no exception, as the great man that you all knew to be called John Hammond passed away suddenly last night." The Priest continues to ramble on to the people, as Malcolm looks around very bored while everyone else seems to be entertained by the Priest’s words.

Malcolm suddenly hears a small bump from outside. He looks around at everyone. No one else hears it, but him. Then another bump is heard. This time he notices Sarah’s got a drinking glass by her feet and the water in the glass is making ripples. Another Bump is heard, this time much louder and the ripple once again appears.

Malcolm stands up and looks at the light fixtures on the ceiling swaying back and forth. Then he realizes that everyone else is hearing the bumps as well. He starts for the front door with everyone else in pursuit.

PRIEST "Ladies, Gentlemen, please sit down."

Malcolm goes to the door and opens it. Suddenly everyone sees an adult TYRANNOSAURUS REX walking toward the funeral home. It then notices the people and roars! Everyone in the building screams loudly.



The Tyrannosaur begins charging toward the building at full speed. The animal continues to roar as he does so.



Camera shows another Tyrannosaur coming out of the foliage in front of the funeral home.



Everyone inside the funeral home move away from the door and deeper into the place. PRIEST "Alright everyone just stay calm. I'm going to call for help."

The Priest runs into a room at the far end of the building while the camera follows.



Camera shows the Priest running up to a radio and starts tuning it to the right frequency. He then speaks into it.

PRIEST "Mayday! Mayday! Airlift assistance is needed at The Cabo Blanco Funeral Home immediately! Mayday! Mayday!"



Camera shows everyone standing in the main room silently. They all continue to shake with fear as they listen to the sounds of grunts and purring outside.

KELLY "Daddy, what's going on?"

MALCOLM "Shhh! It's ok dear."

Camera focuses on ROLAND TEMBO standing alert for anything. NICK walks up to him.

NICK (Whispering) "For once, I wish you had a gun with you."

ROLAND (Whispering) "I'm glad I'm not the only one."


8 INT. PRIEST'S READY ROOM- DAY 8 Camera shows the Priest waiting for a reply from the radio.

MAN ON RADIO "This is Costa Rican Air Patrol. We have received your alert. We're on the way."

PRIEST "Thank you God."

The Priest runs out of the room and back into the main room with the others.



Camera shows the Priest run back into the main room with everyone staring at him.

PRIEST "A rescue is being made as we speak."

ELLIE "It's not going to do any good if we can't get out of this building to be rescued."

Suddenly the sounds outside the building stop. Everyone stands completely still listening to hear even the faintest sound.

PAUL "I think they left."

Suddenly the roof of the building is ripped away by the jaws of one of the Tyrannosaurus.

Everyone scrambles to get away from view of the animals, but it's no good. The Rexes begin to smash the walls of the funeral home as well. Everyone begins to run for his or her lives out of the destroyed building.

The Rexes notice and start after the people. The Priest begins to run into one direction and is caught in the mouth of one of the Tyrannosaurs. He screams as he is lifted into the air by the Rex and then is chomped down. CUT TO:


Camera shows Lex and Tim running over to the coffin that Hammond is lying in.

LEX "We have to get him out of here!"

TIM "How?"

KATHY FREEMAN runs up to the two kids.

KATHY "There's no time to get him now! We'll have to come back for him later! Let's go!!!"

The three people take off into the small town that is before them with everyone else.



The town is full of life as people move around the city. They are all going through their dally routine, until they all hear the roars of a Tyrannosaur. Then screams erupt all throughout the city. The Tyrannosaurs continue to pursue the survivors of the funeral home roaring like ragging monsters.

Malcolm leads Grant, Billy, Nick, and Eric into a nearby building. The building is small.



Camera shows the five people entering the building to only have one of the Rexes notice. The animal runs over to them and looks at them through the window to the side of the building. The Rex moves it's mouth over to the door of the building and begins to flick it's massive tongue in the doorway at the people. It continues to reach in for them. NICK "Get back!"

Everyone continues to move backwards. Suddenly the tongue touches Billy’s leg and then raps around it. Billy screams.

NICK "Help him!"

GRANT "Hold on Billy!"

Grant grabs at the tongue and starts trying to push it off of Billy’s legs, but it's useless. Malcolm and Nick try to help him, but the animal's tongue is even stronger then four of them combined.


13 ERIC- DAY 13

Camera shows Eric huddled in the corner, too scared out of his mind to move.


14 BILLY- DAY 14

Camera then shows Billy being pulled out of the building by the Tyrannosaur’s tongue.

GRANT "Don’t let go!"



Grant then feels himself being pulled away by Malcolm and Nick. The four remaining people watch in horror as the Rex pulls Billy out of the building, as he continues to scream. Then, the screams stop. MALCOLM "Definitely not a good day to be working under you, Alan."

Grant turns around and punches Malcolm in the mouth. Malcolm falls back into Nick’s arms.

GRANT ”Go to hell asshole!”



Camera shows final shots of Billy’s death as he is swallowed by the Tyrannosaur.



Camera shows Kathy, Lex, and Tim still running together through the city away from the other rex whom is chasing them farther into the town. The three then meet up with Sarah, Kelly, Wu, and Roland as the seven people run right into a huge office like building. The Rex prepares to take the building down, but then sees some other people running in a different direction.

The Rex turns to see six people running back out of the city and toward the destroyed funeral home again. The Rex charges.


17 EXT. CITY- DAY 17

Camera shows Matt, Alex, Ellie, Paul, Amanda, and Mark running back toward the funeral home as fast as they can go. As they continue to run they look back often to see the second Tyrannosaur charging toward them. They then take a turn into the forest to try to get away from the Rex. However, the Rex follows them into the thick foliage.


18 INT. CABO BLANCO FOREST- DAY 18 Camera continues to follow the six domed people as they go farther into the forest to get away from the still charging rex. Suddenly they stop hearing the rex pursue them. The six people stop and turn around to listen for the rex.

PAUL "I think we lost him."

ALEX "Don't be so sure of that yet."

Matt walks over to Alex and grabs a hold of him. He seems to be crying.

ALEX "It's ok buddy. It's going to be ok."

ELLIE "We have to find a way out of this jungle and regroup with the others."

MARK "I agree. We just have to figure out which way to go."

ALEX "Guys, don't any of you find it odd that the Rex just stopped chasing us? That really worries me."

AMANDA "I agree with him. We should just stay right here and wait for a few minutes. If we hear nothing else then we're fine."

ELLIE "No. We're going to be attacked."

AMANDA "What?"

ELLIE "The Rex stopped because he was tired of trying to come after us by chasing. He's decided to take the slow approach. If I only knew which way he was coming from."

Suddenly a silence springs throughout the jungle. Everything from tree frogs to the wind just stops completely. Everyone starts breathing heavily, scared out of his or her minds and unable of knowing what to do. Then the foliage breaks as the Rex emerges full speed toward the six people. They all scream and continue to run. Alex and Matt however, go off in a different direction from the others.

Camera shows final shots of Alex and Matt as they go off with Matt clenching Alex’s hand as they move deeper into the jungle.



Camera shows Ellie, Mark, Amanda, and Paul continue to run in the jungle.

MARK (Yelling) "I think I see the clearing up ahead! Come on!"

Suddenly the Rex comes crashing out of the side of the jungle from behind the four people and it snatches Paul up in it's mouth as he screams.

AMANDA (Screaming) "PAUL!!!!!!!!"

The three watch in horror as the Rex eats Paul.


Ellie grabs Amanda’s hand and the three people move forward and out of the foliage just in time to see several helicopters coming over the horizon. One of them sets down in front of Ellie, Mark, and Amanda. Ellie and Mark help a now crying and hysterical Amanda in the helicopter as they see that also in the helicopter with them is Malcolm, Sarah, and Kelly. CUT TO:


SARAH "Do you know where Matt and Alex are? We still haven't found them!"

MALCOLM "Everyone else is now accounted for but them and Paul."

ELLIE "Paul's dead and we lost the kids in the jungle. They got separated from us, but I'm sure they're ok."

SARAH "Oh my God, Ian! Our son is lost in the jungle with those creatures!"

MALCOLM "Don't worry dear. I'm sure he's ok. He's got Alex with him. It'll be alright. We'll find them."

ELLIE ”What about all of the other innocent civilians in that city?”

MALCOLM “There’s more rescue on the way.”

Amanda screams in pain as she continues to cry even louder.

ELLIE (Trying to console Amanda) "It's ok. Calm down Mrs. Kirby. Please calm down."

MALCOLM (Trying to help Amanda more) "Your son is in one of the other helicopters with Dr. Grant."

ELLIE "Thank God he's ok. Did everyone else make it?" Malcolm, Sarah, and Kelly all look at each other in sadness. Malcolm touches his black eye gently.

ELLIE (Concerned) "What happened?"

MALCOLM (With sadness) "Alan did this. I said something that I shouldn’t have said, after Billy Brennan was killed."

ELLIE "Oh, God! Poor Alan. He's lost two of his best Paleontologists in a matter of a few hours."

MALCOLM "I learned that the hard way. I wouldn't be surprised if things got worse. There's going to have to be an investigation you know? Some people are going to have to find out how those animals got here on the mainland."

ELLIE "I know."

SARAH "We've also got to find our son."

MALCOLM "I know."



Camera shows Grant, Eric, Wu, Lex, Tim, and Kathy all sitting in shock in the helicopter.

Camera focuses on Grant whom is very tired and extremely saddened for the loss of Billy. The helicopter is silent. Grant can't stand the silence and decides to figure out what's going on.

GRANT "Henry..." WU "Yes, Dr. Grant?"

GRANT "Do you have an explanation for this?"

WU (Sighing) "I'm afraid that I can give one this time. I thought it was a myth, so that's why I didn't bother with telling anyone about it."

TIM "What myth? The fact that dinosaurs are on the mainland?"

WU "Yes. John told me one time that there was a Site C on mainland, Costa Rica. I, of course, knew nothing about it and was never asked to go to that area. So I therefore didn't believe it. Also, John was a little drunk when he told me about it."

KATHY "But if it was true and not a myth, why didn't you tell anyone about it just in case? When InGen was shut down, didn't you think that the animals would've been able to get out?"

WU "That's the thing. The animals were kept underground, and in cages that weren't even run by electric fences. I just thought that if it was true about there being a third site that the animals wouldn't be able to get out anyway."

LEX "This doesn't make sense. I mean, I understand why Grandpa created Site B, but why make another site and on the mainland for that matter?"

GRANT "There's really only one way to answer that Lex."

LEX "How?"

GRANT "If Nublar was to showcase the animals and Sorna was for breeding the animals, then where did they do their lab testing on the animals?"

WU (Angered) "That's absurd! I would never have harmed any of those animals with lab testing! I would've refused!"

KATHY "Maybe that's why you were never told about Site C until one night when the old man was drunk."

TIM "He must've known that you wouldn't approve of animal testing. He knew that you'd try to stop him from allowing it and made sure that you never knew."

WU "Now it all makes sense. And here I thought that I was his most trusted friend."

GRANT "Well, everything has to come out sometime, and it looks like now is the time."

Grant looks over at Eric.

GRANT (Cont.) "Hey, you've been pretty quiet kid. What do you think about this?"

ERIC (Look of concern) "Which helicopter are my parents on?"

GRANT (Pointing) "Well, Roland and Nick are the only people on that one."

Grant looks to the other one.

GRANT (Cont. and counting heads) "Malcolm, Sarah, and Kelly, are for sure in there. I see three other heads, but that would mean that we're missing three people."

Grant moves to the front of the helicopter where the PILOT and CO-PILOT are.



GRANT (Cont.) "Can I speak with the people in the other helicopters?"

CO-PILOT "Si. Just use the radio."

GRANT (Talking in radio) "Ian, come in. This is Alan."

MALCOLM (On radio) "Yeah, what is it Alan?"

GRANT "First off, I’m sorry about the shiner.”

MALCOLM (Laughing) “That’s ok. I deserved it anyway.”

GRANT “Next, are we missing three people? If I've counted heads right, there's three unaccounted for."

MALCOLM (On radio) "That's because two people are missing in the jungle. That would be my son Matt and his best friend Alex."

GRANT "Well that still doesn't account for one person. Do you know whom else is missing?"

MALCOLM (On radio) "There isn't anyone else missing. There's one other person dead."

GRANT (Shocked) "Who?"

MALCOLM (Radio) "I, ah, um, Amanda doesn't believe that's a good idea."

GRANT "Amanda doesn't...Oh, God..."

MALCOLM (On radio) "Exactly. Let her tell him about it later."

Grant looks back at Eric who's looking right at him. Grant smiles and turns back around to the front.

GRANT "Agreed. Tell her that I'm sorry."

MALCOLM (On radio) "I will."

GRANT "Looks like you were wrong about your Chaos Theory thing."

MALCOLM (On radio) "What?"

GRANT "You said when we found out that John had died that another proportion of Chaos Theory had been solved. I guess you were wrong."

MALCOLM (On radio) "Yeah, I guess I was."


Camera shows a large Air Base with airplanes, helicopters, and all kinds of army vehicles.

At the bottom of the screen are the following words:

"San Jose Air Force: Costa Rican Government"



Camera shows everyone in a large waiting room with comfortable chairs, which aren't even being used with the exception of two being occupied by Eric whom is crying his eyes out and Amanda whom is consoling him. A few of the people pace around back and forth on the floor trying to figure out what would happen to them next. Others stand at the windows looking out. No one is talking.

Suddenly a door at the side of the room opens to reveal DR. MARTY GUITIERREZ. Everyone, in the room, turns to look at the man standing before them.

GUITIERREZ "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Is there a Senor Mark Deglar among all of you?"

Camera focuses on Mark and Ellie standing off to the side.

MARK "I'm he. What do you need?"

GUITIERREZ "I'd like to ask you a favor Senor. Would you join me in my office?"

MARK "Sure."

Mark walks away from Ellie and the others, and leaves the room with Guitierrez.


Camera shows Guitierrez sitting down at his desk.

GUITIERREZ "Please sit down Senor."

Mark sits in a chair in front of Guitierrez’s desk.

GUITIERREZ "Would you like some coffee?"

MARK "All I want is to know when we can leave?"

GUITIERREZ "Not until the investigation into what's going on is over. I'm in the process of putting together a little expedition to go out into the jungles of Cabo Blanco to discover where these animals came from and what they're doing there."

MARK "I hope that also includes finding the two lost boys..."

GUITIERREZ "Of course Senor. We're all very worried about them both."

MARK "Ok then. Now what does all of this have to do with me?"

GUITIERREZ "You work for the U.S. Government correct?"

MARK (Confused) "Yes. Why?"

GUITIERREZ "Well, as a representative for the Costa Rica Government and a Biologist we need to both face the facts Senor Deglar. Costa Rica has been doing horrible economically the past few years. Ever since the incident on Isla Nublar back in 1993 we've had a large lose in the tourist area, and with all of the lawsuits dealing with people dying on those islands, this country has been falling apart. We need the help of the United States to put everything back together. We need your help. I would like to have the honor of you helping me to lead the expedition into the jungles. Maybe after this is all over Costa Rica and the U.S. will be stronger allies."

MARK "I'm sure that the U.S. government would really like that, but I'm not all that powerful in the government. I do international relations. I'm not going to be much help to you Doctor."

GUITIERREZ "Oh, believe me, you'll be a lot of help to us, and you might be able to help us get some of those survivors out there to help us out with what's going on. We could use someone that has dealt with these animals before so we'll know what to expect. I understand your wife is a Paleontologist right?"

MARK (Angry) "She's a Paleobotanist and I'm not going to put her in harms way."

GUITIERREZ "I understand. However, we need some help with this and I need you. The Costa Rican Government even needs you. Will you please help us to solve this mystery and help our country get back in shape Senor Deglar?"

Mark turns away trying to decide what to do. He knows it would be a very large help to the U.S. Government if he did this job. Perhaps even his wife would be proud of him for doing all of this.

MARK "Alright. I'm in."

GUITIERREZ (Smiling) "Thank you very much Senor Deglar. Would you please go see if any of our other guests out there would be willing to join us while I make an important call?"

MARK (Smiling) "Of course."

Mark turns around and begins to leave, but then turns back around again.

MARK (Cont.) "When are we leaving by the way?"

GUITIERREZ (Looking at his watch) "The team will be ready in a few hours I believe."

MARK "Thanks."

Mark turns back around and exits the room.

Camera focuses on Guitierrez who is dialing a phone number. He listens to the ringing of the phone and then the picking up of the receiver.

MAN (On phone) "Biosyn Headquarters."

GUITIERREZ (Smiling) "This is Dr. Marty Guitierrez in Costa Rican..."



Camera shows all of the people once again in the waiting room. A few more people have now sat down from tiredness.



ELLIE "I wonder what's taking Mark so long? I don't understand why they needed to talk to him." GRANT "Don't worry, Ellie. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for everything."

ELLIE "I just hope that we don't end up having to stay down here for as long as we did last time."

GRANT (Laughing) "Yeah. We were stuck here for four weeks answering question after question about what had happened on Nublar. I thought we'd never leave."

Ellie smiles.

ELLIE "I miss the way things were back then."

Grant shows he’s uncomfortable.

GRANT "Same here."

Grant looks over at Eric and Amanda sitting on the other side of the room.

GRANT (Cont.) "I'm going to see how Eric's doing."


Camera shows Grant starting to walk over there, but it doesn't continue to follow him. It stops at Lex and Tim sitting in a couple of chairs in the middle of the room.



LEX "I don't understand why we can't go back out there to get grandpa's body." TIM "Don't worry sis. I'm sure they'll let us go out there as soon as an investigation is completed."

Lex continues to cry softly.

LEX "What makes you think there'll be one?"

TIM (Smiling) "Lex, we were attacked by two adult Tyrannosaurus Rexes. Of course they'll be an investigation. Don't worry. We'll be able to get Grandpa's coffin afterwards."

Lex starts crying loudly. Tim uncomfortably hugs her, trying to calm her down.



GRANT "How are ya doing kid?"

ERIC (Trying to smile) "I... I... Ok... I guess."

AMANDA (Stroking Eric's hair) "He's taking this really hard."

GRANT "I understand. How are you holding up?"

AMANDA "I'm still trying to get over the shock of it all. I actually witnessed it."

GRANT "I know. At least poor Eric didn't have to."

AMANDA "Yeah. If he had've though, I'm sure that he'd probably have ended up lost in the jungles with those two other kids. Are they going to be rescued?" GRANT "I hope so. Listen, I'm going to go talk to Henry."

Grant starts to get up, but decides to try to cheer Eric up one last time.

GRANT "Hey Eric."

ERIC "Yeah."

GRANT "You've still got a spot as my apprentice buddy."

Eric tries to make a smile. Grant smiles and pats Eric on the head. He then walks away from the two people.



Malcolm and Sarah are both standing off to the side.

SARAH "Ian, what were you going to tell me about Alex back at the funeral home? I guess now's as good a time as any to tell me."

MALCOLM "Oh, yeah. Well, you know that Richard died on Nublar right?"

SARAH nods.

MALCOLM (Cont.) "Well, you see, Alex has at least another year or two that he'll be in high school and well you know that he and Matt have been best friends for a long time now. I just thought that we should, you know, adopt him."

SARAH (Sighing) "Ian, are you sure about that? I mean think about it. We have Matt lost out there, Our little girl, Monica, at her Uncle's, Evan and Alicia both off in college, and you can't forget Kelly. Do you really think that we should deal with having a sixth kid? And what about Dr. Levine's will? Isn't Alex left with someone already on that?"

MALCOLM "How do you know that Richard was able to make a will?"

SARAH (Sighs again) "That's true."

MALCOLM "Sarah, listen to me. You and I both love Alex even as a son and Matt and they even consider each other brothers. It works. All I want you to do is think about it. Give it a little time and then give me a decision. Ok?"

SARAH "Oh, alright."

Suddenly the door opens again as Mark comes back through.



Everyone stops talking among themselves to listen to what Mark has to say. Ellie walks over to her husband and kisses him.

ELLIE "What's going on dear?"

MARK "Don't worry dear. Everything’s ok."

Mark moves over to the center of the room to where everyone can easily hear him.

MARK (Cont.) "Dr. Guitierrez has asked me to help him lead the team that will be going to investigate where these dinosaurs came from. I know it's a dangerous mission, but they really need my help." ELLIE "Why do they have to have you dear?"

MARK "I work for the U.S. Government and they feel that with my help they'll be able to rebuild this country's economy. Let's face it. Since the first incident happened, Costa Rica has been doing horribly in tourism and some other areas as well. They need the United States to help them put this country back together and that way we'll be better allies. It all seems to be a really good idea."

ELLIE "Yeah, that's true."

MARK "However, the reason that I'm telling you all this, is because they need your help as well. They need at least one if not more of you to help with the investigation."

MALCOLM "Why would they need our help?"

MARK "They need to know what they're dealing with and how the animals are going to react. They have to have someone on the team to understand the behaviors of these animals so we'll have the advantage. So I'm here to recruit people that are willing to help out."

ELLIE "I'm going."

MARK "No Ellie. I don't want to put you in harms way."

ELLIE "Listen Mark. I'm going weather you want me to or not. I don't want to have to sit here worried as to whether or not you are alive. I won't do it. I'm coming. End of story."



MALCOLM "She's still as tenacious as she's always been."

GRANT "And you still have absolutely no idea."

The two laugh.

ELLIE "I heard that!"

Grant and Malcolm look away embaraced.

MARK (Sighing) "Alright dear. You can come along."

ELLIE (Smiling) "Good."

SARAH (O.S.) "I'm coming too!"



MALCOLM "No dear. I don't want you involved."

SARAH "That's too bad DEAR! I'm going to rescue our son!"

MALCOLM "Then I'm going with you!"

SARAH "NO! Stay here and take care of Kelly. It's my turn to take care of Matt while being chased by dinosaurs."

Some of the people snicker.

MALCOLM (Smiling) "Well, I know not to argue with you dear so I won't. Fine. I'll stay here, but you better be careful."

Nick whispers a cracking sound of a whip and smiles as he sees that Malcolm heard him.

SARAH "Oh, don't worry. I will."

MARK "Thanks to both of you. Is anyone else interested?”

No one else seems to speak up. Everyone is completely quite. You could hear a pen drop in the room.

MARK (Sighing) "Thanks again. Come on ladies."

The three people start to leave the room when suddenly someone else speaks up.

ROLAND "Hold up! I'm coming as well."

SARAH "I thought you said that you didn't want to spend anymore time in the company of death?"

ROLAND "That was before I was chased around by two adult Tyrannosaurs. Besides, you guys need someone that has hunted those things. Perhaps I can keep you guys from getting attacked unexpectedly."

SARAH (Smiling) "Now that idea I like."



GRANT "Why don't you go with them? I mean you did work at Jurassic Park once." WU "You know as good as I do that I wouldn't be of any help to them. I'm a geneticist, not a Paleontologist or someone of usefulness like them. Besides I have to look after Kathy."

KATHY "What? Why would you have to look after me?"

WU "Uh... Shhh! Don't worry about that."

Grant laughs and moves away.

MARK "I believe that you guys are going to have to stay here until everything has been resolved."

MALCOLM "We pretty much already thought that. Some of us have been through this before."

Lex walks up to Mark.

LEX "Will you do me a favor?"

MARK "Sure. What?"

LEX "Will you ask them when Timmy and I will be able to go retrieve my grandfather's coffin?"

MARK "Of course."

Lex smiles. With that the four people leave the room and everyone else behind.

GRANT "Good luck to you all."

MALCOLM "And may The Chaos Theory protect them instead of work against them."

Malcolm holds onto Kelly tightly. KELLY "Dad you know something?" MALCOLM "What's that hun?"

KELLY "You really should come up with a new theory. That one's getting old."

Kelly smiles and walks away. Malcolm sighs.

GRANT (Laughing) "I'm glad I'm not the only one."



Camera shows Ellie, Mark, Sarah, and Roland entering a fairly large conference room with Dr. Guitierrez sitting at the end of a long table in the center of the room. Guitierrez smiles and stands up.

GUITIERREZ "I'm guessing this is your team Senor Deglar?"

MARK nods.

GUITIERREZ (Still smiling) "Good! That's wonderful. Please have a seat and we can begin."

MARK "May I introduce the team?"

GUITIERREZ "Of course you can Senor."

Mark walks over to Ellie and gives her a kiss.

MARK "This is my wife, Ellie Deglar, Paleobotanist." GUITIERREZ "Hello Senora Deglar. I'm glad you joined the team."

Ellie smiles.

MARK (Walking to Sarah) "This is Dr. Sarah Malcolm, who is a behavioral Paleontologist."

GUITIERREZ "Don't worry Senora Malcolm, your son will be rescued."

SARAH (With suspicion) "I'm coming to oversee just that."

Mark then turns toward Roland who's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

MARK "And this fellow is Roland Tembo, a great white hunter from Africa."

GUITIERREZ (With a worried look) "A great white hunter huh? That's wonderful!"

Guitierrez then sits back down for a moment, but suddenly stands back up when A UNIFORMED MAN comes walking through the door carrying a slide projector.

GUITIERREZ "Oh, good! We can now begin."

The uniformed man then turns the slide projector on with the first slide appearing on the wall being a slide of a map of some kind of area.

GUITIERREZ "This is a map of the city that you were just running in. The place was called Cabo Blanco. This city is inhabited, but not heavily populated." ROLAND "Why's that?"

GUITIERREZ "There were problems with babies being killed by small lizards several years ago. Some other people had been bitten as well, causing horrible irritation where they were bitten and it also seemed like it was a poisonous bite from whatever it was. A lot of people just eventually decided to leave the city."

ROLAND nods and looks back down to the floor.

ELLIE "Sounds like either Compies or Dilophosaurs."

SARAH (Nodding) "I agree."

GUITIERREZ "We'll land a few miles away from the city and move farther into the jungle. From there, we'll be finding two things. The first are those two kids and the second is the place that created these animals."

SARAH "How large will our team be?"

GUITIERREZ "Not counting us and the plane's pilots, there will be seven other people. They're all well trained military men. Or well, all but one. The final person is a Zoologist... His name is Jeff Rossiter."

ELLIE "He's not Costa Rican?"

GUITIERREZ "No Doctor. We had to call someone to come down here. Don't worry though. Dr. Rossiter is the best of the best.

ROLAND "Well, that's what we'll need for these bloody bastards that we're going up against. I just hope you're ready, cause I know I am. Maybe I'll have a second chance at having a snarling Tyrannosaur head in my lounge at Mombassa."

GUITIERREZ (Confused, but smiles) "That's wonderful. Well, let's get on out to the transportation area. I believe our team should be assembled."

MARK "Just one more question..."


MARK "When will you be able to send out a team to retrieve John Hammond's coffin?"

GUITIERREZ "Actually, the pilots of our transportation are going to take care of that while we're conducting our investigation."

Mark nods his head satisfied. Everyone exits the door.



Camera shows a large building with several military airplanes being fueled up and military officials moving around in a very fast manor.

Camera switches to Guitierrez leading the four other people into the shed from a door that goes back into the main office building.

GUITIERREZ (Pointing to a huge carrier plane outside the shed.) "That'll be our transport. I believe everyone else is already boarded. Let's go!"

Guitierrez runs to the carrier plane and jumps in, followed by the four others.


Inside there are seven people, as Guitierrez had said earlier, and they all, except for one, look to be COSTA RICAN ARMY SOLDIERS.

GUITIERREZ "There isn't much time for introductions, but we have Private Chris Lopez on the far end. He's not very specialized in the field, but he's great at driving vehicles. Beside him is Sergeant Joshua Rodriguez, who's served his country for several years now. He's very specialized in the jungles of this beautiful country. Across from them is Lutinent Carlos Bowman, who once worked for the U.S. Navy. Beside him is Private Brad Edwards, who also worked for the U.S. Navy. The final two men are our mercenaries. The bald one is Corporeal Martin Cruz and the younger man is Sergeant Miguel Martini. And of course, this old guy here is Dr. Jeff Rossiter."

MARK (Shaking hands) "Hello Dr. Rossiter. It's nice to meet you."

ROSSITER "Same to you too Mr...?"

MARK "Deglar. Mark Deglar."

ELLIE "I don't recall a Zoologist by your name Doctor."

ROSSITER "That's because I've been out of the country in all kinds of places. I just recently went back to the U.S. when Dr. Guitierrez called me. He helped me to decide to come down here and help with the expedition."

ELLIE nods, pleased with the answer that she was given.

GUITIERREZ "Well, let's get going!"

The two pilots put their thumbs up and then start off. The transport vehicle lifts off the ground and goes off in the direction of Cabo Blanco and the destiny of everyone on the cargo plane.



Camera focuses on Sarah and Ellie. Ellie seems to be trying to comfort Sarah.

ELLIE "Don't worry Sarah. We're going to find your son. It's going to be ok."

SARAH (Smiles) "I know. I know. Why is everyone trying to make me out like glass? I won't break. I know that he'll be ok. He's with Alex and they're both fine."

Ellie (Smiles) "Ok. I was just trying to keep ya calm."

SARAH "I'll be fine. Let's just get there and everything will be even better."

Sarah looks over at Roland. He's sitting across from the two ladies and beside Mark. He seems to be fiddling with his riffle.

SARAH (Cont.) "So are you just looking for a rex trophy, or is there anything else that you have in mind?"

ROLAND (Not looking up) "Depends."

SARAH "What would it depend on?"

ROLAND (Finally looking up) "If I find something bigger, I'll take it down."

ELLIE "Like a Spinosaurus?"

ROLAND "What? Oh that thing that Dr. Grant was talking about right? Maybe. I heard from Malcolm that something on Nublar kicked his ass though."

ELLIE "Suchomimus. Alan told me about it."

SARAH "Yeah, that's what Ian told me. The odd thing about it was that neither animal was killed."

ELLIE "That's because it was a dispute over territory. Nothing like the fight that Alan saw on Sorna between a Rex and Spinosaur. That was just for the Spino to get a meal."

ROLAND "Kind of makes the tyrant lizards reputation in San Diego go down the drain right?"

SARAH "You better believe it! If that Spinosaur had gotten lose in San Diego, I don't think anyone would've been able to stop it."

MARK "I believe that the army could handle it."

SARAH "Well that may be so, but if you don't want to have the animal killed, then you'd have to try something else."

ROLAND "As the great Robert Muldoon once said, 'They should all be destroyed'"

ELLIE "Yeah, but he was talking about the Velociraptors and I agree. I've been through an encounter with those animals before. However, the Raptors aren't what's being tested here."

ROLAND "No, it's something worse."

ELLIE "Much worse."

SARAH "Alright you two stop it. You're giving me a headache."

MARK "I agree with her."

SARAH "Good. At least your husband agrees with me Ellie. Ian hardly ever does."

ELLIE "Well, that's just Ian I guess."



Camera shows the plane flying past the remains of the funeral home and the city of Cabo Blanco.



Guitierrez is right behind the Pilots as they continue to fly the plane. Guitierrez is looking at a map.

GUITIERREZ "Just a little farther outward. We'll land in that clearing up ahead."

PILOT "Yes sir." CO-PILOT "Remember, you'll have to radio us back when you're finished."

GUITIERREZ "I understand Senor. Just keep that radio on and don't forget to pick up Mr. Hammond's coffin."

PILOT "Yes, sir."

Guitierrez turns and leaves the cockpit. He returns to the rest of his team in the cargo area.



GUITIERREZ (Cont.) "We're about to land. Private Lopez and Sergeant Rodriguez, I want you two to be in charge of the Explorers. The rest of you are in charge of weapons and other supplies. Let's get moving!"



Camera shows the plane landing in a small clearing in the woods. They are about three miles from the city of Cabo Blanco. The plane touches down on the ground and immediately the back loading bay is opened. Two Explorers come busting out of the plane and into the clearing. Everyone else runs out of the plane.

The plane then rises back into the air and quickly leaves the area and the twelve people behind.

Mark walks over to Guitierrez who's looking at a map with Rossiter. MARK "So, since we're the leaders of this team, we should decide where we're going to search first."

ROSSITER "Oh, I'm afraid that this is where I take over the expedition."

Roland overhears this and pulls his gun up in their direction.

ROSSITER "I'd be putting that down if I were you Mr. Tembo."

Rossiter points around the area. Roland looks around to see that all of the military people are holding guns right at him. Roland pulls his gun down.

ROSSITER "Now, I want both of you to go stand beside the ladies."

Roland and Mark move away from Rossiter and Guitierrez and back over to Ellie and Sarah. They all stand stiff and confused as to what is going on. Mark looks over at Guitierrez whom is very saddened over what has transpired.

MARK "You set me up!"

ROSSITER "Indeed he did. However, I was the main person that did all of the setting up."

ELLIE "Why would a Zoologist want to do this?"

ROSSITER (Laughing) "I'm not a Zoologist. Hell, I'm not even a doctor. I'm Mr. Jeff Rossiter. I'm the owner of the Biosyn Corporation."

ROLAND "Biosyn!"

SARAH "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you have realized that you couldn't get this technology when Dodgson failed?" ROSSITER "Dodgson? That was a distraction for the true project."

ELLIE "A distraction?"

ROSSITER "Yes. You see, for the past ten years, Biosyn has been helping the Costa Rican Government to put themselves back together."

SARAH "So that's how Dodgson was able to buy Isla Nublar from Costa Rica."

ROSSITER "Exactly."

MARK "I've got it! The distraction was for Dr. Malcolm, Grant, and Wu!"

ROSSITER "Very good, Mr. Deglar. Our project needed the distraction of those three people so we could continue what we were really doing."

ELLIE "Dodgson going to Nublar was just a set up?"

ROSSITER "Completely. You see, you may not realize it, but John Hammond wasn't the Walt Disney fun loving person that you all think he was."

SARAH "What are you talking about?"

ROSSITER "After Peter Ludlow threw Hammond out of InGen, he joined Biosyn and became partners with me. Soon, after Ludlow died and InGen begged for Hammond to return to the company, we joined forces to create BioGen."

SARAH "BioGen?" ROSSITER "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? However, Hammond knew, just as I did, that if we were going to be able to complete our project, that we needed a way to get rid of the unwanted people like Grant, Malcolm, and Wu."

ELLIE "But that would've still left the rest of us to figure you out."

ROSSITER "Not exactly. You see Mrs. Deglar, you and your husband were all the way out in Washington D.C. on the other side of the U.S., Mrs. Malcolm, you were dealing with your daughter and too concerned about your husband to figure anything out. Mr. Tembo here was in Kenya with Nick van Owen. Malcolm's daughter was in Paris... oh and speaking of Paris, you can't forget the special tickets that were given to the Kirby's and Billy Brennan. Those came from Mr. Hammond's personal account. All that left was Lex and Tim Murphy whom were with Hammond the whole time, on his death bed."

ELLIE "That's right. When Hammond died, that surely took you back a step."

ROSSITER "No, actually. We figured that it would happen, and we had to find some way to get a few of you experts in the InGen dinosaurs to Costa Rica."

SARAH "Hammond only wanted to be buried on Nublar, because he was hoping for us to be attacked by animals that were at Site C?

MARK "Alright, why did you need me?"

ROSSITER "Ransom."

MARK "Ransom?" ROSSITER "You work for the U. S. Government. BioGen needs money to make our new park work and a good amount of money from your ransom will be a lot of help."

MARK "Our government won't pay you shit!"

ROSSITER "Don't push my buttons Mr. Deglar. There are six Costa Rican military officials pointing guns at all four of you. I'd hate for something to happen to your lovely wife there."

MARK "You touch her and I'll..."

ROSSITER "And you'll what? You'll try to tackle me? You'll throw a fit? What?"

Mark turns away from Rossiter.

ROSSITER (Cont.) "That's what I thought. All right everyone let's get moving! We've got some dinosaurs to take down."

Camera shows everyone moving toward the two large Explorers and getting inside. The four heroes are separated into different vehicles. Mark and Roland are in one, and Sarah and Ellie are in the other. Guitierrez is supervising Mark and Roland. Ellie and Sarah are being watched over by Rossiter.

The Explorers move out and into the jungles, leaving the small clearing behind.



Camera shows the Explorers moving through the thick foliage at a slow pace. CUT TO:

44 INT. ROSSITER'S VEHICLE- DAY 44 There are six people cramped in the vehicle. Chris Lopez is driving. Rossiter is sitting on the passenger side. In the middle of them is Sarah. In the back Ellie is sitting between Brad Edwards and Carlos Bowman.

CHRIS "Don't you think we should go faster Senor?"

ROSSITER (Shaking his head) "No. We don't want to disturb the carnivores until we're ready for them."

CARLOS "What's our plan Senor?"

ROSSITER (Turning around to face Carlos.) "Didn't Dr. Guitierrez tell everyone what was going to happen?"

BRAD "No Senor. He just told us to wait for your instructions."

ROSSITER "Damn him. Always taking the easy way out."

SARAH "Just like you right?"

ELLIE (Scolding) "Sarah!"

ROSSITER "Oh, Dr. Deglar, allow Dr. Malcolm to express her feelings. It doesn't really matter anyway. You'll all be dealt with soon enough."

SARAH "You have no right to be here! These animals should be left alone! Let them live their lives without our interaction! That's the only way to stop these deaths!" ROSSITER "Good God, Dr. Malcolm. You're starting to sound like how Hammond was before he snapped out of his born again naturalist stage. You have to understand this one thing: These animals belong to BioGen and it's time that you realized that."

Suddenly the vehicle stops with a sudden jolt. This causes the other vehicle to go crashing into the first one.

ROSSITER "What the hell?"

CHRIS "Oh my God!"



Camera shows that the Explorers were at a large clearing filled with all kinds of herbivorous dinosaurs. There are PARASAUROLOPHUS munching on the trees, GALLIMIMUS communicating at the far side of the clearing, and TRICERATOPS munching on leaves.

Everyone leaves the vehicles.

ROSSITER "Chris! Damn it! Look at what you did! We may not even be able to use these anymore!"

CHRIS "I'm sorry sir. Those animals just cault my attention and stopping was all I could think to do."

ROSSITER "You knew exactly what we were coming to get here! You shouldn’t have been surprised!"

As Rossiter continues to argue with Chris the camera switches to Ellie and the others whom aren't being watched by anyone. Everyone else is too busy being amused by Rossiter’s anger or are too fascinated in the animals. SARAH "What are we supposed to do? We need to find my son and Alex."

ELLIE "We know Sarah. What are the chances of the four us getting out of here without them seeing us?"

ROLAND "Slim to none. I also don't have my gun anymore. We wouldn't survive five minutes out there with carnivores."

MARK "Well, how much longer do you think we'll survive around Rossiter?"

SARAH "Where's your gun at?"

ROLAND "Dr. Guitierrez has it. He's carrying two guns. Don't ask why. I guess he wants to be the male version of Laura Croft or something."

ELLIE "I have an idea. It's a long shot, but it might work."

MARK "What?"

ELLIE "Everyone seems to be distracted over there, so all we have to do is get close enough to Dr. Guitierrez to take him."

SARAH "How are we supposed to do that without the others hearing?"

ROLAND "It's called the element of surprise."

ELLIE "Exactly. We'll take Gutierrez down to the ground and take both of his guns. Who knows, he may have an extra handgun or two with him as well. We'll then take him hostage and get moving out of there." SARAH "I don't know about this. It could be really dangerous."

MARK "I'm with her. I don't know if this is the best idea."

SARAH (Smiling) "That's twice he's agreed with me."

Mark laughs a little.

ROLAND "Well, it's the only plan that we've got right now, so let's go with it."



ROSSITER "Chris, you'd better realize what you're doing next time and pay attention. All right everyone here's the plan. We're going to go out there and try to kill at least two of each species. From there, you'll take your needle guns and extract some of their DNA. That's all you've got to do. Now doesn't that sound easy to..."

Suddenly the sound of gunfire is heard as Rossiter and the others turn to see Guitierrez being tackled to the ground by Roland and Ellie.

ROSSITER "Hey! Stop them you idiot!"

Camera shows Guitierrez rolling around on the ground while Roland and Ellie continue to try and grab his guns from him. Roland finally punches the general and grabs his gun. Ellie takes the other one and they both point them up at Rossiter and his men. Sarah and Mark grab Guitierrez off the ground and pull him back up.

ROSSITER "Do you guys actually think that two guns are going to stop six other guns?" Suddenly Sarah pulls a small handgun out of a holster and points it at Guitierrez’s head.

SARAH "If you idiots don't want your precious Biologist to die, you'll put your guns down!"

The six military men look at each other.

ROSSITER "What are you waiting for? Shoot them!"

The men all put their guns down and stand back.

ROSSITER "You idiots!"

Roland and Ellie continue to point their riffles at Rossiter and the other men as they start to back away with Sarah, Mark, and Guitierrez as well. They then start running into the jungles.

ROSSITER "You won't make it out of here alive!"



The camera continues to follow Roland and the four others. Mark has to practically drag Guitierrez as Sarah continues to point the handgun at his head.

The five stop when they're sure that Rossiter and company wouldn't be able to follow.

ELLIE "Alright Dr. Guitierrez, where is Site C?"

GUITIERREZ "Site C? What do you mean?"

ELLIE "You know good and well what I mean! Where are the labs! We have to find them!" MARK "Ellie hunny, calm down."

ROLAND "Why do we need to go to Site C anyway?"

ELLIE "Those two kids will more then likely be there. That's the first place that we need to search."

SARAH "Well, Guitierrez, tell us? I won't my son found!"

GUITIERREZ "I don't know where it is."

ELLIE "Bullshit!"

GUITIERREZ "It's true! I was only hired to help Mr. Rossiter lead the team. He's the one that knows where the labs are!"

ELLIE "Well then, I guess the five of us will just have to find them won't we?"

The five people began moving again, but Roland suddenly stops them with a motion of his hand.

ELLIE "What's going..."


The five people stand completely still.

ROLAND (Cont.) "There's something big up ahead. Move out of the way."

Ellie, Sarah, and Mark move away pushing Guitierrez on. Roland moves slowly through the jungle, moving closer to what he was hearing. He pushes past all of the ferns and bushes around him and suddenly stops when he sees something very unbelievable. He opens his mouth wide at the sight before him.



Beyond the area that Roland is standing is a SPINOSAURUS AEGYPTICUS. However, it is lying down and seems to be breathing very loudly. The animal could be asleep, except its eyes are open. They seem very evil and look as if they're staring right at Roland, but the animal never moves. It has to be asleep.

Roland pulls up his gun and readies it. He looks through the scoop. He's breathing very hard. He seems to be frightened just by looking at the animal. Roland’s finger raps around the trigger, and just as he's about to pull, the Spinosaurus moves! One of the animal’s extremely long arms moves upward. However, the claw moves to its ear as it starts scratching. The claw then moves back down to the rested position. Roland sighs. He pulls his gun back up, looks through the scope again, puts his finger on the trigger, and fires the riffle! However, his aim is off, because of a small rustling in the bushes from the wind. The Spinosaurus is hit in one of its arms.

The animal suddenly roars and stands up in rage and pain for its arm. Roland runs back toward the others, and the Spinosaurus notices. It starts charging through the dense jungle, in hot pursuit of his attacker. The animal knocks trees over with its powerful shoulders as it continues to move.



Camera switches to Roland who's still running toward the four other people. He finally spots them.

ROLAND "Go! Get out of here! Spinosaur!!"

Everyone takes off, moving through the jungle, as they all hear the roars of the Spinosaurus and his gigantic foot steps. CUT TO:


Camera shows the Spinosaurus rampaging through the jungle, after the five people, but mainly the one that shot him in the arm. Trees are crashing everywhere.

The camera pans to show the view of the Spinosaurus as it sees the people running just a little ahead of him.

Ellie then notices, up ahead of her, is a path that seems a lot denser then the rest.

ELLIE "This way!"

Four of the five people hear her. Guitierrez is the unlucky one. He, not noticing that the others went in a different direction, continues in the other, less dense path.

The Spinosaurus realizes that he can't get to the four other people, so he goes after Guitierrez.

Guitierrez is fighting panic as he continues to run through the jungle. He can feel the monster behind him getting closer and suddenly he feels himself being lifted off the ground. He is scooped up into the Spinosaur’s mouth as he continues to scream, and then is silenced.



Camera shows gunfire as in the herbivore clearing, Rossiter’s six men are shooting at the Parasaurs, Triceratops, and Gallimimus. The three animal species are running around in a panic. The Parasaurs are running for the foliage, the Gallimimus are trying to stampede toward the people, and the Trikes are trying to charge the people.

Toward the side of the clearing, where the broken-down Explorers are, Rossiter yells at his men.

ROSSITER "Kill them!" The men have already taken a Parasaur or two down, so they're focusing on the Trikes and Gallimimus. However, they're having a hard time, because the two species are trying to defend themselves by chasing after the six men. As the men run, they continue to shoot at the animals that are after them. They are successful at taking several of the animals down, but the others still pursue.

Suddenly the sounds of screaming are heard from Corporeal Martin Cruz. The camera shows that one of the Trikes have rammed into Cruz, sending one of the animals horns right though the man's body, killing him instantly. Rossiter’s reaction to this is less then surprised for he doesn't really care.

The remaining Gallimimus and Trikes stop chasing the five remaining men and retreat to where the Parasaurs went.

ROSSITER "Hurry up!" CARLOS "But what about Mr. Cruz, sir? He's dead! We should do something!"

ROSSITER "Yes you should do something, and what you should be doing is getting the God damned DNA! Now do it!"

The camera shows the five military men taking out long needle-like objects. They go for some of the dead animals around the clearing and inject them with the needles. Blood is shown coming up into the device. The men finish and run back toward the Explorers.

ROSSITER "Alright Chris, try to get that vehicle working again. Miguel, you try and fix the other one. If we can't fix these vehicles then we'll just have to finish on foot."



Camera shows Ellie and company moving through the thick foliage. The day seems to be slowly fading away from the team as they continue to move on. Roland and Ellie both still have their rifles, while Sarah still holds her handgun. Mark stays in the middle of the people since he has no weapon.

SARAH "Do we even have any idea where this Site C lab might be?"

ROLAND "It'll be in the heart of the jungle."

SARAH "What does that mean?"

Roland turns around, but only for a second before continuing to move.

ROLAND "You never picked up to the InGen Pattern?"

ELLIE "InGen Pattern?"

ROLAND "Exactly Dr. Deglar. It took me awhile to realize it and I had to find out some info about Isla Nublar to know for sure, but there is a pattern to where the main complexes are. If you haven't realized it yet, The Visitor's Center was near the center of Isla Nublar, and the Site B labs were near the center of Isla Sorna, so it just seems logical that the Labs here will be near the heart of the jungle."

SARAH "You know that could really be considered the InGen Theory instead of a Pattern."

ROLAND "Well, I'm not a Chaotician so... I’ll just let your husband publish it."

Sarah and Ellie both laugh. Mark stays quite for he has no idea what is so funny.

MAN (O.S.) "Oh, I think it's an excellent Theory."

The four people turn around and the camera turns as well to show Rossiter and his five other men. They are all, now including Rossiter, carrying guns.

Roland, Ellie, and Sarah all pull their guns up in some sort of a stand off.

ROSSITER "Please. Give me a break. You're hardly a match for us. It's three on six for crying out loud."

ROLAND "At least we'd take a few of you with us."

ROSSITER "See that's where things are different. I'm not ready to die. I've got a nice little park to build and I still need the four of you...Hmm. Looks like Dr. Guitierrez has expired."

ELLIE "Looks like you lost someone as well."

ROSSITER "Yeah, a damn Trike got him. What about Guitierrez?"

SARAH "Spinosaurus."

ROSSITER "Well, Hammond sure was crazy just for bringing that thing here. I wonder what else he's got at the labs?"

MARK "I don't think it's a great idea for you to really find out."

ROSSITER "Actually Mr. Deglar, I believe it is for me to find out. You see, the U. S. Government doesn't exist out here, and well, hell, the Costa Rican Government doesn't either now that Guitierrez is out of the way. See this is now BioGen territory and you, my friends, are standing on it." ROLAND "I am not your friend."

ROSSITER "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Tembo. I was hopping to kill a tiger or two with ya. Oh well. I guess I could just kill you instead."

ROLAND "You wouldn't dare."

ELLIE "Roland! Don't!"

Rossiter turns his gun toward Ellie.

ROSSITER "Now Dr. Deglar, what did I tell you about not letting people speak their minds? It takes all of my fun away. You might want to be careful about that. You could get seriously hurt."

MARK "You leave her alone!"

ROSSITER "Oh, don't worry Mr. Deglar. I'll only need her for a short amount of time. You have nothing to worry about though. Just stay calm and you'll be fine."

SARAH "What do you want from us now?"

ROSSITER "Mr. Tembo's Theory was correct. Site C is in the heart of these jungles, and we're severely close as well. I knew you people would be trying to come this way so you could find those stupid kids and who knows. Maybe you'll get lucky. However, Sarah, I wouldn't bet on them making it out of these jungles alive either."

SARAH (Angered) "YOU BASTARD!!!!"

Suddenly Sarah lunges at Rossiter and tries to take him to the ground. She is successful, tackling him. However, Brad and Carlos pull her off of him and hold her back. Rossiter stands and dusts himself off.

ROSSITER (Smiling) That was severely stupid Dr. Malcolm."

Rossiter then punches Sarah right in the mouth! She falls to the ground and out of Brad and Carlos’ hands. Suddenly Rossiter hears a click of a gun. He turns to see that Mark has picked the handgun that Sarah was carrying, up.

MARK "Leave her alone!"

Rossiter and the rest of his men back off. Roland and Ellie push forward with their riffles still in hand. Ellie helps Sarah to her feet. The four people stand back.

ROLAND "This is going to be done our way. You will not control us and we will not control you. You stay out of our business; we'll stay out of yours. You find your precious DNA and we'll find the kids. If we're lucky, we'll make it out of here safely. You will comply."

Rossiter stands there just staring at Roland.

ROLAND (Pointing his gun directly at Rossiter's head) "Comply!"

ROSSITER (Smiling again) "Fine. Would you like for us to lead or follow?" ROLAND "How about we keep one of your people with us in the back while your people lead?"

ROSSITER "That's fine. Chris, you go back there. The last thing I need is you messing up something else."

ELLIE "So your vehicles are shit now?" ROSSITER "Yep. There was nothing we could do. They're useless, but since Site C is just a short walk away, we'll be fine."

SARAH (Whispering) "Famous last words."

ROLAND "Alright then, let’s move out!"

Rossiter and his men, minus Chris move in the front of the convoy. The others with Chris move in the back. The camera shows continued shots of the people moving through the jungle at a fast pace. Ellie is walking beside her husband, holding his hand, when she suddenly lets go.

MARK "What's wrong?"

ELLIE "I thought I heard something."

Roland hears her and yells to the front of the convoy.

ROLAND "Hold up! Ellie thought she heard something."

ROSSITER "We don't have time for this."

ROLAND "Yes we-"

Before Roland can finish his sentence he hears a thumping sound in the distance. Everyone else hears it as well and becomes quiet.

The thumping is heard again and again. Finally the thumping becomes so loud that it seems to be shaking the foundation of the land.

Then, a horrifying roar is heard. Finally, a Tyrannosaurus Rex emerges from the jungle right behind the people. Everyone scatters, going in opposite directions. The Tyrannosaur tries to get at the people that are scurrying around him as he roars in aggression. ROSSITER "The labs are this way! Keep moving!"

Rossiter leads everyone in the direction of the labs as the Rex continues to pursue them. The people seem to be getting away from the Rex as they are too fast for him. As a last ditch effort to get a meal, the Rex lunges forward toward the people and is able to reach one of the men in the back as he grabs Sergeant Joshua Rodriguez in his jaws. Joshua screams out of panic and is suddenly silenced when the jaws clamp down on the man and permanently silence him.



The camera shows a simi-large building standing in a clearing. The building is old looking and is overgrown with vines. There are a few vehicles outside the building that are overturned and trampled over. There is a sign outside as well that is right over the large entrance door. The sign reads:

"InGen's Site C For Disease Control"

ROSSITER (Smiling) "Here we are ladies and gentlemen. Site C. Step lightly please."

Rossiter laughs as he continues to walk on. Everyone else is walking not far behind, being very cautious of danger. Rossiter walks up the front steps to the building and enters with everyone else in pursuit.


54 INT. SITE C LABS- DAY 54 The people all continue moving through the lab building. In the front of the building is a small desk obviously for a secretary or something.

SARAH "Matt! Alex!"

ELLIE "Sarah! Be quite! You don't want any animals knowing that we're here!"

SARAH "Sorry, Ellie."

They then turn down a hallway that has several rooms. Rossiter opens one to see a bed and nightstand. He does the same thing to a few other rooms. All of the rooms have the same furniture.

ELLIE "Looks like the workmen's residence."

ROSSITER "You're correct Dr. Deglar. Of course there was only about ten people that worked here at a time, however. That's the reason that the building is so small. Plus you have to remember that the animals that were tested here were just young juveniles. I think I see the labs up ahead. Come on."

The team of nine continues on toward the end of the hallway, where they come out into a large work floor. The room has several computer terminal stations, all overturned, and in the center of it all is a large platform. The platform seems to have small square shapes engraved in it.

MARK "What is this place?"

ROSSITER "This, my friend, is the research facility. Everything that dealt with the DX virus was researched here."

SARAH "DX virus?" ROSSITER "Didn't Hammond ever tell ya about it?"

SARAH "No. What is it?"

ROSSITER "The effects of feeding goats to the Carnivores. There was some kind of disease in the goats that caused the DX virus to infect the animals. Soon the virus spread to the herbivores as well, and Hammond had no choice, but to create Site C to find a cure to the disease."

ELLIE "Was one found?"

ROSSITER "I think so. If one hadn't have been, the population of the animals would've soon gone down slowly and the animals would eventually become extinct. As you have already seen, the animals are still alive. So I guess this place was a success."

ELLIE (Whispering) "Some success."

ROSSITER "Alright men, lets find the DNA."

The people all move out through the labs.

ROSSITER (Cont.) "If I'm not mistaken, there is supposed to be a lower level to this place that held all of the animals. If there are any of them still locked up, they'll be there. Start searching for any kind of stairwell."

The camera shows the people moving through the lab building. They move past several of the broken computers and onward to the large platform. Sergeant Miguel Martini actually steps onto the platform. Rossiter walks over to a nearby computer and starts messing around with the systems. Suddenly, after pressing a few buttons, an alarm sounds. All nine people become very alert to this noise. Around the platform some cage-like bars come up around it. Miguel stands confused as to what's happening. Suddenly, some kind of gas-like substance comes up around the cage. Miguel panics and starts running into the bars, trying to take them down. He is however, unsuccessful. The camera shows that the gas has completely engulfed the area around the cage. The rest of the people all stand back in shock and confusion as to what’s occurring. Miguel’s screams can be heard throughout all of this.

Then, just as quickly as the gas appeared it suddenly vanishes just as fast. Inside the cage is Miguel, lying on the ground, not moving. The cage bars then retract back underground where they came.

SARAH "I'd advice you, Mr. Rossiter, to not push anything else."

ROSSITER "You don't have to tell me twice."

Sarah moves onto the platform followed by Ellie. The two women kneel down beside the man. Sarah checks his pulse.

ELLIE "Is he..."

SARAH "He's still got a pulse. It's really low though."

ELLIE "Do you know what happened to him?"

SARAH "I think he just experienced knockout gas."

ELLIE "What would they need that for?"

ROSSITER (O.S.) "More then likely for the animals."

ELLIE "What?" ROSSITER "Well, isn't it obvious? This platform was to hold the animals while they were being tested. The gas was to keep the animals from trying to breakout of the cage or from trying to bite at the researches. How long do you think the gas will last?"

SARAH "It's uncertain. Someone will have to carry him."

BRAD "I will."

CARLOS "Me too."

Brad and Carlos move onto the platform and take Miguel and place his arms over their shoulders.

Then, from the other side of the room, the voice of Chris is heard.

CHRIS (O.S.) "Hey! I think I've found your staircase Mr. Rossiter!"

ROSSITER (Smiling) "You may have just regained my trust, Private Lopez. Let's get moving people!"

The camera shows final shots of the people leaving the lab and entering the corridor that Chris is standing at.



The camera shows the team going down a flight of steps. They then emerge into a large hallway area with several large cages with doors. This area looks very familiar to the caged areas at the labs in Jurassic Park 3. However, there are animals in the cages! In the first cages, the people can see PROCOMPSOGNATHUS scurrying about, as well as MAIASAURIA in a large cage trying to eat the vines around the cage. ROSSITER (Smiling) "Go to work boys."

Brad and Carlos set Miguel on the ground and leave Sarah to try to wake him.

ROSSITER "Now, I don't want you guys to be interfering with our work."

ROLAND "Oh, don't worry. We don't want to ruin your fun."

Rossiter snickers. He starts moving away from everyone else and farther into the complex. Suddenly Rossiter is knocked down by something running right into him with a pipe of some kind. Rossiter is now being beaten with the pipe.

ROSSITER "I give up! Stop!"

The person stops hitting him. Chris, Brad, Carlos, Mark, and Roland all run around the corner to see that the attacker is actually Alex Levine.

BRAD "I'm guessing you're one of the kids that we're here to rescue right?"

ALEX "I'm Alex Levine. You're here to rescue us?"

MARK "That's right. Do you remember me? I was at the funeral. Ellie's husband, Mark."

ALEX "Oh, yeah."

Alex turns around in the other direction.

ALEX "Matt! Come on! We're saved!"

Suddenly some footsteps are heard in the background as the young Matt Malcolm comes into view. MARK "Sarah! You might want to come here!"

Sarah comes running around the corner.

SARAH "What's wrong?"

MATT "Mom?"

Sarah turns to face Matt and Alex. She suddenly becomes very emotional. SARAH "MATT!"

The two run to each other and hug.

SARAH "Thank God you're both alive. How long have you been here?"

ALEX "Pretty much the whole time. We ran into this place only a few minutes after we got separated from the others. We've been here since."

ROLAND "Were you attacked at all?"

ALEX "No. Unless you consider these animals in the cages running up to us and trying to break through."

ROSSITER "How far does these cages go?"

MATT "Not much farther. It actually goes into a large jungle- like area."

ROSSITER "Do you know what's there?"

MATT "Something big. That's all." ALEX "We didn't stay there for too long."

SARAH "Are there Raptors here?"

ALEX "Oh, yeah. They're right down here with the Dilophosaurs."

Ellie comes around the corridor.

ELLIE "You didn't get close enough to let them spit at you... did you?"

MATT "We know better then that. We had to deal with those things on Nublar."

ROSSITER "Alright men, let's get those animals. We should also check that jungle place."

Rossiter starts to walk off, but then Roland pulls him back and turns him around.

ROLAND "Are you crazy? You don't know what's in there. It's bad enough that you're even going to bother with the Raptors and Dilos, but to try and kill yourself is beyond stupid."

ROSSITER "Well Mr. Tembo, you're not part of the bad guys team this time around and you aren't leading it either like you did when you worked for Peter Ludlow. Here, I'm in control of my team and if I want to go in there, then I will."

ROLAND "Fine. Go kill yourself, but we're leaving."

ROSSITER "That's fine. You go ahead and leave if you like. I sure as hell don't need you anymore."

MARK ”What about us being hostages?” ROSSITER (Laughing) “That was before I hit the jackpot with all of these dinosaurs. Besides, I don’t see you people getting out of here alive anyway.”

Roland, Mark, Ellie, Sarah, and the two kids all leave Rossiter and his men behind.

SARAH "Oh, Miguel is sitting at the steps when you're ready to leave!"

ROSSITER "That's fine!"

Rossiter, Brad, Carlos, and Chris all continue down the hallway. Rossiter is in the lead as he moves on. Suddenly an animal crashes into a cage beside him. This makes Rossiter scream and move to the other side of the hallway where another animal rams into it's cage. The animals are VELOCIRAPTORS.

ROSSITER "Damn bastards!"

The Raptors snarl and stare at them. Rossiter is suddenly irritated. He pulls his gun up at the animal that scared him first.

ROSSITER "Tell me you son of a bitch, have you ever wondered what it was like to have your head full of lead?"

Rossiter then shots the gun at the animal’s head. The Raptor then falls back and crashes into the wall at the far side of the cage. Blood covers the wall.

CHRIS "What does that mean Senor?"

ROSSITER "It's just a little saying Chris. Don't worry about it. Ok boys, get that cage open and get the DNA." Rossiter moves forward and suddenly feels something go flying on his shoulder. Rossiter touches it and feels how sticky it is.

ROSSITER "Well, I think I've found the Dilos."

Rossiter pulls his gun up and fires at the cage beside him. The DILOPOSAUR in the cage is then blown back by the riffle.

ROSSITER "Hurry up! We don't have forever to get this finished. We have a Dilo down in this cage."

Rossiter moves forward toward an entrance that has a huge door on it. On the door is a sign that says "BARYONYX"

ROSSITER "Well this is a surprise."

CHRIS "What's a Baryonyx Senor?"

ROSSITER "Just another vicious predator."

CHRIS "Do we want it Senor?"

Rossiter turns around and looks at Chris like he's an idiot.

ROSSITER "Yes we want it you idiot! Let's move!"

The four men open the large door and step inside the room.



Inside the room is filled with jungle trees and there is also a small river running through it as well. The roof of the building seems to be completely glass and folds upward in a triangle. ROSSITER "Stay ready men. This thing will try to make a sneak attack."

The four men stay very close to each other and make a kind of circle, pointing their guns in every direction.

Suddenly a loud roar is heard from the foliage on the right side of the room. A humongous animal comes crashing out of the foliage after the people. The four men start firing their guns at the animal as they run in different directions from the Baryonyx.

Rossiter sees a staircase that leads to a platform, up ahead.

ROSSITER "This way!"

Brad and Carlos hear and follow. Chris isn't as lucky. He runs in a different direction, toward the door that they came in. It is a mistake. The Baryonyx catches up to him and snatches him up in its mouth. Chris’ screams are then silenced.

The camera switches back to Rossiter, Brad, and Carlos running toward the staircase. The Baryonyx notices and starts charging toward the staircase. The three men reach the top of the case where there is a door and computer panel. Rossiter begins typing on the panel. The Baryonyx reaches the staircase and begins pounding into it as the animal roars continuously at the three men.

The staircase is now tottering back and forth as the men try their best to hang on. Rossiter finally is successful at getting the door open and runs through. Brad isn't too far behind. Carlos starts in the door, but the animals pounding causes him to lose his balance and topple over the side of the staircase. He grabs onto the railing of the staircase and tries to pull himself back up.

BRAD "Come on bro!"

Carlos continues to pull himself back over. However, he then begins to scream loudly as the Baryonyx pulls him off of the strut. The animal then crunches down on him, silencing him permanently.

BRAD "No!"



Camera shows Rossiter pressing buttons near the door and suddenly the entrance to the Baryonyx paddock closes. Brad stands inches from the door in shock and dismay.

ROSSITER "We have to get out of here."

BRAD "I can't believe it. I've known him my whole life. Now he’s gone."

ROSSITER "I thought you two only worked together in the Navy?"

BRAD "Damn it!"

Brad then slams him fists into a nearby computer terminal. Suddenly an alarm sounds throughout the room.

VOICE (O.S.) "Warning! All pens have been opened. Warning! All pens have been opened. All personnel must evacuate the area immediately."

ROSSITER (Shocked) "What the hell did you just do?"

BRAD (Also shocked) "My god! I think I just let all of those animals lose." ROSSITER "You idiot! Now there'll be Raptors and Dilos running throughout this whole building!"

BRAD "That's not all."


BRAD "Miguel is still down there."

VOICE (O.S.) "Attention! The emergency self-destruct system has been activated. All personal must leave Site C immediately. Ten- minute count down is necessary. Only authorized personal can deactivate the self-destruct system."




Camera shows Miguel still laying next to the stairs leading back to the main lab on the first floor. He's now starting to come to. He sits up and shakes his head.



Camera shows one of the cage doors opening slowly.



Miguel starts to stand back up. He looks ahead of him. His vision is very blurry, because of what happened to him and he's having a hard time seeing. He does see a figure up ahead of him. He tries to squint his eyes to see who it is ahead. MIGUEL "Senor Rossiter?"

Then his vision clears as he sees that it's not a person, but a Velociraptor. Miguel screams and starts running in the opposite direction. The Raptor roars and starts after Miguel. Miguel runs up the steps, but the raptor pursues. We then hear the screams of Miguel fade out as he's silenced out of view.



ROSSITER "We have to get out of here now!"

BRAD "What about Miguel?"

ROSSITER "He's dead! Let's go!"

BRAD "Go where? There's dinosaurs running all over this building and it's going to blow any minute!"

Rossiter turns away and looks around the room. It's filled with computers and there is a large glass area looking down into the Baryonyx compound. At this point, he wishes that he hadn’t.


Suddenly a large evil head comes blasting through the glass. It’s the Baryonyx! Brad and Rossiter fall to the ground from seeing this monster trying to get at them. Rossiter then looks to the ceiling and sees hope in the ceiling tiles. Rossiter runs over to the computers and grabs one of the chairs.

BRAD "What are you doing?"

ROSSITER "Getting our asses out of here. Now are you gonna..." Rossiter looks toward an exit door at the far end to see a Raptor’s head looking in at the two of them. Rossiter climbs onto the chair and lifts the tiles up. He then climbs up into the shaft. Brad then takes the hint and jumps onto the chair.

The Baryonyx roars in frustration as it realizes that it can’t get to the two men. It finally just gives up and removes its head from the where the window once was.

The Raptor at the door then breaks through and runs for Brad. Brad jumps up and grabs the ceiling. He starts climbing, but then feels himself being pulled down by the Raptor. The animal has his leg in his grasp and is trying to pull him back down. Brad screams as he continues to climb. However, the animal’s strength overtakes him and he's about to let go when he feels Rossiter grab his arm. He starts to pull him up.

BRAD "No! This is for Carlos!"

Brad releases the grip from Rossiter and falls to the ground where the dinosaur immediately starts feeding off the man.




Rossiter starts moving through the passage.

ROSSITER (Shaking his head) "Just because the guy was his best friend."

He then sees a small amount of light coming through a vent ahead. Rossiter smiles and moves over to the vent. He then kicks it out. He looks out the exit slowly as he searches for danger. There isn't any. He steps out of the vent and starts moving.

ROSSITER (Whispering) "I've got to find the others."

Rossiter starts running from the labs in the direction that he believes the other people would be going. Suddenly the Site C building explodes in a blaze of glory. Rossiter goes flying as the explosion engulfs the area around him. He stands back up and looks at the destruction. He sighs and begins running again.



Camera shows Roland, Ellie, Mark, Sarah, Matt, and Alex all walking through the dark jungle. Roland is in the lead with his riffle in hand. Ellie is at the back of the group, with Mark, holding her riffle. Sarah is in the middle with her handgun trying to keep the two kids calm.

SARAH "So where are we going?"

ROLAND "We're trying to find those Explorers. Hopefully, there will be radios in them that we can use to call for the cargo plane."

ALEX "Do you know where that is?"

ROLAND "I think so. If I'm not mistaken, all we have to do was go in a westerly direction from the Site C labs and we'll eventually find the clearing that those Triceratops were in."

ELLIE "Well, let's just hope that those Raptors don't get out of their cages."

MATT "I agree with her. I'd hate for them to find us."

ALEX "That's just because you were teasing the animals." SARAH "Teasing them?"

MATT (Smiling) "I was sticking my tongue out at them."

ALEX (Laughing) "Yeah, and you also mooned them too."

ELLIE "Just a word of advice. Don't do any of that again. Those animals are ruthless killing machines that'll destroy you without thinking twice. Just hope that they don't remember you guys if they do get out."

MARK "How could they possibly get out? They're locked in electrified cages."

ROLAND "If I know Rossiter like I think I do, he'll end up finding some way to let them all out."

ELLIE "Then we'll have Raptors and Dilos to deal with on top of the Rexes and Spinos."

Suddenly, a roar is heard throughout the jungle. This roar sounds like the Spinosaurus, but it's a little louder.

ROLAND "I think we have something bigger to worry about then Rexes and Spinos."

The six people look around in all directions trying to find the danger.

ROLAND (Cont.) "Let's get out of here."

The people start running through the foliage as fast as they can go. As they run, they hear the sounds of the animal roaring again. They suddenly stop when they see that the foliage and land both end immediately in a very long drop. This area looks like a canyon.

MARK "What do we do?"

The roar is heard even louder this time and they can also hear and feel the footsteps of a huge animal coming toward them.

ROLAND "If we had rope we could climb down."

ROSSITER (O.S.) "Rope problem solved."

Everyone turns to see Rossiter coming out of the foliage unsoldering his backpack. He starts to go through it looking for some rope.

SARAH "Where are the rest of your men?"

ROSSITER "They're all dead."

SARAH "When we left you, you still had four men alive. One of them was unconscious, but how did it happen."

ROLAND "There's no time for that now! We have to get down below!"

Rossiter then pulls some rope out of the bag and ties it around a tree. Matt and Alex are the first two to go down the rope. Then Ellie, Sarah, and Mark go down. Finally Rossiter starts down and Roland isn't far behind him. However, Roland also sees a huge animal coming out of the jungle at full speed after them. This is a SUCHOMIMUS. The animal is going too fast to stop at the cliff and he slips and falls over, just barely missing the people climbing down the rope.

ROLAND "That was pure luck." ROSSITER "I don't believe in luck."

ROLAND "Well, if you're still alive after what we've been through, you're pretty lucky."

Camera shows final shots of the people climbing down the rope to the bottom of the canyon.



Camera shows the team on the ground now after they'd climbed down the canyon. What they see before them isn't very visible, but the moonlight is helping. They see that the Suchomimus is unconscious just a few steps away from them.

MATT "Is it still breathing?"

Roland walks a little closer to the animal.

MARK "Don't get to close! It could just be faking it!"

ROLAND "I know."

He slowly continues toward the animal and listens in for the breathing. The breathing is heard, but it is very weak. Roland steps back to the others.

ROLAND "It's still breathing. It's weak, but the animal will live."

ALEX "Well, I don't want to be here when that thing wakes up."

MATT "Same here."

ROSSITER (Pointing) "Let's go that way." Rossiter is pointing to his right into the darkness, and toward what looks like a small river or creek. Roland nods his head and the two men take up the lead of the group. Sarah, Matt, and Alex are in the middle, and Ellie and Mark are in the back.

They continue to go through the canyon for a little ways and then emerge at the river. Across the river they see a large cave. The cave seems monstrous, but none of the large predators would be able to get in there.

Suddenly a loud roar is heard and large footsteps are felt as the team turns around to see that the Suchomimus is fully awake!

ROLAND "Head for the cave!"

The seven people jump into the river and start running for the cave on the other side. The Suchomimus pursues, running toward them, roaring the whole way. The people make it to the cave and all jump inside.



The Suchomimus rams its head through the cave, but its head is even too big to completely fit through. Its snout continues trying to ram into the cave so it can get at its meal.

MARK "Will we be safe here?"

ROSSITER "I sure hope so."

The camera switches to Alex and Matt who are looking around the cave as everyone slowly moves backwards through it. The cave is humongous on the inside. If the entrance had have been big enough, the Suchomimus would've been able to move freely inside. As Alex continues to look around the cave, he starts to see strange shapes hanging from the top of the cave. Alex’s look suddenly turns to fear. ALEX "Hey Matt, do you still have that flashlight that we found at the lab?"

MATT "I think so. Why?"

ALEX "Just get it out."

MATT "Ok."

Matt goes through his pockets and pulls a small flashlight out of his left pocket. He hands it to Alex. Alex turns the flashlight on and shines it in the direction of the weird shapes. To both of the kid’s horror they see PTERANODONS asleep high above them. Alex turns the flashlight off and grabs Matt’s hand. The two run back to the others nearer to the entrance.

ALEX (Whispering) "Guys, we've got a problem."

ELLIE ”What is it?”

Alex shines the flashlight again toward the sleeping Pteranodons.

ELLIE "Oh, shit."

ROSSITER "Are those Pterodactyls?"

ELLIE "Try Pteranodons. These must be the animals that escaped Isla Sorna when Alan went to that island."

SARAH "How can you be so sure?"

ELLIE "There are only three full adults here. The rest are juveniles or babies. I can't believe they've been living in a cave here since then. I'm sure Amanda's glad they never went to Enid."

MARK "What are we supposed to do? There are Pteranodons in here and that thing out there! We don't stand a chance of getting out of here alive!"

ROLAND "Will you calm down? We've just got to think of a plan and maybe we'll-"

Suddenly the Pteranodons awaken from all of the noise being made by the people. The animals roar their terrorizing call and swoop down toward them. The people run for the exit to the cave and where the Suchomimus is standing.

The Pteranodons try to attack the people with their long beaks, but they all duck and block the attacks as they continue to run. They reach the opening to the cave and notice that the Suchomimus is still standing there, but it's removed its head from the entrance, because of the Pteranodon’s noises and the people's screams.



All seven people then run right under the Suchomimus’ legs and continue running. The Suchomimus turns around enraged at the people and starts to chase after them, but the Pteranodons then fly out of the cave and notice the Suchomimus. Feeling that the Suchomimus was a larger threat to their home then the people, they turn on the Suchomimus and start attacking him. The Suchomimus tries to thrash the flying creatures away, but they all three keep coming back at him.

Finally, the Suchomimus grabs one of the Pteranodons with its large crocodilian snout and tears it apart. The other two animals fly off after that, feeling defeated. The Suchomimus resumes its search for the people.


67 INT. JUNGLE- NIGHT 67 The seven people continue to run, when suddenly they come out at a large clearing that contains three Brachiosaurs, several Ankyalosaurs, and a few Stegosaurs as well. But in the center of the clearing is none other then the cargo plane, waiting for a reply from Rossiter or someone else on the team!

ROLAND "What's that bloody thing doing here?"

ROSSITER "This must've been a safe place for the helicopter to land. There are three herbivore species here that could protect them from an attack."

MARK "Well, let's not question their methods. Let's just get on the damn plane!"

The seven people go threw the clearing and past all of the herbivores. They get on the plane and see to their surprise, the two pilots are playing cards. The pilots just look at everyone shocked.



PILOT "Well... I expected you guys to contact us. Not find us."

ROSSITER "There's no time to talk! Let's get out of here!"

CO-PILOT "Where are the others?"

ROLAND "They’re all dead! Come on and get this damn plane off the ground!"

PILOT "Alright!"

The two pilots go to the cockpit and start the plane's engine. The plane starts to take off with all of the herbivores in the clearing being startled, but not very much, for they more then likely had to hear the sounds of the engine once before. The plane then begins to take off, when suddenly the vehicle starts shaking violently.

PILOT "We can't take off! Something's got a hold of the plane!"

Roland goes over to the door of the plane and looks out to his horror and sees that it's the Suchomimus! The creature has a hold of the tail end of the plane and is trying to pull it apart! Roland pulls his gun up at the animal and fires!

ELLIE "What's out there?"

ROLAND "Sucho!" Rossiter and Ellie run up to the door as well and start shooting their guns as well.

Sarah and Alex are shown sitting between Matt, holding the young boy tightly. He is extremely scared and shaking. Mark sits beside Sarah praying.

Finally, one of the shots from the gunfire hits the animal in the eye socket. The animal roars in pain and lets go of the plane. The craft leaves the ground and goes high into the sky, leaving the Suchomimus in pain.

Roland and Ellie leave the door sighing. Rossiter stands proud.

ROSSITER (Smiling) "It was my bullet that hit him in the eye."

ROLAND (Sarcastically) "I'm happy for you."

ROSSITER "You should be, since I'm the one that-"

Suddenly Rossiter is yanked out of the door screaming. What grabbed him is a Pteranodon. The animal starts to fly off with Rossiter, holding him by one arm. CUT TO:


The camera follows the Pteranodon that has Rossiter. Rossiter tries to shake the Pteranodon’s grip on him off, but is having no luck.

ROSSITER "Let me go!"

Rossiter then uses his lose hand to go through his right pocket. He pulls out a knife and slashes the animal’s claw. The Pteranodon screams in pain and lets go of Rossiter. The man falls screaming to the dark Costa Rican jungle below.



Camera shows that the one remaining Pteranodons is attacking the plane. The animal is pulling on the landing gear that still hasn't been pulled up.

CO-PILOT "Someone shoot that damn thing!"

Roland looks down at the creature below and aims his gun.

ROLAND "Peck at this!"

Roland fires the gun and hits the Pteranodon right in the head. The animal screams and falls off the plane. It falls to the ground below not to be seen again.

Roland falls to the plane's floor and breaths heavily.

ROLAND "I'm to old for this shit." Everyone sighs. Sarah looks over at Alex, beside Matt.

SARAH "Alex?"

ALEX "Yes Dr. Malcolm?"

SARAH "Please Alex just call me Sarah. A few days ago, Ian mentioned to you something about adoption right?"

ROBERT (Clearing his throat) "Yes."

SARAH "Well, I've decided that, just like Ian, I want you to be a part of this family. You’ve definitely earned your place in it for helping to keep my son alive."

Matt looks up and smiles.

ALEX "Thanks. That would be a great honor."

MARK "I'm glad it's all over."

ELLIE "Mark, hunny, I have a feeling that it’s all just beginning. I’m not sure why, but I just have a feeling that we haven’t seen the last of Jeff Rossiter and the Biosyn Corporation."

Camera shows final scenes of the cargo plane leaving the jungles behind, and the sun beginning to rise over the horizon.



Camera shows a large cemetery with nine people standing before a coffin that's being lowered into the ground by a few other men. At the bottom of the screen are the following words:

"Mary Jordan's Cemetary for the deceased”

“Palo Alto California"



The nine people standing near the coffin are Roland Tembo, Lex Murphy, Tim Murphy, Ian Malcolm, Sarah Malcolm, Matt Malcolm, Alex Levine, Amanda Kirby, and Eric Kirby.

Malcolm, Sarah, Amanda, Eric, Matt, and Alex all seem to be leaving at this point.

MALCOLM "How is Eric doing?"

AMANDA "He's still doing horrible. If he just had a friend or two to do something with, it might make him feel a little better. Most of his friends turned their back on him after what he went through on Sorna. He's never even gone out with anyone. His life just hasn't been the same since going to Sorna. Everyone is either jealous, or afraid of him." MALCOLM "InGen's dinosaurs can do that to people. Think of my leg. I haven't been able to walk normally since the first incident."

Alex overhears all of this. He runs over to Eric who seems to be leaving without his mom almost, going toward the vehicles in the parking lot. Eric is looking down at the ground and seems to be acting like his life is coming to an end.

ALEX "Hey Eric."

ERIC (Turning around) "What?" ALEX "I just thought I'd talk to ya. I'm Alex Levine, Richard's son."

Matt walks up to the two boys.

ERIC "I know who you are. Would you please just leave me alone?"

ALEX "I'm not sure you really want to be alone. Why don't you come hang with us for a while? You know, so you can be around people more in your age group before you go to help Dr. Grant."

ERIC "I don't know."

Eric starts to walk away.

ALEX "Listen, I lost my dad on Nublar just like you did in Costa Rica. We may have lost them to different dinosaurs, but we still have something in common. Listen; take me up on this offer dude. Come spend some time with us. Hang around ya know? Like buds."

Eric looks past Alex and Matt to Amanda for reassurance. She's standing a little ways back with Malcolm and Sarah. Amanda nods to him and smiles.

ERIC (Smiling) "Ok. I'll do it."

Alex and Matt both smile. Alex puts his arm around Eric’s shoulder and the three kids walk toward the vehicles.

MALCOLM "You don't mind if he stays with us for a few days do you?"

AMANDA "As long as you don't mind having a dozen kids in your home." SARAH "Oh, believe me, Ian loves kids. I believe he'd have a million of them if he could."

Malcolm smiles and the three adults walk to the vehicles.



ROLAND "I'm sorry that there was only a few people willing to come to this funeral."

LEX "It's understandable. I mean, seeing as what you found out about what grandpa did with the Biosyn Corporation, or I guess I should say the BioGen Corporation."

TIM "I still can't believe he joined forces with InGen's mortal enemy."

ROLAND "Well, I heard it straight from Jeff Rossiter's mouth. I guess everyone has a dark side."

TIM "Was Rossiter's body ever found?"

ROLAND "Not yet. The search area isn't all that big though. Even if he survived a fall or something, he wouldn't be able to crawl very far. I'd at least not think so. I'm just glad you didn't keep with Hammond's little idea to burry him on Isla Nublar." LEX "Well, seeing as which it was all just a little plot to get Rossiter and some of us down to Costa Rica to that Site C place, we didn't feel it was worth going to Nublar where we could get in danger yet again."

ROLAND "That was a good decision."

TIM "We're just glad that all six of you got out of there ok." LEX "We're especially happy that those two kids are ok. Sarah and Ian are extremely glad for that."

ROLAND "More then we'll ever know I believe."

TIM "What do you think will happen now that the animals are on the mainland?"

ROLAND "Who knows. I just hope that we can solve that before something bad happens. I'll tell ya this much though. It's all far from over."



Camera shows a man sitting in a wheelchair and another man pulling him along. Both men's backs are turned to the camera. They are looking down toward Roland, Lex, and Tim. They can also see Malcolm and Amanda’s cars leaving the Cemetery.

The Camera switches to show the two men’s faces. The man standing isn't recognizable. However, the man in the wheelchair is Jeff Rossiter! He's smiling and has his hands in an evil posture.

ROSSITER "You're right Roland. It is far from over. Let's go. We have a park to get to." Rossiter starts laughing evil as the man pulling him along turns him around and they go off in the opposite direction of Hammond’s gravesite. FADE OUT

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