Okaloosa-Walton Cac Meeting Minutes

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Okaloosa-Walton Cac Meeting Minutes


April 17, 2014

Members Attending: Steven Czonstka, Chairman Niceville Douglass Bacon Niceville Bill Cox Crestview Dean Covey Ft. Walton Beach Charlene Greenwald Ft. Walton Beach Wayland Davis Freeport Landrum Edwards Crestview Thomas Stein Walton County

Others Attending: Jim DeVries FDOT Virgie Bowen FDOT Sarah Walker HNTB Giovardhan Muthyalagari HNTB Ryan Wetherell Kimley-Horn Jim Wood City of Destin, TPO Chairman Jon Morris Okaloosa County Airports Mark Hamrick Ft.Walton Beach Chamber Duane Goehring Citizen Gary Kramer TPO Staff Christy Johnson TPO Staff Mary Robinson TPO Staff Mary Beth Washnock TPO Staff Brandi Whitehurst TPO Staff Brian Youpatoff TPO Staff Christy Johnson TPO Staff Dorothy McKenzie TPO Staff

A. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Czonstka called the meeting to order.


Ms. Washnock introduced items to be added to the agenda.

1. Citizens' Advisory Committee application from Mr. Mark Hamrick. 2. Information item relating to US 331 and SR 187 project development and environment study from I-10 to the Alabama state line. 3. Action item regarding the Transportation Symposium.

Ms. Washnock explained that Mr. Hamrick's membership would be effective after the TPO's approval and he would serve on the committee starting in June 2014. OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 2

Mr. Covey moved to approve the add on items to the agenda, Ms. Greenwald seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

C. PUBLIC FORUM - Chairman Czonstka called for speakers. There being no speakers the meeting moved to the next item.


Chairman Czonstka called for a motion to approve the February 20, 2014 minutes.

Mr. Davis moved to approve the February 20, 2014 minutes, Mr. Covey seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


1. Consideration of Resolution O-W 14-06 to Amend the 2035 Okaloosa-Walton Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for Planning Consistency – Ms. Christy Johnson reported that in March of 2012 the LRTP was adopted. She advised there are additional future transportation needs. The TPO, for the next 20 years, only had approximately 4% of the money available to take care of the needs. The plan is updated every five years and projects are added as funds become available. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires that all plans be consistent. The process starts with the LRTP and priorities are adopted each year.

Ms. Johnson was proposing an amendment to add new projects as listed in the agenda.

1. Add right-of-way construction funds to widen P. J. Adams/Antioch Road from SR 85 to Ashley Drive. 2. Add right-of-way funds to widen P. J. Adams Pkwy. at Antioch Road, from Ashley Drive to I- 10. 3. Add design right-of-way construction funds to widen US 331 to the Alabama state line. 4. Right-of-way construction funds to widen US 98 from four to six lanes from Airport Road to CR 38 West. 5. PD&E funds for bay system bridge improvement needs in the Ft. Walton Beach area

Ms. Johnson advised that meetings were held in Crestview and at Ft. Walton Beach to discuss the amendments.

Chairman Czonstka asked what determines when the projects start and will be completed. He asked if it was determined by the priority list or funding availability. Ms. Johnson said when they find out that FDOT has added a project to the Work Program, or FDOT considers their 2040 Long Range Cost Feasible Plan, then the TPO Long Range Transportation Plan has to become consistent with FDOT's plans.

Ms. Johnson said regarding P. J. Adams, the County entered into a partnership with FDOT and were using the Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) funds to help with a safety issue on P. J. Adams/Antioch to move the project. The first segment from SR 85 to Key Lime design and right-of-way construction is scheduled in Fiscal Year 2016. The second item, Key Lime Place to Ashley Drive, design, right-of-way, and construction is also scheduled for FY 2016. Ashley to OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 3

Wild Horse right-of-way is presently scheduled for FY 2016. Ms. Johnson said by adding this project to the Long Range Plan with the segmentation, it could be moved up. She stated that Wildhorse Drive to I-10 right-of-way is scheduled for FY 2017. She said additional money could be added and the projects could be moved up. There is nothing scheduled for I-10 to US 90 presently.

Mr. Edwards said Crestview need to be a priority. He said there were people lined up in traffic for five hours when there was a gas spill. He said they need an on and off ramp because the only way people could get back to I-10 was by using the overpass on Antioch. He asked that this be moved up by the TPO.

Chairman Czonstka asked if a comment could be added with approval of the resolution. He asked to add, in light of the recent traffic occurrence with the truck, a recommendation that the work that would have eliminated that problem be expedited. Ms. Johnson asked if a separate process was being requested, or if the CAC wanted to do it that day. Ms. Robinson advised it could be done that day if the recommendation were added to the motion.

Ms. Johnson said the first phases were in process and that there is money for construction to start in July of 2015. Ms. Greenwald asked how much the process would be accelerated by CAC action that day. Ms. Johnson said the process was that the County had to finish the design, and nothing could happen until the design is finished. After design is finished, right-of-way would be acquired. Design and right-of-way had to be completed before construction. Ms. Johnson said the right-of- way process could take 18 months or longer.

Mr. Edwards stated they went through the process three years ago. He said they had a survey and asked how many times they were going to survey. He said the outlay was going to be changed to go across I-10, back to the other roads, and make another turn. He said if they were going up to I- 10, it had already been surveyed and approved to four lane it to I-10. Ms. Johnson said the PD&E was done and submitted to FHWA, and now they were doing the engineering/project design. Mr. Edwards said the engineering was done at one time. Ms. Johnson said the engineering was not done, and that on the list of priorities for FY 2015-2019, adopted September 19, 2013, the project from SR 85 to I-10 was number three on the priority list.

Mr. Edwards said if there is a bad storm, with the condition on Antioch and the condition of trying to get under I-10, there would be greater problems than ever before. He said during the last big storm he waited eight hours in traffic to go under I-10 to get to his house.

Ms. Johnson asked if there was an upcoming meeting about the Interstate Master Plan. Ms. Washnock said the item was to be covered later in the meeting that day. Ms. Johnson said an additional interchange could be part of the master plan.

Mr. Davis said trying to justify just the current occurrence could cause a problem because it is consistent. He said probably another development was coming in Crestview. He said they needed to focus directly on Crestview for relief. He said it is a terrible situation when you get to dead end to SR 85 and US 90, and go off to P. J. Adams.

Ms. Johnson said it was the first step in adding it to the Long Range Plan. She said it was in the Long Range Plan as a locally funded project. FDOT has come forward to partner with the County OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 4

to complete the job. The County has been broken into pieces and they know it needs to be resurfaced. Instead of resurfacing and pulling it back up they have divided it into sections.

Mr. Edwards said he talked to engineers and the first segment is wetland, and the only way the engineers can make it viable is to dig all the muck out and repair it. He said he was referring to the first segment off of SR 85 to Lime Place. Ms. Johnson said the County is aware of the problems and the County is designing with solutions.

Mr. Cox referred to the first segment of P. J. Adams from SR 85 to Key Lime Place, and asked if it was in a project to insure that a traffic light is included in the first segment project. Mr. Cox said it was extremely important. Ms. Johnson said she would make a note and said she would ask at the TCC meeting, and provide Mr. Cox with the information.

Chairman Czonstka suggested adding the CAC's recommendation that the work in Crestview be emphasized, or prioritized. He said it is a decision for the TPO and FDOT.

Mr. Davis moved to recommend that the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution O-W 14-06 to amend the 2035 Okaloosa-Walton Long Range Transportation Plan for planning consistency, and recommend to the TPO and FDOT that the Crestview work be increased in priority; Mr. Edwards seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

2. Consideration of Resolution O-W 14-08 to Amend the FY2015-2019 Project Priorities for Okaloosa County Airports - Mr. Kramer said a request was received from Okaloosa County Airport, and the amendment was to accomplish getting the priorities for the Airport consistent with the TPO's Transportation Improvement Program. Priorities 4 through 7 were being added in FY 2015. Priority 3 was being added in FY 2018, and Priority 5 was being added in FY 2019.

Ms. Greenwald moved to recommend that the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution O-W 14-08 to amend the FY2015-2019 Project Priorities for Okaloosa County Airports; Mr. Covey seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

3. Consideration of Resolution O-W 14-05 to Adopt the FY2015-FY2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) - Ms. Washnock said the UPWP represents the budget and tasks performed by the TPO. Comments were received from Federal Highway and FDOT. Their comments were addressed or implemented into the UPWP. Changes were made to the budget. In Fiscal Year 2015 approximately $10,000 was taken out of the PL funding, and $40,000 was taken out of Fiscal Year 2016.

Ms. Greenwald moved recommend that the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution O-W 14-05 to adopt the FY2015-FY2016 Unified Planning Work Program; Mr. Covey seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

4. Consideration of Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) Application - Ms. Washnock advised there were citizens to be added to the CAC. Mr. Duane Goehring and Mr. Mark Hamrick applied to become members.

Mr. Edwards moved to recommend that the TPO approve the CAC applications for Mr Goehring and Mr. Hamrick; Mr. Cox seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 5

Ms. Washnock said that in the last week confirmation was received from the Governor's Office approving the membership apportionment. There will now be an additional member from Crestview, a member from Freeport, and only two members from Ft. Walton Beach instead of three as in the past. Chairman Czonstka clarified that the member apportionment was relative to TPO membership. He also clarified that CAC membership is limited to 30 members. Mr. Stein asked how many meetings a member can miss before being dismissed from the CAC. Ms. Washnock said the bylaws state you lose membership after missing three meetings without an excused absence. If notice is received that a member will not be attending a meeting it is considered an excused absence.

5. Recommendations for Nominating Committee Members for Chair and Vice-Chair for FY 2015-2016 - Ms. Washnock asked that a nominating committee be determined for the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chair for Fiscal Year 2015. The Chairman for FY 2015 will begin office in July 2014. The nominating committee will meet prior to the CAC meeting in June 2014 and make a recommendation for Chair and Vice-Chair. Volunteers for the nominating committee were: Mr. Landrum Edwards, Mr. Wayland Davis, and Mr. Douglass Bacon.

Mr. Covey moved to approve the recommendations for Nominating Committee Members for Chair and Vice-Chair for FY 2015-2016; Mr. Cox seconded, and the motion passed with one opposing vote.

6. Add On Item - Transportation Symposium - Ms. Washnock encouraged members to attend the event. There are going to be ten panels at the symposium, and there will be several guest speakers. She said the West Florida Regional Planning Council has a Facebook page, and that there is a Facebook page for the symposium.

Ms. Washnock said the TPO was going to be asked to agree to send one CAC member to the symposium at no charge to the member. Chairman Czonstka said the fee for the symposium is $175.00 per person. The CAC elected Ms. Charlene Greenwald to attend as the CAC representative.

Mr. Covey moved to recommend that the TPO send Ms. Charlene Greenwald to the Transportation Symposium at no charge to the member, Mr. Davis seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.

F. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Mr. DeVries stated he did not have any items to report at that time.


1. I-10 Master Plan Project Kick-Off Meeting Announcement - Ms. Sarah Walker said this was an update to the kick-off to the TPO in December.

Ms. Walker said she is the project manager with HNTB, working on behalf of FDOT. She said their study area limits for I-10 is the five county middle section of I-10, from the Santa Rosa/Okaloosa County line to Jackson/Gadsden County line. The area spans 13 interchanges. The OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 6

objective of the Master Plan is to improve the mobility of I-10, define and analyze alternatives, and protect right-of-way priorities if needed as they look to the future for any projects.

Ms. Walker provided a diagram indicating where the Master Plan fits into the planning process. Development of the Master Plan is a long range planning effort that considers existing conditions of the system and identifies conceptual alternatives to address sufficiencies or recommend enhancements to the interstate to promote mobility.

Ms. Walker said through a tiered evaluation process preferred alternatives are documented in FDOT's Long Range Plan for District Three. Projects in the Long Range Plan were moved into further phases of project development.

Ms. Walker advised that HNTB is approximately three-quarters of the way through the 12-month process. In June they will present some recommendations for improvements and enhancements. The final plan will be done in the late summer.

Ms. Walker stated that existing roadway conditions meet FDOT's design criteria. Existing travel demand analysis looked at the mainline, merge and diverge segment, and at intersections at all 13 interchanges. Currently the mainline and merge and diverge segments are all operating within the level of service standards. 12 of the 13 interchanges are unsignalized at the ramp terminals. The 12 unsignalized intersections are operating at level of service standards. The one signalized intersection is at SR 85 and currently the eastbound ramp terminal is operating below standard levels. Other movements at the interchange based on the data are near failing and will show failing moving into the future out to 2040.

Ms. Walker related that crashes for the five-year period of 2007 to 2011 for all segments were below the statewide average for rural interstates. The crashes were at a higher level near CR 189 over Okaloosa and SR 85.

Ms. Walker said the design year, or outer year, for the study is 2040. Traffic on the mainline and merge and diverge continues to operate within standards. The interchanges continue to decrease in level of service. Unsignalized are operating below standard.

Ms. Walker said in 2040, if no improvements are made, Exit 56 will continue to operate below at both ramp terminals from all directions of the intersection.

Ms. Walker said to address the deficiencies, and consider enhancements a number of alternatives were evaluated. To be consistent with transportation planning statewide, the goals and objectives used in the Master Plan were from the 2060 Florida Transportation Plan. The criteria measures were developed using input from the public, the project team, and previous studies.

The initial list of alternatives for the Tier One analysis were listed. Deficiencies and needed enhancements were also listed. After Tier One alternatives are evaluated, using the evaluation matrix, the ones at the top will be screened in more detail. The preferred alternative will be determined for the I-10 corridor.

Ms. Walker said the Plan will be taken to the public for input. They will meet in Crestview Community Center, and in Chipley. OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 7

Ms. Walker said the Tier Two alternatives will be presented in June. The public will be consulted for recommendations for improvements.

Mr. Bacon asked about alternatives that have a reversible laning. He asked if that was seriously being considered, because he considered them dangerous. Ms. Walker said it would be used in evacuation situations. For example I-10, on both sides, would be turned in one direction. She said it was unlikely to be used in the local area. Chairman Czonstka said reversing lanes had been done for evacuation purposes.

Mr. Davis asked if bridges and overpasses were evaluated in the Plan. Ms. Walker said they did evaluate the bridges. There were about five bridges that did not meet the vertical clearance standard. Mr. Davis said if the bridges are lost I-10 would come to a stop. Ms. Walker stated that no bridge in the study was structurally deficient or obsolete.

Mr. Covey asked what the level of service on I-10 is presently. He asked if six lanes were being considered since they are looking out to 2040 on the interchange areas. He thought if there were to be dedicated truck lanes they would want to expand to six lanes. Ms. Walker said regarding six laning I-10 current data does not show that six laning is needed. She further stated dedicated truck lanes were not probable.

2. Review of the Draft O-W FY 2015-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Mr. Kramer said the draft was posted online. It is to be an action item at the next CAC meeting. Comments were to be received by May 7, 2014. Mr. Kramer said an Appendix E was added to the TIP which has the full cost of projects. Appendix E is a federal obligated transit list for projects that Federal Transit Administration requires. The project priorities regarding the Airport were added to the TIP with the Airport amendment.

3. Add on Item - US 331 and SR 187 - Mr. Ryan Wetherell with Kimley-Horn presented. He said Kimley-Horn is working with FDOT's Environmental Management Office out of District Three to begin a PD&E study on US 331. The study starts just south of I-10 and goes all the way to the Alabama state line. This follows the National Environment Policy Act, and is in between the master planning and design phases. They look at developing some preliminary concepts and evaluate those concepts against the impact of the natural and social environment to determine what meets the need.

Mr. Wetherell said the process is just starting and the PD&E study will take four years. The corridor extends through DeFuniak Springs, into rural areas, and through Paxton. The kick-off meeting with the TPO and local government agencies will start the process. Public kick-off meetings will be held in July in DeFuniak Springs and Paxton.

Mr. Wetherell said over the next four years they will meet with the public, the CAC, and the TPO board.

Mr. Stein asked what Kimley-Horn added that the engineers would use to build the road that wasn't part of the process before. Mr. Wetherell said in order to leave the project available for federal funding they have to follow the National Environmental Policy Act. Kimley-Horn is going to identify the true specific needs for the short term and long term. He stated that the needs are OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 8

operational, access management, and safety, and they will get them ready for programming. In the design phase they take the information Kimley-Horn provides which is preliminary and conceptual, and move it into specific projects and designs that can be let for bidding and construction.

Mr. Stein asked if the process had changed. Mr. Wetherell said the process when requesting federal funding had not changed, and that the process moves from the master plan phase to the PD&E phase, to design, right-of-way, and construction.

Mr. Edwards said US 331 zig zags through Alabama. He said if they would straighten the road it would improve the flow of traffic. Mr. Wetherell said in their scope, when going to the Alabama line, there will be some local coordination with Alabama DOT.

Ms. Greenwald asked if Kimley-Horn had an open ended contract. Mr. Wetherell said the contract was for 54 months. He said four years are needed to coordinate with the TPO, the public, and FHWA. He said FHWA signs off on the document and can allocate funds.

Ms. Greenwald asked how many miles were involved. Mr. Wetherell said there were approximately 22 miles involved. Ms. Greenwald asked if Kimley-Horn looked at alternatives to connect the southern and northern portions. Mr. Wetherell said there were obstacles such as wetlands, and a roadside park. He said the scope will consider opportunities to make more direct connections.

H. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentations)

1. 2014 TPO Meeting Schedule - Chairman Czonstka advised that the next meeting would be held June 19, 2014 at the Niceville Community Center. 2. Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 3. E-mail from Pam Smith, former CAC Member Regarding Lighting on the Mid Bay Bridge 4. E-mail from FDOT Regarding Membership Apportionment 5. SR 187 PD&E Kickoff Information Page


1. Councilman Wood addressed the CAC regarding two events, the symposium they were hosting as the Northwest Florida Regional TPO, and one that was introduced in an email. The Okaloosa County EEC is having a meeting on May 6, 2014. Councilman Wood said he, Mr. Harmon from the airport, and Mr Hofstad from the Okaloosa County Office would be speaking. The cost to attend is $25.00. Secretary Prasad is the keynote speaker.

2. Chairman Czonstka said the CAC absorbed the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee. He said in the Northwest Florida Daily News over the last two weeks there was information about bicyclists being killed. He said the most recent accidents are on Highway 98 which the TPO would be concerned about.

Ms. Robinson said in the UPWP, under the bicycle and pedestrian task, the FDOT emphasis area was included, which is bicycle pedestrian safety and safety audits. A planner at West Florida OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 9

Regional Planning Council, Mr. Jordan Rockwell, is working with Pensacola High School's training logistics students, and they are updating maps of locations of bicycle pedestrian crashes, which is the first step in determining where the patterns are. Over the coming year this will be worked on for the entire region. Ms. Robinson said it looked like the CAC would be very interested in participating. Ms. Robinson said something will be scheduled to give an update over the summer.

Chairman Czonstka noted there was a letter to the editor stating that it made more sense to have bicycles ride against traffic. He said bicycles ride with the traffic and that he did not know if it was part of a state or federal law. Ms. Robinson said in the state of Florida bicyclist are considered vehicles and should go with the flow of traffic. Mr. DeVries said the law is the same in all 50 states.

Mr. Davis thought bicycles could ride on the sidewalk if the local county officials allowed it. He asked if bicycles can ride on sidewalks in the past and was told no. Ms. Robinson said she would have to look into it. She thought bicycles were not allowed on sidewalks. Ms. Robinson said it is still an issue in Northwest Florida, and facilities for bicycles are being considered beyond those associated with just the functionally classified roadways. Ms. Robinson asked if it was agreeable that there would be a presentation about bicycle safety over the summer, and it was agreeable to the members.

3. Mr. Edwards said citizens in Crestview would like to know if during the next year if one or two meetings could be held in Crestview. Ms. Washnock asked Mr. Edwards to meet her after the meeting to provide ideas for locations. Mr. Edwards suggested Warrior Hall.

4. Mr. Davis referred to Highway 20 and stated that they are grinding off asphalt. He asked where they were disposing the asphalt. He said it was across the line in Walton by a concrete plant. He said there were several acres full of the ground asphalt, and that it is toxic material. He asked who is responsible for allowing the procedure, and how long it would continue. He said the ground water is at ground level, and the runoff is going to get into the ground.

Mr. DeVries thought DEP is monitoring the situation and advised checking with DEP.

5. Mr. Bacon said in the newspaper there was an article about damaged bridges, and in 2011 a barge ran into a bridge. He said the Coast Guard refuses to release the blood alcohol level of the personnel that were on board the barge. Mr. Edwards thought Florida in the '80's started using the same rules. He said if someone was caught with a DUI on water it went on the driver's license.

6. Ms. Greenwald said there was an article in the paper about transportation projects peril across the United States. The article said federal dollars would be significantly reduced.

J. ADJOURNMENT – There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Approved by CAC OKALOOSA-WALTON CAC MEETING MINUTES April 17, 2014 Page 10

Date: __ June 26, 2014_____


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