Math Algebra- Unit 1 ELL Scaffold
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Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 1 Generate number or shape patterns by using rules Describe and explain orally and in writing how to generate VU: Concrete models, CCSS: including words, models, or graphs, and identify number or shape patterns using White Board, Small group/ patterns, predetermined 4.OA.5 apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in triads, and a Word Wall. rules, graphs, shapes WIDA the rule of the original pattern. For example, given the LFC: Present tense, ELDS: 3 rule “Add 3” and the starting number 1 generate terms transition words, modals Speaking in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms (would, could, might), Reading appear to alternate between odd and even numbers. complex sentences Writing LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Describe and explain Describe and explain orally Describe and explain orally Describe and explain Describe and explain orally Objectives orally and in writing how and in writing how to and in writing how to orally and in writing how and in writing how to to generate number or generate number or shape generate number or shape to generate number or generate number or shape shape patterns in L1 patterns in L1 and/or use patterns using key, technical shape patterns using key, patterns using technical and/or use Gestures, selected, technical vocabulary in simple technical vocabulary in vocabulary in complex examples, and selected, vocabulary in phrases and sentences. expanded sentences. sentences. technical words. short sentences. Learning White Board White Board White Board White Board White Board Supports Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word Wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Cloze Activity Sentence Frame Gestures Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 2 Compose equations from information supplied in word Demonstrate comprehension of word problems by VU: Equations, operations, CCSS: problems, using letters to represent unknowns in composing and solving equations using letters to represent word problems, 4.OA.3 formulas, and solve the word problems (with all four unknowns in formulas using models, word wall, computation, estimation, WIDA operations). whiteboards and small group. rounding ELDS: 3 LFC: Present tense, Reading imperative tense, sequence Speaking words Writing LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives comprehension of word comprehension of word of word problems which use comprehension of word comprehension of word problems which use L1 problems which use L1 key vocabulary in simple problems which use key, problems which use and/or gestures and and/or selected technical sentences, by composing and technical vocabulary in technical vocabulary in selected technical words, vocabulary in phrases and solving equations using letters expanded sentences, by complex sentences, by by composing and solving short sentences, by to represent unknowns in composing and solving composing and solving equations using letters to composing and solving formulas. equations using letters to equations using letters to represent unknowns in equations using letters to represent unknowns in represent unknowns in formulas. represent unknowns in formulas. formulas. formulas. Learning Teacher Modeling Teacher Modeling Teacher Modeling Teacher Modeling Teacher Modeling Supports White Board White Board White Board White Board Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Pictures /illustrations Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 3 Add two fractions with respective denominators of 10 Demonstrate and explain orally and in writing how to add VU: Fractions, CCSS: and 100 by writing each fraction as a fraction with two fractions with respective denominators of 10 and 100 denominator, addition 4.NF.5 denominator 100. by writing each fraction as a fraction with denominator 100 WIDA using manipulatives, white board, word wall and math LFC: Present tense, ELDS: 3 journal. transition words Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Objectives orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to to add two fractions with add two fractions with add two fractions with to add two fractions with add two fractions with respective denominators respective denominators of respective denominators of 10 respective denominators respective denominators of of 10 and 100 in L1 10 and 100 in L1 and/or use and 100 using key vocabulary of 10 and 100 using key, 10 and 100 using technical and/or use gestures, selected technical in simple sentences. technical vocabulary in vocabulary in complex pictures and selected vocabulary in phrases and expanded sentences. sentences. words. short sentences. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports White Board White Board White Board White Board Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence starter Pictures /illustrations Sentence frames Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 4 Use decimal notation to write fractions with Demonstrate and explain orally and in writing how to use VU: Decimal notation, CCSS: denominators of 10 or 100 by writing each fraction as a decimal notation to write fractions with denominators of fractions, denominators 4.NF.6 fraction with denominator 100. 10 or 100 using manipulatives, drawings, White Board and WIDA word wall. LFC: Present tense, ELDS: 3 transition words Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Objectives orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to to use decimal notation use decimal notation to use decimal notation to write to use decimal notation to use decimal notation to to write fractions with write fractions with fractions with denominators write fractions with write fractions with denominators of 10 or denominators of 10 or 100 of 10 or 100 using key denominators of 10 or 100 denominators of 10 or 100 100 in L1 and/or use in L1 and/or use selected vocabulary in simple using key, technical using technical vocabulary gestures, pictures and vocabulary in phrases and sentences. vocabulary in expanded in complex sentences. selected words. short sentences. sentences. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports White Board White Board White Board White Board Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starter Pictures /illustrations Sentence frames Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 5 Apply area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real Demonstrate comprehension of computing area and VU: Area, perimeter, CCSS: world math problems (whole numbers). perimeter formulas by explaining orally and in writing how rectangle, whole numbers 4.MD.3 to solve real world math problems using manipulatives, WIDA verbal scaffolds, drawings and a word wall. LFC: Cause/effect ELDS: 3 statements and transition Speaking words Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives comprehension of comprehension of of computing area and comprehension of comprehension of computing area and computing area and perimeter formulas by computing area and computing area and perimeter formulas by perimeter formulas by explaining orally and in writing perimeter formulas by perimeter formulas by explaining orally and in explaining orally and in how to solve real world math explaining orally and in explaining orally and in writing how to solve real writing how to solve real problems using key, technical writing how to solve real writing how to solve real world math problems in world math problems in L1 vocabulary in simple world math problems world math problems using L1 and/or use gestures, and/or use selected sentences. using key, technical technical vocabulary in pictures and selected, vocabulary in phrases and vocabulary in expanded complex sentences. words. short sentences. sentences. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starter Pictures /illustrations Sentence frames Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed
SLO: 6 Make a line plot to display a data set in measurements Demonstrate and explain orally and in writing how to make VU: Diagrams, graphs, line CCSS: in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8) and use it to solve a line plot to display a data set in measurements in plot, addition and 4.MD.4 problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8) and use it to solve subtraction with fractions, WIDA with like denominators. problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions measurements ELDS: 3 with like denominators using manipulatives, number line, LFC: Present tense, Speaking verbal scaffolds, drawings and a word wall. imperative tense, sequence Writing words Note: ELLs may not be familiar with U.S. measurements and fractions. LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5
Language Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Demonstrate and explain Objectives orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how to orally and in writing how orally and in writing how to to make a line plot to make a line plot to display a make a line plot to display a to make a line plot to make a line plot to display a display a data set in data set in measurements in data set in measurements in display a data set in data set in measurements measurements in fractions of a unit and use it fractions of a unit and use it to measurements in fractions in fractions of a unit and fractions of a unit and to solve problems involving solve problems involving of a unit and use it to use it to solve problems use it to solve problems addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of solve problems involving involving addition and involving addition and fractions with like fractions with like addition and subtraction subtraction of fractions subtraction of fractions denominators in L1 and/or denominators using key of fractions with like with like denominators with like denominators in use selected vocabulary in vocabulary in simple denominators using key using technical vocabulary L1 and/or use gestures, phrases and short sentences. vocabulary in expanded in complex sentences. pictures and selected, sentences. sentences. words. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports White Board White Board White Board White Board Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starter Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Pictures /illustrations Sentence frames Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 7 Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning Explain orally and in writing how to compare two VU: Decimals, quantity, CCSS: about their size. Recognize that comparisons are decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their comparison, size, tools, symbols 4.NF.7 valid only when the two decimals refer to the same size using manipulatives, drawings, charts and WIDA ELDS: 3 whole. Record the results of comparisons with the small group. LFC: Present tense, transition Speaking symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., words, Wh- questions Writing by using a visual model. LC: Varies by ELP level ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Explain orally and in Explain orally and in Explain orally and in Explain orally and in Explain orally and in writing how Objectives writing how to compare writing how to compare writing how to compare writing how to compare to compare two decimals to two decimals to two decimals to two decimals to two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about hundredths by hundredths by hundredths by hundredths by their size using technical reasoning about their reasoning about their reasoning about their reasoning about their vocabulary in complex sentences. size using L1 and/or use size using L1 and/or use size using key, technical size using key, technical gestures, pictures and selected technical vocabulary in simple vocabulary in expanded selected, illustrated vocabulary in phrases sentences. sentences. single words. and short sentences with diagrams. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/d Illustrations/diagrams/drawings rawings rawings rawings rawings Charts Charts Charts Charts Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Sentence Starter Pictures Sentence Frame Cloze Sentences Math – Grade 4 - Unit 4 – ELL Scaffold
Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 8 Solve word problems involving simple fractions or Demonstrate comprehension of word problems involving VU: Fractions, decimals, CCSS: decimals that incorporate measurement comparisons of simple fractions and decimals that incorporate measurement, number line 4.MD.2 like units (including problems that require measurement comparisons by answering questions using diagrams, measurement 4.NF.4 measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller manipulatives, drawings and a word wall. scale WIDA unit). LFC: Present tense, ELDS: 3 comparative terms, Reading transition words Writing LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate comprehension Demonstrate Demonstrate Objectives comprehension of word comprehension of word of word problems involving comprehension of word comprehension of word problems involving problems involving simple simple fractions and decimals problems involving simple problems involving simple simple fractions and fractions and decimals that that incorporate fractions and decimals fractions and decimals that decimals that incorporate incorporate measurement measurement comparisons by that incorporate incorporate measurement measurement comparisons by answering answering questions using key measurement comparisons by answering comparisons by questions in L1 and/or use vocabulary in simple comparisons by answering questions using technical answering questions in selected vocabulary in sentences. questions using key vocabulary in complex L1 and/or use gestures, phrases and short vocabulary in expanded sentences. pictures and selected, sentences. sentences. words. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports Small group Small group Small group Small group Word/picture wall Word/picture wall Word wall L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Pictures /illustrations