Worksheet for Documenting or Citing Sources

Thomas Baccaro Library Bondy Intermediate Worksheet for Citing Sources Student: ______(Teacher: ______Period: ___)

Print Britannica Encyclopedia: (ONLY for general encyclopedias, such as Britannica, Comptons, and World Book.) Source Article "Article Title" Title of Encyclopedia Edition # Author year (Last, First name) if given


Print Book: (with one, two, or three authors) Source Author(s) Title of Book Book Book Publication # Publication Publisher Year City (Publishing Company)

2 Print Book with an Editor: Source Name of Title of Book Book Book Publication # Editor Publication Publisher Year City (Publishing Company)


Print Reference book or a book in which you have used a specific chapter

Source Author "Article Title of Author Edition Vol Book Book Publication # of only Title" Book OR Number . # Publication Publisher Year if given (Publishing an Editor CITY Article of the Company)

OR Entire Chapter Book Au- 4 Ed- Au- 5 Ed-

Print Anthology - Source is an excerpt from a previously-published book, magazine or journal that has been reprinted in another book or collection

Source Author "Article Title of Title of Editor of Publication Publisher Publication # of the Title" book, the the city of the of the year article (Title of magazine or Collection collection collection collection the work journal (anthology (anthology- (anthology) (anthology) (article) as where the - the book the book (Publishing shown in article first you used) you used) Company) the appeared anthology)



Online Database -- Britannica, Comptons or Grolier: Source Author "Article Title of Publication Publisher of Date (to given) Encyclopedia Read the .com) (Publishing It Company) 8

Online Reference book or specialized encyclopedia from a Subscription Database: Source Author "Article Title of Book Publica- Name of Date Article Referenc (follows Year e Read (to the (if e Book the city ) It .com) given) Example Jones, "Life along Encyclopedia Lerner 2008 Modern World 10/01/09 George the of South History Online Amazon America River"



Online Magazine, Journal, or Newspaper from a Subscription Database: Source Author "Title of Title of Date of Name of Date # (if Article" Original Publication Databas You (Month, given) Magazine, day, year) e Read Journal, It or Newspape r Example Edwards, "A Trip of Houston 09/12/09 General 10/03/09 Julia Wonder on the Chronicle OneFile Amazon"



Online Database IF NO ORIGINAL source of the information is given; database name comes immediately after "title of article." Source Corporate "Title of Name of Database Date (to # Author or Article" or Database Publisher You the .com) Author "Title of (Publishing Read It the page" Company) Example Smith, "Brazil: Country World Geography: ABC-CLIO 10/02/09 Theodore Overview" Understanding a Changing World 13 14

Free Web Site (not a subscription database): Date Sponsoring Source Author of "Specific Title of Page was Organization Date given) Article Website Revised Read (ALL of it) Title" (not www. It ) 15