Suffolk County Community College s12

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Suffolk County Community College s12

Suffolk County Community College Ammerman Campus, Fall 2009

LA101 Elementary Latin 1 Tuesday, 4:20-7:20 p.m., Riverhead 233 Magister Thomas M Hayes 631-246-5364 Office Hours: By appointment

I Course objectives Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:

A. Recognize and explain the basic grammatical structures and relationships within a Latin sentence.

B. Translate into idiomatic English extended passages of Latin adapted for use at the introductory level.

C. Explain the derivation of English vocabulary from Latin and use that knowledge as a tool to vocabulary building and to the understanding of unfamiliar English lexical items.

Completion of this course will prepare the student for the following course which will extend the skills introduced in this course, and will eventuate in the ability to translate authentic Latin texts. It should also give the students greater understanding of the grammatical structure underpinning any language as well as a grasp of many of the roots used in the production of a number of specialized vocabularies (scientific, legal, etc.)

II Procedures The course will follow the sequence presented below. Pages with explanations and vocabulary will be distributed.

A. All the work is due the class after it is assigned, unless the students are instructed otherwise.

B. Each session’s work will be reviewed in the next session, with students presenting their homework or leading/participating in class discussions.

C. Further exercises will also be available on websites.

III Student Requirements ` Students are required to: A. Come to class prepared with all assigned homework completed. B. Participate in class activities C. Be successful on tests and quizzes IV Grading Policy The final grade will be based upon: B. Class quizzes: 30% C. Midterm and final examinations (25% each): 50% D. Oral work and class participation: 20%

V Absences and Lateness All students are expected to attend every class session and to arrive on time. The student is responsible for work missed because of absence. A student who is going to be absent should contact the instructor before the start of class. One class meeting is equivalent to three class hours of instruction.

VI: Texts The material used in this course is instructor-generated. You may download the material at Cl,ick on SCCC and follow the directions for the intro Latin class. If the teacher supplies the handouts, there is a $25 fee.. Assignments from The Romans by Anthony Kamm, which are available by clicking on The Romans at Exercises on Quia will also be suggested.

Class Schedule There are 12 classes this semester plus the final. Latin, as any language, needs constant review and “relearning”, so material will be reintroduced and students will be expected to build on past learning with the new information presented. There may be a short quiz (10-20 minutes) every class and there will be a midterm.

9/08 Caput 1 Basic sentence structure noun: 1 and 2 decl; nom and acc sing verb: perfect active 3rd sing tense, all conj quis, quid, quem, quid -ne

9/15 All College Day

9/22 Caput 2 noun: 1 and 2 decl; prepositions that take the accusative: in, ad, trans, super, circum intransitive verbs: ascendit, ivit, cucurrit, venit, dormivit, flevit, accessit, ambulavit, etc. Accusative plurals (imperative) The Romans by Anthony Kamm ( Under Origins: Founding Legends

9/29 Caput 3 Purpose clauses, imperfect subjunctive tense Cur? Pronouns: eam, eum, eas, eos (result) The Romans Under Origins:Kings 10/06 Caput 4 Indirect statement and head verbs that introduce it: audivit, scivit, vidit, sensit, dixit, spectavit, cognovit, credidit, speravit, exspectavit The Romans Under Republic: Officials/Assemblies

10/13 Caput 5 Imperfect indicative (copula) The Romans Under Republic:Punic Wars

10/20 Caput 6 relative clause The Romans Under Caesars:Julius/End of the republic

10/27 Caput 7 3rd declension; Complementary infinitive and verbs that introduce it: Potuit, timuit, studuit, dubitavit, debuit, properavit, coepit, solebat. Audebat The Romans Under Caesars:Augustus and others

11/03 Midterm/Literature

11/10 Caput 8 Pluperfect indicative tense, present participle (including substantives) The Romans Under Life:Economy/Work/Slaves

11/17 Caput 9 Ablative with prep: cum, in, ab (a), de, ex (e); Ablative Absolute (with present participle) A(b) + person in the ablative (ablative of agent) The Romans Life: Education/Dress/Food and drink

11/24 Caput 10 Perfect infinitive Caput 11 Ablative Absolute using 4th principle part The Romans Under Life:Games (will include baths)

12/1 Caput 12 passive of finite verbs, ablative of means The Romans Under Life:Women

12/08 Caput 13 present tense, the gerund; tense overview

12/15 Final o.n. caput 1 vocabulary Edit 10 o.n. caput 5 vocabulary Edit 9 o.n. caput 5 vocabulary - (copy) Edit 0 o.n. caput 7 vocabulary Edit 1 opus novum 10 vocabulary Edit 1 opus novum 11 vocabulary Edit 3 opus novum 2 vocabulary Edit 7 opus novum 3 vocabulary Edit 18 opus novum 4 vocabulary Edit 13 opus novum 8 vocabulary Edit 3 opus novum 9 vocabulary Edit 1 opus novum, caput 6 vocabulary Edit 7 vivamus, caput 4 verb forms

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