Beverley Town Council s2

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Beverley Town Council s2



8 July 2013

Present: Cllr Astell, Cox, Elvidge, Thorley and Whitfield

In Attendance: Helen Watson (Town Clerk)

Allotments Representatives: Alan Stainton (Kitchen Lane), Ray Wilson (Sparkmill) and Lance Wardell (Queensgate)

211 To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Mr Andy Maw

212 (i) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

No declarations were recorded

(ii) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

No dispensations were noted

213 To elect a Chair and Vice Chair for the current year

Cllr Astell is elected as Chairman and Cllr Cox is elected as Vice Chairman for the current year.

Resolved – That Cllr Astell is elected as Chairman and Cllr Cox is elected as the Vice Chairman for the current year.

214 To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting on 22nd April 2013.

No matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting on 22nd April 2013.

215 Allotments

(i) To receive an update of plot allocation & waiting lists – Town Clerk to report

The Town Clerk gave an update on the plot allocation and waiting lists of 22 residents. The Town Clerk also reported that the NGS Open Garden day is to take place on Sunday 28th July from 12 noon to 4.00pm

(ii) Allotment representatives’ views

Mr Wilson, as Sparkmill representative, reported that the windmill is being renovated and the new plot holders are commencing work on their allotment plots.

Mr Stainton, as Kitchen Lane representative, queried whether there was the possibility of an Allotment Association shop at Queensgate allotment site. Cllr Astell stated that he thinks there are other plans at present with the Allotment Association.

Mr Wardell, as Queensgate representative, said a skip is required the week commencing 22nd July 2013 in order to assist with the tidying of the allotments for the NGS Open Day on Queensgate allotment from 12 noon to 4.00pm on the 28th July 2013. Allotment holders are readying their plots for the Open Day. A trip to Harrogate Flower Show is being organised for the allotment holders. Mr Wardell said there is an issue with the parking on the front of Queensgate which is digging up the kerb. The Town Clerk reported this is out of the remit of Beverley Town Council. Mr Wardell requested orange hazard tape for the Open gardens event.. 216. Items for consideration as reported by the Town Clerk

(i) To consider relocating the storage containers and fencing on Queensgate Plot 1

This matter was discussed and the Town Clerk is awaiting further information from Consolidated Charities. This matter will be referred from Policy Committee who will be reported back to once this information is received.

Resolved – That the Town Clerk to refer the relocating of storage containers and fencing on Queensgate Plot 1 to Policy Committee once the information is received.

217 To receive an update on the watering of Summer Bedding plants/Hanging baskets – Town Clerk

The Town Clerk gave an update on the watering of summer bedding plants/hanging baskets saying these would be watered Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. There is a new feeding regime for the plants in place and the planters purchased from Plantscape are more effective.

218 To receive a report on the walkabout with ERYC Officers on 2nd July 2013

Cllr Astell reported on the walkabout. Cllr Astell and the Town Clerk had looked at the area with ERYC Officers and this matter is to be referred to Full Council in July 2013.

Resolved – the report on the walkabout with ERYC Officers on 2nd July 2013 is being referred to Full Council in July 2013.

219 A request from the Friends of the Earth - To consider developing a policy on the use of toxins (pesticides and herbicides) by the Council and in the area covered by the Council. – see circulated email

The request from the Friends of the Earth was considered and discussed. The local food co-ordinator is to requested to research this matter and refer to Policy Committee in September 2013.

Resolved – That the request from the Friends of the Earth is to be researched by the local food co-ordinator for readiness for discussion at Policy Committee in September 2013.

220 To receive an update on the All Weather Pitch

Cllr Astell reported that the ERYC Extra Care Housing Facility is in the planning stages on the All Weather Pitch. ERYC have stated that a replacement MUGA will be relocated within Beverley. Discussions are progressing to find the best location for such a facility at present.

221 To receive an update on the Skatepark

Cllr Astell reported that Town Council members and ERYC officers are in discussion about further development at the Skatepark pending further information.

222 To consider Litter Bins requests

Litter Bins requests were considered. The litter bin on Sample Avenue near the shops needs repairing and repainting. A request was made for a bin for dog waste on the dog walking route near Beverley Leisure Centre. A sign is to be placed on the bin in the Skatepark asking members of the public to refrain from using this for dog waste as this is a young person’s play area. An audit of the bins is to be done. Any bins that require painting are to be painted. ERYC is to provide the paint for this purpose.

MINUTE/ACTION PERSON RESPONSIBLE TIME TO BE REPORTED BACK 215(ii) – provide orange hazard tape to Queensgate The Town Clerk Operational allotment representative 219 – Friends of the Earth request – local food co- Local Food Co-Ordinator Policy September ordinator to research and discussion at Policy 2013 September 2013 222 – Litter Bin Requests – repair and repaint Sample The Town Clerk Operational Avenue bin and an audit of all bins in the town

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