You Will Be Required to Keep a Reading Journal For

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You Will Be Required to Keep a Reading Journal For

The Great Gatsby Reading Journal

Directions: You will be required to keep a reading journal for The Great Gatsby. This must be labeled in your notebook and responses must be entered after each chapter is completed. Must be hand-written!

Your journals will be collected at random, so it is important that you stay on track during this novel! These will count as quiz grades.

Journal Requirements:

1. Heading must include the chapter number and page numbers. 2. Write a two paragraph chapter summary. 3. For each chapter choose a different character to focus on for the following: a. Name the character. b. Choose a quote the best represents the character. c. List & describe his/her best qualities, only those mentioned in the story thus far. d. In a paragraph describe the character’s role in the novel. Make sure you refer back to other chapters. 4. From the chapter, choose one meaningful quote, and then describe its significance to you. What made it stand out?

Grading: See attached rubric for Reading Journals. Each chapter will be graded using this rubric.

The Great Gatsby Reading Journal

CATEGORY 25 18 12 6 Total Points ORGANIZATION Organizational Organizational The structure is The overall structure is well structure is minimally structure is put together. established complete. Missing incomplete or Headings and although minor two or more confusing. questions are lapses may be requirements are Heading and clearly written and present. Missing met. question answered. one of the statements are requirements. missing. FOCUS Summary and Summary and Summary may be Summary is quotes are clear quotes are vague. Quotes are unclear or and supported. present but not supported. confusing. Quotes lacking detail and are not present. support.

ELABORATION Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration is consists of consists of some consists of general sparse; almost no specific, specific details. and/or details. developed details. undeveloped details, which may be presented in a list-like fashion. READER The reader clearly Reader addresses Reader does not Reader does not RESPONSE shows issues in chapter, address several make any effort understanding to missing minor different key to show the reading. details. issues inside understanding of chapter and the chapter. misses key information on character.

Total Points Given ______out of 100.

The American Dream Project

Directions – Choose a partner that you feel comfortable working with as well as someone you can rely on. You are responsible for signing your names on the “Partner List” posted on the board before the end of class today.

With your partner you will create a PowerPoint Project on “What is the American Dream?”

Your slides should be organized in the following outline and should include DETAIL; 1. Your definition & your partner’s definition combined of the American Dream. 2. Answer the question “Is the American Dream a real term or an attitude?” How do you know? 3. A representation of the American Dream in the 1920s. 4. A representation of the American Dream today. 5. How the American Dream changes depending on the group of people? 6. Comparison between the 1920s and today. 7. Works Cited page.

Requirements –  Hand in a printed version of PowerPoint Presentation.  Properly cited resources used.  Make it CREATIVE!!!!!!  You will be working on this in class Thursday. Due Date– Friday, March 24, 2017

Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation CATEGORY 20 15 10 5 Points Effectiveness Project includes all Project includes most Project is missing Project is lacking several material needed to material needed to gain more than two key key elements and has gain a comfortable a comfortable elements. It would inaccuracies that make understanding of understanding of the make an incomplete it a poor study guide. the topic. It is a material but is lacking study guide. highly effective one or two key study guide. elements. It is an adequate study guide. Sequencing of Information is Most information is Some information is There is no clear plan Information organized in a clear, organized in a clear, logically sequenced. for the organization of logical way. It is logical way. One card or An occasional card information. easy to anticipate item of information or item of the type of material seems out of place. information seems that might be on the out of place. next card. Originality Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation is a rehash considerable some originality and an attempt at of other people's ideas originality and inventiveness. The originality and and/or graphics and inventiveness. The content and ideas are inventiveness on 1-2 shows very little content and ideas presented in an cards. attempt at original are presented in a interesting way. thought. unique and interesting way. Spelling and Presentation has no Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has more Grammar misspellings or misspellings, but no grammatical errors than 2 grammatical grammatical errors. grammatical errors. but no misspellings. and/or spelling errors.

Use of All graphics are A few graphics are not All graphics are Several graphics are Graphics attractive (size and attractive but all attractive but a few unattractive AND colors) and support support the do not seem to detract from the the theme/content theme/content of the support the content of the of the presentation. presentation. theme/content of presentation. the presentation.

Total points earned ______out of 100. American Dream Partner List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The Great Gatsby Art Project

Directions – Working individually you will create a 3D visual representation on a certain aspect in The Great Gatsby.

Requirements –  Presentation.  Artistic and CREATIVE!  Two page typed paper on what your creation is, why you chose the elements that you did, and how it relates to The Great Gatsby. MLA format!

Due Date – Tuesday, April 4, 2017 The Great Gatsby Art Project CATEGORY 25 18 12 6 Points Quality of The project shows The project shows The project shows The project was put Construction considerable attention to some attention to together sloppily. attention to construction. The construction. Most Items appear to be construction. The items are neatly items are neatly just "slapped on". items are neatly trimmed. All items are trimmed. All items are Pieces may be loose or trimmed. All items are carefully and securely securely attached to hanging over the carefully and securely attached to the the backing. A few edges. Smudges, attached to backing. backing. A few barely barely noticeable stains, rips, uneven noticeable stray stray marks, smudges edges, and/or stray marks, smudges or or glue stains are marks are evident. glue stains are present. present. Creativity Several of the One or two of the One or two graphics The student did not graphics or objects graphics or objects or objects were made make or customize any used in the project used in the project or customized by the of the items on the reflect an exceptional reflect student student, but the ideas project. degree of student creativity in their were typical rather creativity in their creation and/or than creative. creation and/or display. display Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's Theme reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are weak explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how and illustrate every item in the most items in the most items in the difficulty project is related to project are related to project are related to understanding how to the assigned theme. the assigned theme. the assigned theme. relate items to the For most items, the For many of the assigned theme. relationship is clear items, the without explanation. relationship is clear without explanation. Titles and Text Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and text were Titles and/or text are written clearly and written clearly and written clearly and hard to read, even were easy to read were easy to read were easy to read when the reader is from a distance. Text close-up. Text varied close-up. There was close. varied in color, size in color, size and/or little variation in the and/or style for style for different appearance of text. different text text elements. elements. Total Points ______out of 100.

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