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Modification Number: PS35

Contract No. GS00T99NRD2001 Modification Number: PS35 Effective Date: 04/12/02

7.4 Dedicated Transmission Service DTS transport includes dedicated transmission service between two or more POPs. The connection between the locations receiving this service is permanently established unless a service request for modification, move, or disconnect is received. This service can be used for any application, such as voice, data, video, and multimedia. DTS provides facilities for duplex, i.e. bi-directional, service; accordingly, DTS is priced without regard for direction of carried traffic. DTS pricing is based on the use of three general pricing components: (1) originating access, (2) network transport, and (3) terminating access. DTS features and UNIs are priced separately. When DTS service is provided between two domestic SDPs that are both served by the same designated connecting Sprint POP (for the same DTS service type) and a user agency requires direct SDP to SDP routing that is not connected through Sprint's designated connecting POP, Sprint will provide a price quote upon request and, if ordered, provide such service on an individual case basis. In the case of multipoint DTS connections, a least cost routing algorithm will be used to calculate the number of, and identities of, the transport and/or access links used. Each sub-category is discussed in the following sections. X X.

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7.4.1 DTS Access DTS service is provisioned utilizing dedicated access facilities. The price information for dedicated access is contained in Table B.8.1.1-1, Table B.8.1.1-2, and Table B.8.1.1-3. Reference Section 7.6.1 for a description of dedicated access pricing. Pricing for non- domestic dedicated access will be provided on a pass through basis. Pricing sub-components for UNIs also apply when dedicated access is utilized for DTS. Where dedicated access facilities are used to connect the SDP to Sprint’s designated connecting POP; the dedicated access prices in Table B.8.1.1-1 or Table B.8.1.1-3 shall apply. The steps required to price a DTS basic access service are outlined below: (1) Determine the appropriate access pricing table based on the access arrangement. The pricing tables applicable to each type of access arrangement are outlined below: Access Arrangement Pricing Table On-net Dedicated Table B.8.1.1-1, Table B.8.1.1-2, Table B.8.1.1-3 (2) Determine the desired Access Type. The following table outlines the valid access types based on the access arrangement:

Access Access Access Types Type ID Arrangement Number B-Table On-net Dedicated MRC Analog (4 kHz) 2045 B.8.1.1-1 Subrate DS0 @ 4.8 kb/s 2047 B.8.1.1-1 Subrate DS0 @ 9.6 kb/s 2048 B.8.1.1-1 DS0 (56/64 kb/s) 2049 B.8.1.1-1 FT1 - DS0 x 2 2053 B.8.1.1-1 FT1 - DS0 x 4 2054 B.8.1.1-1 FT1 - DS0 x 6 2055 B.8.1.1-1 FT1 - DS0 x 8 2056 B.8.1.1-1 FT1 - DS0 x 12 2052 B.8.1.1-1 T1 (1.536 Mb/s) 2068 B.8.1.1-1 PRI 2061 B.8.1.1-1 FT3 - DS1 x 3 2057 B.8.1.1-1 FT3 - DS1 x 4 2058 B.8.1.1-1 FT3 - DS1 x 5 2059 B.8.1.1-1

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On-net Dedicated NRC Analog (4 kHz) 2045 B.8.1.1-2 Subrate DS0 @ 4.8 kb/s 2047 B.8.1.1-2 Subrate DS0 @ 9.6 kb/s 2048 B.8.1.1-2 DS0 (56/64 kb/s) 2049 B.8.1.1-2 FT1 - DS0 x 2 2053 B.8.1.1-2 FT1 - DS0 x 4 2054 B.8.1.1-2 FT1 - DS0 x 6 2055 B.8.1.1-2 FT1 - DS0 x 8 2056 B.8.1.1-2 FT1 - DS0 x 12 2052 B.8.1.1-2 T1 (1.536 Mb/s) 2068 B.8.1.1-2 PRI 2061 B.8.1.1-2 FT3 - DS1 x 3 2057 B.8.1.1-2 FT3 - DS1 x 4 2058 B.8.1.1-2 FT3 - DS1 x 5 2059 B.8.1.1-2 FT3 - DS1 x 7 2060 B.8.1.1-2 T3 (43.008 Mb/s) 2069 B.8.1.1-2 On-net Dedicated MRC Analog (4 kHz) 2045 B.8.1.1-3 Subrate DS0 @ 4.8 kb/s 2047 B.8.1.1-3 Subrate DS0 @ 9.6 kb/s 2048 B.8.1.1-3 DS0 (56/64 kb/s) 2049 B.8.1.1-3 FT1 - DS0 x 2 2053 B.8.1.1-3 FT1 - DS0 x 4 2054 B.8.1.1-3 FT1 - DS0 x 6 2055 B.8.1.1-3 FT1 - DS0 x 8 2056 B.8.1.1-3 FT1 - DS0 x 12 2052 B.8.1.1-3 T1 (1.536 Mb/s)* 2068 B.8.1.1-3 PRI 2061 B.8.1.1-3 FT3 - DS1 x 3 2057 B.8.1.1-3 FT3 - DS1 x 4 2058 B.8.1.1-3 FT3 - DS1 x 5 2059 B.8.1.1-3 FT3 - DS1 x 7 2060 B.8.1.1-3 T3 (43.008 Mb/s) 2069 B.8.1.1-3

(3) Determine the NPANXX or the SDP ID of the originating/terminating location. (4)Locate the appropriate price row in the appropriate B-Table based on the following: On-net Dedicated Access – NPANXX or the SDP ID of originating or terminating location, access type, price effective dates. (5)Calculate the originating/terminating access price:

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Dedicated Access Service Initiation Charge = Service Initiation Charge from Price Table B.8.1.1-2.

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7.4.2 DTS Transport

Tables B.4.3-1 and B.4.3-4 contain the basic service pricing information for domestic and non-domestic circuits. The price for providing DTS domestic transport is a combination of monthly recurring plus distance-based prices. The price for providing non-domestic DTS transport will be monthly recurring. The price components used to price DTS transport depend on the location of the serving POPs.

(A)When both serving POPs are in the same domestic service region, a single price component from Table B.4.3-1 for DTS Domestic Transport will be used. The steps to calculate DTS Domestic transport are as follows:

DTS Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-1)

(1) Determine the NPANXX of the originating and terminating locations. (2) Locate the originating and terminating NPANXX in the NPANXX to POP relationship, Table B.8.10-2. Obtain the POP ID of the designated originating and terminating POPs. (3) Obtain the Vertical and Horizontal (V&H) coordinates of the designated originating POP from TableB.8.10-1. The POP Id obtained in Step (2) is used to locate the designated originating POP. (4) Obtain the Vertical and Horizontal (V&H) coordinates of the designated terminating POP from Table B.8.10-1. The POP Id obtained in Step (2) is used to locate the designated terminating POP.

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Squared 1,976,836 + 6,859,161 = 8,835,997

8,835,997 = 883,599.7 10

Square root of 883,600 = 940 Miles

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Service Type Circuit Type ID 4 kilohertz (kHz) 0169 Analog Bandwidth Subrate DS0 - 4.8 0183 kilobit per second [kb/s] Subrate DS0 - 9.6 0184 kilobit per second [kb/s] DS0* 0170 Fractional T1 - DS0x2 0171 Fractional T1 - DS0x4 0173 Fractional T1 - DS0x6 0175 Fractional T1 - DS0x8 0177 Fractional T1 - DS0x12 0181 T1 0187 Fractional T3 - DS1x3 0195 Fractional T3 - DS1x4 0196 Fractional T3 - DS1x5 0197 Fractional T3 - DS1x7 0198 T3 0201 OC-3c 8110 OC-12c 8111

(11) Locate the appropriate price row in Table B.4.3-1 based on the desired circuit type, distance minimum, distance maximum, price start date and price stop date. (12) Calculate DTS Transport (T3 and below): DTS Domestic Transport = Monthly Recurring Price + (Monthly Price Per Mile * Transport Miles) (13) Calculate DTS Transport for OC-3c and OC12c: DTS Domestic Transport = Minimum Price or (Monthly Price Per Mile * Transport Miles) -- whichever is of greater value. Domestic DTS transport service for OC3 and OC12 speeds are only supported CONUS

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(B) Regarding DTS transport service for speeds T3 and below, if one serving POP is within the Continental U.S. and the other is in a domestic service region outside the Continental U.S. (“offshore”), two price components will be used. (1) A price component for Domestic Transport between the designated Continental U.S. gateway and the Continental U.S. serving POP and (2) a price component from Table B.4.3-4 for Non-Domestic transport between the offshore domestic service region and the designated Continental U.S. gateway. The steps required to price DTS Domestic Transport and DTS Non-Domestic Transport are as follows:

DTS Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-1)

(1) Determine the NPANXX of the Continental U.S. location. (2) Locate the Continental U.S. NPANXX in the NPANXX to POP relationship Table B.8.10-2. Obtain the POP ID of the designated POP. (3) Obtain the Vertical and Horizontal (V&H) coordinates of the designated Continental U.S. POP from Table B.8.10-1. The POP ID obtained in Step (2) is used to locate the designated originating POP. (4) Locate the Country/Jurisdiction and the U.S. Service Region in the domestic DTS Gateway to Non-Domestic Country/Relationship Table, Country/Relationship, Table B.8.10-5. Obtain the Gateway ID of the designated Country/Jurisdiction and the U.S. Service Region. (5) Obtain the V&H coordinates of the designated gateway from Table B.8.10-4. The gateway ID obtained in Step (4) is used to locate the designated gateway V&H coordinates.

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DTS Non-Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-4)

(1) Determine originating country/jurisdiction and terminating country/jurisdiction for circuit. (2) Obtain the Service Type ID for the desired service type. The following table outlines the available service types:

Service Type Circuit Type ID 4 kilohertz (kHz) Analog 0169 Bandwidth Subrate DS0 - 4.8 kilobit 0183 per second [kb/s] Subrate DS0 - 9.6 kilobit 0184 per second [kb/s] DS0 0170 Fractional T1 - DS0x2 0171 Fractional T1 - DS0x4 0173 Fractional T1 - DS0x6 0175 Fractional T1 - DS0x8 0177 Fractional T1 - DS0x12 0181 T1 0187 E1 2233 Fractional T3 - DS1x3 0195 Fractional T3 - DS1x4 0196 Fractional T3 - DS1x5 0197 Fractional T3 - DS1x7 0198 T3 0201

Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal. 4-167 20133.01E V4_Mandatory_2-1-REDACTED.doc Submission Date: 04/12/02 Contract No. GS00T99NRD2001 Modification Number: PS35 Effective Date: 04/12/02 (3) Locate the appropriate price row in Table B.4.3-4 based on the desired circuit type, originating country/jurisdiction, terminating country/jurisdiction, price start date and price stop date. (4) Calculate DTS Transport component:

DTS Domestic Transport component = Monthly Recurring Price * number of circuits

(C) When both serving POPs are in (different) offshore domestic service regions, a single price component from Table B.4.3-4 for DTS Non-Domestic Transport will be used. The steps to calculate DTS Non-Domestic transport are as follows:

DTS Non-Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-4)

(1) Determine originating and terminating offshore domestic service regions for the circuit. (2) Obtain the Service Type ID for the desired service type. The following table outlines the available service types:

Service Type Circuit Type ID 4 kilohertz (kHz) Analog 0169 Bandwidth Subrate DS0 - 4.8 kilobit 0183 per second [kb/s] Subrate DS0 - 9.6 kilobit 0184 per second [kb/s] DS0 0170 Fractional T1 - DS0x2 0171 Fractional T1 - DS0x4 0173 Fractional T1 - DS0x6 0175 Fractional T1 - DS0x8 0177

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(3) Locate the appropriate price row in Table B.4.3-4 based on the desired circuit type, originating country/jurisdiction, terminating country/jurisdiction, price start date and price stop date. (4) Calculate DTS Transport component:

DTS Domestic Transport component = Monthly Recurring Price * number of circuits

(D)When one serving POP is in a non-domestic country/jurisdiction and the other is in a domestic service region (whether offshore or Continental U.S.), two price components will be used. (1) A price from Table B.4.3-1 for the Domestic transport between the designated domestic gateway and the domestic serving POP, and (2) A price from Table B.4.3-4 for Non-Domestic transport between the non-domestic POP and the designated domestic gateway.

DTS Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-1)

(1) Determine the NPANXX of the Continental U.S. location. (2) Locate the Continental U.S. NPANXX in the NPANXX to POP relationship Table B.8.10-2. Obtain the POP ID of the designated POP.

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DTS Non-Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-4)

(1) Determine originating country/jurisdiction and terminating country/jurisdiction for the circuit. (2) Obtain the Service Type ID for the desired service type. The following table outlines the available service types:

Service Type Circuit Type ID 4 kilohertz (kHz) Analog 0169 Bandwidth Subrate DS0 - 4.8 kilobit 0183 per second [kb/s] Subrate DS0 - 9.6 kilobit 0184 per second [kb/s] DS0 0170 Fractional T1 - DS0x2 0171

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(5) Locate the appropriate price row in Table B.4.3-4 based on the desired circuit type, originating country/jurisdiction, terminating country/jurisdiction, price start date and price stop date. (6) Calculate DTS Transport component:

DTS Non-Domestic Transport component = Monthly Recurring Price * number of circuits

(E) When both serving POPs are in non-domestic service regions, a single price component from Table B.4.3-4 for DTS Non-Domestic Transport will be used.

DTS Non-Domestic Transport (Table B.4.3-4)

(3) Determine originating country/jurisdiction and terminating country/jurisdiction for the circuit. (4) Obtain the Service Type ID for the desired service type. The following table outlines the available service types:

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Service Type Circuit Type ID 4 kilohertz (kHz) Analog 0169 Bandwidth Subrate DS0 - 4.8 kilobit 0183 per second [kb/s] Subrate DS0 - 9.6 kilobit 0184 per second [kb/s] DS0 0170 Fractional T1 - DS0x2 0171 Fractional T1 - DS0x4 0173 Fractional T1 - DS0x6 0175 Fractional T1 - DS0x8 0177 Fractional T1 - DS0x12 0181 T1 0187 E1 2233 Fractional T3 - DS1x3 0195 Fractional T3 - DS1x4 0196 Fractional T3 - DS1x5 0197 Fractional T3 - DS1x7 0198 T3 0201

(7) Locate the appropriate price row in Table B.4.3-4 based on the desired circuit type, originating country/jurisdiction, terminating country/jurisdiction, price start date and price stop date. (8) Calculate DTS Transport component:

DTS Non-Domestic Transport component = Monthly Recurring Price * number of circuits

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7.4.3 DTS UNIs In addition to the charges for a DTS circuit, charges may apply for dedicated access UNIs for locations utilizing a dedicated access arrangement. UNI charges are charged on a monthly- recurring and a non-recurring basis. Tables 4.2-1 and 4.2-1 OPT contains the pricing information for DTS UNIs. The type of UNI is dependent on the payload of the access circuit ordered by the government. The following table outlines the available UNIs for DTS. X. Table B.4.2-1 Pricing Information for DTS UNIs UNI UNI Service Type UNIs by Item No. Item No. Payload Data Rate MRC SIC 0178 0802 Analog 4 kHz Analog Bandwidth 0179 0803 Subrate DS0 4.8 kb/s 1559 1560 Subrate DS0 9.6 kb/s 4200 4201 DS0 (4 WIRE) 56/64 kbps 4202 4203 FT1-2 (4 112/128 kbps WIRE) 4204 4205 FT1-3 (4 168/192 kbps WIRE) 4206 4207 FT1-4 (4 224/256 kbps WIRE) 4208 4209 FT1-5 (4 280/320 kbps WIRE) 4210 4211 FT1-6 (4 336/384 kbps WIRE) 4212 4213 FT1-7 (4 392/448 kbps WIRE) 4214 4215 FT1-8 (4 448/512 kbps WIRE) 4216 4217 FT1-9 (4 504/576 kbps WIRE) 4218 4219 FT1-10 (4 560/640 kbps WIRE) 4220 4221 FT1-11 (4 616/704 kbps WIRE) 4222 4223 FT1-12 (4 672/768 kbps WIRE) 4224 4225 FT1-13 (4 728/832 kbps WIRE) 4226 4227 FT1-14 (4 784/896 kbps WIRE)

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Table B.4.2-1 OPT. Optional Dedicated Transmission Service Domestic User-to-Network Interface Provisioning Prices UNI Item Price Price Price Price Replaced Number* Start Stop Date Date Date

Table B.4.2-1a OPT Optional Dedicated Transmission Service Domestic User-to-Network Interface Provisioning Prices UNI UNI Service Type UNIs by Item No. Item No. Payload Data Rate MRC SIC 3911 3912 Analog 7.5 kHz Analog Bandwidth**

7.4.4 DTS Features In addition to the normal transport, port and access charges for DTS service, charges may apply for DTS Features. Features may apply to access, transport or both access and transport. Dedicated access features are provided in table B.8.1.1-8 and are described in Section 7.6.1. A list of DTS transport features offered and the charging mechanism for each feature are provided below. The feature prices for DTS Transport are included in Table B.4- 4-1 for Domestic Features. X DTS Transport Features

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Section C Features Feature Feature Charging Reference Item Mechanisms and Number Charging Units C. - Avoidance Routing 0497 Monthly recurring price per (Domestic)** additional*** mile per avoidance routed transport circuit (circuit of up to and including DS0 bandwidth) 2305 Monthly recurring price per

Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal. 4-177 20133.01E V4_Mandatory_2-1-REDACTED.doc Submission Date: 04/12/02 Contract No. GS00T99NRD2001 Modification Number: PS35 Effective Date: 04/12/02 additional*** mile per avoidance routed transport circuit (circuit of higher bandwidth than DS0, up to and including T1) 2306 Monthly recurring price per additional*** mile per avoidance routed transport circuit (circuit of a FT3 bandwidth) 2307 Monthly recurring price per additional*** mile per avoidance routed transport circuit (circuit of T3 bandwidth or higher)

* For features that are circuit associated, not circuit-end associated, the price for the feature, when used on a non-domestic circuit, will be the price established for the non- domestic country/jurisdiction end of the circuit on a domestic location to non-domestic location circuit, and will be the price established for the originating country/jurisdiction end of the circuit on a non-domestic location to non-domestic location circuit. The user agency will designate which is the originating country/jurisdiction end of a non- domestic-to-non-domestic circuit at the time of service ordering.

** Non-domestic pricing shall be individual case basis.

*** Additional mileage is calculated as the difference between actual route miles and air miles.

Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal. 4-178 20133.01E V4_Mandatory_2-1-REDACTED.doc Submission Date: 04/12/02

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