Spanish III Honors

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Spanish III Honors

Spanish III Honors Pelham High School Amelia Powers [email protected] A102

Course Description: · Spanish III is an in depth study of the target language and culture that incorporates reading, speaking, and writing.

Course Requirements: · Tests (includes multiple choice, T/F, short answer, fill in the blank, writing, and speaking) · Vocabulary Quiz (short answer and fill in the blank) · Grammar Quiz (short answer and fill in the blank) · Projects (group and individual) · Edmodo Quiz (online quizzes)

Classroom Expectations: · Progressive Discipline plan 1. Verbal Warning

2. Contact Parent/Guardian

3. Referral to Office

· Classroom Rules/Procedures 1. Respect for your classmates, the teacher, and yourself.

2. Only speak when it is appropriate (refrain from interrupting students and/or teacher).

3. Bring all class materials (book, workbook, writing utensil, etc).

4. Always look at and watch the teacher.

5. SPEAK SPANISH and have fun!

In this classroom, expect to hear, speak, and write Spanish. Spanish will be spoken for the majority of class time. I expect all of my students to participate in every way during the class. Sleeping in class will not be tolerated. I will be doing many activities in the classroom and expect full participation.

Every day you will be expected to come in and be in your seat by the tardy bell. Once you are in your seat, you need to have your homework on your desk and do your warm up that will be written on the board. Warm ups will be collected every Friday. It is important you date your warm ups and keep them in your binder. If you are absent one day, please make sure you write the date and the word ABSENT beside it in order to not lose credit for the warm up that day.

It will be expected of you to copy any notes that are given in class. My quiz and test questions will come directly from the book, the notes that we have taken in class, and any activities.

Cheating will not be tolerated in my classroom. It will be an automatic 0 and you may not make up the work. I do not give extra credit assignments.

When you are given a writing assignment in class, it is very important that you do not use an English- Spanish translator on the Internet, phone or any electronic device that has this capability. More often than not, it will give you the incorrect translations. Also, if you copy and paste the translations it is considered plagiarism and you will receive an automatic 0 for the assignment. You will not be able to make this assignment up at any time. If you are a native speaker or you are receiving help from a native speaker, it is imperative that you make sure to use the grammar concepts and vocabulary words that have been taught in this class and previous Spanish levels. You will not be given credit for words that have not been taught in the Spanish classrooms unless told otherwise.

· Homework procedures & expectations

When homework is assigned, you are expected to complete the assignment. Homework is generally given about twice a week. If there has not been any assigned, my expectation is that you are studying your vocabulary and/or grammar for approximately 15 minutes each night.

Attendance Policy: · See PHS policy

Grading Procedures: · Please see updated exam exemption policy on the school’s website · Students will be given rubrics for any project and/or writing assignment. This allows the students to know what they need to include in order to receive the most amount of points. · Spelling is a key component to learning a language. Points will be deducted for misspelled words or missing punctuation, accent marks, or articles.

Turning in assignments

When you turn in your assignment, you will need to write your first name and last name, the date, and the period. You will turn in the assignment to your period’s folder. Failure to have your name on the paper will result in a 0 for the assignment until it is submitted. There will be a place on the white board in the back for papers with no names.

Late Work Policy

Late work will not be accepted. It is important that you turn in your work on time.

Make-up Work Procedures: · If you are absent, I will have a folder of missing assignments from that day. It is your responsibility to get your missed assignments. You will be held accountable for these assignments. Also, if you miss a day when homework was to be turned in, you must turn it in the day you return in order to receive full credit for that assignment. If you miss a day when a test or quiz was given, it is the student’s responsibility to come to the teacher and figure out a time to make up the test. You will only be able to make up missed assignments if your absence is excused. Otherwise, it will remain a 0 in the grade book.

Digital Procedures: Students will be allowed to use their own devices in class for assignments if given specific instructions from teacher. Please bring your own device each day.

Edmodo Edmodo is an educational website that will allow you to communicate with me and your classmates. Each week, there will be an Edmodo quiz on something we have learned. The quizzes will be timed. If you do not have access to the Internet at home, you can access this website at school, in the library. It is your responsibility to make the time to take your quiz either at home, on your phone, or at school. The website is:

Directions on how to sign up:

If you do not already have an Edmodo account, follow these directions. Go to the Edmodo website listed above. Click on the students tab. Enter your group code. Your username will be: firstnamelastname (ex: johndoe). Choose a password that you will remember. If you have an e-mail, I would suggest providing that e-mail. It will send you updates. Then fill in the rest of the form with your information. If you already have an account, you will need to sign in and add the group with the following group code.

Group Code: ______

Once you have signed up, you will need to take the quiz that is already set up for you. This is due on Friday, August 19th.

Edmodo quizzes will be worth 5 points. They can be true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, or multiple choice. The quizzes will be based on what you have learned the week prior or the Monday of the week it is due. Quizzes will be uploaded on Tuesdays and you will have until Friday at 11:59pm to complete the quiz. You may use your notes, book, or any resource to complete the quizzes. Late quizzes will be a 0 in the grade book. You may not make up Edmodo quizzes.

***If you put anything that I deem inappropriate on the website, I will delete you from the website and you will be required to come to my classroom before school to take the quiz. ***

Textbook Avancemos 3 Website:

Materials and Supplies Needed: · Writing utensils, binder, loose leaf paper, dry erase marker

Pacing Calendar

This will just be a guideline of what we will do this year. It will change according to the results of the pretest.

1st 9 weeks- Preliminary Unit, Unit 1- Lesson 1 & 2, Unit 2- Lesson 1 & 2 Concepts- comparisons, reflexive verbs, ser vs estar, saber vs conocer, yo-go verbs, stem changing verbs, present tense, gustar, preterite tense, imperfect tense, preterite vs imperfect, commands, impersonal expressions with infinitives

2nd 9 weeks- Unit 3- Lesson 1 & 2, Unit 4- Lesson 1 & 2 Concepts- future tense, por vs para, present subjunctive, subjunctive

3rd 9 weeks- Unit 5- Lesson 1 & 2, Unit 6- Lesson 1 & 2 Concepts- subjunctive, conditional tense, reported speech, pas participles as adjectives, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense 4th 9 weeks- Unit 7- Lesson 1 & 2, Unit 8- Lesson 1 & 2 Concepts- imperfect subjunctive, subjunctive of perfect tenses, si clauses, sequence of tenses, past progressive, conjunctions, se for unintentional occurrences, review of subjunctive

Please return this sheet

*I have the right to change my syllabus at any time*

Please sign and turn in by Friday, August 19th, 2016.

Student: (print) ______Student: (sign) ______

Parent/Guardian: (print) ______Parent/Guardian: (sign) ______

Parent/Guardian e-mail (if applicable): ______

Parent/Guardian phone number(s):

- Cell: ______

- Work: ______

- Home: ______

What is the easiest way for me to communicate with you? ______

Is there anything I need to know as your student’s teacher? ______

Does your student have access to a computer and internet at home? ______

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