Oregon National Guard Association

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Oregon National Guard Association

Oregon National Guard Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 14, 2011


COL (Ret) Roberta Janssen Brig Gen Steven Gregg Robin Webb CW 4 Terry Swartwout Capt Christopher Jenkins CPT Jonathan Tipton CPT Kris Wilcox Maj Thoy Tran MAJ Fritz McReynolds MAJ Brian Dean COL Robert Mouw Capt Andrea Sutton LTC Mark Parrish

1. Welcome by the new President – Brig Gen Gregg welcomed all members to the meeting. He also suggested sending out another post card on membership, the Board agreed.

2. Minute Approval: Meeting was called to order and February meeting minutes were approved. A motion was given by CW4 Swartwout and a second was given by CPT Tipton.

3. Financial Update: COL Janssen indicated the Corporate Partners donations are coming in. She passed out the ORNGA Budget sheet and indicated the dollar amount under Membership dues is what has been sent to NGAUS. She also indicated the Association is not where it should be as it relates to dues so any help on getting people to pay would be greatly appreciated. Budget shows we are still on track, no large or unexpected expenses. So fare there are three Gold Corporate Sponsors this year; Navistar, Benchmade, and VAVS of North America. To date for 2011, donations total $7,293.10.

4. Corporate Partner Update: Capt Sutton and MAJ McReynolds indicated they had a meeting with Capt Choy to try and get on the PNDC calendar for a meeting so the Corporate Partners will know who they are. He has also put together some slides and an outline. COL Mouw stated he spoke with Lawrence Howard about how becoming a Corporate Sponsor is not just about writing a check, it’s a working relationship. He stated a standard letter was put together and sent out to the Corporate Partners. So far in 2010, the Association has received $19,500 from Corporate Sponsors.

COL Janssen indicated the Brigades may want to get together and put on a Hospitality Suite at the Conference, the Association will pay for the room. This will give a place for the Company Grade Officers and others to go. It would be separate from the President’s Reception. B-9, Brig Gen Gregg and COL Mouw will get together and discuss the details.

5. State Conference: COL Janssen indicated there are about 55 people registered, if 80 show up at the door it makes it difficult to judge how much food is needed, so please pass out the information to your units and Brigades. She also reminded everyone that the cost at the door is $40 per person rather than $20. COL Janssen also indicated that she and Brig Gen Gregg have a meeting scheduled with GEN Rees to review conference details. So far, Maj Gen Dean will be attending and Pete Duffy from NGAUS has also confirmed. Not sure what Political figure will be attending, the Governor has declined and so has the Mayor. The Conference will include the Year in Review, Roll Call of Commanders, and then Scholarships. CW 4 Swartwout indicated there were 47 scholarship applicants. COL Janssen stated that the Corporate Partner recognition will be just before break. After the break, then the Business Session, GEN Rees’ State of the Guard, GEN Valava (Sp?), NGAUS new video (on the NGAUS and Association’s website), Committee Reports, Resolutions (Englett), Time and Place (Swartwout), Nominations (Janssen), and Election of Officers (Gregg). The following Board members should walk in with Brig Gen Gregg; Mouw, Swartwout, B-9, Jenkins and Tipton. There will then be the presentation for 100% units. COL Janssen indicated Resolutions need to be completed by tomorrow and the 821 has the names and list for flags.

COL Janssen also stated she has 39 bottles of wine for the Military Ball so far. Jan Prunk and Linda Gregg will be working that table. COL Janssen has picked up the bags to put the wine in and on the bottom of each bottle it will show the retail price. You buy a number and get what ever you end up with. At the end, a number will be picked from a hat, which ever number comes out, that person will get two free Military Ball tickets for next year. She also indicated there is a Spring Luncheon for the spouses that Chris Yriarte has put together. It’s at 11:30 at the Skyline Baptist Church. Registration is on the website. COL Janssen also reminded everyone that the conference packets usually include Bio’s of those who are going to be officers and anything else you think should be in them. So, if you have something, let her know.

6. NGAUS Conference Update: COL Janssen indicated not much happening on this front as the focus has been on the State Conference. She will be sending out an email to everyone who went to last year’s conference to see if they are interested in attending this years.

7. Old Business:

a. Pins for NGAUS Conf.: COL Janssen indicated she is still waiting on the pins to arrive.

b. Shirts: COL Janssen indicated that no one seemed to be too interested in shirts this year. Robin is taking orders for Vests so let her know if you want one and what size.

c. Bylaws Review: CPT Tipton gave an update on the Bylaw review. He indicated that they need to have more information on structure, not function as written. He asked if the Board wanted to change the Bylaws or to continue as is. COL Janssen stated that when these Bylaws were written, the group had less people attending than now. The Board decided that the Bylaws should be modified to better fit the Board. The number of people on the Board should be geared by the number of soldiers in the Battalion. It was determined the “Full” Board should be made up of the following members:

1. Battalion 7 – due to having 6 Brigades 2. Battalion 5 – due to having 4 Brigades 3. JFHQ – 2 4. Air Guard – 5 5. State Defense Force - 1

Section 16 of the Bylaws look great, Section 12 look great and Section 3 will be the new number 2. Terms in office were decided to be from 1 to 3 years. Communications was also brought up, look at the possibility of adding electronic communication to the bylaws. This committee is now considered the “Executive” Committee and currently meets monthly. The “larger” Board could tie in with the State Conference and then again for the Vendor Fair in November. So, have the “Full” Board meet Semi Annually versus the Executive Board which will continue to meet monthly.

d. Scholarship Update: Discussed prior.

e. Candidates for Board officers: No President Elect yet; VP for Air is Col Wedan from the 173rd, COL Leah Sundquist from the J-3 for VP Army; MAJ Fritz McReynolds has volunteered to be the Secretary/Treasurer; and still need an Air Retiree.

f. New Computer for ORNGA: Capt. Jenkins indicated in the last meeting it was discussed about purchasing a new computer for the office. Pete Senser had provided a bid of $1,075. Capt Jenkins stated in doing some research, he could obtain a better computer with more Ram for about $1,300. This included a larger memory hard drive, a little deeper processor and also a 3 year warranty for onsite hardware support. The board indicated there should be a fund set up in the Budget for future computer expenses so the Association can keep up on current technology and purchase a new computer about every 3 years. It was determined to set aside $500 per month to cover this expense. CW4 Swartwout gave a motion and COL Mouw gave a second.

g. Camp Rosenbaum defibrillators: Robin indicated she is still working this issue. She will have an update before the next meeting.

9. Next Meeting: Next meeting date, location and time is still to be determined. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM.

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