1. What Is the Gospel of Matthew? (1:1)

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1. What Is the Gospel of Matthew? (1:1)


1. What is the Gospel of Matthew? (1:1) A. The story of Jesus Christ B. The history of Jesus Christ C. The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ D. The word of Jesus Christ

2. In the genealogy of Jesus, He is called the son of whom? (1:1) A. David B. Joseph C. Mary D. God

3. In the genealogy of Jesus, David is called the son of whom? (1:1) A. Jesse B. Obed C. Jacob D. Abraham

4. Which of Jacob’s sons is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus? (1:3) A. Reuben B. Judah C. Joseph D. Benjamin

5. Who was the mother of Perez and Zerah? (1:3) A. Jochebed B. Ruth C. Dinah D. Tamar

6. Who was the mother of Boaz? (1:5) A. Miriam B. Deborah C. Tamar D. Rahab

7. Who was the great-grandmother of David? (1:5-6) A. Miriam B. Ruth C. Zerah D. Milcah

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8. The wife of Uriah was the mother of whom? (1:6) A. Amon B. Terah C. Obed D. Solomon

9. Who was the son of Solomon? (1:7) A. Rehoboam B. Jeroboam C. Asa D. Josiah

10. Who was the father of Manasseh? (1:10) A. David B. Solomon C. Rehoboam D. Hezekiah

11. Who was born about the time they were carried away to Babylon? (1:11) A. Hezekiah B. Jeconiah C. Josiah D. Zerubbabel

12. Who was born after they were brought to Babylon? (1:12) A. Perez B. Shealtiel C. Boaz D. Davi

13. Who was the father of Joseph? (1:16) A. Eleazar B. Joseph C. Jacob D. Isaac

14. In the genealogy, how is Joseph described? (1:16) A. The husband of Mary B. The father of Jesus C. A righteous man D. He is not mentioned.

Page 2 of 106 15. Which of the following women is not mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus? (1:16) A. Tamar B. Esther C. Rahab D. Ruth

16. How many generations were there from Abraham to David? (1:17) A. 10 B. 12 C. 20 D. 14

17. How many generations were there from David to the captivity in Babylon? (1:17) A. 10 B. 12 C. 20 D. 14

18. How many generations were there from the captivity in Babylon to the time of Jesus? (1:17) A. 10 B. 12 C. 20 D. 14

19. Who was the mother of Jesus? (1:18) A. Mary B. Tamar C. Rahab D. Ruth

20. Mary was betrothed to whom? (1:18) A. Herod B. Joseph C. Pilate D. Matthew

21. Mary was found to be with child of whom? (1:18) A. The Holy Spirit B. Joseph C. Her husband D. No one

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22. Joseph is described as being what kind of man? (1:19) A. Selfish B. Ugly C. Just D. Handsome

23. What did Joseph want to do to Mary? (1:19) A. Break up with her B. Kill her C. Make her give her baby up for adoption D. Put her away secretly

24. Who told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife? (1:20) A. Satan B. An angel of the Lord C. His father D. David

25. Why was Joseph told to name his son Jesus? (1:21) A. He will save His people from their sins. B. That was the middle name of Joseph. C. Mary had been given the name in a dream. D. No reason is given for naming Him Jesus.

26. The birth of Jesus fulfilled what had been spoken by the Lord through whom? ( 1:22) A. The prophet B. John the Baptist C. The angel D. Moses

27. What does the name Immanuel mean? (1:23) A. Jesus is Lord B. God with us C. Praise God D. Jesus is born

28. What did Joseph do after he arose from his sleep? (1:24) A. What the angel of the Lord commanded B. Washed his face C. Prayed D. Praised God

Page 4 of 106 29. After Mary’s son was born, what did he name Him? (1:25) A. Jacob B. Joseph, Jr. C. Jesus D. Zerubbabel


1. In what town was Jesus born? (2:1) A. Nazareth B. Judea C. Bethlehem D. Samaria

2. Who was king when Jesus was born? (2:1) A. Pontius B. Herod C. Caesar D. Festus

3. How many wise men went to visit Jesus? (2:1) A. One B. Three C. The Bible doesn’t say D. Ten

4. Why did the wise men come to see Jesus? (2:2) A. Because Herod told them to B. Because an angel told them to C. Because they wanted to kill Him D. Because they wanted to worship Him

5. How did Herod feel when he heard of Jesus’ birth? (2:3) A. Happy B. Angry C. Sad D. Troubled

6. Who told Herod where the Christ was to be born? (2:4) A. The chief priests and scribes of the people B. His wife C. The apostles D. The wise men

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7. How did the chief priests and scribes know where Jesus would be born? (2:5) A. It was revealed to them in a dream B. It was written by the prophet C. They saw a vision D. They really didn’t know

8. What did the prophet say would come out of Bethlehem? (2:6) A. A king B. A savior C. A man D. A ruler

9. What did the prophet call the people of God? (2:6) A. Judah B. Esau C. Jacob D. Israel

10. What did Herod learn from the wise men? (2:7) A. Where Jesus was to be born B. The time the star appeared C. The name given to the baby D. Which country they came from

11. What was the reason Herod gave the wise men for wanting to find the baby Jesus? (2:8) A. So that he could worship Him B. So he could kill him C. So he could adopt him D. So he could send gifts to him

12. How were the wise men guided to the place where Jesus was born? (2:9) A. A pillar of fire B. A cloud C. A star D. An angel

13. Which of the following was NOT a gift brought by the wise men? (2:11) A. Gold B. Frankincense C. Silver D. Myrrh

Page 6 of 106 14. What warning by God was given to the wise men? (2:12) A. Not to return to Herod B. Not to tell where Jesus was born C. Not to tell how they found Jesus D. Not to tell anyone what they had seen

15. How did the wise men return to their own country? (2:12) A. The way they came B. By another way C. Through Galilee D. They did not return to their own country

16. After the wise men left, who appeared to Joseph? (2:13) A. Gabriel B. Michael C. God D. An angel of the Lord

17. What did the angel tell Joseph to do? (2:13) A. Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt B. Take the Child and His mother to see Herod C. Take the Child and His mother home D. Nothing

18. Why was Joseph told to take Jesus and Mary and flee? (2:13) A. To keep Herod from finding them B. To keep Herod from killing Jesus C. To keep Herod from killing Jesus and Mary D. To escape the famine in the land

19. What time of day did Joseph leave for Egypt? (2:14) A. Dawn B. Night C. Dusk D. The third hour

20. How long did Mary, Joseph and Jesus stay in Egypt? (2:15) A. For three years B. Until Jesus was twelve C. Until Jesus could walk D. Until the death of Herod

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21. From where did God call His Son? (2:15) A. Out of Bethlehem B. Out of the wilderness C. Out of Egypt D. Out of Nazareth

22. Why did Herod become exceedingly angry? (2:16) A. He could not find Jesus B. The wise men gave him wrong information C. He was deceived by the wise men D. The wise men stole gold, frankincense and myrrh from him

23. How old were the children Herod put to death in Bethlehem and its districts? (2:16) A. One-year-old B. Two-years-old and under C. Five-years-old D. Three-years-old and under

24. The killing of the children by Herod was prophesied by which prophet? (2:17) A. Jeremiah B. Moses C. Ezekiel D. Malachi

25. Whose voice was heard in Ramah? (2:18) A. Joseph’s B. The blind man’s C. The Lord’s D. Rachel’s

26. Why did Rachel weep? (2:18) A. For her husband B. For her children C. For her father D. For her mother

27. After Herod’s death, where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus? (2:21) A. To Galilee B. To Bethlehem C. Into the land of Israel D. Ramah

Page 8 of 106 28. Which ruler of Judea did Joseph fear? (2:22) A. Herod B. Pilate C. Caesar Augustus D. Archelaus

29. Why did Joseph move to Galilee? (2:22) A. His family lived there B. He was warned by God in a dream C. He was warned by the wise men D. He liked the hill country

30. Where did Joseph and his family reside? (2:23) A. Nazareth B. Bethlehem C. Shechem D. Samaria

31. What did the prophets say Jesus would be called? (2:23) A. A Prophet B. A Samaritan C. A Nazarite D. A Nazarene


1. Where did John the Baptist preach? (3:1) A. The wilderness of Judea B. Jerusalem C. West of the Jordan River D. In all the towns of Israel

2. Why did John tell the people to repent? (3:2) A. Jesus was coming B. They had many sins C. The kingdom of heaven was at hand D. The prophets commanded it

3. Who was crying in the wilderness? (3:3) A. Rachel B. John the Baptist C. Jesus D. Sinners

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4. How was the way of the Lord to be made? (3:3) A. Straight B. Smooth C. Easy D. Quickly

5. What was John’s garment made of? (3:4) A. Silk B. Wool C. Camel’s hair D. Animal skin

6. What kind of belt was around John’s waist? (3:4) A. Leather B. Rope C. Chain D. Plastic

7. What did John eat? (3:4) A. Locusts and wild honey B. Lizards and wild honey C. Bread and grape juice D. Bread and fresh water

8. Who did NOT go out to see John the Baptist? (3:5) A. Jerusalem B. All Judea C. All the region around the Jordan D. The household of Herod

9. What was John doing to those who came to him? (3:6) A. Healing them B. Baptizing them C. Feeding them D. Praying with them

10. Where was John baptizing the people? (3:6) A. In the Nile River B. In the Sea of Galilee C. In the pool of Siloam D. In the Jordan River

Page 10 of 106 11. When did John baptize the people? (3:6) A. As they confessed their sins B. When they asked Jesus into their hearts C. In the morning D. The next day

12. Whom did John rebuke when they came for baptism? (3:7) A. Mary B. Jesus C. The Pharisees and Sadducees D. The Apostles

13. What did John call the Pharisees and Sadducees? (3:7) A. A brood of vipers B. A den of thieves C. A bunch of liars D. A good group of people

14. What had the Pharisees and Sadducees been warned about? (3:7) A. The coming judgment B. The trading in the temple C. The wrath to come D. The leaven of Herod

15. Bearing fruit was a sign of what? (3:8) A. Confession B. Baptism C. Repentance D. Faith

16. From what is God able to raise up children to Abraham? (3:9) A. The daughters of Abraham B. Sons of Abraham C. The sea D. The stones

17. What becomes of trees that do not bear good fruit? (3:10) A. They are watered and pruned B. They are fertilized and weeded C. They are dug up and replanted D. They are cut down and thrown into the fire

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18. John said Jesus would baptize with what? (3:11) A. Water and the Holy Spirit B. Water and fire C. The Holy Spirit D. The Holy Spirit and fire

19. Jesus will gather the wheat into the barn, but what will He burn? (3:12) A. Wood B. Wheat C. Weeds D. Chaff

20. Jesus was baptized to fulfill all what? (3:15) A. Righteousness B. The commands of God C. The law D. The people

21. When did the Holy Spirit come upon Jesus? (3:16) A. When He went down in the water B. While He stood in the water C. After He came up out of the water D. Before He went into the water

22. After the baptism of Jesus, what did the voice from heaven call Him? (3:17) A. Faithful servant B. Beloved servant C. Faithful Son D. Beloved Son


1. Jesus was led by whom into the wilderness? (4:1) A. Satan B. God C. The Spirit D. Mary

2. Why was Jesus led into the wilderness? (4:1) A. To be tempted by the devil B. So He could find peace and quiet C. So He could find food D. God was placing Him in time out

Page 12 of 106 3. How many days and nights did Jesus fast in the wilderness? (4:2) A. 7 B. 30 C. 40 D. 365

4. What happened to Jesus after He fasted in the wilderness? (4:2) A. He died from hunger B. He went in search of food C. He prayed for God to send him some food D. He was hungry

5. The tempter told Jesus to turn the stones into what? (4:3) A. Money B. Bread C. Meat D. Wine

6. Man does not live by what alone? (4:4) A. Food B. Water C. Love D. Bread

7. After being tempted with bread in the wilderness, where did the devil take Jesus? (4:5) A. Damascus B. Crete C. The holy city D. Nowhere

8. What did the devil tell Jesus to do if He was the Son of God? (4:6) A. Turn the stones to bread B. Throw Himself down from the pinnacle of the temple C. Bow down and worship him D. Turn the stones to bread and bow down and worship him

9. What did the devil show Jesus when he took Him to a very high mountain? (4:8) A. Stones that could be turned into bread B. Many sick people that needed to be healed C. All the kingdoms of the world and all their glory D. People who were demon-possessed

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10. What did Satan say Jesus must do to receive the kingdoms of the world? (4:9) A. Fall down and worship him B. Throw himself down C. Jump off the cliff D. Obey him

11. Who came to minister to Jesus after the devil left Him? (4:11) A. Angels B. His disciples C. Mary D. The Holy Spirit

12. Where did Jesus go when He heard that John had been put into prison? (4:12) A. Bethlehem B. The wilderness C. Galilee D. Capernaum

13. Why did Jesus settle in Capernaum? (4:13-14) A. His family was there B. To fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah C. So He could do a lot of fishing D. The Holy Spirit told Him to

14. Who saw a great light? (4:16) A. The disciples B. Those living in the light C. The people who sat in darkness D. All the people

15. What did Jesus preach was at hand? (4:17) A. The kingdom of heaven B. The end of time C. The dawn of the new age D. The day of judgment

16. What were Peter and Andrew doing by the Sea of Galilee when Jesus called them? (4:18) A. Preaching B. Casting a net into the sea C. Arguing D. Praying

Page 14 of 106 17. How long after Jesus told them to “Follow Me”, did Peter and Andrew leave their nets to follow Him? (4:20) A. A couple of days later B. After they mended their nets C. After they caught a few more fish D. Immediately

18. What other two brothers did Jesus see? (4:21) A. Moses and Aaron B. James and John C. Philip and Thomas D. Timothy and Titus

19. Which of the following is NOT included in the list of things Jesus did in Galilee? (4:23) A. Teach in their synagogues B. Baptize those who believed C. Proclaim the gospel of the kingdom D. Heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people

20. Which of the following is NOT listed among the people who were brought to Jesus in Galilee? (4:24) A. Those who were sick B. Those afflicted with various diseases and torments C. Demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics D. Lepers


1. To whom does the kingdom of heaven belong? (5:3) A. The poor in spirit B. Those with no worldly goods C. Children who obey their parents D. The widows and orphans

2. Who did Jesus say would be comforted? (5:4) A. Those who cry B. Those who laugh C. Those who help others D. Those who mourn

3. What will the meek inherit? (5:5) A. The kingdom of heaven B. The heavens C. The earth D. Riches

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4. What will happen to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness? (5:6) A. They shall be blessed B. They shall be given one hundred-fold in this life C. They shall never be filled D. They shall be filled

5. Who shall obtain mercy? (5:7) A. The merciful B. The righteous C. The peacemakers D. The Christians

6. Who shall see God? (5:8) A. The pure in spirit B. The pure in heart C. All who obey His commands D. All who obey the Law and the Prophets

7. Who shall be called sons of God? (5:9) A. The peacemakers B. The faithful C. The merciful D. The righteous

8. Who will have the kingdom of heaven? (5:10) A. Those who have been good B. Those who have worked hard C. Those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake D. Those who have died

9. Why should you rejoice when men “revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely” for Jesus’ sake? (5:11-12) A. For great is your reward in heaven B. You will get the last laugh C. God will punish them D. It is the right thing to do

10. What did Jesus call His disciples? (5:13-14) A. His children B. Chicks to be gathered C. His bride D. The salt of the earth and the light of the world

Page 16 of 106 11. What will men see when you let your light shine? (5:16) A. Your good example B. Your good works C. Your perseverance D. Your talent

12. What will people do when they see your good works? (5:16) A. Brag about you B. Encourage you C. Glorify your Father in heaven D. Follow you

13. Why did Jesus come? (5:17) A. To abolish the law and the prophets B. To fulfill the law and the prophets C. To destroy the law and the prophets D. To obey the law and the prophets

14. What did Jesus say would NOT pass from the Law? (5:18) A. One jot or tittle B. The smallest word or sentence C. The smallest chapter or book D. One word

15. What will those who do and teach the commands of the Law be called? (5:19) A. God’s children B. Followers of Christ C. Children of God D. Great in the kingdom of heaven

16. Whom must your righteousness exceed before you can enter the kingdom of heaven? (5:20) A. Sadducees and teachers of the law B. Scribes and Pharisees C. Sadducees and Pharisees D. Chief priests and scribes

17. What was said to those of old? (5:21) A. Whoever is angry with his brother without a cause B. Whoever says “Raca” to his brother C. Whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment D. Whosoever shall curse his brother

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18. If you are offering your gift to the altar and remember that your brother has something against you, what are we told to do? (5:23-24) A. Offer your gift B. Leave your gift and first be reconciled to your brother and then offer your gift C. Pray for forgiveness and then offer your gift D. Pray for your brother and then offer your gift

19. What should you do if your right eye causes you to sin? (5:29) A. Close it B. Put a patch over it C. Pluck it out and cast it from you D. Look with your left eye

20. Jesus said one should not swear by what? (5:34-36) A. Heaven, earth, or Jerusalem B. Heaven, God, or angels C. Heaven, God, or your fathers D. Stars, moon, or heavens

21. What should we do to our enemies? (5:44) A. Love them B. As they have done to us C. Ignore them D. Punish them

22. On what people does God cause His sun to rise? (5:45) A. The evil and on the good B. The ones who obey Him C. The children of Israel D. The righteous

23. Who did Jesus say loved those who loved them? (5:46) A. Pharisees B. Gentiles C. Tax collectors D. Wicked

24. When dealing with your enemies, you must be like your heavenly Father who is what? (5:48) A. Perfect B. Holy C. Good D. Kind

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1. What did Jesus say was NOT a good reason to do charitable deeds? (6:1) A. To get paid B. To be seen by men C. To go to heaven D. Look better than others

2. What did the hypocrites do when they did a charitable deed? (6:2) A. Sounded a trumpet B. Told others how much they were giving C. Kept part of what they planned to give D. Prayed to God

3. How were the Christians told to do charitable deeds? (6:3-4) A. In secret B. On the first day of the week C. As they were prospered D. Christians are not to do charitable deeds

4. How did the hypocrites pray? (6:5) A. With their heads bowed B. With their arms raised toward heaven C. Silently D. Standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets

5. Where are Christ’s followers told to pray? (6:6) A. In church B. Everywhere they go C. In your room with the door closed D. Kneeling by their bed

6. Why were Christ’s followers told not to use “vain repetitions?” (6:7-8) A. Your Father knows the things you have need of B. Your Father does not need to be reminded C. You burden God D. God would not hear their prayer

7. What were Christ’s followers told to do when they fasted? (6:17) A. Wash each other’s feet and wash their own faces B. Wash their faces and hands C. Anoint their heads and wash their faces D. Put oil on their hands and faces

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8. What destroys treasures on earth? (6:20) A. Moths, rust, and thieves B. Moths, rust, and death C. Moths, winds, and thieves D. Animals, rust, and death

9. What is the lamp of the body? 6:22) A. The heart B. The mind C. The soul D. The eye

10. Jesus said you cannot serve God and what else? (6:24) A. Mammon B. Satan C. Man D. The world

11. What is life more than? (6:25) A. Work B. Food C. Money D. Worship

12. What is the body more than? (6:25) A. Food B. Clothing C. An outward appearance D. Flesh and blood

13. You are of more value than what? (6:26) A. Money B. Kingdoms C. Birds D. Food

14. Worrying will not add what to your life? (6:27) A. One day B. One hour C. One ounce D. One cubit

Page 20 of 106 15. What was more glorious than Solomon? (6:29) A. The birds B. The sky C. The lilies of the field D. The mountains

16. About what should you not worry? (6:31) A. What you eat, drink, or wear B. What you spend, save, or lose C. What you find, lose, or save D. Growing older

17. Who worries about what they will eat, drink, and wear? (6:32) A. Pharisees B. Lawyers and Pharisees C. Sadducees and Pharisees D. Gentiles

18. What should you seek first? (6:33) A. The blessings of God B. The kingdom of God and His righteousness C. The commandments of God D. The love of God

19. Each day has enough what? (6:34) A. Blessings of its own B. Food of its own C. Food and drink of its own D. Its own trouble


1. What will be used to judge you? (7:2) A. Your standard of fairness B. With what judgment you judge C. Your goodness D. Your parents

2. What did Jesus tell the hypocrite to take out of his own eye first? (7:5) A. Sand B. Water C. The plank D. A mountain

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3. What is holy should not be given to what? (7:6) A. Dogs B. Pigs C. Gentiles D. Pharisees

4. What should not be thrown before swine? (7:6) A. Food B. Money C. Clothes D. Pearls

5. If you want something from your heavenly Father, what should you do? (7:7-8) A. Call, pray and study B. Pray, fast and seek C. Ask, seek and knock D. Ask, pray and love

6. What will a father NOT give his hungry son? (7:9-10) A. Stone or serpent B. Stone or scorpion C. Snake or scorpion D. Scorpion or stone

7. To whom will your Father in heaven give good things? (7:11) A. To those who try hard to do right B. To those who treat others right C. To those who give good gifts to others D. To those who ask Him

8. Where do you learn to treat others as you want to be treated? (7:12) A. The law B. The Prophets C. The Law and the Prophets D. The Pharisees

9. How did Jesus describe the gate that leads to destruction? (7:13) A. Wide and broad B. Wide and difficult C. Narrow and easy D. Narrow and difficult

Page 22 of 106 10. How did Jesus describe the gate that leads to life? (7:14) A. Wide and easy B. Narrow and difficult C. Large and narrow D. Small and easy

11. What kind of clothing do false prophets wear? (7:15) A. Clothing of true prophets B. Wolves’ clothing C. Sheep’s clothing D. Clothing of teachers

12. How did Jesus describe false prophets? (7:15) A. Lying serpents B. Ravenous wolves C. Peaceful doves D. Blind men

13. How are false prophets known? (7:16) A. By their words B. By their actions C. By their appearance D. By their fruits

14. To what did Jesus compare false prophets? (7:16) A. Grape vines and fig trees B. Olive trees and fig trees C. Thornbushes and thistles D. Thornbushes and fig trees

15. What happens to trees that do not bear good fruit? (7:19) A. They are left alone B. They are uprooted C. They are fertilized D. They are cut down and thrown into the fire

16. Who did Jesus say would enter the kingdom of heaven? (7:21) A. Those who call Jesus, “Lord, Lord” B. Those who do the will of My Father in heaven C. Those who fast, pray, and give alms D. Those who obey the Law and the Prophets

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17. Which of the following are the lawless NOT said to have done? (7:22-23) A. Prophesied in Your name B. Cast out demons in Your name C. Done many wonders in Your name D. Prayed in Your name

18. Who is like a wise man who built his house on a rock? (7:24) A. Whoever hears and does the sayings of Jesus B. Whoever prays every day C. Whoever loves their enemies D. Whoever ignores false prophets

19. Who is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand? (7:26) A. Everyone who fails to hear the sayings of Jesus B. Everyone who hears the sayings of Jesus and does not do them C. Everyone who refuses to love their enemies D. Everyone who listens to false prophets

20. What astonished the multitudes? (7:28) A. The miracles of Jesus B. The power of Jesus C. The teaching of Jesus D. The life of Jesus

21. How was the teaching of Jesus different from that of the Scribes? (7:29) A. He taught as one having authority B. He told the truth C. He taught the Law and the Prophets D. He told parables


1. Who said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean?” (8:2) A. A paralytic B. A blind man C. A leper D. A diseased man

2. To whom was the healed leper told to show himself? (8:4) A. The priest B. The Pharisees C. The Gentiles D. The other lepers

Page 24 of 106 3. To whom was the leper to tell about his healing? (8:4) A. The Pharisees B. Everyone C. His family D. No one

4. What was wrong with the servant of the centurion? (8:5-6) A. He was ill B. He had leprosy C. He was demon-possessed D. He was paralyzed

5. How did the centurion suggest that Jesus heal his servant? (8:8) A. By coming to his house B. By coming to his house and touching him C. By speaking a word D. By saying a prayer

6. Who had greater faith than anyone Jesus found, even in Israel? (8:10) A. The centurion B. The leper C. The paralytic D. The little girl

7. Where would people come from to eat with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? (8:11) A. North and south B. East and west C. Northeast and southwest D. North, south, east, and west

8. Who would be cast into outer darkness? (8:12) A. Sons of the kingdom B. Pharisees and Sadducees C. Unbelievers D. Gentiles

9. What would be done for the centurion? (8:13) A. As he wished B. As he desired C. As he prayed D. As he believed

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10. Where did Jesus see the mother-in-law of Peter? (8:14) A. Her house B. The temple C. Peter’s house D. Jerusalem

11. Who prophesied that Jesus would heal people? (8:17) A. Jeremiah B. Daniel C. Habakkuk D. Isaiah

12. Who said he would follow Jesus wherever He would go? (8:19) A. A healed leper B. A healed paralytic C. A healed blind man D. A scribe

13. To what did Jesus compare Himself? (8:20) A. A fox B. A dove C. Foxes and birds of the air D. Foxes and serpents

14. Whom did Jesus say to let bury the dead? (8:21-22) A. Children B. Family C. The dead D. The living

15. What was Jesus doing when the great storm arose on the sea? (8:24) A. Praying B. Eating C. Sleeping D. Teaching

16. How did Jesus describe the disciples who were in the boat during the storm? (8:26) A. Fearful B. Asleep C. Anxious D. Believing

Page 26 of 106 17. What kind of faith did the disciples have in the midst of the storm? (8:26) A. Great faith B. No faith C. Little faith D. Much faith

18. The disciples marveled that what obeyed Jesus? (8:27) A. Fish and birds B. Winds and sea C. Sun and sea D. Angels

19. Where did Jesus meet two demon-possessed men? (8:28) A. Among the Gergesenes B. Among the Canaanites C. Among the Sidonians D. Among the Samaritans

20. What did the demons in the two men fear Jesus would do? (8:29) A. Judge them B. Persecute them C. Torment them D. Destroy them

21. When the demons left the two men, what did they enter? (8:32) A. Caves B. The heavens C. A herd of Swine D. Other people

22. When the swine entered the sea, what did the people of the city beg Jesus to do?(8:34) A. Come and teach them B. Come and live with them C. Heal their sick D. Depart


1. Where did Jesus go after leaving the country of the Gergesenes? (9:1) A. His own city B. Jericho C. Samaria D. Jerusalem

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2. Jesus told a paralytic to take courage when he saw the faith of whom? (9:2) A. The paralytic B. The mother of the paralytic C. Those who carried the paralytic D. The mother of the paralytic

3. What did Jesus do that led the Scribes to say He was blaspheming? (9:3) A. Healed on the Sabbath B. Forgave sins C. Cleansed the temple D. Said he was Lord of the Sabbath

4. What did Jesus do to show He had authority to forgive sins? (9:6) A. Quoted the prophets B. Raised the dead C. Healed a paralytic D. Calmed the sea

5. What did the people do when they saw the paralytic healed? (9:8) A. Marveled and glorified God B. Followed Jesus C. Asked Jesus to leave D. Murmured among themselves

6. What was Matthew doing when Jesus called him to be a disciple? (9:9) A. Sitting at the tax office B. Eating in his house C. Talking with Peter D. Listening to Jesus teach

7. The Pharisees asked the disciples why Jesus ate with which people? (9:11) A. Tax collectors and sinners B. Adulterers C. Samaritans D. Women

8. What did God say He wanted rather than sacrifices? (9:13) A. Obedience B. Kindness C. Mercy D. Love

Page 28 of 106 9. Whom did Jesus come to call? (9:13) A. The righteous B. The loving C. The obedient D. Sinners, to repentance

10. Whom did the disciples of John say did not fast? (9:14) A. The disciples of John B. The Pharisees C. The disciples of Jesus D. Pilate

11. When did Jesus say His disciples would fast? (9:15) A. When the bridegroom was taken away B. When they were discouraged C. When they were told to do so D. When they went out to preach

12. To what did Jesus compare His ministry or preaching? (9:16-17) A. Old wineskins B. New wine C. Unshrunk cloth and new wine D. A hidden treasure

13. Who approached Jesus about his daughter who had just died? (9:18) A. A ruler B. A centurion C. A Pharisee D. A Samaritan

14. How many years did the woman suffer from a flow of blood? (9:20) A. Ten B. Twelve C. Twenty D. Twenty-five

15. How did the woman with the flow of blood think she could be made well? (9:21) A. If she touched the garment of Jesus B. If Jesus laid His hand on her C. If she had faith D. If Jesus spoke to her

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16. How was the woman with the flow of blood made well? (9:22) A. By her diet B. By her faith C. By her obedience D. By her doctor

17. How did the people respond when Jesus said the girl was not dead but asleep? (9:24) A. With ridicule B. With rejoicing C. With grieving D. With doubt

18. Who asked Jesus to have mercy on them? (9:27) A. A blind man and a man who could not talk B. Two blind men C. A blind man and a deaf man D. Ten lepers

19. What determined whether or not the blind men would be healed by Jesus? (9:29) A. Their obedience B. Their need C. Their goodness D. Their faith

20. What did the blind men do when Jesus told them to “See that no one knows ” about their healing? (9:31) A. Spread the news about Jesus B. Told no one C. Told only their families D. Obeyed Jesus according to all He said

21. When the people said, “It was never seen like this in Israel,” what had they seen? (9:33) A. The healing of a mute man who was demon-possessed B. The feeding of five thousand with a few loaves and fish C. The raising of a girl from the dead D. The healing of a paralytic

22. Who said Jesus cast out demons by the ruler of demons? (9:34) A. Scribes B. Pharisees C. Sadducees D. Disciples of John

Page 30 of 106 23. What is NOT mentioned as a common practice of Jesus as He passed through the cities and villages? (9:35) A. Teaching in the synagogues B. Preaching the gospel of the kingdom C. Healing every sickness and disease D. Accepting money from the people

24. Jesus had compassion on the multitudes because they resembled what? (9:36) A. Students without a teacher B. Subjects without a king C. Children without a parent D. Sheep having no shepherd

25. After seeing the multitudes, what did Jesus tell His disciples? (9:37) A. The workers are plentiful but the harvest is small. B. The workers are plentiful but the faith is small. C. The harvest truly is plentiful but the laborers are few. D. The harvest and workers are plentiful.

26. To whom are the disciples to pray to send out laborers into His harvest? (9:38) A. The Lord of the Harvest B. The church C. The scribes and Pharisees D. The disciples


1. Over what did Jesus NOT give His disciples power? (10:1) A. Unclean spirits B. Diseases C. Sickness D. Nature

2. Which of the following lists contains a man who was NOT one of the Twelve? (10:2-4) A. Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, and James B. James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas C. Matthew, Peter, John, and Mark D. Thomas, Peter, Judas, and James

3. When Jesus first sent out the twelve apostles, where did He tell them NOT to go? (10:5) A. Beyond the Jordan River B. To Jerusalem C. To the Samaritans and Gentiles D. To Egypt

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4. When Jesus first sent out the twelve apostles, where were they to go? (10:6) A. To the faithful people of Israel B. To the unfaithful people of Israel C. To the lost sheep of the house of Israel D. To Jerusalem

5. The disciples preached that what was at hand? (10:7) A. The kingdom of heaven B. The judgment C. The destruction of Jerusalem D. The fall of Satan

6. When Jesus first sent out the twelve apostles, which of the following did he NOT tell them to do? (10:8) A. Heal the sick B. Raise the dead C. Cast out demons D. Collect an offering

7. What were the disciples NOT to acquire for their money belts? (10:9) A. Gold, silver, or bronze B. Gold, silver, or copper C. Gold, copper, or bronze D. Copper, bronze, or silver

8. Why were the disciples NOT to take a bag, two tunics, sandals, or a staff? (10:10) A. They would not be gone long B. Jesus would soon be with them C. The worker is worthy of his food D. They would not need anything

9. What did the apostles bring upon the worthy house where they stayed? (10:13) A. A greeting and peace B. A blessing C. Best wishes D. Riches beyond measure

10. What are the disciples to do if a house or city does NOT receive them or hear their message? (10:14) A. Pronounce a curse B. Leave without saying a word C. Pray for house D. Shake off the dust from their feet

Page 32 of 106 11. Who will have a more tolerable judgment day than those who do NOT receive the word of the apostles? (10:15) A. Jericho B. Sodom C. Gomorrah D. Sodom and Gomorrah

12. As Jesus sent out the apostles, to what did He compare them? (10:16) A. Sheep, wolves, and serpents B. Sheep, serpents, and doves C. Sheep, goats, and doves D. Serpents, doves, and wolves

13. Which of the following did Jesus NOT say men would do to the apostles? (10:17-18) A. Deliver them up to councils B. Scourge them in synagogues C. Bring them before governors and kings D. Take away their possessions

14. Why did the disciples NOT need to be anxious about what they would speak when they were delivered up before men? (10:19-20) A. God would deliver them B. The Spirit of the Father would speak in them C. They had been taught what to say D. Angels would help them

15. Which of the following did Jesus NOT say would happen to the apostles? (10:21) A. Brother will deliver brother to death B. Fathers will deliver children to death C. Children will deliver parents to death D. Wives will deliver husbands to death

16. Why would the apostles be hated by all men? (10:22) A. For their preaching B. For their good works C. For Jesus’name sake D. Because of the devil

17. What did Jesus say would happen to those who endured to the end? (10:22) A. They would be blessed B. They would be given a crown C. They would be saved D. They would be rewarded

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18. What would happen before the apostles finished going through all the cities of Israel? (10:23) A. The Son of Man would come B. The persecution would end C. The Jews would believe D. They would be killed

19. What must the apostles become like? (10:25) A. Their teacher and friend B. Their Lord and teacher C. Their friend and teacher D. Their teacher and master

20. What did the enemies of Jesus call Him? (10:25) A. A demon B. Beelzebub C. A lawbreaker D. A Samaritan

21. Since all will be revealed and made known, the disciples must NOT do what? (10:26) A. Fear their enemies B. Follow their enemies C. Be discouraged by their enemies D. Hate their enemies

22. Whom should you fear? (10:28) A. The one who can destroy the body B. The one who can destroy the soul C. The one who can destroy body and soul D. The one who can destroy body, soul, and mind

23. How many sparrows are sold for a copper coin? (10:29) A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five

24. What did Jesus say was numbered? (10:30) A. Your days B. The very hairs on your head C. The stones of the temple D. Your sins

Page 34 of 106 25. What will happen to whoever confesses Jesus before men? (10:32) A. He will be confessed before the angels in heaven B. He will be confessed by Jesus before the Father in heaven C. He will be exalted before the men on earth D. He will suffer persecution

26. What did Jesus say He came to bring to earth? (10:34) A. Peace B. A sword C. The gospel D. Goodness

27. Which of the following did Jesus NOT say He came to do? (10:35) A. Set a man against his father B. Set a daughter against her mother C. Set a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law D. Set a mother-in-law against her son-in-law

28. Who is not worthy of Jesus? (10:37) A. He who loves his parents more than Jesus B. He who loves his children more than Jesus C. He who loves his brothers more than Jesus D. He who loves his parents and children more than Jesus

29. What must one do to be worthy of Jesus? (10:38) A. Sell all of his possessions B. Listen to the words of Jesus C. Take his cross and follow Jesus D. Repent and be baptized

30. What must you do to find your life? (10:39) A. Lose it for Jesus’ sake B. Obey Jesus C. Love others D. Be willing to forgive

31. Those who receive the apostles also receive whom? (10:40) A. Jesus B. Their brethren C. Jesus and the Father D. The Holy Spirit

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32. What will those who receive a prophet get in return? (10:41) A. A prophet’s blessing B. A prophet’s reward C. A prophet’s life D. A prophet’s persecution

33. A cup of water given in whose name will gain a reward? (10:42) A. The name of Jesus B. The name of a disciple C. The name of the Father D. One’s own name


1. What did Jesus do after instructing His disciples and sending them to preach? (11:1) A. Pray B. Go into the wilderness C. Teach and preach in their cities D. Go to Samaria

2. Where was John when he heard of the works of Jesus? (11:2) A. Baptizing beyond the Jordan B. Preaching in the wilderness C. In prison D. In Samaria

3. What did the disciples of John ask Jesus? (11:3) A. If He was the Coming One B. If He was the Son of God C. If He was the Redeemer of Israel D. If He was the Christ

4. What did the disciples of John NOT hear and see when they were with Jesus? (11:4-6) A. The blind, lame, and deaf were healed B. The dead were raised C. The poor had the gospel preached to them D. Demons cast out

5. Whom did Jesus say was blessed? (11:6) A. Those who did not oppose Him B. Those who are not offended because of Him C. Those who did not deny Him D. Those who did not hate Him

Page 36 of 106 6. How did Jesus describe John the Baptist? (11:7-9) A. A reed shaken by the wind B. A man dressed in soft clothing C. A preacher D. More than a prophet

7. Who did Jesus say was greater than John the Baptist? (11:11) A. Peter B. No one C. The least in the kingdom of heaven D. Himself

8. What do violent men take by force? (11:12) A. The kingdom of heaven B. The money of widows C. The kingdoms of the world D. The houses of the poor

9. All the prophets and the Law prophesied until whom? (11:13) A. Jesus B. Malachi C. John the Baptist D. The disciples

10. What did Jesus call John? (11:14) A. A good preacher B. Elijah C. Jeremiah D. A fox

11. To what did Jesus compare His generation? (11:16) A. Farmers gathering their crops B. Shepherds leading their flocks C. Children in the marketplace D. Wolves devouring sheep

12. What did the people say of John the Baptist? (11:18) A. He was a good preacher B. He should not baptize others C. He has a demon D. He has the Spirit of God

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13. What was NOT said about Jesus by His generation? (11:19) A. He takes advantage of others B. He is a gluttonous man C. He is a winebibber D. He is a friend of tax collectors and sinners

14. Why did Jesus rebuke the cities where He did most of His mighty works? (11:20) A. They did not believe B. They did not repent C. They did not get baptized D. They did not follow Him

15. In which cities did Jesus do most of His miracles? (11:20-23) A. Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum B. Chorazin, Jerusalem, and Nazareth C. Chorazin, Jerusalem, and Sidon D. Chorazin, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem

16. What city will find the day-of judgment more tolerable than Capernaum? (11:24) A. Gomorrah B. Sodom C. Rome D. Jericho

17. To whom were the things of God revealed? (11:25) A. The disciples B. Babes C. The foolish D. The Gentiles

18. According to Jesus, who knows the Father? (11:27) A. Only the Son B. Only the Son and those to whom the Son reveals Him C. All who hear His words D. The twelve apostles

19. How did Jesus say people can find rest for your soul? (11:28-29) A. Going to bed early B. Taking His yoke C. Going off to a quiet place D. Working harder

Page 38 of 106 20. How did Jesus describe His heart? (11:29) A. Tender B. Gentle C. Gentle and loving D. Gentle and lowly in heart

21. How did Jesus describe His yoke? (11:30) A. Easy B. Difficult C. Heavy D. Light


1. What did the Pharisees say was unlawful for the disciples to do? (12:1-2) A. Pluck and eat heads of grain on the Sabbath B. Take a journey on the Sabbath C. Heal a sick man D. Cross over into Samaria

2. What did David and his companions eat when they were hungry? (12:3-4) A. Showbread B. Leavened bread C. Meat and bread D. Meat

3. What did Jesus say about the priests who profane the Sabbath in the Law? (12:5) A. They should be punished B. They should be expelled from the priesthood C. They should be forgiven D. They are blameless

4. The Pharisees would not have condemned the disciples if they knew what? (12:7) A. God desires mercy B. They were hungry C. God desires sacrifice D. They owned the grain field

5. Who is Lord even of the Sabbath? (12:8) A. Man B. Priests C. The Son of Man D. The disciples

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6. Whom did Jesus find in the synagogue? (12:10) A. A man who could not walk B. A man who was blind C. A man who wanted to know about eternal life D. A man who had a withered hand

7. Why did the Pharisees ask Jesus if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath? (12:10) A. They wanted to accuse Jesus B. They could not settle the question among themselves C. They wanted to heal someone D. All the healing could be done on Friday

8. What were the Pharisees willing to do on the Sabbath? (12:11) A. Feed widows and orphans B. Help a sheep out of a pit C. Put out a fire D. Sacrifice animals

9. After healing a man with a withered hand, why did Jesus leave the region? (12:14-15) A. The crowds were to large B. The people would not listen to His message C. The Pharisees were plotting to destroy Him D. He wanted to preach in other places

10. To whom did Isaiah say Jesus would declare justice? (12:18) A. The poor B. Jews only C. Gentiles D. The oppressed

11. What did people think of Jesus when they saw Him heal a demon-possessed man who was blind and dumb? (12:23) A. He was the Son of David B. He was a prophet C. He was breaking the Sabbath D. He would do more works

12. How did the Pharisees say Jesus cast out demons? (12:24) A. By the power of God B. By tricking the people C. By the Holy Spirit D. By Beelzebub

Page 40 of 106 13. Who was Beelzebub? (12:24) A. An official of the synagogue B. A prisoner C. A wicked man D. The ruler of the demons

14. How did Jesus say He cast out demons? (12:28) A. By His own power B. By the strength of the Father C. By the Spirit of God D. By faith

15. According to Jesus, what did the casting out of demons prove? (12:28) A. The word of God had come B. The Spirit of God had come C. The kingdom of God had come D. The Son of God had come

16. What did Jesus say about one who does NOT gather with Him? (12:30) A. He is lazy B. He is sinful C. He doubts D. He scatters abroad

17. What sin will not be forgiven? (12:31) A. Blasphemy against the Spirit B. Cursing the Son of God C. Refusing to be baptized D. Not loving your neighbor

18. How is a tree known? (12:33) A. By its leaves B. By its roots C. By its wood D. By its fruit

19. What did Jesus call the Pharisees? (12:34) A. A brood of vipers B. A den of foxes C. A den of serpents D. A brood of chicks

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20. Out of what does the mouth speak? (12:34) A. The mind B. The thoughts C. The desires D. The abundance of the heart

21. How will men be justified and condemned? (12:37) A. By their deeds B. By their thoughts C. By their words D. By their lives

22. What does an evil and adulterous generation crave? (12:39) A. Money B. Sin C. A sign D. Pleasure

23. What sign did Jesus give the scribes and Pharisees? (12:39) A. Healing B. Raising the dead C. John the Baptist D. The prophet Jonah

24. Where would Jesus be for three days and three nights? (12:40) A. The heart of the earth B. The tomb C. The grave D. The wilderness

25. Who did Jesus say would condemn His generation? (12:40-41) A. The men of Nineveh B. The Queen of the South C. The men of Nineveh and the Queen of the South D. The men and women of Nineveh

26. Whom did Jesus say He was greater than? (12:41-42) A. The Queen of the South B. Jonah and Solomon C. The Pharisees D. Moses

Page 42 of 106 27. Where could the unclean spirit NOT find rest? (12:43) A. The wilderness B. The mountains C. The sea D. Dry places

28. What did the unclean spirit bring with it when it returned to the man? (12:45) A. Nothing B. Diseases C. Seven more spirits like himself D. Seven more spirits more wicked than himself

29. What did Jesus call those who do the will of the Father? (12:50) A. His brother and sister and mother B. His brother and sister and father C. His brother and father and mother D. His family


1. Where was Jesus when He told the Parable of the Sower? (13:2) A. Sitting in a boat B. Sitting on the hillside C. Standing on the hillside D. Sitting in a house

2. What did the parables reveal? (13:11-13) A. The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven B. The sinfulness of man C. The wisdom of Jesus D. The hearts of men

3. Which of the following was NOT a reason Jesus spoke in parables? (13:13) A. The people did not see B. The people did not hear C. The people did not understand D. The people did not believe

4. Isaiah mentions all the following as a requirement for healing except what? (13:15) A. They must see with their eyes B. They must hear with their ears C. They must understand with their heart and turn D. They must believe on the one from heaven

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5. What did Jesus say was blessed? (13:16) A. The eyes and ears of the disciples B. The eyes and hands of the disciples C. The ears and hands of the disciples D. The eyes and hands of the disciples

6. Who wanted to hear what the disciples heard but were not able? (13:17) A. Angels and prophets B. Prophets and righteous men C. Angels and righteous men D. Holy men of old

7. In the Parable of the Sower, what do the birds represent? (13:19) A. Pharisees B. Unbelievers C. Scribes and Pharisees D. The wicked one

8. In the Parable of the Sower, what do the stony places represent? (13:21) A. Lukewarm people B. Hardhearted people C. Temporary people D. Faithful people

9. In the Parable of the Sower, what causes the people represented by the rocky places to fall away? (13:21) A. Riches and prosperity B. Tribulation and persecution C. Sickness and disease D. Lack of interest

10. In the Parable of the Sower, what causes the people represented by the seeds among the thorns to be unfruitful? (13:22) A. Persecution B. Affliction and persecution C. Unbelief D. The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches

11. In the Parable of the Sower, who is the one who bears fruit? (13:23) A. He who hears the word and understands it B. He who hears the word again and again C. He who hears the word and obeys it D. He who hears the word

Page 44 of 106 12. In the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, who sows the tares? (13:39) A. Pilate B. The high priest C. The devil D. Barabbas

13. In the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, who are the tares? (13:38) A. The sons of the wicked one B. The desires of this world C. The Scribes and Pharisees D. The Jews

14. In the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, who are the good seed? (13:38) A. The disciples B. The sons of the kingdom C. The righteous ones D. Jesus and John the Baptist

15. In the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, who are the reapers? (13:39) A. Angels B. Disciples C. Children of God D. All believers

16. Which seed is smaller than all other seeds? (13:31-32) A. The olive seed B. The mint seed C. The mustard seed D. The wheat seed

17. In the Parable of the Leaven, how much leaven was used? (13:33) A. Three measures B. Four measures C. One measure D. Ten measures

18. Jesus did not talk to the multitudes without doing what? (13:34) A. Feeding them afterward B. Telling the truth C. Calling them to repentance D. Speaking in parables

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19. The righteous will shine forth as what? (13:43) A. The stars B. The sun C. The sun and stars D. The moon

20. Why did the man who found the hidden treasure sell all he had to buy it? (13:44) A. He thought it was a good idea B. Jesus told him to do it C. He wanted to share it with his family D. He had joy over finding the treasure

21. What was the man doing when he found the pearl of great value? (13:45-46) A. Fishing B. Following Jesus C. Seeking beautiful pearls D. Tending his sheep

22. At the end of the age, who will separate the wicked and the righteous? (13:49) A. Jesus B. The Father C. Angels D. Disciples

23. At the end of the age, where will the wicked be cast? (13:50) A. Into the abyss B. Into the sea C. Into heaven D. Into the furnace of fire

24. What is a scribe who has become a disciple described as? (13:52) A. A servant B. A householder C. A ruler D. A new man

25. The people in Jesus’ hometown wanted to know where He got His what? (13:54) A. Skill and wisdom B. Knowledge and wisdom C. Wisdom and might works D. Knowledge and understanding

Page 46 of 106 26. By which of the following was Jesus NOT known in His home town? (13:55-56) A. The son of a carpenter and Mary B. The brother of James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas C. The brother of his sisters who lived there D. The One sent by God

27. Where does a prophet not find honor? (13:57) A. In his own country and in his own house B. In the synagogues C. Among unbelievers D. In foreign lands

28. Why did Jesus NOT do many miracles in His hometown? (13:58) A. His family interfered with His ministry B. He had to go to other places C. The people there had heard the message D. Because of their unbelief


1. Herod the tetrarch thought Jesus was who? (14:2) A. John the Baptist B. His late uncle C. Elijah D. Samuel

2. Why did Herod imprison John the Baptist? (14:3) A. Because he was a Jew B. Because he thought he would lead a revolt C. Because the Jews asked him to kill John D. For the sake of Herodias

3. John told Herod that it was not lawful for him to do what? (14:4) A. Tax the Jews so much B. Accept bribes C. Have the wife of his brother Philip D. Kill the innocent

4. Why did Herod not want to kill John the Baptist? (14:5) A. He feared God. B. He liked John. C. He feared the multitude. D. He had a dream.

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5. What did the multitude think John the Baptist was? (14:5) A. A good preacher B. A saint C. A false teacher D. A prophet

6. Who danced at the birthday party of Herod? (14:6) A. Herodias B. The daughter of Herodias C. The servant of Herodias D. No one

7. Why did Herod honor the request of the daughter of Herodias? (14:9) A. The wrath of his wife B. His oath C. His dinner guests D. His oath and those that sat with him

8. Who buried John the Baptist? (14:12) A. Jesus B. The disciples of Jesus C. The disciples of John D. Joseph of Arimithea

9. When Jesus heard of the death of John, what did He do? (14:13) A. Preach against the wickedness of Herod B. Withdrew with His disciples to a lonely place C. He departed by boat to a deserted place by himself D. Left Judea

10. Why did the disciples tell Jesus to send the people away? (14:15) A. They knew Jesus was tired B. They were tired C. They and Jesus were tired D. To go into the villages to buy themselves food

11. What was used to feed the five thousand men plus women and children? (14:17, 21) A. Five loaves and a few fish B. Five loaves and two fish C. Two loaves and five fish D. Two loaves and a few fish

Page 48 of 106 12. Before Jesus fed the multitude, what did He do? (14:19) A. He looked up to heaven and blessed the food B. He bowed His head and blessed the food C. He looked to the crowd and blessed the food D. He fed the disciples

13. How much was left over after the five thousand were fed? (14:20) A. Five loaves and 2 fishes B. Five fishes and two loaves C. Six baskets of loaves and six baskets of fishes D. Twelve baskets full of fragments

14. After feeding the five thousand, what did Jesus have the disciples do? (14:22) A. Get in a boat and go before Him to the other side B. Teach and heal the people C. Pray and fast D. Divide into discussion groups

15. After Jesus fed the five thousand, what did He do? (14:23) A. He taught them in parables B. He got in the boat with His disciples C. He went into the wilderness by Himself to pray D. He went up on a mountain by Himself to pray

16. What time was it when Jesus came to His disciples on the sea? (14:25) A. In the first watch of the night B. In the second watch of the night C. In the third watch of the night D. In the fourth watch of the night

17. Who did the disciples think Jesus was when He came walking on the sea? (14:26) A. An angel B. A demon C. John the Baptist D. A ghost

18. Who walked on water? (14:26-29) A. Jesus B. Jesus and Peter C. Jesus, Peter, and Andrew D. Jesus, Peter, James, and John

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19. When Peter saw the wind while he walked on the water, what did he do? (14:30) A. Worshipped Jesus B. Rejoiced C. Became afraid D. Turned around

20. What did the disciples do after Jesus walked on water and climbed in the boat? (14:33) A. Eat B. Rest C. Pray D. Worshiped Him

21. After Jesus walked on the sea and climbed into the boat, whom did the disciples say He was? (14:33) A. The Christ B. The Lord God C. Jesus D. The Son of God

22. How were the people of Gennesaret healed? (14:36) A. Through prayer B. By touching the hem of Jesus’ garment C. By Jesus placing His hand on them D. By the word of Jesus


1. From where did the Pharisees and scribes come to Jesus? (15:1) A. Jerusalem B. Antioch C. Nazareth D. Corinth

2. What question did the Pharisees and scribes ask Jesus? (15:2) A. Why do your followers defy the Jewish law? B. Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? C. Why do you refuse to obey the traditional law? D. Why do you not wash your hands?

3. How did the Pharisees and scribes say the disciples of Jesus transgress the traditions of the elders? (15:2) A. They do not say a blessing before their meals B. They did not remove their sandals when entering a holy building C. They do not follow Jewish customs when eating D. They do not wash their hands when they eat bread

Page 50 of 106 4. What question did Jesus ask the scribes and Pharisees? (15:3) A. Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? B. Why do you yourselves live by the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? C. Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your family? D. Why do you yourselves transgress the Jewish law for the sake of your tradition?

5. What did God say should happen to one who speaks evil of his father or mother? (15:4) A. Let him not eat B. Let him not remain in the same house C. Let him be put to death D. Let him lose the respect of men

6. What did Jesus call the scribes and Pharisees? (15:7) A. Hypocrites B. Righteous men C. Liars D. Brood of Vipers

7. Teaching as doctrine the commandments of men leads to what kind of worship? (15:9) A. Holy B. Acceptable C. Vain D. Honorable

8. When speaking to the multitude, what did Jesus say defiled a man? (15:11) A. What goes into the mouth B. What comes out of the mouth C. Poor companions D. Bad choices

9. What did Jesus state would happen to every plant which His heavenly Father did not plant? (15:13) A. It would not grow as well as those planted by his heavenly Father B. It would die C. It will be uprooted D. It would wither

10. According to Jesus, what happens when the blind leads the blind? (15:14) A. They will get lost B. They will eventually reach their destination C. Both will fall into a ditch D. They will seek help from a seeing friend

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11. Who asked Jesus to explain the parable about what defiles a man? (15:15) A. Peter B. James C. John D. Matthew

12. The things that proceed out of the mouth come from which part of the body? (15:18) A. Soul B. Heart C. Stomach D. Mind

13. Which of the following does NOT defile the man? (15:20) A. Evil thoughts B. False witness C. Eating with unwashed hands D. Murders

14. Why did the Canaanite woman come to Jesus? (15:22) A. Her daughter was dead B. Her daughter was severely demon possessed C. Her daughter was lost D. Her daughter was ill

15. What did the disciples want Jesus to do with the Canaanite woman? (15:23) A. Stop and talk to her B. Ignore her C. Ask someone to take her away D. Send her away

16. What was the result of the Canaanite woman’s great faith? (15:28) A. She was given bread for her dogs B. Her daughter was healed that very hour C. She was able to talk to Jesus D. She was able to touch Jesus

17. Where did Jesus go after he had spoken with the Canaanite woman? (15:29) A. The city B. The desert C. The mountain D. The temple

Page 52 of 106 18. What did Jesus do to the lame, crippled, blind, dumb, and many others who were brought to him? (15:30) A. He spoke to them about the word of God B. He asked them to leave so he could be along C. He healed them D. He told them a parable

19. How long had the crowd of more than four thousand been with Jesus when He fed them? (15:32) A. Two days B. Three days C. Four days D. Seven days

20. What did Jesus use to feed the multitude of more than four thousand? (15:34) A. Seven fish and seven loaves B. Seven loaves and a few little fish C. Five loaves and five fish D. One loaf and one fish


1. What did the Pharisees and Sadducees ask Jesus to do? (16:1) A. Prove that he was the Son of God B. Show them a sign from heaven C. Heal them D. Stop teaching about God

2. How did Jesus describe the generation that seeks after a sign? (16:4) A. Righteous and good B. Immoral and lazy C. Wicked and adulterous D. Wicked and agnostic

3. When the disciples came to the other side of the sea, what had they forgotten? (16:5) A. Leaven B. Bread C. Money D. Scrolls

4. How did Jesus describe the disciples when He heard them discussing bread? (16:8) A. Dedicated men B. Faithful men C. O you of little faith D. Committed men

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5. What did Jesus mean when He told the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? (16:12) A. Beware of their inferior leaven B. Beware of their doctrine C. Beware of their influences D. Beware of their culture

6. When Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, what question did He ask His disciples? (16:13) A. Where is the synagogue? B. Who do people say that I, the Son of Man, am? C. Will these people be receptive to my teaching? D. Did you bring the bread?

7. Which of the following were the people NOT saying Jesus was? (16:14) A. John the Baptist B. Elijah C. Jeremiah D. Moses

8. What did Simon Peter say when Jesus asked, “But who do you say that I am?” (16:16) A. Son of Joseph and Mary B. Brother to Martha C. The Christ, the Son of the living God D. The leader of the disciples

9. Who revealed to Simon that Christ was the Son of the living God? (16:17) A. The other disciples B. Flesh and blood C. The Father who is in heaven D. The Pharisees and Sadducees

10. What would not prevail against the church of Jesus? (16:18) A. The gates of Hades B. Leaders of Caesarea Philippi C. Sadducees D. Pharisees

11. What did Jesus command His disciples that they should tell no one? (16:20) A. He was Jesus the Christ B. The Pharisees and Sadducees were plotting to kill Him C. He would die and be raised on the third day D. The temple would be destroyed

Page 54 of 106 12. Jesus said He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from all the following groups EXCEPT which one? (16:21) A. Elders B. Chief priests C. Scribes D. Kings

13. After being killed, on which day was Jesus to be raised? (16:21) A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

14. Who rebuked Jesus, saying, “This shall not happen to You”? (16:22) A. Matthew B. Mark C. Peter D. John

15. Which of the following comments did Jesus NOT say to Peter? (16:23) A. Get behind Me, Satan B. You are my most loyal follower C. You are an offense to Me D. You are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men

16. What is the first requirement for anyone who desires to come after Jesus? (16:24) A. He must love God B. Let him deny himself C. He must help others D. He must be honest

17. How is the Son of Man going to come? (16:27) A. In the glory of His Father with His angels B. In the midst of his disciples C. In the presence of his earthly family D. In the presence of saved souls

18. What will the Son of Man do when He returns? (16:27) A. Establish an earthly kingdom B. Reward each according to his works C. Save everyone D. Turn earth into heaven

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19. Jesus said some of the people would not taste death until what happened? (16:28) A. They saw Jesus crowned as king of earth B. They saw the Son of Man came in His Kingdom C. They saw God appear D. They saw angels appear


1. How many days after announcing His death, did Jesus go to the mountain? (17:1) A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

2. Who of the following did Jesus NOT take with Him to a high mountain? (17:1) A. Peter B. Matthew C. James D. John

3. When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain before His disciples, what happened? (17:2) A. His face shone like the sun B. His clothes became as white as the light C. He disappeared before them D. His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as the light

4. Who appeared to Jesus when He was transfigured on the mountain? (17:3) A. God B. Moses and Elijah C. An angel D. David and Jonathan

5. What did Peter want to make on the mountain of the transfiguration? (17:4) A. An altar B. A temple C. Three tabernacles D. An idol

6. Which event did NOT occur as Peter was speaking on the mountain? (17:5) A. A voice out of a cloud spoke to them B. A bright cloud overshadowed them C. It started to rain D. The voice said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; hear Him!”

Page 56 of 106 7. How did the disciples react to the voice on the mountain? (17:6) A. They were astonished B. They fell on their faces and were greatly afraid C. They did not believe the voice D. They were surprised to hear a strange voice

8. When Peter, James, and John lifted their eyes, who did they see on the mountain? (17:8) A. Jesus B. Moses C. Elijah D. God

9. What command did Jesus give the disciples regarding the transfiguration? (17:9) A. Tell no one until they reach Jerusalem B. Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man has risen from the dead C. Tell everyone about the vision D. Tell the other disciples about the vision

10. Who was Jesus referring to when He said that Elijah already had come? (17:12-13) A. Elijah B. John the Baptist C. Moses D. Jesus

11. How did the man who met Jesus immediately after the Transfiguration describe his son to Jesus? (17:14-15) A. He is a epileptic B. He is suffers severely C. He often falls into the fire and water D. All of the above

12. Who had not been able to cure the boy who fell into fire and water? (17:16) A. Doctors B. Jesus’ disciples C. Nurses D. Priests

13. How did Jesus describe the generation? (17:17) A. Moral and pure B. Faithless and perverted C. Honest and upright D. Dedicated

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14. Why were the disciples unable to cast out the boy’s demon? (17:20) A. They did not have medical training B. They did not have a license to practice medicine C. Because of their unbelief D. They were too busy helping other people

15. Nothing shall be impossible for the disciples if they have faith the size of what seed? (17:20) A. Apple B. Mustard C. Orange D. Grapefruit

16. When they had gathered at Galilee, Jesus told the disciples that the Son of Man would experience all of the following EXCEPT which one? (17: 22-23) A. He would be delivered into the hands of men B. He would be killed C. He would be crowned king of the Jews D. He would be raised on the third day

17. What did the disciples feel when Jesus told them of His coming death? (17:23) A. Anger B. Exceedingly sorrowful C. Fear D. Disappointment

18. Where was Jesus asked about paying the temple tax? (17:24) A. Galilee B. Nazareth C. Capernaum D. Jerusalem

19. What did Jesus do regarding the temple tax? (17:27) A. He sent Peter to catch a fish B. Asked each disciple to contribute a small portion C. Refused to pay because the sons are exempt D. Refused to pay because the tax is for strangers

20. What did Peter find in the fish’s mouth? (17:27) A. A worm B. A piece of money C. A dollar D. A scroll stating, “Payment in full.”

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1. Who did Jesus call to Himself when the disciples asked, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (18:2) A. Peter B. A child C. James D. John

2. What did Jesus say would happen unless you are converted and become as little children? (18:3) A. You will not be happy B. You will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven C. You will never mature D. Your days on this earth will be few

3. Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (18:4) A. One with the most wealth B. One who obeys the laws of the land C. Whoever humbles himself as a little child D. The king

4. What is said of one who causes one of these little ones who believe in Jesus to sin? (18:6) A. It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea B. He will be stoned C. He will lose his social standing D. He will lose the respect of people

5. What advice does Jesus give if your hand or your foot causes you to sin? (18:8) A. Do everything you can to avoid becoming crippled or lame B. Seek medical attention C. Cut it off and cast it from you D. Don’t be concerned if you sin

6. What do the angels of these little ones continually see? (18:10) A. The face of Abraham B. The face of Isaac C. The face of the Father D. The face of Jacob

7. Who has the Son of Man come to save? (18:11) A. Those who are weary B. That which was lost C. Those who are poor D. Those who are rich

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8. How many sheep had the shepherd lost when he left the ninety-nine to find the lost one(s)? (18:12) A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

9. If a brother sins, what does Jesus tell us to do first? (18:15) A. Don’t do anything; it is not your business B. Take another person with you when you visit him C. Ask another person if they have heard about the sin D. Go and tell him his fault between you and him alone

10. If the brother that has sinned will not listen to you, what should you do? (18:16) A. Forget about the person B. Take one or two more with you C. Tell everyone that he will not listen to you D. Tell it to the church

11. If the sinner refuses even to hear the church, what must one do? (18:17) A. Let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector B. Continue to fellowship with him C. Overlook his faults D. Don’t judge him

12. When is Jesus in the midst of the church? (18:20) A. On Sunday B. In a church building C. With a group of ten or more D. Where two or three have gathered together in Jesus’ name

13. How many times did Jesus say one should forgive a brother who has sinned against him? (18:22) A. Seventy times seven B. Seven C. Seventy D. As many times as necessary

14. In the parable Jesus told, how much did the servant owe the king? (18:24) A. Ten thousand talents B. Ten talents C. Twenty talents D. One thousand talents

Page 60 of 106 15. When the servant did not have the means to repay the debt, what did his master, the king, command? (18:25) A. That he be sold B. That his wife and children be sold C. That all that he had be sold D. That he, his wife and children, and all that he had be sold

16. What did the slave who could not pay his debt plead to the lord, his king? (18:26) A. Please do not sell my wife B. Have patience with me, and I will pay you all C. Please don’t make me pay D. Please do not sell my children

17. How did the master and king respond to the servant’s plea for patience to allow him to pay his debt? (18:27) A. He sold him, his wife, and his children B. He put him to death for talking back to him C. He put him in prison D. He felt compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt

18. How did the servant who had been forgiven a great debt treat a fellow slave who owed him a hundred denarii? (18:28) A. He seized him B. He forgave him C. He demanded he repay what he owed D. He laid hands on him, took him by the throat and demanded he repay what he owed

19. How did the servant who had been forgiven a great debt, respond when a fellow servant pleaded for patience as he tried to repay the debt he owed him? (18:30) A. He showed compassion for him like his lord had shown him B. He threw him in prison C. He demanded payment immediately D. He killed him

20. After fellow servant reported to the king what the forgiven servant had done to the fellow servant, what did the master and king do? (18:34) A. Handed him over to the torturers until he should pay all that was due him B. Told both of them to forget about their debts C. Sold him and his family D. Put him to death

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1. When Jesus left Galilee for the region of Judea beyond the Jordan, what did He do to the great multitudes who followed Him? (19:2) A. He taught them B. He healed them C. He scolded them for following him D. He sent them away

2. The Pharisees questioned Jesus concerning what subject? (19:3) A. Divorce B. Marriage C. Adultery D. Love

3. Who allowed the people to give a certificate of divorce? (19:7) A. David B. Solomon C. Jacob D. Moses

4. Why had Moses permitted divorce? (19:8) A. Because of hardness of hearts B. Too many people were married C. Men became tired of the same women D. Because they were not considered one flesh

5. Jesus said that whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits what sin? (19:9) A. Fornication B. Adultery C. Greed D. Lust

6. Why were children brought to Jesus? (19: 13) A. So He would teach them B. So He would feed them C. So He would lay His hands on them and pray D. So He would sing with them

7. Which of the following belongs to the little children? (19:14) A. The kingdom of heaven B. The earthly kingdoms C. Rest for their souls D. The land of opportunity

Page 62 of 106 8. How did Jesus respond when asked, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” (19:17) A. Believe with all your heart B. Do not do anything; everyone will obtain eternal life C. Obey the laws of the land D. Keep the commandments

9. Which following commandments did Jesus NOT list when telling a man what he must do to obtain eternal life? (19:18) A. You shall not commit murder B. You shall not commit adultery C. You shall not steal D. You shall love yourself

10. What did Jesus tell the young man he needed to do to be perfect? (19:20-21) A. Go and sell your possessions B. Give to the poor C. Follow me D. All the above

11. How did the rich young man respond when Jesus told him what he lacked? (19:22) A. He went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions B. He happily sold all his possessions C. He did not sell his possessions but followed Jesus anyway D. He laid up treasures in heaven

12. Jesus said it was hard for what kind of person to enter the kingdom of heaven? (19:23) A. A sinner B. A beggar C. A rich man D. A poor man

13. What did Jesus say about a rich man entering the kingdom of God? (19:24) A. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle B. It is easier for an elephant to sneak through the eye of a needle C. It is easier for a rabbit to slip through the eye of a needle D. It is easier for a kangaroo to hop through the eye of a needle

14. Jesus told the disciples that all things are possible with what? (19:26) A. Man B. God C. Money D. Treasures

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15. What did Peter say the disciples had done? (19:27) A. We have left all and followed you B. We have worked together C. We have tried to become rich D. We have baptized all men in the name of Jesus

16. Where will the Son of Man sit? (19:28) A. On the throne of His glory B. In the balcony C. At the head of the table D. In the back of the room

17. What did Jesus say would be the reward for the twelve who had followed Him? (19:28) A. They also shall sit upon twelve thrones B. They shall have a place in heaven C. They shall never die D. They shall wear a crown

18. Who will the ones on the twelve thrones judge? (19:28) A. Everyone on earth B. The twelve tribes of Israel C. The twelve tribes of Jordan D. The saved

19. What will everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for Jesus’ sake inherit? (19:29) A. Riches B. A hundredfold , and eternal life C. Earthly life without problems D. Long life on earth

20. What did Jesus say would happen to many who were first? (19:30) A. They would stay first B. They would be more blessed C. They would be last D. They would not make it at all


1. In the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard what was Jesus comparing the Vineyard to? (20:1) A. The lack of a strong work ethic B. The unfair wages C. The labor unions D. The kingdom of heaven

Page 64 of 106 2. What did the landlord in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard own? (20:1) A. An orchard B. A vineyard C. A factory D. A business

3. When did the landowner in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard first hire laborers? (20:1) A. The day before they were to work B. Early in the morning C. The third hour D. The ninth hour

4. The laborers in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard agreed to what wage for one day’s work? (20:2) A. A denarius B. A place to stay and food for their families C. All the grapes they could eat D. Twenty dollars

5. When the landowner in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the market place, what did he offer to pay them? (20:4) A. A denarius B. Whatever is right C. The same as other workers D. Twenty dollars

6. What was the last hour the landowner in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard hired workers? (20:6) A. Third B. Sixth C. Ninth D. Eleventh

7. At the eleventh hour, what answer did the landowner in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard get when he asked others why they had been standing idle all day long? (20:7) A. They did not want to work B. Because no one hired us C. They did not like to work in vineyards D. They were waiting for a better work opportunity

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8. How did the landowner of the vineyard in the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard instruct his foreman to pay wages? (20: 8) A. Pay the first ones hired first B. Pay the last ones hired first C. They would be paid after one week’s work D. They would be paid after one month’s work

9. In the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard, what did the ones who had worked all day think they would receive? (20:10) A. They thought they would receive a denarius because that is what they had been promised B. They thought that they would receive more C. They thought they would receive twice as much as those hired after them D. They thought they would receive twenty dollars

10. In the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard, what did the laborers who had worked all day do when they learned every laborer received the same wage? (20:11) A. They were thankful for a full day’s pay B. They complained against the landowner C. They got angry at the other workers D. They quit

11. In the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard, how long did the last men hired work? (20:12) A. Eight hours B. One hour C. Two hours D. Three hours

12. In the Parable of the Laborers and the Vineyard, how did the landowner respond to the complaining workers? (20:13-14) A. Friend, I am doing you no wrong B. Take what is yours and go your way C. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you D. All of the above

13. What did Jesus NOT tell the twelve disciples as He was about to go up to Jerusalem? (20:18) A. The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes B. The chief priests and scribes will condemn Him to death C. The chief priests and scribes will deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock, scourge and crucify Him D. Judas would betray Him

Page 66 of 106 14. What will happen on the third day after Jesus is crucified? (20:19) A. He will rise again B. He will be buried C. He will leave Jerusalem D. He will gather his disciples together

15. What request did the mother of the sons of Zebedee make to Jesus? (20:20-21) A. That he take care of her sons B. That her sons be excused from the meeting C. That she be made a disciple D. That her sons sit at His right and left hand in His kingdom

16. Why did the Son of Man come? (20:28) A. To be served B. To serve C. To give His life a ransom for many D. To serve and to give His life as a ransom for many

17. What was wrong with the two men sitting by the Jericho road? (20:30) A. They were blind B. They were lame C. They were demon possessed D. All answers are correct

18. What did two blind men continue to say even though the multitude sternly told them to be quiet? (20:30-31) A. Please make us see B. Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David C. Please give us some food D. Please give us alms

19. What did the two blind men say when Jesus stopped and asked what they wanted? (20:32- 33) A. Lord, that our eyes be opened B. Please, we are hungry C. Take us with you D. Give us money to see an eye doctor

20. What happened when Jesus touched the eyes of the two blind men? (20:34) A. They regained their sight B. They were still blind C. They followed him D. Their eyes received sight, and they followed Him

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1. When Jesus approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, what did He send two disciples to do? (21:2) A. Gather people who needed to be healed B. Make arrangements for a place to stay C. Cast out those buying and selling in the temple D. Go bring a donkey and a colt

2. What reason were the disciples to give if one asked why they were taking the donkey and colt? (21:3) A. “The Lord has need of them” B. “This is to fulfill what the prophet said” C. “We are going to feed them” D. “The donkey and colt belong to Jesus”

3. Why did Jesus send the disciples for the donkey and colt? (21:4) A. So Jesus would be more impressive B. To fulfill prophecy C. So that they would have better transportation D. All the above

4. What did Jesus sit on as He rode the donkey into Jerusalem? (21:7) A. A blanket B. Palm branches C. Garments of the disciples D. A towel

5. When seeing Jesus ride into Jerusalem, what did most of the multitude do? (21:8) A. Yelled for him to go away B. Spread their garments and tree branches in the road C. Place tree limbs in the road to block the path D. Did not allow him to pass

6. What were the multitudes crying out as Jesus rode into Jerusalem? (21:9-11) A. Here is the son of the carpenter B. This is our Savior C. This can’t be Jesus D. This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee

7. Where did Jesus cast out all those who were buying and selling? (21:12) A. The temple B. The street C. The synagogue D. A house

Page 68 of 106 8. What were the people selling in the temple? (21:12) A. Food B. Doves C. Sandals D. Idols

9. What type of tree did Jesus cause to wither when he found that it had no fruit? (21:19) A. Pear B. Apple C. Peach D. Fig

10. Which of the following statements did Jesus NOT make? (21:21-22) A. All things that you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive B. If you say to this mountain, “Be removed and be cast into the sea,” it will be done C. If you have faith, and do not doubt, you can do what was done to the fig tree D. God gives everyone what they want because they are His children

11. What did Jesus reply when asked, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave You this authority?” (21:23-25) A. God is my authority in all that I do B. The people of Jerusalem give me authority to speak C. He asked them if the baptism of John was of heaven or men D. All the above

12. When Jesus asked the chief priests and the elders of the people whether the baptism of John was from heaven or from men, what did they say? (21:27) A. It is from heaven B. It is from men C. We do not know D. You first tell us by what authority you do these things

13. In the parable of the two sons, what did the first son do when told by his father to work today in the vineyard? (21:29) A. He said, “I will, sir” but did not go B. He said, “I will not” and did go C. He said, “I will, sir” and did go D. He ignored his father’s request

14. In the parable of the two sons, what did the second son do when told by his father to work today in the vineyard? (21:29) A. He said, “I will, sir” but did not go B. He said, “I will not” but later did go C. He said, “I will, sir” and did go D. We do not know

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15. Whom did Jesus say would get into the kingdom of God before the chief priests and the elders of the people? (21:31) A. Tax-gatherers B. Liars C. Harlots D. Tax collectors and harlots

16. In the parable, what did the vine-growers do to the son of the landowner who went to receive the produce? (21:39) A. They told him they had killed the slaves B. They cast him out of the vineyard and killed him C. They gave him the produce D. They would not let him enter the vineyard

17. What did the chief priests think the owner of the vineyard would do the vinedressers who had killed his son? (21:41) A. He will destroy those wicked men miserably B. Forgive them C. Put them in prison D. Prohibit them from using his vineyard

18. In the Scriptures, what happened to the stone the builders rejected? (21:42) A. It became the chief cornerstone B. It was broken into pieces C. It scattered like dust D. It was taken away

19. To whom will the kingdom of God be given? (21:43) A. To a nation bearing the fruits of it B. All those who love the Lord C. All good people who do the will of the Father D. To the Jewish people

20. Whom did the chief priests and Pharisees think the parables of Jesus were about? (21:45) A. The multitudes B. Themselves C. Jesus D. God

21. Why did the chief priests and the Pharisees fear the multitudes? (21:46) A. The multitudes liked Jesus B. The multitudes took Jesus to be a prophet C. The multitudes outnumbered them D. The multitudes would not follow them

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1. In the parable of the wedding feast, to what did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven? (22:2) A. A king who gave a wedding feast for his son B. A king who gave a wedding feast for his daughter C. A man whose son asked for his inheritance and left home D. A ruler who did not want to sell all that he had to give to the poor

2. Who did the king send to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast? (22:3) A. His servants B. His friends C. His sons D. His daughters

3. Which of the following had the king NOT done to prepare for the wedding? (22:4) A. He prepared dinner B. He killed his oxen and fattened cattle C. He decorated his house for the wedding D. All things were ready

4. What did those who had been invited to the wedding do to his servants? (22:6) A. They eagerly accepted the wedding invitation B. They seized the servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them C. They ignored them D. All answers are incorrect

5. What did the enraged king do besides destroy the murderers? (22:7) A. Tore down their homes B. Burned up their city C. Killed their families D. Took their families as slaves

6. Where did the king finally send his servants to invite people to the wedding feast? (22:9) A. The highways B. Marketplaces C. Houses D. Temples

7. When the king came to look over the wedding guests, what did he notice? (22:11) A. He noticed that not everyone was eating his fatted cattle B. He noticed that not everyone was having a good time C. He noticed that there was a man who did not have on a wedding garment D. He noticed that there was a woman not dressed in a wedding garment

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8. What did the king have his servants do to the man who had no wedding garments? (22:13) A. Give him wedding clothes to put on B. Send him home C. Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness D. Make him eat in a room away from the other guests

9. What did Jesus call the disciples of the Pharisees when they asked, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” (22:17-18) A. Hypocrites B. Law-abiding citizens C. Followers D. Faithful

10. How did Jesus answer the question of the Pharisees regarding taxes? (22:21) A. Give all to Caesar B. Give all to God C. Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s D. You do not have to pay taxes

11. What group of people came to Jesus quoting Moses? (22:23-24) A. Egyptians B. Sadducees C. Pharisees D. Israelites

12. What quote from Moses is presented by the Sadducees while addressing Jesus? (22:24) A. A woman cannot marry again if her husband dies B. A woman cannot marry her husband’s brother C. If a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother D. A woman cannot have more than one husband at a time

13. How many husbands did the wife in the story of the Sadducees have? (22:28) A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

14. What question did the Sadducees want Jesus to answer? (22:28) A. Whose wife will the woman be in the resurrection? B. Will the woman go to heaven? C. Is it wrong to be married seven times? D. Why did all the men die before the woman?

Page 72 of 106 15. What did Jesus say to the Sadducees regarding the woman of seven husbands? (22:29) A. You are mistaken B. You do not know the Scriptures C. You do not know the power of God D. All of the above

16. Regarding marriage, what will people be like in the resurrection? (22:30) A. Angels of God in heaven B. Spiritual beings C. Earthly bodies D. People on earth

17. God is NOT the God of whom? (22:32) A. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob B. The Jews C. The dead D. The living

18. What did Jesus say when a Pharisee lawyer asked which is the great commandment in the law? (22:37) A. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. B. You shall love your enemy as yourself C. You shall put others first D. You shall live righteously

19. What is the second great commandment? (22:39) A. You shall not bear false witness B. You shall honor thy mother and father C. You shall keep the Sabbath day holy D. You shall love your neighbor as yourself

20. How did the Pharisees respond when asked, “Whose son is Christ?” (22:42) A. The son of Isaac B. The son of God C. The son of David D. The son of Abraham


1. In whose seat did the scribes and Pharisees place themselves? (23:2) A. Isaac B. Moses C. Jacob D. Abraham

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2. What advice did Jesus give concerning the scribes and Pharisees? (23:3) A. Bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders B. Do according to their deeds C. Whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works D. Do not allow them to tell you what to do

3. Why do the scribes and Pharisees do all their works? (23:5) A. To be pleasing to God B. To feel good about themselves C. To be seen by men D. To help people who are less fortunate

4. What do the scribes and Pharisees NOT love? (23:6-7) A. The best places at feasts B. Constructive criticism C. The best seats in the synagogues D. Greetings in the marketplaces and being called by men Rabbi

5. Who shall the greatest among you be? (23:11) A. Your Father B. Your Teacher C. Your Servant D. Your Leader

6. What did Jesus call the scribes and Pharisees? (23:14) A. Hypocrites B. Leaders C. Servants D. Disciples

7. What did Jesus say happens when the scribes and Pharisees make a proselyte? (23:15) A. They make him twice as much a son of hell as themselves B. They make him a follower of life C. They have a brother in heaven D. God is pleased with their dedication

8. What term did Jesus use to describe the scribes and Pharisees? (23:15) A. Children of Satan B. Children of Abraham C. Sons of hell D. Children of the Elders

Page 74 of 106 9. What does Jesus call the scribes and Pharisees who swore by the temple? (23:16-17) A. Fools B. Blind men C. Blind guides D. All the above

10. He who swears by heaven swears by whom? (23:22) A. Themselves B. No one C. Jesus D. The throne of God and Him who sits upon it

11. The scribes and Pharisees paid tithe of mint and anise and cummin while neglecting what? (23:23) A. Love and faith and charity B. Justice and mercy and faith C. Peace and love and harmony D. Faith and honesty and commitment

12. What did Jesus say were the weightier matters of the law? (23:23) A. Love and faith and charity B. Justice and mercy and faith. C. Peace and love and harmony D. Faith and honesty and commitment

13. Jesus called the scribes and Pharisees blind guides who strain out a gnat and swallow what? (23:24) A. A donkey B. An ox C. A camel D. A horse

14. The scribes and Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but the inside is full of what? (23:25) A. Dirt B. Extortion and self-indulgence C. Greed and selfishness D. Hypocrisy and deceit

15. What did Jesus advise the scribes and Pharisees to do concerning the cup and dish? (23:26) A. Nothing B. Throw the cup and dish away C. Buy a new cup and dish D. First clean the inside, so the outside of it may become clean also

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16. What is on the inside of beautiful whitewashed tombs? (23:27) A. Clean bodies B. Dead men’s bones and all uncleanness C. Spirits of dead men D. Nothing

17. Even though the scribes and Pharisees were full of hypocrisy and lawlessness, how did they appear to men? (23:28) A. Perfect B. Righteous C. Hypocritical D. Lawless

18. The scribes and Pharisees said if they had lived in the days of their fathers, what would have happened? (23:30) A. They would have followed their fathers B. They would not have made the same mistakes C. They would not have done exactly as their fathers D. They would not have been partakers with them in blood of the prophets

19. What did Jesus call the scribes and Pharisees? (23:33) A. Serpents and a brood of vipers B. Disciples of Moses C. Prophets D. Good role models

20. What would the scribes and Pharisees NOT do to some of the prophets Jesus would send? (23:34) A. Kill and crucify B. Welcome them C. Scourge in your synagogues D. Persecute from city to city

21. How did Jesus want to gather the children of Jerusalem together? (23:37) A. The way a mare snuggles her colt B. The way a cat cuddles her kittens C. The way a dog cares for her puppies D. The way a hen gathers her chicks

22. Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees they would not see Him until they say what? (23:39) A. “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” B. “Blessed is He who has come to save Israel” C. “Blessed is He who has come to condemn the sinful” D. “Blessed is He who has come to save the lost”

Page 76 of 106 MATTHEW 24

1. What did the disciples ask Jesus as He sat on the Mount of Olives? (24:3) A. What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? B. Why shall not one stone here be left upon another? C. Why are you sitting on the Mount of Olives? D. Will you tell us when the world will end?

2. What did Jesus warn the disciples about as He sat on the Mount of Olives? (24:4-5) A. You should study for yourself B. You should be careful to whom you listen C. You should not trust all teachers D. Many will come in My name and will deceive many

3. Jesus told the disciples not to be frightened when they heard of what things? (24:6) A. Prophecies that the world will end B. Wars and rumors of wars C. Stories of floods and tornadoes D. Teachings of false prophets

4. Which of the following events did Jesus NOT describe as the beginning of sorrows? (24:7-8) A. Nation will rise against nation B. Kingdom against kingdom C. Famines and earthquakes D. Floods

5. As the destruction of the temple nears, what does Jesus NOT say will happen? (24:9) A. You will become more powerful B. They will deliver you to tribulation C. They will kill you D. You will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake

6. As the destruction of the temple nears, who will rise up and deceive many? (24:11) A. False leaders B. False teachers C. False prophets D. False preachers

7. What will happen to the love of many when lawlessness abounds? (24:12) A. It will be strengthened B. It will grow cold C. It will die D. It will increase also

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8. Who shall be saved? (24:13) A. One who endures to the end B. All will be saved C. Israel D. Israel and Judea

9. Who spoke of the abomination of desolation? (24:15) A. Moses B. Daniel C. Isaac D. Jacob

10. Where was the abomination of desolation? (24:15) A. Standing in the holy place B. Sitting in the holy place C. Lying in the holy place D. Outside the holy place

11. During the abomination of desolation, where are those who are in Judea to flee? (24:16) A. To the valleys B. To the hilltops C. To the mountains D. To the houses

12. During the abomination of desolation, what is one on the housetop to do? (24:17) A. Quickly gather his possessions B. Quickly gather is family C. Hide D. Not go down to take anything out of his house

13. When one in the field sees the abomination of desolation, what is he to do? (24:18) A. Not finish his plowing B. Not go back to get his clothes C. Leave his animals and flee home D. Run to a neighbor’s house

14. Upon whom did Jesus pronounce a woe during the abomination of desolation? (24:19) A. Those who sleep B. Those who are sick C. Those who are away D. Those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies

Page 78 of 106 15. Pray that the abomination of desolation not happen when? (24:20) A. In the winter B. In the spring C. During the Passover D. In the winter or on the Sabbath

16. How great would the tribulation be during the abomination of desolation? (24:21) A. Greater than any tribulation since the flood nor in the future B. Greater than any tribulation since the destruction of Sodom C. Such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be D. Greater than any tribulation since the Exodus

17. What kept everyone from being destroyed during the great tribulation? (24:22) A. Jesus died on the cross. B. The days of the tribulation were shortened. C. God sent a plague on the land. D. The Lord returned.

18. During the abomination of desolation, if anyone says, “Behold, here is the Christ,” what is a disciple to do? (24:23) A. Listen to him B. Do not believe him C. Seek a second opinion D. Ask for a sign or wonder

19. How will the false christs and false prophets seek to lead people astray during the great tribulation? (24:24) A. With great signs and wonders B. With false teaching C. With false prophecy D. With false teaching and false prophecy

20. How does Jesus describe the coming of the Son of Man during the great tribulation? (24:27) A. As the stars falling from the sky B. As the fig trees bearing fruit C. As the lightning D. As the earthquake

21. What gathers around a corpse? (24:28) A. Mourners B. Friends and Family C. Dogs D. Eagles

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22. Immediately after the days of the great tribulation, which of the following does Jesus NOT say will happen? (24:29) A. The sun will be darkened B. The moon will not give its light C. Lightening will come from the east and the west D. The stars will fall from the sky

23. After the great tribulation, what sign will appear? (24:30) A. The sign of the Son of man B. The sign of Prophet Jonah C. The sign of end of time D. The sign of the angels

24. What will all the tribes of the earth do when they see the Son of Man coming? (24:30) A. Worship B. Pray C. Mourn D. Hide

25. How did Jesus describe the coming of the Son of Man after the tribulation? (24:30) A. Coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory B. Coming up from the ground C. Riding on a donkey D. Riding a white horse

26. How will Jesus send forth His angels? (24:31) A. With a great sound of a roaring lion B. With a great sound of a command C. With a great sound of a trumpet D. With a great shout

27. Who will gather His elect? (24:31) A. Jesus B. Disciples C. Angels D. The Holy Spirit

28. From where will the angels gather His elect after the great tribulation? (24:31) A. From the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other B. The four corners of the earth C. The mountains, desert, and valleys D. Everywhere

Page 80 of 106 29. How can one tell summer is near? (24:32) A. By noticing the rain B. By noticing the stars C. By noticing the grain D. By noticing the fig tree

30. When will the abomination of desolation, the great tribulation and the coming of the Son of Man occur? (24:34) A. Before the crucifixion of Jesus B. After Jesus has been raised from the dead C. Before the generation of Jesus and the apostles pass away D. After the Day of Pentecost

31. What did Jesus say would NOT pass away? (24:35) A. Heaven B. Earth C. Heaven and earth D. His words

32. Who knows when heaven and earth shall pass away? (24:36) A. The angels B. The Son C. The Father D. The Holy Spirit

33. The coming of the Son of Man is compared to what days? (24:37) A. Days of Noah B. Days of Moses C. Day of Abraham D. Days of Adam

34. When the Son of Man returns, where will people be left? (24:40-41) A. In the field and at the mill B. In the temple and synagogue C. At the river and in the desert D. On the mountain and in Jerusalem

35. If the master of the house had known the hour the thief was coming, what would he have done? (24:43) A. Left the house B. He would have watched C. Gathered his family into one room D. Killed the thief

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36. When is the Son of Man coming? (24:44) A. At an hour you do not expect B. When wickedness increases C. When the sky turns a strange color D. When the fullness of time has come

37. Which servant did Jesus bless? (24:45-46) A. The one who was kind B. The one who worked hard C. The servant whom the master finds so doing D. The one who helped carry his cross

38. What caused the servant to beat his fellow servants and eat and drink with drunkards? (24:48-49) A. He was tempted by the devil B. He was lead astray by wicked friends C. He thought his master was delaying his coming D. He was not a good slave

39. When will the master of the evil slave return? (24:50) A. On the last day B. On the scheduled day C. On an unknown day D. On a day when he is not looking, and an hour he is not aware of

40. With whom did the evil servant share a place? (24:51) A. Hypocrites B. The wicked C. Satan D. Scribes and Pharisees

41. What was the place like where the evil servant was put? (24:51) A. There was great darkness B. There was a great fire C. There was silence D. There was weeping and gnashing of teeth


1. Who were the ten virgins waiting to meet? (25:1) A. Bride B. Bridesmaids C. Bridegroom D. Dressmaker

Page 82 of 106 2. What did the five wise virgins take when they went to meet the bridegroom? (25:4) A. Food B. Clothing C. Vessels of oil and their lamps D. Sewing materials

3. What did the foolish virgins take when they went to meet the bridegroom? (25:3) A. Food B. Lamps C. Vessels of oil and their lamps D. Nothing

4. Why did the virgins go to sleep? (25:5) A. They were tired from getting ready for the wedding B. The bridegroom was delayed C. They wanted to be rested for the wedding D. They were commanded to do so

5. When did the bridegroom return? (25:6) A. 6 a.m. B. 8 p.m. C. Midnight D. 10 p.m.

6. What did the five wise virgins say to the five foolish virgins when they were asked for oil? (25:9) A. You should have thought to bring your own B. We will gladly share what we have C. Go to those who sell, and buy for yourself D. You did not plan ahead

7. What happened while the virgins were gone to get oil? (25:10) A. The wise virgins continued to sleep B. They got lost along the way C. The wedding was cancelled D. The bridegroom came

8. How did the foolish virgins address the bridegroom? (25:11) A. Sir B. Lord C. Lord, Lord D. Master

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9. When the foolish virgins knocked at the door, what did the bridegroom say? (25:11-12) A. You will have to wait B. You have missed the wedding C. I do not know you D. Come back for the next wedding

10. In the Parable of the Talents, why did the man entrust his goods to his servants? (25:14-15) A. He found them faithful in many things. B. He had more than he could do. C. He wanted to test them. D. He was traveling to a far country.

11. In the Parable of the Talents, how did the man determine how much to give each servant? (25:15) A. He gave to each according to his own ability. B. His favorite received the most. C. The one who had worked for him longest received the most. D. He distributed the talents randomly.

12. In the Parable of the Talents, what did those who received five and two talents do? (25:16- 17) A. Buried them B. Traded and doubled the amount C. Traded with each other D. Lost them

13. In the Parable of the Talents, what reward did those receive who had gained more talents? (25:21) A. They were allowed to keep the talents B. They were given the week off C. They were praised D. They were made rulers over many things

14. In the Parable of the Talents, how did the master describe the servants given the five and two talents? (25:21) A. Hard working B. Good and faithful C. Compassionate D. Obedient

Page 84 of 106 15. In the Parable of the Talents, what did the master call the servant who hid his talent in the ground? (25:26) A. Wicked and lazy B. Smart and intelligent C. Worthless and wasteful D. Dumb and worthless

16. In the Parable of the Talents, where was the unprofitable servant cast? (25:30) A. In prison B. In a dungeon C. Into the outer darkness D. In the fields to work

17. What will NOT happen when the Son of Man comes in His glory? (25:31-32) A. He will sit in His glorious throne B. All nations will be gathered before Him C. He will save all people D. His angels will be with Him

18. How will the Son of Man separate the nations? (25:32-33) A. Sheep on the right and goats on the left B. Goats on the right and sheep on the left C. Sheep and goats on the same side D. Jews and Gentiles

19. How will the Son of Man address those on His right hand at the Judgment? (25:34) A. You lucky people B. You blessed of My Father C. You who have been obedient D. You who have not sinned

20. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, what will the ones on the right inherit? (25:34) A. The kingdom B. Earthly wealth C. Fame D. Gold

21. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, which of the following did those on the right hand of the Son of Man NOT do? (25:35-36) A. Give Him food and drink B. Invite Him in C. Bandage His wounds D. Visit Him when He was sick

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22. The Parable of the Sheep and Goats teaches we serve Jesus when we do what? (25:40) A. Serve our fellow man B. Help even the least of His brethren C. Obey the Father D. Carry our cross

23. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, what will happen to the ones on the left? (25:41) A. They will continue to live on earth B. They will enter heaven C. They will be cursed and depart into everlasting fire D. They will join the ones on His right

24. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, what are those on the left called? (25:41) A. Evil B. Disobedient C. Wicked D. Cursed

25. For whom has the eternal fire been prepared? (25:41) A. The devil and his angels B. Sinners C. All the wicked D. Gentiles

26. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, the righteous enter into what? (25:46) A. Heaven B. Eternal life C. A land flowing with milk and honey D. The Promised Land


1. How long was it from the time Jesus told the parables about the end of time until the Passover? (26:1) A. One day B. Two days C. Seven days D. Fourteen days

2. What did Jesus tell His disciples would happen at the Passover? (26:2) A. He would be delivered up to be crucified B. He would observe the Passover meal C. They would be troubled D. They would desert Him

Page 86 of 106 3. Why did the chief priests and elders not want to seize Jesus during the feast? (26:5) A. They did not want to displease Caiaphas B. They did not want to do anything to detract from the festival C. They were afraid there might be an uproar among the people D. Too many people would be around to witness the event

4. With whom did Jesus stay when He was in Bethany? (26:6) A. Mary and Martha B. Simon the leper C. Peter D. Matthew

5. What did a woman pour upon the head of Jesus as He sat at the table? (26:7) A. Warm water B. Wine C. A very costly fragrant oil D. Oil

6. How did the disciples react when the woman poured perfume on Jesus’ head? (26:8) A. They were impressed B. They were angry C. They were surprised D. They were indignant

7. How did the disciples think the fragrant oil poured on Jesus’ head should have been used? (26:9) A. The fragrant oil should have been sold and the money given to the poor. B. The fragrant oil should have been poured on all of them. C. The fragrant oil should not have been used around men. D. The fragrant oil should have been sold and the money used to support their ministry.

8. Whom did Jesus say would always be with the disciples? (26:11) A. The rich B. The famous C. The poor D. The lazy

9. What did Jesus state about the woman who poured perfume on His head? (26:10-12) A. She wasted her perfume B. She prepared Me for burial C. She did not know what she was doing D. She should have poured the perfume on my feet

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10. Where would the deed of the woman who poured fragrant oil on Jesus’ head be told? (26:13) A. In the temple B. Among the disciples C. Wherever this gospel was preached in the whole world D. In Galilee

11. To whom did Judas offer to deliver up Jesus? (26:14) A. The scribes and Pharisees B. The chief priests C. The elders of the people D. The Sadducees

12. When was Judas Iscariot given thirty pieces of silver? (26:15) A. After he betrayed Jesus B. Before he betrayed Jesus C. When he betrayed Jesus D. Half before he betrayed Jesus and half after

13. When was the Passover meal prepared? (26:17) A. The first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread B. The last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread C. The third day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread D. The fifth day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread

14. Where was the Passover meal eaten? (26:18) A. The house of Mary and Martha B. The house of a certain man C. The house of the woman who anointed Jesus D. The house of the high priest

15. Who prepared the Passover meal for Jesus? (26:19) A. The owner of the house B. The servant of the house C. The disciples D. An unknown person

16. How did the disciples react when Jesus said one of them would betray Him? (26:22) A. They were exceedingly sorrowful B. They were filled with unbelief C. They tried to find out who it was D. They pretended they did not hear Jesus

Page 88 of 106 17. Who did Jesus say would betray Him? (26:23) A. He who dipped his hand with me in the dish B. He who ate the Passover next to Him C. He who prepared the Passover D. He who heard the cock crow three times

18. What did Jesus say of the man who would betray Him? (26:24) A. He would suffer greatly B. He loved Him C. It would be good for that man if he had not been born D. He would be cursed among men

19. When Jesus said one of the disciples would betray Him, who said, “Rabbi, is it I?” (26:25) A. Peter B. All the disciples C. Judas D. John

20. What did Jesus do with the bread He took at the Passover meal? (26:26) A. Blessed it B. Blessed it and broke it C. Blessed it, broke it and gave it to the disciples D. Broke it and gave it to the disciples

21. What did Jesus say the bread He gave the disciples represented? (26:26) A. His body B. His teaching C. His blood D. His church

22. What did Jesus do with the cup He took at the Passover meal? (26:27) A. Gave it to the disciples B. Gave thanks and gave it to the disciples C. Drank all of it D. Poured it out

23. What did Jesus say the cup at the Passover meal was? (26:28) A. His blood of the new covenant B. His body C. The nation of Israel D. His church

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24. Why was the blood of Jesus shed? (26:28) A. To help people B. So high priests could forgive sins C. For many for the remission of sins D. To fulfill all righteousness

25. Who drank from the cup at the Passover meal? (26:27-29) A. The disciples B. Jesus C. The disciples and Jesus D. No one

26. Where did Jesus say He would drink the fruit of the vine? (26:29) A. On the cross B. In Jerusalem C. In His Father’s kingdom D. On the Judgment Day

27. What did Jesus and the disciples do before leaving the site of the Passover meal and going to the Mount of Olives? (26:30) A. Pray B. Read the Law C. Discuss the upcoming events D. Sang a hymn

28. What will happen when the shepherd is struck down? (26:31) A. He will strike back. B. The world will end. C. The sheep will be scattered. D. The high priests will rejoice.

29. Where did Jesus say He would go after He was raised from the dead? (26:32) A. Galilee B. Jerusalem C. Heaven D. The wilderness

30. Who stated that he would never stumble because of Jesus? (26:33) A. Matthew B. Mark C. Peter D. Every disciple

Page 90 of 106 31. Jesus said before the rooster crows, Peter would deny Him how many times? (26:34) A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

32. Who said He would never deny Jesus even if it meant death? (26:35) A. Peter B. Thomas C. John D. All the disciples

33. Where did Jesus go to pray? (26:36) A. Gethsemane B. Galilee C. Calvary D. Mount of Olives

34. How many did Jesus tell to stay here and watch with Him in the garden? (26:37-38) A. All the disciples B. All the disciples except Judas C. Three disciples D. Peter

35. Who was Jesus with when He prayed to let this cup pass from me? (26:39) A. All the disciples B. Three disciples C. One disciple D. No disciple

36. What posture did Jesus assume when He prayed in the garden? (26:39) A. On His face B. On His knees C. Kneeling while lifting His eyes to heaven D. Standing while lifting His eyes to heaven

37. What did Jesus pray while in the garden? (26:39) A. “My Father, Thy will be done.” B. “My Father, let this cup pass from Me.” C. “My Father, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” D. “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

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38. How many times did Jesus ask the Father to take the cup from Him? (26:44) A. One B. Two C. Three D. Six

39. What did Jesus find the disciples doing when He returned from praying about the cup? (26:40) A. Keeping watch B. Talking C. Sleeping D. Praying

40. To whom did Jesus say, “What, could you not watch with Me one hour?” (26:40) A. Peter, James, and John B. The eleven disciples C. Peter D. The eight disciples

41. Why did Jesus tell the disciples they needed to pray? (26:41) A. So they may not enter into temptation B. Because the flesh is willing C. Because the spirit is weak D. All the above

42. What sign did Judas use to identify Jesus? (26:48) A. He would point to Him B. He would kiss Him C. He would bow to Him D. He would hug Him

43. What did Jesus call Judas after he had betrayed Him with a kiss? (26:50) A. Child of Satan B. Son of Perdition C. Friend D. Accursed one

44. Whose ear was cut off by a disciple? (26:51) A. The high priest B. The soldier C. The servant of the high priest D. Judas

Page 92 of 106 45. What did Jesus say would happen to those who take the sword? (26:52) A. They will live by the sword B. They will be protected C. They will hurt other people D. They will perish by the sword

46. What did Jesus tell the one who drew the sword the Father would give Him if He asked? (26:53) A. A sword B. Twelve legions of Angels C. An army of disciples D. Life

47. Jesus told the multitude they had come out with swords and clubs to arrest Him as if He were what? (26:55) A. A robber B. A murderer C. A demon D. A king

48. Where did Jesus say the multitude could easily have arrested Him? (26:55) A. In the synagogue B. In His home C. In the temple D. In the wilderness

49. What did the disciples do after Jesus was seized? (26:56) A. They forsook Jesus and fled. B. They defended Jesus against the multitude. C. They fought against the multitude. D. They met to devise a plan to rescue Jesus.

50. Why did Jesus say His arrest happened as it did? (26:56) A. Because the people were wicked B. Because the people did not know who He was C. Because of the work of darkness D. Because the Scriptures of the prophets had to be fulfilled

51. Where was Jesus taken after He was arrested? (26:57) A. To Pilate B. To the scribes and Pharisees C. To Caiaphas D. To jail

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52. Who was Caiaphas? (26:57) A. The slave of the high priest B. An official of the synagogue C. The father-in-law of the high priest D. The high priest

53. Who had gathered at the house of Caiaphas when Jesus was brought there? (26:57) A. The scribes and elders B. The Pharisees C. The lawyers and scribes D. The Sadducees

54. Who followed Jesus at a distance after He was arrested? (26:58) A. The disciples B. Peter C. Nicodemus D. Peter and John

55. What were the chief priests and the whole Council trying to obtain against Jesus in order that they might put Him to death? (26:59) A. A sin against Him B. False testimony C. A crime against Him D. They did not need anything to put Him to death

56. What accusation did the two false witnesses make against Jesus? (26:61) A. He said He could raise the dead B. He said He was Lord of the Sabbath C. He said He was older than Abraham D. He said He could destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days

57. What did Jesus say when asked by the high priest if He was the Christ, the Son of God? (26:63-64) A. He said, “Yes, I am” B. He said, “What do you think?” C. He said, “It is as you said” D. He said nothing

58. Who did Jesus say would see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven? (26:64) A. The disciples B. All men C. The high priest D. Pilate

Page 94 of 106 59. When Jesus said, “You shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the power, and coming on the clouds of heaven” what did the high priest do? (26:64-65) A. Laugh B. Tore his clothes and accused Jesus of blasphemy C. Accuse Jesus of blasphemy D. Strike Jesus

60. Which one of the following did the chief priests and council NOT do to Jesus after sentencing Him to death? (26:67) A. Spit in His face B. Struck Him with the palms of their hands C. Tear His garments D. Told Him to prophesy

61. While he was in the courtyard, who accused Peter of being with Jesus? (26:69, 71) A. Two servant-girls B. One servant-girl C. A servant-girl and a soldier D. Two male servants

62. What did bystanders in the courtyard of the high priest say proved Peter was a follower of Jesus? (26:73) A. They saw Peter with Jesus. B. They heard Peter speak of Jesus. C. Peter’s speech D. The testimony of witnesses

63. What did Peter NOT do before his accusers in the courtyard of the high priest? (26:70-74) A. Say he did not know what the people were saying B. Say he did not know Jesus C. Curse and swear D. Tear his garments

64. What did Peter do when he remembered Jesus said he would deny Him three times? (26:75) A. He was sad B. He cursed and swore C. He was surprised D. He wept bitterly

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1. To whom did the chief priests and elders deliver Jesus? (27:2) A. Caiaphas, the high priest B. Pilate, the governor C. The elders D. The multitudes

2. What did Judas Iscariot feel when he saw that Jesus had been condemned? (27:3) A. Happiness B. Remorse C. Sadness D. Pity

3. What did Judas do with the 30 pieces of silver? (27:3) A. Gave it to the poor B. Invested it C. Returned it to the chief priests and elders D. Spent it

4. How did Judas say he had sinned? (27:4) A. By speaking evil of Jesus B. By betraying innocent blood C. By lying to the disciples D. By betraying his own conscience

5. What did the chief priests and elders say to Judas when he confessed betraying innocent blood? (27:4) A. What is that to us? You see to it B. Do not let it bother you C. Who cares? D. Offer a sacrifice

6. Where did Judas throw the silver he received for betraying Jesus? (27:5) A. In the streets B. In the courtyard C. In Pilate’s house D. In the temple

7. Why were the silver pieces Judas returned not put in the temple treasury? (27:6) A. It was not lawful to do so B. It had been thrown on the floor C. It was unclean D. It had not been washed

Page 96 of 106 8. How did the chief priests use the silver pieces returned by Judas? (27:7) A. They bought the Potter’s Field B. They gave it to the poor C. They placed it in the temple treasury D. They kept it for themselves

9. What was the Potter’s Field also called? (27:8) A. The Land of the Dead B. The Field of Strangers C. The Field of Blood D. The Field of Judas

10. Who prophesied the purchase of the Potter’s Field? (27:9) A. Jeremiah B. Isaiah C. Jonah D. Daniel

11. What did Jesus say when the governor asked, “Are you the King of the Jews?” (27:11) A. He spoke not a word B. He said, “It is as you say” C. He said, “I will not answer your question” D. He said, “I am innocent of any wrongdoing”

12. What did Jesus say when the chief priests and elders accused Him before Pilate? (27:12) A. He answered nothing B. He said, “My Father knows what is true” C. He said, “They are false witnesses” D. He said, “You will know them by their fruits”

13. Why did the governor marvel greatly at Jesus? (27:14) A. Jesus gave wise answers to all the questions. B. He heard the testimony against Jesus. C. He heard of all the mighty works Jesus had done. D. Because He answered him not one word.

14. When was it Pilate’s custom to release a prisoner? (27:15) A. On his birthday B. At the Feast C. On the Sabbath D. On holy days

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15. According to Pilate, why did the Jews deliver Jesus up to him? (27:18) A. Because of jealousy B. Because of bitterness C. Because of fear D. Because of envy

16. Why did Pilate’s wife advise him to have nothing to do with Jesus? (27:19) A. She believed that he was the Christ B. She suffered many things in a dream because of Him C. She felt sorry for Him D. She did not trust the Jews

17. The chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes to ask Pilate to release which prisoner? (27:20) A. Zebedee B. Simon C. Barnabas D. Barabbas

18. What did the multitudes tell Pilate to do with Jesus? (27:22) A. Set Him free B. Stone Him C. Let Him be crucified D. Put Him in prison

19. When the governor asked the multitude what evil Jesus had done that deserved crucifixion, what did they say? (27:23) A. “He has blasphemed against God” B. “He is not the Son of God” C. “Let Him be crucified” D. “He is not our Savior”

20. When Pilate saw a tumult was rising, what did he do? (27:24) A. He called his guards B. He washed his hands C. He went home D. He pleaded with the multitude to calm down

21. Whom did Pilate say was innocent of the blood of Jesus? (27:25) A. The chief priests and elders B. The whole Jewish council C. The multitude D. Himself

Page 98 of 106 22. Whom did the multitude say would be responsible for the blood of Jesus? (27:25) A. Pilate B. Themselves C. Their children D. Themselves and their children

23. What did Pilate do to Jesus after he released Barabbas? (27:26) A. He beat Him B. He fed placed Him in prison C. He scourged Him and delivered Him to be crucified D. He pleaded with Him to defend Himself

24. Where did the soldiers take Jesus after He was scourged? (27:27) A. To Calvary B. To the courtyard of the high priest C. The Praetorium D. To Golgotha

25. Who mocked Jesus saying, “Hail, King of the Jews?” (27:27-29) A. The soldiers of the governor B. The chief priests C. The elders D. The elders and chief priests

26. What color robe did the soldiers place on Jesus? (27:28) A. White B. Blue C. Brown D. Scarlet

27. What kind of crown did the soldiers place on the head of Jesus? (27:29) A. A golden crown B. A crown of thorns C. A wooden crown D. A bronze crown

28. What did the soldiers place in the right hand of Jesus? (27:29) A. A reed B. A cup C. A towel D. A flower

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29. Who was pressed into service to bear the cross of Jesus? (27:32) A. A man of Cyrene named Simon B. Peter C. An Ethiopian D. John

30. What does Golgotha mean? (27:33) A. Land of the Dead B. Place of a Skull C. Land of Light D. Place of Rest

31. What drink did the soldiers give Jesus? (27:34) A. Sour wine mingled with gall B. Water C. Wine D. Cider

32. What did Jesus do when He was given a drink by the soldiers? (27:34) A. He tasted it and drank it B. He tasted it and refused to drink it C. He tasted it and thanked the Father D. He cried out to the people

33. After the soldiers crucified Jesus, how did they divide His garments? (27:35) A. By casting lots B. By seeing who could wear them C. By choosing, beginning with oldest D. By choosing, beginning with the youngest

34. What did the soldiers do after casting lots for the garments of Jesus? (27:36) A. Went home B. Reported to Pilate C. Kept watch over Jesus D. Ate

35. What did the charge against Jesus read? (27:37) A. BLASPHEMER B. THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS C. THE MESSIAH D. JESUS OF NAZARETH

Page 100 of 106 36. Who was crucified with Jesus? (27:38) A. A robber and a murderer B. Two murderers C. A robber and an adulterer D. Two robbers

37. Which of the following did NOT mock Jesus as He hung on the cross? (27:39-44) A. Those who were passing by B. The chief priests, scribes, and elders C. The robbers crucified with Him D. The soldiers who kept watch

38. Who said they would believe in Jesus if He came down from the cross? (27:41-42) A. The soldiers B. Those who passed by C. Those crucified with Jesus D. The chief priests, scribes, and elders

39. How long was darkness upon the land? (27:45) A. From midnight until the third hour B. From the sixth hour until the ninth hour C. All day D. From the third hour until the sixth hour

40. When did Jesus cry out, “ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?” (27:46) A. About the sixth hour B. About the ninth hour C. About the third hour D. About the twelfth hour

41. When Jesus cried out, “ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI,” who did some think He was calling? (27:47) A. God B. Mary C. Joseph D. Elijah

42. Which of the following was NOT said to have occurred when Jesus yielded up His spirit? (27:50) A. The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom B. The earth shook and rocks split C. Stars fell from the sky D. The tombs were opened and bodies were raised

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43. When Jesus cried out, “ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI,” what did one person do? (27:48) A. Pray to God B. Believe in Jesus C. Offered Jesus a sponge of sour wine to drink D. Weep bitterly

44. Where did the bodies of the saints who were raised appear to many? (27:53) A. In the wilderness B. In the Garden of Gethsemane C. In the holy city D. At Golgotha

45. Who said, “Truly this was the Son of God?” (27:54) A. The centurion and guards who kept guard over Jesus B. Those who had mocked Jesus C. Pilate D. The thief on the cross

46. Which woman is not mentioned as being a witness to the crucifixion? (27:55-56) A. Mary Magdalene B. Mary, mother of James and Joses C. The mother of the sons of Zebedee D. Martha

47. Who was given the body of Jesus? (27:58) A. The disciples B. The caretaker C. The family of Jesus D. Joseph

48. Which of the following is NOT said of the man who was given the body of Jesus? (27:57) A. He was rich B. He was a disciple C. He knew Pilate D. He was from Arimathea

49. Which of the following is NOT said of the burial of Jesus? (27:59-60) A. Joseph wrapped the body in a clean linen cloth B. Joseph placed the body in his own new tomb C. Joseph rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb D. Joseph sat down by the tomb

Page 102 of 106 50. Who was sitting opposite the tomb when Joseph buried Jesus? (27:61) A. Mary and Martha B. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary C. Mary Magdalene, Martha, and the other Mary D. Joseph was alone.

51. When did the chief priests and Pharisees go see Pilate? (27:62) A. The day after the Day of Preparation B. Sunday C. The day before the Passover D. Monday

52. How did the chief priests and Pharisees describe Jesus when talking to Pilate after the crucifixion? (27:63) A. That false teacher B. That deceiver C. That impostor D. That prince of demons

53. How was the tomb of Jesus made secure? (27:66) A. By sealing the stone and setting the guard B. With two guards C. With a guard and a party of Pharisees D. With a guard, a seal on the stone, and a party of Jews


1. Who came to see the tomb after the Sabbath as the first day of the week began to dawn? (28:1) A. Only Mary Magdalene B. Only Mary C. Peter D. Mary and Mary Magdalene

2. What event had occurred at the tomb of Jesus when the women arrived? (28:2) A. A lightening bolt from heaven B. A great earthquake C. A flood D. A tornado

3. What did the angel of the Lord NOT do? (28:2) A. Descend from heaven B. Roll away the stone C. Sit upon the stone D. Destroy the stone

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4. When the guards at the tomb saw the angel, what did they do? (28:4) A. They told him to go away B. They shook for fear and became like dead men C. They thought they were imagining the image D. They seized him

5. What was the countenance of the angel at the tomb like? (28:3) A. Fire B. Snow C. Lightning D. Smoke

6. What did the angel tell the women at the tomb? (28:5-6) A. Do not be afraid. B. Jesus is not here; for He is risen. C. Come see the place where the Lord lay. D. All the above

7. Whom did the angel send the women to tell that Jesus had risen? (28:7) A. His Disciples B. All the nations C. The people of Jerusalem D. Joseph

8. Where did the angel tell the women Jesus had gone? (28:7) A. Nazareth B. Galilee C. Jerusalem D. The temple

9. How did the women get from the tomb to the disciples? (28:8) A. They rode a donkey B. They walked C. They took a boat D. They ran

10. With what did the women quickly depart from the tomb? (28:8) A. With doubt B. With sadness C. With amazement D. With fear and great joy

Page 104 of 106 11. What did Mary Magdalene and Mary do when they met Jesus? (28:9) A. Hugged and kissed Him B. Held Him by the feet and worshipped Him C. Bowed down to Him D. Shook His hand

12. What did Jesus instruct Mary Magdalene and Mary to do? (28:10) A. Go and tell His brethren to go to Galilee B. Not tell anyone they had seen Him C. Go to Jerusalem D. Go home

13. Whom did the guard tell in the city about the resurrection? (28:11) A. Police B. Chief priests C. Pharisees D. Sadducees

14. What did the chief priests and elders give to the soldiers who guarded the tomb? (28:12) A. Large sum of money B. New clothes C. A reprimand for letting Jesus get away D. Nothing

15. What story did the elders instruct the soldiers to tell? (28:13) A. Jesus’ disciples came by day and overtook them B. Jesus’ disciples came by night and stole Jesus away while we slept C. Mary and Mary Magdalene removed the stone D. An angel from heaven appeared to them

16. How many disciples went to Galilee to meet Jesus after the resurrection? (28:16) A. Nine B. Ten C. Eleven D. Twelve

17. Where in Galilee did the disciples meet Jesus after the resurrection? (28:16) A. By the sea B. In the wilderness C. In a house D. On the mountain which Jesus had appointed

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18. What happened when the disciples met Jesus in Galilee after the resurrection? (28:17) A. They worshipped Him and all rejoiced B. They worshipped Him and all believed C. They worshipped Him but some doubted D. The worshipped Him but some were afraid

19. When Jesus met the disciples after the resurrection, what did He say had been given to Him? (28:18) A. The kingdoms of the world B. All authority C. All the nations D. The disciples

20. What were the disciples to make of all nations? (28:19) A. Disciples B. Believers C. Servants D. Jews

21. How were the disciples to baptize the nations? (28:19) A. In the name of the Father B. In the name of the Son C. In the name of the Holy Spirit D. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

22. What were the disciples to teach all the nations? (28:20) A. The Law and the Prophets B. To love one another C. To observe all things that Jesus commanded the disciples D. Whatever they thought was right

23. How long would Jesus be with the disciples? (28:20) A. Forty days B. One week C. Always, even to the end of the age D. Until His assention

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