California School Employees Association
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California School Employees Association CSEA Chapter 707 Regular Monthly Meeting Meeting Minutes
Date: 03/08/17 Time: 12 – 1 p.m. Place: Cuyamaca College, Rm I-107 & Distance Learning Room LTRC Room 70-222
Quorum Established: YES
A. Call to Order: 1. President Rose called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m. 2. Opened Nominations for this year’s CSEA Annual Conference.
B. Approval of Chapter Minute - 02/08/17 1. 02/08/17 – Motion to Approve by Katherine Meek, Second by Judy Shinkan, motion to approve passed
C. Communications: 1. Treasurer’s Report: Will Pines, reported that as of February 2017, total income for the Chapter was $0.12; interest was $0.07 for checking & $0.05 for the savings accounts. Total expenses were $00.00; leaving a checking balance of $7,810.85 and a savings balance of $547.04. With Total Assets being $8,407.89. This information will be submitted for regular audit. . 2. President report: Communicated under F & G. 3. 2nd V.P. Reports: Under F 4. Chief Job Steward’s Report: No Report
D. Report of Executive Board Actions taken 1. Continue the discussed of other possible fundraising activities for 2017 2. Dudley’s fundraiser for Easter with pick-up scheduled for April 13th 3. New hires/SFP Meet & Greet tentatively planned for May 2nd 4. Discussed CSEA Annual Conference – July 30th – Aug 4th in Las Vegas at the Paris Hotel – up to 4 max delegates and 2 rooms hopefully 2 or 3 newbies with one returning delegate. 5. Talked about other activities for the Chapter for the summer months, such as an ice cream social or maybe a BBQ.
E. Committee Reports 1. Benefits Committee – May 18, 2017 2. Negotiations – Next meeting not scheduled – Contract survey to go out in April.
Page 1 of 2 F. Unfinished Business: 1. Encouraged people to attend this year’s CSAD being held at Cuyamaca on March 27th. CSEA will donate $100 in the form of gift cards to the event. 2. Discussed ULP (longevity) – still at PERBS just waiting to hear from them on Arbitration and/or Longevity. Will let chapter know when E-board gets any further info from them. 3. Dudley’s Bread fundraiser will be offered for the Easter holidays. Orders must be in to Maria Gearhart no later than April 6th with bread pick-up on the 13th.
G. New Business 1. Opened nominations for Delegates to this year’s CSEA Annual Conference being held in Las Vegas from July 30 – Aug 4th. Vicki Watkins & Dana Mints were nominated by Pamela Benge. No others were nominated. Then a discussion about Conference was had and what all was involved as our chapter’s delegate. Nominations were closed until the April’s Chapter Meeting. Nominations will continue at the opening of our April Chapter Meeting – closing with no more nominations being accepted at the close of the April meeting. If a vote is needed (more than 4 people being nominated and willing to commit to attend), it will be at the May’s meeting 2. No Raffle this Month. 3. CSEA Town Hall meeting will be March 28th at 5:30pm and our Area Picnic will be on May 13, 2017 4. Classified training at District coming up – watch your e-mails for opportunities.
H. Good of the Order –.
I. Next Meeting- May 10, 2017
J. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
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