GEELONG Your City Your Say

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GEELONG Your City Your Say

GEELONG Your City Your Say City of Greater Geelong City Plan 2013-2017

Summary of Community Engagement

Kismet Forward, Chit Chat, Richard O'Byrne Community Environment Planning, Firelight Consulting

January 2013


Table of Contents



Overview of the Engagement

Summary of Consultation


GOVERNANCE Advocacy and Governance

SUSTAINABLE BUILT AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT A Sustainable Geelong A Cleaner and Greener Geelong Public Transport Managing Urban Development Infrastructure

GROWING THE ECONOMY More jobs in Geelong Support and Attract Diverse Businesses A Smarter Geelong Tourism, the Arts and Entertainment A Safe, Vibrant CBD COMMUNITY WELLBEING Youth Health Facilities and Services Healthy Lifestyles Community and Identity

76 Big Ideas Summary Vines Road Community Centre Geelong City Hall Lara Community Centre Drysdale Potato Shed Centenary Hall, Norlane Belmont Civic Centre CoGG Managers and Coordinators Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Disability Murrenda ______


City Plan is the key document that identifies the priority areas for action by Council over its four-year term to ensure that Geelong remains the very best place to live, not only today, but into the future.

Community engagement has played a key part in the development of the new City Plan 2013-2017.

The City of Greater Geelong would like to thank all those community members that took the time to attend a community workshop, fill out a survey, take part in the online forum or simply tell us their thoughts about the issues and opportunities that are important for their community.

The valuable contributions received have now been collated and considered alongside other evidence and factors to help identify priorities areas for Council to focus on over the next four years.

City Plan 2013-2017 will be adopted as a draft document in May 2013. At this time it will be open to a 28 day public submission period where the community will be able to provide further feedback. The final document will then be adopted in June 2013. ______


The City of Greater Geelong has for some years undertaken the development of a Council Plan (City Plan), which guides Council initiatives and operations for a four year period.

Planning for the City Plan has focussed on continual learning from past experiences and actions (City of Greater Geelong, 2011). Historically, the Council and city staff have been the main contributors to the planning process, with little direct input by external stakeholders or the community.

With the election of a new Council, City Plan is now due for review in order to map out the directions for 2013-2017, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989.

There is now an increased desire, and heightened need, to more meaningfully involve local communities in strategic decisions affecting their municipality.

Kismet Forward (with collaborators Chit Chat, Fire Light Consulting and Richard O’Byrne Community Environment Planning) were engaged to develop an Engagement Plan (Kismet Forward (2012) Geelong Your City, Your Say Communication and Engagement Plan) to involve communities in the development of the new City Plan and to facilitate the Engagement Plan’s implementation.

This report summarises the outcomes of the implementation of Stage 1 of the consultation, describing the range of opportunities made available to the community, staff and Councillors to contribute, and the key outputs of this process.

This material will be discussed with CoGG decision makers to ensure that the City Plan is responsive to community feedback. ______

Overview of the Engagement

The development of the City Plan presented a significant opportunity for community members and stakeholders to actively contribute to the shaping of their municipality for the future.

The project’s Engagement Plan proposed a range of opportunities for people to participate in this project at a level appropriate to their interests: from digesting online material to help them understand the project and the process to be employed, through to active participation in workshops that will provide input into the future management of the municipality.

The Engagement Roadmap (Appendix A) sets out the stages of engagement and how they integrate with the process of the City Plan development.

In short, Engagement Stage 1 involved:

• An initial workshop with CoGG Council; • Six community workshops at Belmont, Drysdale, Geelong CBD, Hamlyn Heights, Lara and Norlane; • Tailored workshops with Indigenous, disability groups and ethnic communities; • A dedicated website including online forum (across 6 questions) and survey; • A hardcopy survey (featuring the same questions as the online survey); and • One workshop involving City of Greater Geelong leadership (managers and coordinators).

______Summary of Consultation

561 people were directly engaged during the consultation period.

They contributed in the following ways:

Face to Face Activities

Event : Councillor Planning Workshop} Date : 22:23/11/2012 Location : Barwon Heads Number of Participants : 18

Event : Community workshop Date : 27/11/2012 Location : Hamlyn Heights Number of Participants : 15

Event : Community workshop Date : 1/12/2012 Location : Geelong CBD Number of Participants : 12

Event : Community workshop Date : 5/12/2012 Location : Lara Number of Participants : 40 Event : Community workshop Date : 6/12/2012 Location : Drysdale Number of Participants : 15

Event : Community workshop Date : 11/12/2012 Location : Norlane Number of Participants : 9

Event : Community workshop Date : 12/12/2012 Location : Belmont Number of Participants : 16

Event : CoGG Managers and Coordinators Date : 14/12/2012 Location : Geelong Conference Centre Number of Participants : 70

Event : Special Interest Groups Date : 19/1/13 Location : ethnic communities Number of Participants : 34

Event : Special Interest Groups Date : 21/1/13 Location : disability groups Number of Participants : 6

Event : Special Interest Groups Date : 21/1/13 Location : (Murrenda Aboriginal Community Care) Diversitat, City Hall, Grovedale Number of Participants : 7

TOTAL Number of Participants : 242

In addition, material was drawn from the Drysdale Clifton Springs Community Town Summit Survey (SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre (2012) Drysdale Clifton Springs Community Town Summit Survey Respondents Statistics) , which involved a further 335 people.

Online (and other)

Online Forum : Comments on questions posed : 41 People providing input Online Forum : 774 views of comments Survey : Online Survey Takers : 160 People providing input Survey : Hardcopy Survey Takers : 118 People providing input Website general : 1056 Visitors Website general : 2845 Site Visits Website general : 5468 Page Views Website general : 505 Documents downloaded

TOTAL : 319 People providing input



9888 individual comments were received.

The contributions made by hundreds of Geelong people arrived in many forms: by the survey, through workshops and online. Some people wrote pages of information; others just a comment on butcher’s paper. All these inputs were recorded and analysed.

Each issue raised by a person was given equal weight, and as far as possible classified under each of the City Plan Strategic Directions: Community Wellbeing; Growing the Economy; and Sustainable Built and Natural Environment. In addition, comments were received about the general operations of Council, its decisions and implementation. These were classified under a Governance heading.

Obviously, some issues cross-cut the Strategic Directions. For example, the provision of bicycle paths is just as relevant as a health issue under the Community Wellbeing theme, as it is under Sustainable Built and Natural Environment. It will be important to recognise that some issues may provide multiple benefits to the community.

The analysis of issues cannot pretend to give a completely accurate picture of the thoughts and desires of all people in Geelong. This report can only represent the views of those who were prepared to participate; and will be broadly indicative of the relative weight of views.

The analysis has been consolidated under 15 main issue themes, each of which was broadly raised during the consultation process. It is evident that these issues were raised in all forums, regardless of the medium, geographic location. Points raised under each of these themes are discussed over the following pages.



Advocacy and Governance

Community members were outspoken about their desire for Council to advocate in their interests, and to embrace a future with employment transition challenges, better environmental opportunities, and a desire for improved health services, public safety and lifestyle. CoGG managers challenged themselves to create stronger, more authentic connections with the community, to be more responsible, and to encourage a culture of innovation and creativity. Both community and managers felt that they were over-governed by regulation, but generally understood the need for accountability.

Graph Advocate for Improved Heath Services and Wellbeing : 335 Advocate for Improved Public Safety : 288 Culture, Services, Value for Money : 79 Advocate for State/Federal Government/Partnership Support : 63 Encourage Innovation and Efficiency : 20

TOTAL: 785 comments



A Sustainable Geelong

Sustainability and climate change were identified as significant challenges for the Geelong region. The need to develop green, sustainable practices and industries was strongly emphasised. Renewable energy, both as an industry and within homes and businesses, was also discussed.

Graph Encourage and Model Sustainability : 372 Tackle Climate Change : 109 Facilitate Renewable Energy : 92 Encourage Greener Industries : 74 Improve Sustainability of Homes : 50

TOTAL: 697 comments

______A Cleaner and Greener Geelong

Geelong’s natural environment was commonly described as its greatest asset, but one that is threatened as population and housing growth continues. Opportunities to improve biodiversity and quality of natural and constructed open space areas were identified, as were options to minimise the degrading effects of pollution and waste. The importance of natural streetscapes and community gardens was also discussed; many people thought that relationships with state government departments, developers, community groups and volunteers were critical to an improved environment.

Graph Improve Streetscapes Aesthetics : 448 Protect Biodiversity : 392 Improve Quality of Public Open Space : 256 Better Manage Waste and Pollution : 84 Improve Coasts, Waterways and Wetlands : 84 Support Establishment of Community Gardens : 40

TOTAL: 1304 comments ______Public Transport

Many contributors offered suggestions to improve public transport, stating that this would reduce the dependence on cars and solve parking, accessibility and pollution problems in Geelong. Many of these people understood that the services were not provided by CoGG, but that it has an important advocacy role to play.

Graph Advocate for Improved Bus Services : 136 Advocate for Improved Trains Services : 102 Promote Other Public Transport Options : 44

TOTAL: 282 comments

______Managing Urban Development

Comments on this theme encompassed population growth, heritage, urban sprawl, housing density and more. It was a theme that drew many passionate views and some strong consistent themes about ensuring protection of the environment, balancing housing density needs for both the environment and family, and building a robust alternative transport system in and around the city.

Graph Planning Development and Density : 613 Promote City Living : 92 Better Manage Traffic Flow : 81 Plan for Population Growth and Demographic Shift : 50 Respect Geelong’s Heritage : 42 Revitalise the River Precinct : 5

TOTAL: 883 comments



The issue of ageing or stretched infrastructure was a major concern for all participants. But a more complex dilemma seems to be balancing potential and future economic opportunities (e.g. upgrades and expansion of the Ports and Airport) alongside the need for ‘every day’ infrastructure upgrades and maintenance (e.g. Drains, stormwater harvesting, roads, footpaths and underground assets). This theme explored both sides of this dilemma.

Graph Improve Infrastructure : 171 Build the Potential of the Airport : 64 Better Manage Grey Water, Stormwater and Floods : 29 Improve/Build Ports and Harbours : 28

TOTAL: 292 comments


______More Jobs in Geelong There is strong and widespread support for creating more jobs in Geelong, recognising a shift from the traditional manufacturing base to jobs in the knowledge, education and tourism sectors. There is a recognition that this will have to come from a variety of sources – big business; strong support for small/medium businesses, and the need for innovation through partnerships.

Graph Transition From Jobs in Manufacturing : 301 Facilitate Employment in Environmental Sustainability and Tourism Sectors : 115 Transition to Jobs in Knowledge and Education : 56 Facilitate Employment Growth : 39

TOTAL: 511 comments

______Support and Attract Diverse Businesses

There was universal agreement on the need to support and attract diverse businesses to Geelong to provide jobs and keep the economy healthy. People wanted a thriving regional city sustained by locals, promoting local goods and services, that makes the most of Geelong’s diverse environments. There were many and diverse ideas about how to achieve this.

Graph Promote Growth, Economic Development and Efficiency : 556 Support Local Business : 230 Attract New Businesses : 92 Protect Agriculture and Food Security : 52

TOTAL: 930 comments

______A Smarter Geelong

Education and innovation were recognised as extremely important to the Geelong region, providing opportunities for employment, training and university studies. Funding cuts to The Gordon were a significant concern. Transforming Geelong to a university town, building Geelong’s reputation for research and innovation, and improving opportunities for lifelong community learning, were also discussed.

Graph Facilitate Lifelong Learning : 124 Develop a Skilled City : 110 Build a University City : 54 Develop an Innovative City : 42

TOTAL: 330 comments

______Tourism, the Arts and Entertainment

Geelong was identified as an important gateway to the Bellarine and beyond and many felt that Geelong already has many great assets that attract a range of visitors and artists to the area. Further building on activities, events and entertainment opportunities as well as arts and community-based activities were needed to further promote Geelong. It was also identified that investing in the arts including supporting artists and community members to embrace the arts would assist in building Geelong’s identity and community spirit.

Graph Support Small Scale Community Activities : 182 Attract Tourism : 168 Build Arts and Entertainment : 73 Develop Events for the Whole Family : 49

TOTAL: 472 comments

______A Safe, Vibrant CBD

Many contributors saw revitalising the Geelong CBD as not only desirable but also a necessary part of the future for Geelong. Without a strong, safe and vibrant centre the broader municipality could be seen to be decaying and/or dying and subsequently investment, employment and economies would be severely disadvantaged.

Graph Reinvigorate the CBD : 363 Improve Public Safety : 151 Better Manage Cars and Trucks in the CBD : 51 Improve Parking Opportunities : 51

TOTAL: 616 comments



Tertiary education, obesity and social connections were identified as the three main concerns facing the Geelong region’s young people. Opportunities included improved sporting options, greater facilities for social interaction, and increased access to further education.

Graph Improve Physical and Mental Health : 35 Increase Opportunities for Socialising : 23 Advocate Tertiary Education : 20

TOTAL: 78 comments

______Health Facilities and Services

Health facilities and services in Geelong are highly valued but the need for more facilities and services was consistently raised. Common themes were around better planning for services and facilities to match changing demographics, improving access and affordability and early prevention.

Graph Develop Skills and Partnerships : 223 Promote Healthy Living : 218 Meet the Needs of the Vulnerable : 172 Develop Healthy Communities : 62 Improve Child Health : 55

TOTAL: 740 comments

______Healthy Lifestyles

Creating a healthy and vibrant community through promoting active living was considered important to community members and managers. This included better health promotion, improved access to active and passive recreation facilities and increasing walking and cycling options. It was also thought that more could be done to reduce drug and alcohol use and to improve housing options for the whole community.

Graph Prevention and Health Promotion : 713 Improve Walking and Cycling Paths : 350 Encourage Active Living : 217 Balanced Lifestyles and Improved Mental Health Outcomes : 59 Provide Better Housing Opportunities : 37

TOTAL: 1376 comments

______Community and Identity

The community and Council managers were united in their aim for a more inclusive, progressive and unified community. Many people expressed a great love for Geelong, its natural attributes and strengths. However, there was also an awareness of continuing racism, prejudice, inequality and unfairness in the City. Both managers and the community felt Council had a role to play in promoting harmony and inclusion for all sectors of the community including marginalised groups, and that this would enhance community health and wellbeing. There is also a strong commitment to volunteering, and the idea of community hubs won support. People generally wanted to strengthen community involvement in recreational and competitive sports, music and other performing arts, the visual arts and crafts, and multicultural activities and festivals.

Graph Build Community Connectedness : 220 Build our Regional Identity : 157 Support Community Groups and Volunteering : 107 Encourage Equality and Inclusion : 107

TOTAL: 591 comments

______76 BIG IDEAS

Summary of ‘Big Ideas’ from Community Workshops 27 November 2012 – 21 January 2013

During the consultations the community and council managers were asked on two occasions at every workshop to collectively review their notes from their conversations. Templates were provided and groups were asked to highlight the key ideas that had come out of their discussions. These 76 ideas represent a summary of the feedback provided by all participants at the face to face conversations.

Workshop Summaries Vines Road Community Centre Geelong City Hall Lara Community Centre Drysdale Potato Shed Centenary Hall, Norlane Belmont Civic Centre CoGG Managers and Coordinators Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Disability Murrenda


27 November 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Transport/access Best Thing To Do: - Reduce cars/trucks in city - Improve alternate transport options, i.e. walking, cycling] Success Will Be: - Better parks, tracks, paths, public transport options that promotes other transport options and active options - ‘Green belt’ of alternative transport around the city

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Feeling of safety Best Thing To Do: Introduce caravan parks in the city to increase the sense of community Success Will Be: Gaining a feeling of safety and confidence in the area

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Working collaboratively Best Thing To Do: Introduce Encourage groups, businesses, industry to work collectively Success Will Be: Big impact delivered efficiently

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Beautify the city Best Thing To Do: - Improve and extend parks - Clean up shopfronts - Build green space - Improved health and wellbeing Success Will Be: - People in CBD - Beautiful gardens full of people - No empty shops

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Food security Best Thing To Do: - Build community gardens - Support food-skilling - Turn Eastern Park into garden Success Will Be: - Food security for Geelong - Healthy community

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Plastic in landfill Best Thing To Do: - Reduce confusion regarding what can/can’t be recycled - Better sorting - Reduce plastic packaging, bags Success Will Be: Plastic reused

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Asbestos Best Thing To Do: Sponsored audits and management guidelines – as part of the process of selling a house Success Will Be: Improved understanding of where asbestos is located and how it should be managed/ disposed


1 December 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: More frequent bus services Best Thing To Do: - Increase services through advocacy - More community buses Success Will Be: - Reduce reliance on cars - Easier access to services

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Promotion of aged care available from Council Best Thing To Do: Make information available in papers or website Success Will Be: When the general public are made aware of what is available in aged care

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Elderly Best Thing To Do: Provide gardening and handyman service to pensioners Success Will Be: Success will be properties maintained for safety for elderly

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Elderly Best Thing To Do: - Providing Taxi Card in lieu of licence, and/or - Community transport, and/or - Safe paths for ‘Gofors’, i.e. no kerbs etc. Success Will Be: The elderly willingly forgo their driving licence because other alternatives are available

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Health Portfolio for Council, or Health across all portfolios Best Thing To Do: - Get a Health Portfolio in Council - Each councillor represents the health interests of their ward Success Will Be: - When Council has a Health Portfolio - When councillors represent the health and wellbeing of their ward

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Not enough access to scenic/ natural bike and walking trails or bike/pedestrian routes/linkages Best Thing To Do: Upgrade and maintain existing paths/trails and develop more – look after natural areas/scenery and expand and promote trails/tracks more Success Will Be: Interlinked pathways and routes for safe walking and riding across the city and more protected natural areas with walking/bike riding tracks

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Promoting small and local business into Geelong area, so employers and employees are incentivised to ‘buy’ local and employ local. That way we’re less ‘reactive’ to big business and more robust as a city when issues like recent closures/layoffs at Ford occur. More opportunities in Geelong for Geelong Best Thing To Do: Incentivise small/local businesses to remain, relocate to and hire within Geelong – promote this so Geelong people can ‘support their own’ and become more selfsustainable where possible. Utilise the CBD for this too, make people want to use this space Success Will Be: A thriving regional city sustained by locals, promoting our local goods and services, that makes the most of our diverse environments – not just the Waterfront, but the river precinct too

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Incentives to come into Geelong Central to shop/eat/drink/ socialise. Currently uninviting and a little scary at times Best Thing To Do: - Develop a city centre that encourages local businesses to come into the city and people feel safe! - Rejuvenate Moorabool Street - Moorabool St Walk? Incentives from city businesses for parking - Develop a river precinct with food/ drinks etc. - Queen Vic Market area – fresh foods in the CBD Success Will Be: - A bustling city centre that brings people in to shop/eat/drink/be merry - Pop-up shops of local businesses – i.e. Scotchman’s Hill there for a month – once gone – come visit us on the Bellarine Peninsula! - Development of the Barwon River precinct as a vibrant cultural area

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Another CBD supermarket Best Thing To Do: Ensure planning framework supports/attracts development Success Will Be: Other shops/eateries able to open and survive outside of Westfield

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Green and natural spaces expanded and protected Best Thing To Do: - Increase and protect parks and natural areas - Increase trees wherever possible (nature strips, parks, people’s houses – planning etc.) - Stop urban sprawl – plan better high-density housing Success Will Be: - Access to beautiful green spaces across Geelong - Trees everywhere (nature strips etc.) - Firm town boundaries, natural areas protected and undeveloped

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Provision of more natural play spaces for children Best Thing To Do: - Playgrounds are created as more natural environments - Put in sand, rocks, dirt to play in, trees to climb - Allow children to be exposed to risk, this is good for their development Success Will Be: - Child will be more active and outdoors more often - Children will be healthier and more resilient

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Beautification of Moorabool St and City Centre. Maintain heritage buildings with tight/consistent planning controls, and encouraging businesses to use these buildings that will be in keeping with façades, not junk shops Best Thing To Do: - One-way traffic block? Ryrie- Malop-Gheringhap -Yarra, with Moorabool as a walkway - Cafés on footpaths, etc., greenery - Buses could travel down Little Malop Street - Encourage/ incentivise businesses in this area to be in keeping with this theme and heritage building façades Success Will Be: - An attractive, inviting city that makes best use of our beautiful heritage buildings, encourages people to use this area, the views down to the Bay, and to walk/ride rather than drive - Cafés, bars, businesses that add to the ambience, encourage local business/ produce/ industry, and celebrate our city/ region

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: More stormwater harvesting – particularly in new estates Best Thing To Do: - Make it compulsory for developers to create stormwater harvesting areas within their new estates - Think of options for established homes Success Will Be: - New homes will have recycled water taps in their homes for washing machines etc. : Recycled water for toilet flushing, garden watering


5 December 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Bringing more education to the Geelong region Best Thing To Do: More university campuses in the Geelong region Success Will Be: Young people staying close to home and not having to leave for school/work

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: More community events, embracing all generations. These could include markets (a fund-raising initiative for clubs etc.), sports carnivals, outdoor movie shows, a seniors festival, art and craft festival, car shows, music festivals Best Thing To Do: Encourage services clubs and community groups to organise events, with Council support Success Will Be: Entertainment for young and old, therefore a stronger sense of community

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Activities - Not interesting for teenagers - Easily get hurt Best Thing To Do: Do a survey and ask students what they really want to do during their activity time Success Will Be: Everyone enjoys their activity time and keeps healthy!

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Increase Tourism Best Thing To Do: - Capitalise on key attractions- Kardinia Park, Waterfront - Attracting and tapping into backpackers’ tourism- more facilities, e.g. Old Geelong Gaol? Success Will Be: - Thriving activity during weekdays - More regular major events - Cheap, affordable entertainment - Ratio of six tourists to one resident


6 December 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Social connections and infrastructure in Bellarine Best Thing To Do: - A range of social programmes/ activities to engage retired (particularly single or disabled) and young people - Better transport options - More/accessible public toilets (appropriately maintained) during their activity time Success Will Be: - Co-ordination of voluntary social engagement persons - Clean/numerous loos in accessible localities - Places and spaces for community activities

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Aquaculture, equine/ employment growth opportunities Best Thing To Do: - Build Portarlington safe harbour - Understand importance and capabilities of both Success Will Be: - Harbour infrastructure upgraded and built - Equine industry – recognised and rated accordingly

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Bellarine only Promote local- - Talent - Produce - Resources (energy) - Government Sports promotion Best Thing To Do: - Energy – raise profile - Food – produce our own - Tourism – develop all aspects - Education – tertiary engagement Success Will Be: - The emergence of global recognition in all areas - A vibrant, prosperous community

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Population growth Infrastructure Best Thing To Do: Improve accessibility (e.g. [Jetty Road] roundabout/ Coryule Road) and connectivity homes Success Will Be: - Drysdale Bypass - Public transport integrated and accessible - Integrated cycle paths, off/on road (e.g. to schools, sporting facilities)


11 December 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Accessibility of healthy food- busy people needing to buy meals while on the go! Takes too long to find a park, get out of car, get food etc. Only drive-through options (McDonalds etc.) are not exactly healthy Best Thing To Do: Encourage the setup of a drive-through that sells a healthier menu Success Will Be: At least one healthy food drive-through. Maybe leverage Newstart to get a drive-through version of a normal food store franchise

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Better allied health services- lack of services – need more doctors, therapists, dentists, councillors, health professionals etc. – and Chronic Diseases Health Scheme Best Thing To Do: - Advocate with State and Federal governments - Support super clinics in outer areas of Geelong - Encourage more trained professionals to relocate to Geelong Success Will Be: - Every citizen gets the proper health care they are entitled to, which is easily accessible - Some people don’t have transport home from hospital

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Tourism- tower and lookout in Eastern Gardens Best Thing To Do: Showcase Geelong Lookout tower in Eastern Gardens with disability access to showcase Geelong’s diverse panorama/Convention Centre Success Will Be: - A place to take friends and visitors - Access to Great Ocean Road and surrounding areas bringing income - More visitors and job opportunities - More tourist attractions

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Innovation/inventing things as an industry instead of old manufacturing ones that are going overseas Best Thing To Do: Annual awards for innovation/ invention for: - Primary kids - Secondary kids - Uni students - Young adults - Mature adults And encourage science and innovation at school Success Will Be: Lots of successful research, inventions, innovations and refinements come out of Geelong. Bringing in royalties, manufacturing opportunities or reputation

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Reactive approach to business development Best Thing To Do: Develop a department in Council that looks intentionally for business/industry and education opportunities Success Will Be: - A department that is proactive in attracting and developing businesses - New businesses that are robust and that create long term stable employment


12 December 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Violence against women and children and the significant costs this creates in mental health, homelessness, disability, family law, days lost in employment, and care work within our community Best Thing To Do: - Greater focus on safety for all within our community - Greater input into violence against women and children, as an issue, by CoGG, e.g. - preventative money - networking support, and - a commitment to work towards a community where all are safe – viewed as a health concern for all rather than individual deviant acts - Work on women and men having greater equality – i.e. - pay, - involvement with private boards, - women in management positions - councillors (WILD programs) Success Will Be: Greater critical understanding of issues such as violence against women within our community, and greater safety/ preventative work to lower the ongoing costs of this issue for community agencies and the community in general

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Opportunities for social connectedness for residents in Geelong who commute to Melbourne for work Best Thing To Do - Community hot desks – inspiring spaces for people to work in Geelong - For example, Inspire 9 hubs in Melbourne Success Will Be: New and existing residents will be connected and have opportunities to conduct their work in Melbourne

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Poor diet and lack of access to fresh fruit and vegetables Best Thing To Do: Subsidise the establishment of a fresh fruit and vegetable market, four to five days a week Success Will Be: Vibrant, thriving produce market and healthy eating

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Opportunity to- - Live local - Work local - Shop local and within people’s means Best Thing To Do: - Education about options available - Attract infrastructure that supports this model Success Will Be: People understand their broader contribution to a sustainable, healthy city that has a true impact on the local economy

Economy Issue/Opportunity: The current economic model is unsustainable – create new paradigms Best Thing To Do: Have a local currency (as well as Australian dollar) and encourage money to stay in Geelong Success Will Be: - Large usage of Geelong dollars - Creation of new small businesses - Increase of Australian dollar staying in Geelong

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Cycle tourism around city, suburbs and coast, especially on the Bellarine – build it and they will come (like Wangaratta area) – Swanston Street good but need lots more Best Thing To Do: - Link to Bellarine Taste Trail - Develop signage for trails - Promote area – hold events - Install safe shoulders Success Will Be: - Number of tourists visiting region dramatically increased - Healthier residents and communities

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Post-industrial transition (losing Shell, Alcoa, Ford) – opportunity to learn from other cities’ experiences Best Thing To Do: - Create learning partnerships with US cities (like Detroit has with Turin, Italy) - Create well-funded, well resourced, serious Arts and Business Incubator with industrial organisations Success Will Be: A smooth transition to a diversified, local economy, led by local entrepreneurs with a strong arts focus that builds a strong, attractive, proud character for Geelong and its citizens

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Household retrofitting and new green buildings- a demonstration house that models, explains, encourages and leads changes in behaviour – that in turn reduces carbon emissions through retrofitting houses as well as new builds in the housing market Best Thing To Do: - CoGG negotiates the building of the house with a developer - CoGG collaborates/ partners with local community groups to manage the demonstration property, use it for learning opportunities for all sorts of groups, e.g. - to run workshops in - to do site visits - young people - old people - people with disabilities - low incomes - small business owners - the whole retrofitting market Success Will Be: - A demonstration ‘green green green nine-star house’ that has hosted many thousands of community, individual and group visits over its life cycle - And then you can sell it for a profit, or at least for nil net cost

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Energy/water efficiency of housing - New housing stock – unsustainable energy requirements - Existing houses need retrofitting to be more energy efficient - Australians have leaky houses, poorly insulated Best Thing To Do: - Measure energy efficiency after house built - Educate people how to live in synergy with nature, e.g. open windows to draw sea breeze through house, house orientation - Need schemes (competitions, awards) to create good passive solar homes - Need to educate residents about water/energy use and size (house too big) - Look for new incentives to retrofit - Model housing awards - Green living resident award Success Will Be: - Housing stock smaller, and numerous exemplar clustered small communities demonstrating new, more connected ways of living more sustainably - Water and energy use/home lowered significantly - Think outside area regarding planning, e.g. Kevin McCloud ‘Triangle Project’ - Community spaces - Shared resources - Happier, healthier residents

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Global- peak oil, climate change and financial instability. This is an emergency Best Thing To Do: Create a CoGG Energy Descent Plan! This needs to include every area e.g. - re-localised organic food production - regeneration of natural areas - sustainable design - sustainable businesses - urban design, etc. Success Will Be: Every Council department and decision needs to be in reference to and aligned with an Energy Descent Plan. This will create much increased community resilience, strengthen health and wellbeing, and slow or cease CoGG contributions to CO2 and other emissions


14 December 2012

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: 1. Obesity←→ healthy lifestyle (prevention, awareness, infrastructure) Best Thing To Do - Make better pitches for early intervention and investment - Argue that expenditure in health/wellbeing projects/ infrastructure extension is an investment with long term benefits at an economic level, i.e. reduced need for acute health services - Need to engage all levels of government Success Will Be: - Healthier communities - Lower institutional costs

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Community interaction/open space- - Cluster of housing development - More green - Access to parks - To cater for all ages/ families Opportunity- develop community interaction - Community gardens - Community kitchens - Men’s Sheds - Improve/increase infrastructure Best Thing To Do: - More open space that has multiple uses for groups and families - Name and shame the planners – pulls standard up Success Will Be: - Better health stats - Less pressure on the health system - Healthier mindset and body Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Council has assets that could be utilised better for good health outcomes, e.g. Smythe Place Best Thing To Do: - Investigate use of Council facilities for… e.g. - Community gardens - Public housing - Skilling up (e.g. Osborne House, inner city spaces, etc.) - Programming based on demographic need Success Will Be: - Increased skill and knowledge relating to health and wellbeing, accessibility and affordability of services and spaces - Increased social connection

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Need to improve physical and mental health in our community - Prevention Community Model (PCM) – ‘Healthy Communities Victoria’ Best Thing To Do: Ensure the PCM gets embedded into our community/ organisation Success Will Be: - Healthier population - Long-term strategies/ actions that are in place after the PCM

Economy Issue/Opportunity: City Centre revitalisation Best Thing To Do: Focus on Deakin Geelong in the CBD – attract more students who live in the city and buy goods and services Success Will Be: Increased university graduate numbers and students studying in Geelong CBD

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Challenge to ongoing MANUFACTURING – retain what’s good Best Thing To Do: - Port efficiency – channel deepening, retain oil refining - Airport to international airport at Avalon – links to road/rail/port Success Will Be: - Increased access to Port - New industries

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Growth in health services; and potential skills shortages Best Thing To Do: Support migration from across disciplines Success Will Be: - Scholarships and incentives - Have increased migration opportunities - Increase in numbers of health professionals

Economy Issue/Opportunity: 1. Unemployment- long-term generational, geographical Opportunity- continuing to look for new opportunities to replace losses of major industry – planned local process 2.Revitalisation- supporting boutique and local artists/ artisans/ producers in clusters, supporting education sector Best Thing To Do: - Education, training - Supporting further development so that more people have opportunities in Geelong to learn and study - Supporting boutique bespoke industry – celebrating initiatives and innovation, and unique/ special product Success Will Be: Geelong known as vibrant, unique, bespoke creative economy with local sourcing (regional) reducing Geelong’s carbon footprint – streets lined with trees and artworks so people are walking and drawn into the many beautiful, individual shops, cafés, galleries, pubs, etc. (filled with music)

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Avalon Airport development Best Thing To Do: Direct fuel supply and rail connection Success Will Be: Dual runway and infrastructure providing economic and tourism increases

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Decline in traditional large manufacturing industry Best Thing To Do: Create, support and facilitate emerging enterprises or small to medium enterprises Success Will Be: Increase in participation rates in employment and meaningful training

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Low quality natural environment – bottom of native vegetation areas Best Thing To Do: - Plant more trees in open areas/streets - Link green areas Success Will Be: - High-quality natural environment - Reduce heat island - Decrease the carbon footprint

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Geelong’s natural environment is its best asset, and the city’s location on the Bay Best Thing To Do: - Increase housing density - Protect rural areas, coastal character of towns - Promote sustainable development - Don’t increase town boundaries on the Bellarine Peninsula Success Will Be: - Sustainable housing - Consolidate towns with higher densities - A city that orientates towards the Bay - Thriving rural industries on the Bellarine

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Active transport, challenge of balancing growth and protecting existing environment values. Maintained and enhanced ease of transport. Protecting our point of difference, e.g. coastal + urban Best Thing To Do: - Good planning – courage to say ‘no’ to developers - Learn from Melbourne Sprawl, e.g. Point Cook (cookie-cutter approach) - Support higher density living – smaller dwellings Success Will Be: - Healthy CBD with a mix of business and residential use - Greener urban areas – particularly in areas of disadvantage - Cycle path infrastructure

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Building connections for public transport, cycling and walking Best Thing To Do: - Walking and cycling links - Create boulevards, avenues – requires strategic approach - Provide ‘destinations’ and points to become active and engaged with the environment Success Will Be: - Geelong will become known/have a reputation as a walking/cycling city - The focus will be on the person rather than the vehicle

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Issue- growth at all cost (developer) – inappropriate Consequences- - Loss of built and natural environment (heritage, identity, green) - Loss of quality of life - Loss of appeal as destination to visit or live Opportunity- Preserve and increase protection and interpretation Best Thing To Do: - Support existing planning processes that have integrity - Be prepared to make courageous decisions, and strengthen policies and processes to allow us to do this Success Will Be: - Sustained and enhanced environment - More liveable - Prevention of ‘fixes’ at cost (much greater) – later legacy- in 50 and 100 years’ time those future communities will acknowledge great foresight - Green belts protected and sensitive sites increased and protected - NO URBAN SPRAWL


19 January 2013

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: More sports/ educational facilities – accessible and reasonable prices, i.e. lower registration fees, facilities to purchase sports equipment etc. Best Thing To Do: - Provide transport at late hours - More sports facilities in public places - Gym equipment in parks for adults/ children, like in Brisbane and Adelaide Success Will Be: - More spaces which are near our houses - More sports made available - Transport for our children to access these facilities after school

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Lack of practical support to encourage sport and recreation participation Best Thing To Do: - Extend Corio Leisure Time Centre - Provide a CALD Recreation officer - More out-of-season sport - Make CALD participation a priority of clubs - Help communities to use sports grounds and facilities, particularly after 4pm Success Will Be: - Improved mental and physical health - Reduced costs as above - Improved integration and harmony

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Geelong’s existing parks and gardens have lost relevance and are no longer top of mind for locals, let alone tourists Best Thing To Do: Rebrand the Botanical Gardens as “The Bot” 1) Hatted restaurant in the Botanical Gardens 2) Expert-led nature tours 3) Community-led garden (like Sydney – there is a herb garden) 4) More of a major attraction – e.g. fauna (kangaroos at You Yangs), or 5) Cable car from Botanical Gardens to the Waterfront 6) Moonlight cinemas 7) Running track (like the Tan in Melbourne) 8) Bush tucker tours with a nature expert Success Will Be: - “The Bot” and You Yangs become known, respected, desired tourist destinations - Achieve min 50-60% increased use over four years

Economy Issue/Opportunity: The Geelong Waterfront is lacklustre, lacks personality, and is culturally devoid Best Thing To Do: *IMPROVE PARKING* 1) Take a leaf out of Federation Square’s book → NOT the Docklands 2) Contemporary Arts Museum/ galleries 3) Multi sports/water/outdoor activities (free yoga/ meditation) → improved pool/banana lounge hire/ kayaks etc. 4) Pop- up food markets/music etc. Success Will Be: - Waterfront feels ‘alive’ - Always populated - Families, young and old people - Famed tourist destination - Desired by tourists in Melbourne

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Small local business will continue to struggle over coming years Best Thing To Do: 1) Fund/incentivise start-up businesses 2) Subsidised/funded education programs to help people do it right first time, every time 3) Networking events 4) Rewards and recognition 5) More visibility on Victorian TV 6) Encourage cultural groups to develop areas where food is sold – Chinatown, Croatian, Little Italy, etc., etc. – all year round PAKO FESTA Success Will Be: - Increased median business lifespan - Demand (people wanting to start businesses) exceeds supply (‘room’ for new businesses) - Find a way to enable us to sustain demand to always remain high!

Economy Issue/Opportunity: More training Best Thing To Do: 1) English – speaking and writing 2) Courses related to work Success Will Be: People would be employed – not just Karen, but everybody

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Lack of opportunity, compared to Melbourne Best Thing To Do: - Invest in tourism growth - Support local manufacturing - CoGG lead by example and create traineeships for CALD community Success Will Be: - People more independent - Greater opportunity for people to work - Lifestyle improvement for CALD - Integrated and harmonious Community

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: A community hall for Afghan community to come together and celebrate culture and education for children, and prayers Best Thing To Do: Work with community leaders to identify cultural needs and opportunities Success Will Be: A dedicated building for Geelong’s 450 Afghan people (with ten new arrivals every week) to come together Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Christmas decorations were terrible Best Thing To Do: - Bring back the old decorations - Create new atmosphere - Add more community spirit (Geelong spirit, for visitors to remember) Success Will Be: - Bring back the old decorations - Create new atmosphere - Add more community spirit (Geelong spirit, for visitors to remember)


21 January 2013

Health and Wellbeing Issue/Opportunity: Financial access to facilities for non-pensioners Best Thing To Do: Have a low single use entry for pool facilities Success Will Be: More people including a short swim in their exercise plan

Economy Issue/Opportunity: More employment opportunities Best Thing To Do: Work with agencies/businesses in promoting opportunities and assisting all abilities Success Will Be: - People will stay in Geelong and not move away - Greater confidence among those with disabilities in seeking work

Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Safety of shared pathways Best Thing To Do: - Needs to include pedestrian strategy equal to cyclist strategy (or anything travelling more than 10 km p/h) - Law enforcement and education Success Will Be: Safety for all pedestrians (low vision, heavily impaired, parents with prams or toddlers)

Health and Wellbeing / Built and Natural Environments Issue/Opportunity: Accessible outdoor gym, health/fitness facilities for P.W.D. Best Thing To Do: Develop planning group to scope, research, develop proposals and four year plan Success Will Be: Achievement of a workable plan to implement in one pilot park with scope to expand ______MURRENDA WORKSHOP

21 January 2013

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Cultural hub in Geelong allowing for Aboriginal culture and identity to be showcased – old Customs building was going to be the cultural hub previously? - Or other building in cultural precinct - Sharing and celebrating culture - Gathering place - Public access – possible partnership with CoGG

Economy Issue/Opportunity- Avalon Airport – cultural corner, retail, welcome : Build on Aboriginal Partnership Network – facilitate involvement of all indigenous groups

Economy Issue/Opportunity- Cruise ships – when cruise ships come into town, taken to Narana for a welcome : Some cruise ship groups come here now. Wathaurong do traditional welcome – they need to be involved - Opportunity to lift Aboriginal profile - Build profile of cultural diversity in Geelong - A Koori trail in Geelong (→ CBD and beyond – including Co-Op, Serendip, Point Addis walk) – include in ‘What’s On’ - Potential partnership with CoGG - Aboriginal bollards – work in with what is happening at Armstrong Creek

Economy Issue/Opportunity: Commitment to employing Aboriginal people across all levels of City of Greater Geelong and an Indigenous Employment Strategy : Need Aboriginal representation - Will fall out of RAP process. Needs target (per cent of workforce) – as per Parks Victoria. Cultural audits to ensure implementation, including cross-cultural training for all staff - COAG figure- 2.6% of workforce - Move past tokenism

Overall Issue/Opportunity: • Narana working with CoGG to ensure activities consider indigenous cultural needs – at all levels of planning • Partnership • Build cultural capacity in CoGG


GEELONG Your City Your Say

Engagement facilitated by Jen Lilburn and Keith Greaves alongside City of Greater Geelong Corporate Strategy staff Marketing and Communications undertaken by City of Greater Geelong Online Forum developed by Bang the Table, managed by Richard O’Byrne Report written by Richard O’Byrne, Jen Lilburn, Keith Greaves, Sally Abbott, Nicole Hunter and Paige Mahoney Photographs courtesy of Katrina Lawrence and the City of Greater Geelong image library

Kismet Forward is a Geelong-based consultancy specialising in the areas of strategy, community/stakeholder engagement, facilitation, evaluation, project management and leadership coaching.

Further information can be found at

Chit-Chat provides facilitation, stakeholder engagement planning and implementation support to government, not-for-profit, professional associations and commercial businesses. Further information can be found at

Richard O’Byrne Community Environment Planning works in strategy development, community engagement and planning, particularly in public land issues and coastal environments.

Fire Light Consulting, based in Geelong, specialises in facilitation, community & stakeholder engagement, negotiation, mediation and coaching.

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