Draftmanagement Response Plan (MRP) to Cluster Evaluation Phase 2

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Draftmanagement Response Plan (MRP) to Cluster Evaluation Phase 2

Draft Management Response Plan (MRP) to Cluster Evaluation Phase 2 Prepared by the Task Team on the Cluster Approach November 2010 Acronyms

3Ws Who does What Where (an information management tool) MSF Médecins Sans Frontières

ACAPS. Assessment Capacities project IOM International Organization for Migration ASEAN. Association of Southeast Asian Nations NNGOs National Non-Governmental Organizations CAP Consolidated Appeals Process NATF Needs Assessment Task Force CCCM Camp Coordination and Camp Management NGO Non-Governmental Organization

CERF Central Emergency Response Fund OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs CHF Common Humanitarian Fund oPt occupied Palestinian territory CWGER Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery ProCap Protection Standby Capacity DPKO United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations DRC Democratic Republic of Congo ToRs Terms of Reference TTCA IASC Task Team on the Cluster Approach ER Early Recovery ERC Emergency Relief Coordinator UN United Nations ERF Emergency Respond Fund UNAIDS United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS ETC Emergency Telecommunications UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination system UNDP United Nations Development Programme FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund GBV Gender-Based Violence UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees GenCap Gender Standby Capacity WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene HC Humanitarian Coordinator WFP United Nations World Food Programme HCT Humanitarian Country Team

IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee IASC SWG Inter-Agency Standing Committee Sub-Working Group IASC WG Inter-Agency Standing Committee Working Group ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies IDP Internally Displaced Person IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies INGOs International Non-Governmental Organizations


RECOMMENDATION 1 Identify existing preparedness, response and coordination mechanisms and capacities and link with/support/complement them where appropriate. To strengthen timeliness, preparedness, linking with development and supporting the sustainability of humanitarian relief operations, clusters, depending on context, should be more closely linked to national actors, other coordination mechanisms and longer term development projects.

Sub- Action Point Action already completed/in Actions already planned to New actions Who could Timeline for recommend deriving from sub- progress to address this issue address this issue recommended by IASC take this completion ation(s) recommendation(s) Task Team on the Cluster forward Approach (TTCA) 1.1 & 1.3 Improve and promote The IASC Contingency Planning The IASC SWG on Preparedness is Ensure actions outlined in IASC SWG on inter-agency Guidelines were revised in 2007, currently working with clusters on previous column are Preparedness, contingency planning building on good field practices a revision of the IASC Contingency completed, through close Humanitarian and joint and making linkages with other Planning Guidelines. Progress cooperation between the Financing simulations/exercises initiatives such as Disaster Risk report to be presented to IASC SWG on Preparedness and all Group, IASC at the country level. Reduction strategies, UN WG in November 2010, where clusters. WG, donors, Common Country Assessments next steps will be planned. OCHA. (CCAs) and UN Development Regarding funding for Assistance Frameworks At the IASC WG July 2010, it was emergency preparedness - as (UNDAFs). agreed that a joint IASC/UNDG per IASC WG July 2010 communication should be recommendation, Inter-agency emergency developed by OCHA and UNDP, to Humanitarian Financing simulations have been piloted in be used for advocacy with and in Group (through its Task Team 10 countries since 2008, support of RC/HCs to ensure a on Emergency Preparedness) supported by the IASC SWG on coherent and coordinated will provide the November Preparedness. approach of IASC partners in IASC with an outline of developing national and local potential fundraising capacity for emergency strategies for emergency preparedness. It was also agreed preparedness in an evolving that the SWG on Preparedness donor environment. will support the development and implementation of national This issue (funding for contingency plans in 5 countries emergency preparedness) initially (2 with HCs, 3 with RCs) could be discussed at a future by the end of 2011; the countries formal donor-cluster forum 3 will be chosen in collaboration organised by OCHA. with the MHCUA Task Force and UNDP/BCPR and Cadri.

The SWG on Preparedness is organizing training of facilitators for inter-agency emergency simulations. The training will take place in November 2010.

In the case of sudden onset Strengthen relationship and SWG on disasters, UNDAC is working with linkages between the IASC Preparedness several clusters, the Preparedness SWG on Preparedness and and UNDAC. SWG and the Needs Assessment UNDAC. Task Force to improve preparedness and response Strengthen understanding, UNDAC to capacities. cooperation and linkages provide GCLAs between UNDAC and the with a module OCHA routinely participates in clusters, for example by on UNDAC; UNDAC trainings, providing systematically including GCLAs to participants with an overview of modules on UNDAC in cluster include module the in-country humanitarian trainings. in cluster coordination system. OCHA also trainings. periodically invites an UNDAC representative to the Global Cluster Coordination (GCC) Group to share and learn from experiences in recent emergencies. 1.1 and 1.2 Finalize IASC OCHA (HCSS), in consultation with Finalize IASC Guidance Note IASC TTCA End of March Guidance Note on members of the GCC, produced a on Working with National 2010 Working with draft Guidance Note on Working Authorities building on National Authorities, with National Authorities; it was previous draft, disseminate and to the extent endorsed by all except one GCLA and monitor implementation. possible make a which recommended the note be stronger distinction completed through the IASC Task between complex Team. emergencies and natural disasters. At the July 2010 IASC WG, the The SWG on Preparedness to IASC TTCA and

4 Create new, Preparedness SWG presented a report on progress made on IASC SWG on complementary IASC paper on strengthening the 4 action points agreed by Preparedness Guidance Notes on emergency preparedness, from IASC WG. (1) capacity which 4 action points were development and agreed and listed in the Final Create new, complementary IASC TTCA capacity building of Summary Record and Action IASC Guidance Notes on (i) national authorities Points of meeting. capacity development and and civil society and capacity building of national (2) working with July IASC WG agreed global and authorities and civil society national authorities country level cluster leads to give and (ii) working with national and civil society on priority to emergency authorities and civil society preparedness. preparedness with special focus on preparedness, building on on supporting national/local good practice from the field. emergency management systems and sectoral structures, building Operationalize guidance Individual on existing guidance, training and through individual cluster clusters and practice. action plans. GCC to monitor progress July IASC WG decision for global and country cluster leads to give priority to emergency preparedness with special focus on supporting national/local emergency management systems and sectoral structures, building on existing guidance, training and practice. 1.1 Create IASC Guidance OCHA (HCSS) is collecting best UNDP-BCPR will convene a Create IASC Guidance Note IASC TTCA End of May 2011 1.3 & 2.6 Note on ‘Transition practice from countries which are lessons learnt exercise and gap on ‘Transition from the OCHA (HCSS) from the Cluster going through/have gone through analysis on UN/WB/EC PDNAs Cluster Approach’ and ensure taking the lead Approach’ to ensure transition, and is consulting with with IASC members and GCLAs by it is shared with appropriate linkages relevant IASC groups, CWGER and the end of 2010. humanitarian and between the UNDG/ECHA WG on development actors. humanitarian and Transition to develop guidance on The Humanitarian Financing development actors transition from the cluster Group Task Team on Early Continue inter-agency CWGER, at the country level, approach. Recovery is mapping existing dialogue on transition UNDG/ECHA and to ensure the funding mechanisms for early through the UNDG/ECHA WG WG on right coordination IASC WG discussions including recovery and will brief the IASC on Transition. Transition mechanism is in place with World Bank in 2007/8 WG in November 2010 on for each stage. emphasized the need for potential strategies to increase Ensure there is follow-up to The

5 integrated planning and results- funding for ER activities in mapping exercise and Humanitarian based approach to ensure humanitarian appeals. identification of strategies to Financing Group linkages between different increase funding for ER Task Team on phases of post conflict/disaster The OECD-DAC INCAF Financing activities in humanitarian Early Recovery recovery, including increased Task Team will produce final appeals. and IASC WG flexibility for donor budget recommendations on financing allocation. transition situations by end of Increase efforts to bring the CWGER, 2010. various actors identified in UNDG/ECHA previous column together to WG on ensure a more coherent Transition lead, strategy linking the different but engage with stages of humanitarian all clusters. response, recovery and development.

6 RECOMMENDATION 2 Strengthen cluster management and implementation modalities. Clusters should seek to become more effective and efficient in their operations by improving their management and implementation modalities.

Sub- Action Point Action already completed/in Actions already planned to New actions Who will take Timeline for recommend deriving from sub- progress to address this issue address this issue recommended by IASC this forward completion ation(s) recommendation(s) Task Team on the Cluster Approach (TTCA) 2.1 Include cluster Some GCLAs already All GCLAs to systematically All GCLAs By end of responsibilities in systematically include the roles include the roles and 2011 GCLA TORs for field and responsibilities of the GCLA responsibilities of the GCLA staff. within the cluster approach as within the cluster approach part of briefing and training in briefing and training Provide training for packages for Country packages for Country GCLA Country Representatives. Representatives. Representatives (including those in A joint GCLA letter was sent to Provide briefings/updates on OCHA field non-‘emergency’ Country Representatives in 2009 cluster responsibilities to offices, with countries) on the reminding them of their dual Heads of Agencies, donors support from cluster approach, agency and cluster and other relevant HQ (CRD and roles and responsibilities. stakeholders emphasising the HCSS) responsibilities. need to support full-time A draft matrix of roles and cluster staff responsibilities of the HC, CLA, CC and partners was completed in Finalise matrix on roles and IASC TTCA 2009. responsibilities, also taking account of situations where the GCLA is not the same as the country level Cluster Lead Agency. 2.2 Produce and A draft guidance note on inter- Re-draft and circulate the Finalize the guidance note, OCHA (HCSS to July 2011 disseminate IASC cluster coordination was guidance note on inter-cluster obtain IASC WG endorsement take the lead) guidance on inter- circulated for comments in 2010 coordination through the IASC and disseminate. cluster coordination but now needs to be re-drafted to Task Team on the Cluster with focus on take account of OCHA’s internal Approach and the Global Cluster clarifying the role of review of its role in the field Coordination Group. OCHA in humanitarian (being conducted in consultation

7 emergencies. with its partners).

2.3 Strengthen the A draft ‘accountability paper’ has Draft paper to be submitted to IASC WG to discuss options in IASC HC Group leadership role of HCs been circulated to the HC Group IASC WG in November 2010. paper and agree on way and IASC WG in the cluster for their comments; inter alia, it forward to enhance overall approach. tries to address issues of leadership and accountability accountability within the in- within the humanitarian country humanitarian coordination system. coordination system which, if improved, would lead to the strengthening of the HC role. 2.4 Review existing Review existing guidance on IASC TTCA and End of April guidance on HCTs, HCTs, especially regarding the IASC HC 2011 especially regarding NGO and cross-cutting issue Group NGO and cross- representation, and if cutting issue appropriate, make representation, and if recommendations to the appropriate, make Humanitarian Coordination recommendations to Group for how the guidance the Humanitarian could be improved. Coordination Group for how the guidance could be improved.

Map and analyse Draft in progress Map and analyse existing OCHA (HCSS) End of March existing mechanisms mechanisms for global inter- 2011 for global inter-cluster cluster coordination and coordination and make recommendations for make how they might be recommendations for rationalized to avoid how they might be duplication and ensure the rationalized to avoid most efficient use of time duplication and and resources. ensure the most efficient use of time and resources. 2.5 GCLAs to take a clear OCHA began a discussion on this Policy position on this issue IASC TTCA, IASC For 1st or 2nd policy position on the issue at the GCC level but the to be discussed IASC WG WG IASC WG 2011 co-leading and consensus was it required a policy following preparation co-‘stewarding’ of decision at ‘agency’ level. OCHA through IASC TTCA.

8 clusters at the (HCSS) collected existing MOUs country level by NGO on NGOs co-leading and co- Depending on results of IASC TTCA with partners. stewarding clusters from the field policy discussion, GCLAs NGO-GCLA lead and posted them on the One could develop generic role TTCA to develop Response website; these could be guidance for co-leading and generic guidance on used as basis for developing co-stewarding clusters, taking the roles and generic guidance. account of cost implications responsibilities of co- for NGOs which may need to leads and co-stewards Some individual clusters are be discussed in other fora. at national and sub- working on guidance for their national levels. partners on sub-national Depending on results of GCLAs, OCHA, coordination. policy discussion, put issue of humanitarian donor support for NGOs co- donors leading and co-stewarding clusters at the country level on agenda for a formal donor-cluster meeting with a view to ensuring adequate support for NGOs assuming more leadership roles in humanitarian coordination. 2.7 & 4.4 Finalize generic Terms TORs have been finalized and are GCC has agreed TORs will be Disseminate generic TORs to GCLAs and of Reference for ready for dissemination updated periodically in the light all GCLAs and field colleagues OCHA Cluster Coordinators of field experience. As part of the and use them in at the country level. next edit, CE2 recommendation trainings/workshops for 4.3 can be addressed in the TORs Cluster Coordinators and (i.e. asking Cluster Coordinators other actors at the country to ensure that where there are level. sub-national clusters, operational decisions are decentralized and If GCLAs have not already GCLAs taken as close to the relevant done so, develop cluster- area of operation as possible). specific TORs building on the basic principles in the generic TORs for Cluster Coordinators. 2.8 Review all the Cluster Cluster-specific Cluster Create a central calendar of GGC and OCHA Coordinator training Coordinator and Cross-Cutting planned cluster/Cluster (HCSS) initiatives/packages Issue Focal Point training on- Coordinator currently provided by going for many of the clusters and trainings/workshops and global clusters and Cross-Cutting Issues. related initiatives and

9 Cross-Cutting issue encourage sharing of leads and ensure resources/ ‘piggy-backing’ of where possible that trainings where possible. resources and initiatives are shared to avoid duplication NO NUMBER Develop mechanisms Several clusters have developed Decide if generic cross- IASC TTCA End of 2011 (but identified for assessing the their own tools (involving peer cluster tool feasible and if so, by TTCA as a performance of review) for monitoring and create the tool and roll-out gap) clusters at the evaluating their own plan, building on work done country level, both at performance. by OCHA and individual the height of clusters; present for IASC WG emergencies and in Some tools have been created by endorsement. general. OCHA to measure performance across clusters for individual emergencies (e.g. in Haiti). 2.9 Review existing Review of the Operational Addressing the recommendations Implementation of the OCHA/ISS guidance on OCHA’s Guidance Note on Information of the Review will form a part of recommendations at the role & capacity Management undertaken with the work plan for the extension of global and the field level related to information the final report expected by early the IASC TF on IM. sharing and October 2010. management at global and country The Who does What Where As part of the IASC TF on IM, the Possible integration of the OCHA ISS / IASC level. database already includes the common tools and services are Who does What Where TF on IM function of start and end date for continuously being revisited. function into an inter-agency projects and is used in operations. web platform and integration into other OCHA IM Systems.

The inter-agency web platform is Once final report is received, the Ensure user-friendly inter- OCHA ISS / IASC currently undergoing a review IASC TF on IM will address the agency web platform exists. TF on IM with a final report expected in findings and recommendations, December 2010. including regarding the cost of re- naming the website (from One Response to ‘humanitarian response.info).

Google groups and other OCHA will have a meeting with Implementation of the OCHA ISS applications are used when OCHA Google in later September 2010 recommendations at the standard tools do not apply. exploring further use of their global and the field level and applications in humanitarian dissemination to Global

10 emergencies. Clusters and GCLAs.

Clarify the status of Review of the Operational Addressing the recommendations OCHA ISS / IASC the ongoing review of Guidance Note on Information of the Review will form a part of TF on IM IM in the cluster Management undertaken with the work plan for the extension of approach by the the final report expected by early the IASC TF on IM. Information October 2010. Management Task Force.

11 RECOMMENDATION 3 Enhance the focus on strengthening the quality of humanitarian response in cluster operations and activities. Clusters should capitalize on their strengths and maximize their contribution to improving humanitarian response by strengthening their focus on enhancing quality.

Sub- Action Point Action already completed/in Actions already planned to New actions Who will take Timeline for recommend deriving from sub- progress to address this issue address this issue recommended by IASC this forward completion ation(s) recommendation(s) Task Team on the Cluster Approach (TTCA) 3.2 All humanitarian Some existing IASC guidance In the discussion on Clusters to adopt an GCLAs, through By end of 2012 actors to improve makes explicit reference to accountability to affected accountability feedback GCC and in their accountability to accountability to affected populations at the April 2010 IASC mechanism for affected consultation affected populations. populations, e.g. the IASC WG, it was agreed: populations and to ensure (i) with NGO Guidance Note for HCTs. it is piloted in 3 agreed experts on (1) all IASC organisations, clusters countries by all clusters over relevant A number of NGOs have made and IASC Subsidiary Bodies to give the next 2 years, and (ii) it is mechanisms considerable progress on this priority to exploring ways of included in all future cluster issue but their lessons learned increasing accountability to guidance and training. need to be disseminated more affected populations in their widely, as per the guidance and practice, in Request the HC Group to HC Group recommendations of the April particular through better incorporate the issue of 2010 IASC WG (see next column) information sharing, increased accountability to affected participation of affected populations in any guidance population (in needs and training for HCs and assessments, planning and HCTs. monitoring), and systematic use of feedback and complaints Agree mechanism for IASC WG and HC mechanisms, making use of ensuring HCs and HCTs fulfil Group existing technical resources, such their responsibility to as SCHR Peer Review, NGOs and implement mechanisms to Humanitarian Reform Project, improve accountability to HAP Standards, ALNAP, SPHERE, affected populations (as per One World Trust and the IASC Guidance for HCTs). Listening Project;

(2) HC Group to incorporate issue of accountability to affected populations in the guidance and

12 training for HCs and HCTs.

3.3 Take steps to enhance Some clusters are already taking All clusters and international GCLAs in national and local measures to improve humanitarian actors in consultation NGO capacity and engagement of local actors, e.g. general need to take steps to with NGO engagement in by including translation costs in systematically enhance experts on issue clusters & their budgets and holding meetings in national and local NGO eligibility to access local languages. participation more pooled funding. systematically. The Global Humanitarian Platform is working on addressing RC/HCs to be given guidance OCHA, HC this recommendation more on mechanisms to ensure Group generally. NNGO access to pooled funds at country level. Some pooled funds are looking at ways to encourage more funding Country level clusters to Cluster Lead to local and national NGOs (and in provide generic project Agencies at some countries, the mechanisms proposal and budget formats country level are successful). The NGOs and to NNGOs and hold proposal- Humanitarian Reform Project is writing workshops with developing a short guide on the NNGOs prior to CAP and ERRF in Haiti, looking at how other appeal deadlines. NNGOs can better access the funds; this may have broader OCHA to routinely hold OCHA field applicability for other pooled country level workshops for offices funds. national and local NGOs re accessing of pooled funding mechanisms. 3.5 Engage clusters in The IASC NATF was formed in In 2011, the NATF expects to roll The NATF needs to further IASC-NATF coordinating and 2009 in order to support out these policies and tools enhance linkages with the in collaboration improving needs evidence-based humanitarian (Operational Guidance, Post Disaster Needs with GCLAs and assessment. decision-making by harmonising Indicators, Dashboard Tool and Assessment and Post Conflict Cross-Cutting and promoting cross-sector needs Process, etc) to the field, and to Needs Assessment processes. Issue Leads assessment initiatives for improve/adapt these products This will help clusters consistent, reliable and timely based on field experiences. coordinate and improve data on humanitarian needs in needs assessment over time, sudden-onset disasters. The In 2011, the NATF expects to as the situation moves from NAFT’s work is on-going. support the deployment of the the emergency to early NATF Roster and Pool, and to also recovery phase. The NATF is developing use such deployments to test and

13 operational guidance to support improve its products, and to the coordination of needs identify additional best practices assessment. The protocols in coordinated needs assessment therein will support the involvement of local actors, In 2011, the NATF expects to encourage a holistic approach to further develop a Common assessments, ensure the Assessment Tool to be used disaggregation of sex and age during the first two weeks that data, propose standard operating follow an emergency. The Tool procedures to harmonize roles will be based on a common and responsibilities, and outline a methodology and will build from process for joint analysis and existing tools, including the Initial decision-making around needs Rapid Assessment, the MCRAM, assessment. The Operational and the JNA. Guidance also provides some direction on the use of information technology in needs assessment.

The NATF has also worked with clusters at the global level to identify a set of standard minimum indicators to be used at country level to describe sectoral needs in emergencies.

The NATF has also been working on a tool (the Humanitarian Dashboard) and a coordinated analytical process through which to consolidate and analyze assessment information. The Dashboard will also help facilitate discussions around assessment data, enhance data coherence and comprehensiveness, and support coordinated analysis.

Finally, the NATF is building a needs assessment Roster and

14 Pool, in order to enhance the humanitarian community’s capacity - at national, regional and global levels - to improve multi-sectoral needs assessment and analysis. The Roster and Pool will support preparedness and response, and will also contribute to learning lessons around coordinated needs assessments.

Beyond the Operational Guidance, the IASC NATF is promoting the use of information technology in needs assessment, by exploring, the array of tools available (incl. geographic information systems, wireless devices, satellite imaging, and databases) to the humanitarian community to support needs assessments 3.6 Improve mechanisms Individual Cross-Cutting Issue Some Global Cluster Lead Cross-Cutting Issue Leads at Cross-Cutting to ensure better leads at the global level have agencies investing in surge the global level who have not Issue Leads integration of cross- consistently promoted the capacity to strengthen the already done so, to develop cutting issues within integration of cross-cutting issues integration of gender into tools to help clusters better and across clusters. through their participation in country-level activities. integrate their cross-cutting inter-cluster forums and input to issue into cluster guidance notes. Some have also programming without created tools for use in the field necessarily having to call on (e.g. the ‘Gender Marker’, the global support (e.g. Online Resource Centre on deployment of staff). Mainstreaming Environment into Humanitarian Action and the IASC Where tools exist at the GCLAs, with Guidelines on HIV in global level, GCLAs should IASC WG to Humanitarian Settings) to make it support application of them monitor easier for clusters to integrate at national level, including progress these issues in their through provision of direct regularly programming. and sustained technical and capacity building support to

15 In some cases, surge capacity national cluster coordinators such as GENCAPs, have been and partners. deployed to support country-level clusters integrate CCIs. This has The forthcoming guidance on OCHA resulted in greater integration inter-cluster coordination and operationalization of gender should emphasize OCHA’s considerations in cluster role in actively promoting the response. integration of cross-cutting issues within and across The promotion of the integration clusters. of cross-cutting issues in the work of the clusters is included in the With reference to possible Cross Cutting generic TORs for Cluster cross-cluster generic Issue Leads, Coordinators and other guidance monitoring tool, Cross- working with notes. Cutting Issue Leads should the IASC TTCA integrate indicators to track As part of the development of the inclusion of Cross Cutting guidance on inter-cluster support issues into the tool. missions, it was agreed at the April 2010 IASC WG that cross- cutting issues will be systematically included in the remit of inter-cluster support missions. 3.8 Further strengthen Several agencies and clusters Regularly include discussion IASC TTCA, GCC, learning, especially conduct after-action reviews and of RTEs and the lessons IASC WG after the end of the evaluations and there is often an learned from after-action acute emergency independent inter-agency reviews on agenda of IASC phase evaluation. However, HCs, HCTs, TTCA, GCC and IASC WG GCLAs and OCHA need to improve meetings and where collective sharing of best appropriate, consider practices and to learn from developing collective action experiences in other plans for moving emergencies. recommendations forward.

Create a calendar for tracking OCHA (HCSS) cluster-level-after-action reviews and RTEs to be published on the ‘Humanitarian info. Org’

16 website.

Create collection of ‘best OCHA (HCSS) practice’ on Humanitairaninfo.org website.

17 RECOMMENDATION 4 Increase the focus of resources for the cluster approach on the local level. In the first few years after the cluster approach was introduced, actors focused their resources on the global level first, the national level second and on the local level last. As the cluster approach matures, this order of priorities has started to change and should be reversed especially for operational clusters to ensure that cluster coordination has more operational relevance and fits local circumstances.

Sub- Action Point deriving Action already completed/in Actions already planned to New actions Who will take Timeline for recommend from sub- progress to address this address this issue recommended by IASC this forward completion ation(s) recommendation(s) issue Task Team on the Cluster Approach (TTCA) 4.1 and 4.2 Invest in Cluster Many GCLAs have established If they have not already GCLAs, Cross- (and 2.8) Coordination as a training programmes and done so, GCLAs to establish Cutting Issue professional career rosters for Cluster Coordinators, rosters of Cluster Leads and path within and are working on Coordinators and support donors organizations (UN and strengthening cluster staff (particularly NGOs); where coordination at the sub-national Information Managers) for possible, deploy Cluster level. rapid deployment to Coordinators/ A smaller working donor-cluster emergencies but also to coordination teams for The issue of how better to cover group will make provide training to cluster longer periods and the costs of cluster coordination recommendations to the larger partners and national staff. ensure proper hand- at the country level (national formal donor-cluster meeting over to replacements; and sub-national level) formed (December 2010/ January 2011) GCLAs to establish a GCLAs deploy trained Cluster the focus of the last formal for their consideration; it is standardized e-mail Coordinators to train donor-cluster meeting in hoped that a joint ‘statement of addresses and telephone staff (especially February 2010. intent’ will result in better numbers for Cluster national staff) at sub- understanding of the issue on Coordinator positions at the national level. both sides and therefore more country level (e.g. consistent funding for cluster [email protected]) coordination functions in the to ensure continuity. field. Recommendations will be shared with relevant bodies for GCLAs to include handover GCLAs their consideration, including procedures in TORs for IASC CAP SWG and IASC HFG. Cluster Coordinators and Information Managers at the country level (as per generic TORs for Cluster

18 Coordinators).

GCLAs to consider ways of GCLAs ensuring minimum 6-month deployments of Cluster Coordinators and support staff where the emergency is likely to last longer than 6 months (this may involve considering the mainstreaming of Cluster Coordinator positions into organisational organograms for lengthy emergencies). 4.3 GCLAs to adopt more of As part of an effort to more Through the IASC Task Team on Finalize guidance, seek IASC IASC TTCA and End of 2010 a “service mentality” actively support field colleagues the Cluster Approach and the electronic endorsement and the GCC approach towards during operations, most if not all GCC, guidance on inter-cluster disseminate to field country level clusters, clusters regularly conduct support missions is currently colleagues. including making global individual cluster support being developed. In a cover note tools and services more missions to priority countries. In which will be sent to field Ensure the inter-agency OCHA readily available. addition, there have been colleagues, it will be stated that website has a repository and several ‘inter-cluster support support missions are just one of tracking system for cluster Country level clusters missions’ (so far to Sudan, many tools available at the global and inter-cluster support to become more Pakistan, Colombia and Nepal) level for field level support, and missions to give a global proactive in identifying to look at systemic issues and to links will be given for more overview of support being needs from national strengthen overall coordination. information on those tools. provided to clusters. and sub-national levels and conveying them to Ensure there is a link IASC TTCA and the global level if between the information GCC necessary. generated by the cluster monitoring tool (recommendation 2.8) and requests for global level support missions.

19 RECOMMENDATION 5 Provide sufficient funding and define adequate ways for linking clusters and financing mechanisms. The humanitarian community should ensure that adequate resources are provided for coordination, that clusters have access to resources to implement their strategies and that governance issues relating to financing mechanisms and processes are addressed.

Sub- Action Point deriving Action already completed/in Actions already planned to New actions Who will take Timeline for recommend from sub- progress to address this address this issue recommended by IASC this forward completion ation(s) recommendation(s) issue Task Team on the Cluster Approach (TTCA) 5.1 Depending on the As per IASC Working Group's An informal donor-cluster group Both the IASC Humanitarian GCLAs, OCHA, Mid 2011 results of on-going decision to systematically is currently working on Financing Group and the CAP Cross-Cutting cluster-donor include cluster coordination recommendations for providing SW Group to consider the Issue Focal discussions regarding costs in the CAPs whenever adequate funding for the cost of recommendations from the Points, donors, the funding of the costs needed, the CAP SWG cluster coordination functions donor-cluster group and IASC of cluster coordination recommended all participants in and cross-cutting issue decide whether to ask the Humanitarian at the country level, the CAPs to include the costs of integration at the country level. IASC WG to change existing Financing Group amend existing coordination in appeals, ideally The group will present its guidance/practice. and the CAP SW guidance for appeals. as separate stand-alone costs. recommendations at the next Modification of guidance Group. donor-cluster meeting, due to should also include the need take place in January 2011. to fund logistics/handling costs if cluster lead agency supports assisted delivery of supplies and equipment on behalf of cluster members. 5.3 Review any ongoing Some UN agencies are involved The imminent 5-year CERF Since access to CERF funding NGO or NGO Dependent on work /guidance on in informal consultations with evaluation is expected to look in is regulated by a General Consortia to timing of national and NGO partners to see how to detail at the current mechanisms Assembly Resolution, the take the lead, in outcomes of international NGO make the current mechanism for NGOs to access CERF funding, issue of more direct NGO consultation CERF access to CERF funding work more efficiently. including the problem of delays in access has to be raised and with UN evaluation and mechanisms for NGOs receiving funds through UN addressed at a high level agencies and financial decision agencies which can undermine (with donor engagement). donors making within clusters. the CERF as a rapid response NGO consortia to lead on Ensure any mechanism. The evaluation is suggesting possible reforms current/new guidance also expected to make to current regulations. makes it clear that recommendations on how to clusters are not make the system more Meanwhile, could explore OCHA

20 ‘funding mechanisms’ transparent. the promotion of the for lead agencies. establishment of pooled funds in disaster prone countries as an alternative approach, as part of emergency preparedness. Continue to strengthen the central financial management of pooled funds.

Need to operationalize any policies already agreed by the IASC IASC Humanitarian Finance Humanitarian Group. Finance Group and GCC Issue guidance for HCTs and others on the different funds OCHA and HC and how/who can access Group them. 5.2 Ensure adequate GCLAs are supposed to be Launch review of use of OCHA Nov 2011 funding is available for ‘providers of last resort’ but pooled funds at country level the implementation of there are no concrete and in the context of the cluster response plans arrangements in place to either Good Humanitarian and for the integration use pooled funds to provide Donorship Principles, of cross-cutting issues ‘funds of last resort’ for under- consider whether pooled within clusters. Explore funded sectors, or for ‘donors of funds should be used for possibility of last resort’ to step in to fill under-funded sectors and strengthening the link funding gaps. clusters. between clusters and pooled funds. Decide what (if any) Lead? mechanisms need to be put in place to improve NNGO access to pooled funds at the country level.

GCLAs to consider the pros IASC TTCA, IASC Nov 2011 and cons of prioritizing WG particular clusters for activation and donor support at the beginning of an

21 emergency.

Explore whether the concept IASC TTCA, IASC of ‘provider of last resort’ WG should be linked to concept of ‘donor of last resort’ to ensure critical needs are met for both Cluster Lead Agencies and NGO co-leads at country level. 5.4 Review current IASC Review current IASC IASC TTCA IASC Nov 2011 Guidance on ‘provider Guidance on ‘provider of last WG of last resort’ to see resort’ to see whether it whether it should apply should apply to all GCLAs in to all GCLAs in the the same way and whether it same way and whether should be modified in the it should be modified in light of experience. As part the light of experience. of review, explore concepts of ‘advocate of last resort’ and ‘donor of last resort’.

22 RECOMMENDATION 6 Resolve outstanding policy issues at the global level: i) links to peacekeeping and political missions and humanitarian space, ii) institutional issues. Important political questions, e.g. concerning the limits of integration, cannot be taken by operational clusters at country and local level. To resolve some of these issues and address remaining reservations relating to the cluster approach, the following steps should be taken:

Sub- Action Point deriving Action already completed/in Actions already planned to New actions Who will take Timeline for recommend from sub- progress to address this address this issue recommended by IASC this forward completion ation(s) recommendation(s) issue Task Team on the Cluster Approach (TTCA) 6.1 Collate current Some clusters and OCHA have Ensure all GCLAs and OCHA (CMCS) guidance and training created guidance individually; interested NGOs participate drawing on materials developed for Integration Steering Committee in discussion led by IASC Core work already awareness raising and IASC Core Group on Group on Humanitarian done on this /sensitization on the Humanitarian Space examining Space. issue by linkages between various aspects of this issue. clusters, and clusters, military actors Humanitarian and political missions. Space WG 6.2 and 2.5 ERC to encourage HCs HCT Guidance Note (para 3.1 on ERC to communicate this OCHA, HC and HCTs to involve composition of HCTs) endorsed message to HCs and HCTs, Group and IASC NGOs in their by the IASC WG in November perhaps following review of WG deliberations on issues 2009 makes express provision HCT guidance under relating to for the participation of NGOs in recommendation 2.4. humanitarian space. HCTs. 6.4 Ensure trained and CWGER working closely with Global Clusters Early Recovery Link inter-cluster discussions UNDP-BCPR in experienced Early other GCLAs on a Joint Action Joint Plan of Action is being on ER to efforts in relation to its capacity as Recovery Advisors are Plan for mainstreaming early developed; will address these recommendations 1.1 & 1.3 CWGER cluster deployed to support recovery in the work of other action points. to build national capacity for lead, in RC/HCs and HCTs in clusters. contingency planning and consultation effectively Revise the existing ER Guidance disaster preparedness and to with individual mainstreaming ER Early Recovery Coordination Note strengthen funding for ER. clusters. approach into workshop held in June 2010 to humanitarian action turn lessons learned into Develop an ER field handbook CWGER to submit to IASC WG and to support the concrete recommendations for a proposal for a revised development of improving coordination of ER. global governance structure HCT/UNCT transition to advance the planning. An early recovery network is mainstreaming of early created wherever the cluster recovery (ER) in the work of Revise the CWGER approach is rolled-out, using the other clusters

23 governance structure existing inter-cluster to advance the coordination mechanisms IASC to endorse Global mainstreaming of early Clusters Early Recovery Joint recovery (ER) in the The cluster formerly labelled Plan of Action work of other clusters. ‘early recovery cluster’ is named for the early recovery gap Improve formal Ensure humanitarian areas, e.g. Community communication and country teams and Restoration Cluster in Pakistan consultation systems with HC/RCs receive CWGER members on planned appropriate guidance BCPR (UNDP) currently ER deployments. to design ER undergoing restructuring at coordination global level. mechanisms which includes an ER network

Increase effectiveness of country ER networks through adequate training and the deployment of ER Advisors with proven experience in humanitarian action. 6.5 Creation of Global Food Already in progress and Once consultations with IASC Principals to endorse. Almost Security Cluster proposal unanimously endorsed FAO/WFP membership have been completed at July 2010 IASC WG. concluded, the recommendation endorsed by the July 2010 IASC WG will be put before the IASC Principals for final approval. 6.6 Resolve conflicts Issue was raised at July 2010 Proposal to be submitted to ETC Cluster, Almost relating to governance IASC WG; consultations IASC Principals for IASC Principals completed of Emergency currently underway regarding endorsement. Telecommunications possibility of WFP becoming Cluster (ETC) sole lead of the ETC. 6.7 Re-name ‘One Done (pending agreement of No further action needed. Completed Response’ website, as IASC WG in November) per proposal to be submitted to IASC Principals in December 2010.

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