Statewide Training and Education Committee (STEC)
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Statewide Training and Education Committee (STEC) Content Development Oversight Group (CDOG) Revised Curricula and LOs (Permanency and Placement, CYD) September 24, 2012 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Meeting Summary
Participants: Turid Gregory-Furlong (CDSS); Jennifer Cannell (BAA); Nancy Kail, Anzette Shackelford, Donna Pence (PCWTA); Soledad Caldera-Gammage (Central); Donna Toulmin (IUC); Margo Hinson (NTRC); Melissa Connelly (CalSWEC)
Curriculum Changes Completed to Integrate AB12 and Katie A. in Core The group reviewed the changes made to Common Core learning objectives and curricula to integrate Katie A. related concepts and After 18.
Family Engagement in Case Planning and Case Management Learning Objectives: K7 was revised as follows: K7. The trainee will be able to recognize the need to work collaboratively to formulate case plan objectives that: a. reflect desired behavioral changes b. acknowledge the conditions directly contributing to maltreatment in the family c. are culturally relevant for the family d. address the specific strengths and needs of children and youth including medical and mental health services e. meet the needs of young adults in extended foster care f. address safety, permanency and well-being.
Trainer Tips: Activity 4A, step 4, added information and video link regarding After 18 Activity 4A, step 5, added content about case plan goals for young adults in extended foster care Activity 4A, step 6, clarified that the aging out stats refer to youth leaving foster care at age 18 Activity 4A, step 7, added a note that youth in extended foster care have a case plan called the TILCP Activity 4A, step 12, added well-being and mental health to the information about intervention Activity 4C, step 4, added a note about the use of vignettes in the common core Activity 6B, step 4, scenarios revised to provide stated ethnicity for every card and to note that poverty is a factor for one of the families Activity 11B, step 3, added a note about building permanent connections for young adults in extended care
CDOG Summary 9/24/12 1 Activity 11D, step 5, added content about collaborative mental health assessment and treatment, adds mental health to the well-being information required in the case plan, and notes the child’s psychiatric meds must be included in the case plan Activity 11E, step 2, added collaboration with Omar’s mental health provider Activity 11E, step 3, added content about how the planning process would work if Omar were in extended care
Trainee Content: Page 9, added mental health assessment or treatment Page 11, added mental health assessment or treatment Page 17, added content regarding After 18 Pages 20-21, added links to the resources for non-minor dependent youth webpage, content about the role of non-minor dependent youth in case planning, and mental health care Page 42, added content regarding case management services for young adults in extended foster care Page 43, added content about case plan goals for non-minor dependent youth
Supplemental Materials: SMART Objectives Scenarios revised to provide stated ethnicity for every card and to note that poverty is a factor for one of the families Wilson Family Vignette materials revised to include mental health treatment for Omar.
CWS/CMS: We agreed to hold off on the After 18 changes to the CWS/CMS related content in Family Engagement in Case Planning and Case Management until the 6.7 code drop happens. This is expected in November 2012.
Version Number: These changes will be made and will result in posting a new version of the curriculum. This will be version 2.2. The group agreed that CalSWEC will document these changes in an email and send them to the regions. Regions will forward the changes to trainers along with a cover note asking if the trainers would like a webinar to go over the changes.
Permanency and Placement We made these changes to the Learning Objectives: . Add the words and young adults to K1, d . Add Fostering Connections to Success to K5 . Add young adults to K2, a . Add young adults to K2, c . Add transition planning to K4 . Revise V3, V4, and V6 to include young adults . Revise K2, b and K2, c to include mental health collaboration and treatment . Corrected S3 and S4
CDOG Summary 9/24/12 2 We made these changes to the Trainer Tips (with similar changes to the associated trainee content and powerpoint slides): . Pages 11-12 revised to change the language to reflect Fostering Connections. . Page 19 revised to change AB12 to Fostering Connections / AB12. . Page 109 revised to add a trainer note to reflect that if Raul were 18 there would be additional placement options for him in extended foster care. . References to children and youth changed to children, youth and young adults throughout the curriculum.
We made these changes to the Trainee Content: . Updated the Policy Desk Guide to include Fostering Connections. . Revised page 103 to incorporate content about including young adults in the planning process. . Revised page 122 to update the comparison table to include changes for AB12. . Revised the Promising Practices for Independent Living Programs content to include key concepts related to Fostering Connections / After 18, including helping young adults prepare for transition, working with young adults to build and maintain permanent connections, explaining additional housing options available to young adults in extended foster care. . Revised the table on page 135 to include emerging adults.
Version Number: These changes will be made and will result in posting a new version of the curriculum. This will be version 2.2. The group agreed that CalSWEC will document these changes in an email and send them to the regions. Regions will forward the changes to trainers along with a cover note asking if the trainers would like a webinar to go over the changes.
Child and Youth Development The changes identified for this curriculum went out to regions and trainers before this call and no feedback came back. The group discussed whether or not to go forward with the changes. We agreed that CalSWEC will move forward with posting the revised curriculum.
It was noted that there had recently been a question / objection to the video in this curriculum that depicts a family in Africa. The group agreed to address this concern in a future call.
Court Procedures The group discussed revising these learning objectives, but wanted to be sure we understood the legal obligations relevant to Katie A. The group reviewed the legal obligations as outlined in the settlement and agreed to make the following change:
K5. The trainee will be able to describe the following legal requirements in child welfare: a) legal rights pertaining to confidentiality and the dissemination of court documents,
CDOG Summary 9/24/12 3 b) identification of all fathers and all resource placement relatives, c) legal mandates regarding concurrent planning, d) possible ICWA application, e) notice requirements, f) performing reasonable efforts to prevent removal, g) providing access to mental health assessment and services, h) providing services to all parents including incarcerated parents, and i) performing reasonable efforts to facilitate reunification or to finalize the permanent plan, including concurrent planning.
We also made the following changes to these learning objectives regarding After 18:
K6. The trainee will be able to describe the following permanency options for dependent children and non-minor dependent youth: a. reunification, b. adoption, c. voluntary relinquishment, d. legal guardianship, e. permanent placement with a fit and willing relative, and f. identified placement with a specific goal.
Intimate Partner Violence The group reviewed the following changes made to these learning objectives:
K4. The trainee will be able to identify the need to provide referrals for mental health assessment and monitor provision of indicated treatment for children and adolescents who have been exposed to intimate partner violence.
K5. The trainee will be able to identify strategies, resources and services that the trainee will utilize to effectively assist families that experience intimate partner violence, including: a) strategies a.i. sample interview questions, a.ii. the concept of lethality assessments b) resources a.i. possible criminal sanctions against the perpetrator, a.ii. protection orders, and a.iii. online resources a.iv. trauma-informed mental health treatment c) services i. batterer interventions, ii. the importance of partnerships with intimate partner violence treatment service providers to foster support services
CDOG Summary 9/24/12 4 Mental Health and Mental Disorders The group reviewed the following changes to the learning objectives for this topic:
K4. The trainee will be able to describe the case management role of the child welfare worker working with health care and mental health professionals, including: a) facilitating access to mental health services for adults, youth and children; b) actively collaborating with mental health and medical professionals regarding mental health assessment; diagnostic testing; medication recommendations and management; and ongoing services for parents, youth and children; c) ensuring ongoing court approval for use of psychotropic medication is in place for children and youth in placement; d) advocating on behalf of parents, youth and children regarding the mental health services they receive.
ICWA The group discussed whether or not to make additions to the ICWA learning objectives to include key concepts from Katie A. We agreed that we would wait to hear back from Irene Becker regarding her consultation with Tribal Star before making changes to these learning objectives. A trainer in the Bay Area requested that we not make changes to ICWA, but rather include the concepts related to Katie A. and After 18 as they relate to ICWA in an advanced training.
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