Esterhazy High School

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Esterhazy High School

Esterhazy High School

Course Descriptions and Registration Procedures

Grades 10, 11 & 12 2017/2018 Page 2 Table of Contents Page 3 Senior High School Program Policies

Esterhazy High School provides an environment in which students can achieve academic excellence and vocational skills as well as personal, social, and physical development. The courses are designed to prepare students to continue study at university or at technical institutes, or to move directly into the world of work.

The large number of courses offered makes it possible for students to select subjects that are appropriate to their vocational aim and in keeping with their ability. Parents and students are encouraged to study this calendar carefully so that they are able to choose courses which match their needs. The ability of the student must be considered. Courses above the student’s ability cause frustration and encourage dropping out of school; courses that are too easy become monotonous and fail to provide the challenge that is required to promote the most valuable learning situations. By taking subjects that are considered easy, the student may be closing the door to many careers that later appeal to him/her; by selecting subjects that require a more vigorous application of ability s/he may be demanding the impossible.

The Students Services Center provides a counseling service to assist students in clarifying their goals, in assessing their own strengths and weaknesses, and in selecting a satisfying program. Parents and students are encouraged to contact the center at 745-6618 or to drop in for an interview.

It is hoped that this calendar will help to make the student happier and more successful, and that s/he will emerge from High School adequately prepared to continue her/his education.

Factors to Consider in Selecting Classes

A)COURSE LOAD for GRADES 10 to 12* (*EHS School Policy Effective 2005/2006 School Year)  Course Load refers to the number of courses in which a student registers for a school year  Grade 10 students can only take grade 10 credit courses (except when fast-tracking math, taking Computer Science 20 or by Office Approval prior to registration).  A student must have at least 85% in Math 9 in order to fast- track math in grade 10  Only Grade 12 students are permitted to take Canadian Studies 30, English Language Arts A30, or English Language Arts B30  Minimum course load per year : Grade 10 – 10 courses Page 4 Grade 11 – 9 courses Grade 12 – 8 courses  Open Campus shall be implemented for all students from Grade 10 to Grade 12  Any student who does not carry the required number of courses to completion shall forfeit his/her Open Campus privileges.  Exceptions to any of these regulations shall be made on a case by case basis by the school administration B.) In selecting classes, students and parents should first examine Ministry of Education regulations. This will indicate the minimum requirements set down by the Department of Education for completing a Grade XII standing. Students and parents are advised, however, to plan their programs early and very carefully, particularly if a student is planning to continue in any post-secondary educational institute.

Entrance requirements into University, Institutes of Applied Arts and Sciences and Technical Schools will vary and may differ from the Department of Education requirements. Students should seek assistance from the Guidance Counselor when making selections.

The staff of Esterhazy High makes every effort to help students in planning their senior programs and keeping track of credits earned. ULTIMATELY, it is the responsibility of students and their parents (guardians) to choose appropriate courses and keep a tally of credits earned so that graduation is achieved.

C.) There is a SK Learning policy of prerequisites in courses of various subject areas. Students must become familiar with these requirements. These are clearly laid out in the centerfold of the booklet.

D.) The minimum graduation requirements will be 24 credits, 5 of which must be at the 30 level. Graduation requirements are minimum requirements for Grade 12 Standing. Students may choose to exceed these requirements.

E.) There are now 15 compulsory credits at the senior level. They include: i) five required credits in English Language Arts; ii) three required credits in social sciences; compulsory HISTORY 10 in grade 10; a choice of HISTORY 20, PSYCHOLOGY 20 or LAW 30; compulsory SOCIAL STUDIES 30 (Canadian Studies) or HISTORY 30 in grade 12; iii) two required credits in mathematics; iv) two required credits in science; v) two required credits in arts education and/or practical and applied arts; and vi) a physical education course vi) Career & Work Exploration 10 (required at EHS).

F.) Students will be required by SK Learning to take nine elective courses at the secondary level. These courses will include at least six courses at Grade 11 or 12. To fulfill elective credit requirements, Page 5 students may choose from the required Areas of Study, the Practical and Applied Arts, language courses, and locally developed courses.

G.) Modified Programs Students may still choose to participate in an individualized, modified program. Although students will still be taught the core objectives and content of the courses, they will have reduced expectations in terms of quantity of work, types of assignments and exams, etc. Therefore, since the work required would be substantially modified from the regular course requirements, students would receive an 11, 21 or 31 credit for the classes. The purpose of this program is to accommodate students who are having difficulties with basic skills and to help develop these skills to a level that will allow them to operate successfully in today’s society.

Participation in such an individualized program is a decision that students, parents/guardians and teachers should be involved in. As you make your decision, be aware that modified classes will not be accepted by the majority of University programs and some Technical School courses; therefore, we encourage you to check the entrance requirements with our Guidance Department. In addition, once a student has taken a modified class, s/he cannot take a regular credit course in that subject at the next grade level unless s/he repeats a regular credit course at the previous grade level. For example, if the student received a credit in Math 11, s/he could enroll in Math 21 but not in Math 20 unless s/he took Math 10.

A modified class is offered in the following subjects: . English A11, B11, A21, A31, B31 . History 11, 21 . Math 11, 21 . Social Studies 31 A consent form is available which parents/guardians must sign to give permission to enroll in an individualized, modified program.

Registration 201 5-2016

The elective classes are tentatively offered for the 2015-2016 school year. Classes with low enrollments will not be included in the final timetabling. Students are required to fill out a registration form provided by the Student Services department.

It is suggested that students/parents begin a school folder at home in which to keep this booklet and any further information for easy access in the future. The centerfold is ideal for keeping track of future choices and credits. Students not planning to return to school should state this on his/her form and hand it into the homeroom teacher or guidance counselor. Page 6


CWE 10 (Career and Work Exploration) 1 Credit no prereq

CWE10 will provide access to current information through a wide variety of career development resources. Students will complete several types of personality tests, become aware of trends in the world of work, explore post-secondary education and training, and develop job search strategies including creating a personal career portfolio. Other topics include skills, occupational health and safety, labour standards, keeping a job, understanding a pay cheque and budgeting.

ELA A10 (English Language Arts) 1 Credit prereq Gr. 9 ELA

The aims of the English Language Arts program are to have students: . comprehend and respond to a variety of media (print, oral, visual). . compose and create with a variety of media. . assess and reflect on their own language skills. ELAA10 is organized around two major themes: The Challenges of Life, and The Mysteries of Life.

ELA B10 (English Language Arts) 1 Credit prereq Gr. 9 ELA

The aims of the English Language Arts program are to have students: . comprehend and respond to a variety of media (print, oral, visual). . compose and create with a variety of media. . assess and reflect on their own language skills. ELAB10 is organized around two major themes: Equity and ethics, and The World Around and Within Us.

HIS 10 (History 10) 1 Credit prereq Social Studies 9

This course covers themes in Early Modern European history. From political change and the French Revolution, to industrialization in Great Britain, we will examine evolving democratic rights from the 18th to 20th centuries.

MFPC10 (Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10) 1 Credit prereq Math 9 Page 7 Content in the Foundations pathway was chosen to meet the needs of students intending to pursue careers in areas that typically require university, but are not math intensive, such as the humanities, fine arts, social sciences, and nursing. Contents of the Pre-Calculus pathway were chosen to meet the needs of students interested in pursuing careers in science-related areas.

MWA10 (Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 10) 1 Credit prereq Math 9

Content in this pathway was chosen to meet the needs of students intending to pursue careers in the trades and general workplaces. Students who enjoy hands-on work would be well-suited for this pathway.

SCI 10 (Science 10) 1 Credit prereq Science 9

. Core Unit A: Chemical Reactions . Core Unit B: Weather Dynamics . Core Unit C: Motion . Core Unit D: Sustainability of Ecosystems

. WEL 10 (Wellness 10) 1 Credit

The Wellness 10 program emphasizes a balanced lifestyle through healthy choices. An understanding of fitness and implementation of daily fitness program are key parts of the course. Flexibility, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness are taught, practiced and tested. The primary goal of the course is to enhance students’ attitudes concerning positive lifestyle decisions. Many of the activities are lifetime in nature, so that students will be able to participate in activities at a recreational, as well as competitive, level in the future.

COMPULSORY SUBJECT OFFERINGS GRADE 11 : Page 8 ELA 20 (English Language Arts) 1 Credit prereq ELA A10 & ELA B10

By Grade 11 students are developing a more specialized capability of reflecting and responding to language and literature, and are becoming increasingly capable of objectively reflecting on self. As such, this course focuses on the issues that students experience on life’s journey. The two themes for ELA20 include “Starting Out – Beginning and Becoming” and “Moving Forward – Establishing and Realizing.” These two themes serve as vehicles to experience and develop the various language processes of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

MF20 (Math Foundations 20) 1 Credit prereq MFPC10

Topics of Study: . Inductive and Deductive Reasoning . Properties of Angles and Triangles . Acute Triangle Trigonometry . Oblique Triangle Trigonometry . Statistical Reasoning . System of Linear Inequalities . Quadratic Functions and Equations . Proportional Reasoning

MPC20 (Math Pre-calculus 20) 1 Credit prereq MFPC10

Topics of Study: 1. Patterns . Sequence and Series . Trigonometry 2. Quadratics . Quadratic Functions . Quadratic Equations Page 9 3. Functions and Equations . Radical Expressions and Equations . Rational Expressions and Equations . Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions 4. System of Equations and Inequalities . System of Equations . Linear and Quadratic Inequalities

MWA20 (Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 20) 1 Credit prereq MWA10

Content in this pathway was chosen to meet the needs of students intending to pursue careers in the trades and general workplaces. Students who enjoy hands-on work would be well-suited for this pathway.

Topics of Study: . Slope and Rate of Change . Graphical Representations . Surface Area, Volume and Capacity . Trigonometry of Right Triangles . Scale Representations . Financial Services . Personal Budgets Page 10


ELA A30 (English Language Arts) 1 Credit prereq ELA 20

English A30 addresses national issues as reflected in the traditional and contemporary literature of Canada and its regions. The themes of the course are:  Canada Landscapes: Diverse and Dynamic  Canadian Perspectives: Distinct and Rich

ELA B30 (English Language Arts) 1 Credit prereq ELB 200

This course examines global perspective using traditional and contemporary world literature in a comparative manner. The theses for this course are: . World Perspectives . The Human Condition . The Social Experience

HCS 30 (History 30) 1 Credit (HIS 20 recommended) prereq HIS 10

The goal of History 30 is to help students understand the major issues facing Canadians at the end of the twentieth century. The course deals with the time period 1620 to the present and covers topics such as the arrival of the first Europeans, First Nations and land issues, the Fur Trade, Confederation, Riel Rebellion, Settling the West, Women’s right to vote, Universal Medicare, the Winnipeg General Strike, Quebec and the Quiet Revolution, Immigration, Multiculturalism and the Charter of Rights. It is strongly recommended that students take History 20.

SCS 30 (Social Studies 30) 1 Credit prereq HIS 10

The focus of this course in on Canada as it is today. We will develop these insights by examining some important historical events and periods, and compare them to current rights, morals, and practices. Page 11


ACC 10 (Accounting 10) 1 Credit no prerequisite

Text: Prentice-Hall Accounting: Nine units of study Workbooks are to be purchased by the student. The study of Accounting 10 teaches basic skills and develops values, attitudes and critical thinking required in the business world. The focus is to develop an understanding of service businesses and how accounting methods are used in the bookkeeping and decision making of a business. Some topics of study are the balance sheet, income statements, ledgers, journals, worksheets and end-of-the-year procedures. Computer applications for accounting will be examined and used.

ACC 20 (Accounting 20) 1 Credit prereq ACC 10

Text: Prentice-Hall Accounting: Six units of study Workbooks are to be purchased by the student. The course is a continuation of Accounting 10 and relies heavily on knowledge and procedures from the prerequisite. The focus is to understand the more advanced procedures of accounting for a merchandising business (such as depreciation, payroll and taxation). Computer applications for accounting will be examined and used.

ACC 30 (Accounting 30) 1 Credit prereq ACC 20

Text: Prentice-Hall Accounting: Four units of study Workbooks purchased in Acc 10 or Acc 20 will be used in Acc 30. The course continues to apply previously learned topics to new areas of accounting. Partnerships and Corporations are studies with a focus on the determination of equity and preparation of financial statements. A unit of study will be devoted to the role of accountants in analyzing financial statements and making business-decisions from this analysis.

ART 101 Credit no prereq

Students enrolled in Visual Arts 10 will have the opportunity to explore the language of visual art. Students will be actively involved in learning the language of art as well as creating a number of their own pieces of artwork using various mediums. Students will study different art movements, the world around them and different technologies for inspiration to be used in the creation of their own work.

ART 201 Credit no prereq Page 12 Students enrolled in Visual Arts 20 will have the opportunity to explore a more advanced language of visual art. Students will learn to properly respond to artwork and also to tell a story through their own. Students will create multiple large scale pieces of artwork inspired by relationships, mass media, culture, spirituality and graphic design. Independence will be encouraged throughout the course.

ART 301 Credit no prereq

Students enrolled in Visual Arts 30 will have the opportunity to work independently in creating a portfolio of work. Students will create a multitude of portfolio pieces inspired by artwork from around the world, social Issues and change, film and their own personal identity. Students will be required to work independently throughout the course.

BAN 10/20/30 (Band) (Semester I) 1 Credit each

The Senior Band Programs a unique, proud, vital, and fun part of the total school life for many of Esterhazy High School’s most successful students. At the high school level, the Senior Band Program continues to develop at a higher degree. The many musical, cognitive, and social skills stressed in Gr 6 - 8 band continue to a higher degree. In Music Education, students employ self-discipline, sensitivity, team work and temporal thought (“thinking on one’s feet”) through the unique and personal act of making music. The structure of the Senior Band also encourages the development and utilization of leadership skills through the roles of music performed by the Senior Band, and Student Conductor. The high level of music performed by the Senior Band and the high level of musicianship and responsibility expected from the Senior Band musician provides an ongoing challenge to the most successful and disciplined musicians from the Junior Band Program.

MUS 10/20/30 (Music)(Semester 2) 1 Credit each

Music is Band in semester 2 for students who may want to pursue a musical career, or students who enjoy playing and would like to play both semesters. When students do play both semesters, their skill levels increase rapidly and more effectively. These students will take on more of a leadership/mentoring role.

BIO 30 (Biology 30) 1 Credit prereq Health Science 20 or Environmental Science 20

The major themes of this course are to examine the significance of evolution as a key unifying theme in biology and to explore what life is and how it changes over time. Students will examine the organization of life in all kingdoms through the study of biomolecules, cellular processes, and organism function. In genetics and biotechnology, students will explore inheritance, and how information is stored, transmitted, and expressed at chromosomal and molecular levels. Student inquiry will guide independent investigations of biology-related phenomena. Page 13 CAL 30 (Calculus) 1 Credit prereq MAT B30 & MAT C30

This class is intended to provide enrichment, extension and application of high school math and a basis for further study in math and science fields that require calculus. Units: . Introduction . Functions . Limits and Continuity . Differentiatio n . Applications of Derivatives to Curve Sketching . Practical Applications of Derivatives . Derivatives of the Transcendental Functions . Integration . The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

CCK 10 (Commercial Cooking 10) 1 Credit no prereq

The aim of commercial cooking 10 is to provide students with proper entry level knowledge and skills of the food industry. Students will have the opportunity to prepare and serve a variety of different dishes. A willingness to work as a team member is required. Students are required to spend a short amount of time working in the canteen throughout the course.

CCK 20 (Commercial Cooking 20) 1 Credit prereq CCK 10

The aim of commercial cooking is to provide students with an intermediate to advanced level of knowledge and skill to be used in the food industry. Students will have the opportunity to prepare and serve a variety of different dishes. A willingness to work as a team member is required. Students are required to spend a short amount of time working in the canteen throughout the course. All curricular objectives outlined for Commercial Cooking 20 are met in this program.

CCK 30 (Commercial Cooking 30) 1 Credit prereq CCK20

The aim of commercial cooking 30 is to provide students with an advanced knowledge and skill to be used in the food industry. Students will explore more advanced cooking techniques than in previous CCK classes. Students will have the opportunity to prepare and serve a variety of different dishes. A willingness Page 14 to work as a team member as well as a strong ability to work independently is required. Students are required to spend a short amount of time working in the canteen throughout the course.

CHM 30 (Chemistry 30) 1 Credit prereq Physical Science 20

A major focus of the course is the study of the role of chemical properties and bonds in determining what makes materials suitable for use in specific applications. Students will actively investigate the nature of equilibrium in chemical reactions. In electrochemistry, students explore oxidation-reduction reactions and the impact of electrochemistry on society and the environment. Other topics include organic compounds and acid-base chemistry. Student inquiry will guide independent investigations of chemistry-related phenomena.

CHO 10 (Choral 10) 1 Credit no prereq

This class will incorporate several aspects: music performance, knowledge of music literature and some theory. An attempt will be made to develop the singer’s ability to sing in harmony and to widen his/her experience with a variety of choral literature. Selections from different music periods, as well as contemporary music, will be sung. Singing in two, three and four part will be stressed. Students will be required to take choral for both semesters, perhaps three hours a week, to obtain one credit.

CHO 20 (Choral 20) 1 Credit no prereq

The continuation of skill development of Choral 10. It will involve study of the following areas: Performance - the student will develop accurate intonation, clear diction, good breath control and quality of tone. Sight reading skill will developed. Music literature - music will cover different periods and styles of music. Students will learn background material of the period and styles of each piece of music performed Theory - theory at a more advanced level than choral 10 will be studied. Ear training will also receive attention.

CHO 30 (Choral 30) 1 Credit no prereq

Skill development will advance from Choral 20. The following areas will be emphasized: . Choral technique and ability to sing parts. . Music literature - music of different periods and styles will sung. . Ear training and sight singing.

CTF 10 (Clothing, Textiles & Fashion) 1 Credit no prereq

The Clothing, Textiles, and Fashion curriculum guide focuses on developing an understanding of basic concepts basic skills associated in the areas of clothing, textiles, and fashion. This is a beginner course and Page 15 students will learn how to operate sewing machines, sergers and how to use various other pieces of sewing equipment. Students will create multiple projects to take home throughout the course.

CTF 30 (Clothing, Textiles & Fashion) 1 Credit no prereq

The Clothing, Textiles, and Fashion curriculum guide focuses on developing an understanding of key theoretical concepts and on practising skills associated with the areas of clothing, textiles, and fashion. There is a balance of personal and work-based skills promoted throughout the course. Students will spend many hours creating a final advanced sewing project of their choice towards the end of the course.

CM 10 (Communication Media 10) 1 Credit no prereq

Communication Media 10 develops knowledge, skills, and abilities in audio, video, and multimedia production technologies. Throughout the course, students participate in hands-on production-oriented activities, labs, and projects. Students engage in research and use industry specific terminology. Wherever possible, students learn concepts, volcabulary, and skills within the context of an actual production experience. The course encourages students to work as contributing members of a production team, engaged in processes commonly used within the communication production industry.

CAC 10/20/30 (Building Construction) 1 Credit prereq 10 for 20 prereq 20 for 30

Last semester we offered a building construction 10 class for the first time and are further expanding to offer the 20 & 30 credits this next year. In this class we design, plan, order material, and build a garden shed structure. If numbers warrant I am planning to offer all three classes in one semester in a block. You will be able to take one credit or all 3 credits. We will look at different types of shed structures and choose a structure to build. We will build all the components including floor systems, wall construction, rafter construction, roofing products, siding options, building windows & doors, installing windows and doors, and may consider electrical and finishing options for the garden shed. Of course we will be learning about and using all types of power tools that would be used on a construction site. Students will have the opportunity to experience all aspects of the building construction field.

CSC 20 (Computer Science 20) 1 Credit no prereq

CSC20 introduces students to the field of computer science. The philosopy of computer science education is to prepare technically literate individuals who value computer science and appreciate its role in society. Through the programming chapters, students learn about modern event-driven programming using Visual Basic. Throughout the course, students develop a number of programs for the Windows operating system. In addition, students study essential hardware concepts and they get a chance to build a system from scratch.

CSC 30 (Computer Science 30) 1 Credit prereq CSC 20 Page 16 This course extends a sudent’s computer science skills. Students learn how develop object- oriented programs using the Java programming language. The Java programming language is currently the programming language of choice for universities, colleges and technical schools. The programming assignments in Comp Sci. 30 involve planning, reasoning, organizing and documentation. Using hardware provided in the lab, students build computers for this course.

CWE 20 (Career & Work Exploration 20) 1 Credit prereq CWE10

60 hour job placement Work Experience allows the student to have an opportunity to explore various types of employment situations. The major amount of time in the class sees the student in the work environment. This requires flexibility on the part of the student to be at the work site during non-school hours (after school, evenings, weekends, or non-school days) and to have a method of transportation to get to and from work. The time allotted in a student’s timetable can act as a spare for that student to complete homework. Also students who currently have part-time jobs usually have a harder time trying to manage a job and a work placement. Beyond the job placement hours required at each level, the remaining class time in each of these credits is devoted to work-related issues such as looking for a job, resume design, interviews, employer expectations, workplace considerations, gross income, net income, basic tax return, safe work places, Occupational Health & Safety issues, Saskatchewan Best and other work topics. Students may indicate their interest on the registration form, BUT APPROVAL is based on openings in the community, the need for credits and only by approval from the administration. Note! Since this is a community placement, students who are unsuccessful in their first placement are highly unlikely to get a second opportunity in CWE20.

CWE 30A (Career & Work Exploration 30A)1 Credit prereq CWE20

70 hour job placement

CWE 30B (Career & Work Exploration 30B)1 Credit prereq CWE30

80 hour job placement

CWR 20 (Creative Writing) 1 Credit (prereq ELA A10 or ELA B10)

This English course is designed to further develop student’s creative writing abilities and to refine their writing skills. Students practice a variety of writing forms which require increasingly complex levels of thought and imagination. They also have an opportunity to create and prepare various literary genres. Students learn about language processes, elements, and conventions as they read, write, and discuss their own and others’ writing. The relevance of creative writing to students is in the exploration and unique expression of their own ideas. Writing, like other art forms, is about meaning, whether that meaning has to do with narrative, daily life, or imagination. Page 17

DRM 20/30 (Drama 20/30) 1 Credit no prereq

The courses allow students to experience all aspects of drama: acting, set construction, make-up, lighting, costuming, scene interpretation and direction. The course will include participating in a special project - a willingness to memorize material and perform in front of large audiences is required. Several hours will be spent after school for rehearsals, lighting, set construction, etc. toward the end of the semester. All curricular objectives outlined for Drama 20/30 are met in this program.

DRV 10 - (Driver Education) No Credit

Driver Education includes 30 hours in-class, as well as, 6 hours in-car training. These classes will be held at noon or after school. Town students are expected to take the after school class.

ERSC 30 (Earth Science 30) 1 Credit prereq Environmental or Physical Science 20

Students will examine our planet’s geological origins and the geological timescale as a foundation to guide decision making with regard to the use of its ineral and energy resources, the maintenance and remediation of the environmen, and response to geological hazards. Hands-on field experiences will enable students to develop visual –spacial reasoning skills and an understanding of the role of Geographic Information Systems. Students will also explore the historical and contemporary significance of Earth Science and related careers.

ENT 30 (Entrepreneurship) 1 Credit no prereq

Entrepreneurship is a course that is centered around the philosophy of developing students entrepreneurial skills and attitudes while providing them with information on how to creatively solve problems, identify entrepreneurial opportunities, generate ideas, determine where and how to find assistance and support, and to plan for their success.

ENSC 20 (Environmental Science) 1 Credit prereq SCI 10

Students wil learn how to examine local and global environmental issues such as climate change, water, soil, air quality, urbanization, bioresource management, waste handling and disposal, land-use planning, and the impacts of agriculture and industry on the environment from scientific and indigenous knowledge perspectives. Students will examine the role of environemntal policies and ethics on decision making, and will investigage environmental science related careers. Student directed studies will lead to the development of environental action plans.

FRE 10 (French) 1 Credit prereq Gr 9 French

The course includes new vocabulary along with points of grammar. There are more verbs, regular and irregular, and tenses including the present, past, future, conditional and imperfect tenses. Oral practice Page 18 receives heavy emphasis. Vocabulary study, grammatical constructions and written work are also stressed. Much of the work is Gr. 9 material in greater depth. Students will take part in major projects, skits and group work.

FRE 20 (French) 1 Credit prereq French 10

Different components of this course include: . reading selections to introduce new vocabulary & encourage discussions. . a review of grammar from Grade 10. . new grammar concepts and verb tenses including, conditionnel passé, futur anterieur and plus-que parfait. . dialogues and skits in front of the class. . various reading selections about French culture. . activities may include films, games, individual and group projects, show and tell presentations, individual presentations & French Olympics.

FRE 30 (French) 1 Credit prereq French 20

This course includes: . review of material learned in French 20 . new structures such as passive voice & the subjunctive . this class functions and follows in the same way as French 200.

GAR 20 (Graphic Arts 10) 1 Credit no prereq

Students enrolled in Graphic Arts 20 will have the opportunity to learn about the evolution of printing, to use equipment, techniques, materials and processes used in the industry, and to develop an awareness of the many opportunities, both personal and professional in the graphic arts industry. Students can expect to use Adobe Photoshop as well as many other graphics programs in this course.

GAR 30 (Graphic Arts 20) 1 Credit prereq Graphic Arts 20 Page 19 In Graphic Arts 30 students will have the opportunity to learn advanced techniques in which they can create their own graphic designs. Students will complete multiple projects throughout the term. Students will not only be able to understand more advanced design concepts in graphic arts but will also be able to develop as their own individual graphic artists. Students can expect to refine their ability in using Adobe Photoshop, design and composition, photography skills and silk screen techniques.

HSC 20 (Health Science 20) 1 Credit prereq SCI 10

This course will challenge students to look at the health science field from holistic and analytic perspectives to provide a basis for making sound personal health choices. Students will apply information in the areas of medical knowledge systems and ethics, human anatomy and physiology, nutrition and metabolism, and medical diagnostics. Understanding the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body will provide a context for studying the normal and abnormal functioning of various body systems and the tools and techniques used to diagnose those systems. Students will also investigate the range of health science careers and post-secondary programs available in Saskatchewan.

HIS 20 (History) 1 Credit prereq HIS 10 recommended

History 20 covers modern world history as a chronological study of the World Wars, the Cold War, and reaching as far into present day as possible. The course looks at how the world changed as a result of extreme situations, governments and ideologies throughout the world in the 20th century.

IMM 10/20/30 (Industrial Mechanic/Millwright) 1 Credit prereq 10 for 20 and 20 for 30

This program is geared toward the industrial trades. It will encompass all the metal trades: industrial mechanic, pipefitting, welding and metallurgy, basic electricity, rigging, layout (drafting and blueprint reading), fabrication, machining, safety, WHMIS, communication, trade math, and first aid. This program will provide students with essential work, life skills, and academic development in full and part-time trades to promote life-long learning opportunities. This program would be beneficial to students interested in entering the SIAST Industrial Mechanic apprenticeship program. Apprenticeship hours in this program will count towards a journeyman status.

The course will be offered at CPS in the afternoon, with the possibility that some modules of the program been taught at EHS.

IND 30 (Interior Design 30) 1 Credit no prereq Page 20 The aim of Interior Design is to be aware that design both shapes, and is shaped, by our surroundings. Interior Design allows the students to learn about design fundamentals, apply them to a variety of situations and then creatively use them in the application module.

INP 10 (Info Processing 10) 1 Credit no prereq

Information processing involves students in managing and processing digital information effectively and efficiently. The integration of keyboarding, electronic communication and computer applications offered in this program provides students with the practical business knowledge and skills to function effectively in a changing technological and market-based society.

INP 20 (Info Processing 20) 1 Credit prereq INP 10

INP20 involves information processing for business use. Topics include: . INFO105A— Touch keyboarding . INFO109— Business information processing . INFO112— Databases . Introduction to relational database management systems . Relational database techniques . Querying, searching, sorting and creating report with a database . Database integration with word processors and spreadsheets . INFO119— Desktop publishing . INFO113— Skills for entry level employees . PHGA09— Introduction to digital photography . CPTH07B— Intermediate multimedia production

INP 30 (Info Processing 30) 1 Credit prereq INP 20 Page 21 INP30 involves information processing for managerial use. Topics include: . INFO105B— Intermediate keyboarding . INFO110— Managerial information processing . INFO114— Intermediate word processing . Styles, outlines, tables and automated table of contents . Merged documents (Object Linking and Embedding) . Integrating a word processor with other software and the WWW . INFO116— Intermediate spreadsheet applications . Working with lists . Multiple worksheets and workbooks . Importing data into a spreadsheet . EXTENDED STUDY MODULE—Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) . PHGA16— Intermediate digital photography . PHGA39— Scanning and Design . PHGA17— Digital manipulation

LAW 30 (Law) 1 Credit HIS 10 recommended

Law 30 explores the Canadian legal system, legal relationships between individuals and each other, employers and the state. Students will explore family, consumer, community and international justice issues. They will explore their rights, freedoms and obligations in the community and to each other. It will prepare them to become active, informed, productive citizens.

MF 30 (Math Foundations 30) 1 Credit prereq MF20

Financial Mathematics Page 22  Investing Money  Borrowing Money Focus: Problem Solving using formulas and technology (TI-83 Plus calculator) Reasoning and Number Sense  Set Theory and Logic  Counting Methods  Probability Focus: Reasoning and problem solving Functions  Polynomials – linear, quadratic and cubic  Exponential and Logarithmic Functions  Sinusoidal Functions Focus: Analyzing Graphs of Functions and problem solving using technology (TI-83 Plus calculator)

MPC 30 (Math Pre-Calculus 30) 1 Credit prereq MPC20

Students in Pre-Calculus 30 will study topics such as;

 Angles in standard position, expressed in degrees and radians.  The unit circle and its relationship to the six trigonometric ratios for any angle in standard position.  Graphs of the primary trigonometric functions.  First- and second-degree trigonometric equations.  Trigonometric identities.  Operations on, and compositions of, functions.  Including horizontal and vertical translations, and horizontal and vertical stretches. Page 23  Functions, relations, inverses and their related equations resulting from reflections.  Logarithms.  Polynomials and polynomial functions.  Radical and rational functions.  Permutations.  Combinations of elements.

MWA 30 (Math Workplace and Apprenticeship) 1 Credit prereq MWA20

Students are required to purchase the student workbook and have a scientific calculator that has line display and fraction capabilities. Units to be studied are:  Linear Relations  Limits to Measurement  Statistics  Probability  Properties of Geometric Figures  Geometry Transformations  Trigonometry  Operating a Small Business

MST 20 (Media Studies) 1 Credit prereq ELA A10 or ELA B10

This course is designed to help students better understand mass communication and popular culture. Students explore the impact of mass media on the individual and society, including television, popular novels, magazines, photography, radio, film, and video. Students have an opportunity to read, view, write, and discuss critically as they examine the media which influences their lives.

PAA A10/A20/A30 (Practical & Applied Arts 10/20/30) 1 Credit no prereq

This Practical & Applied Arts course is designed to bring about an awareness in the Technological Age in which we live. Experiences with technical processes and materials allow students to determine interests in Page 24 a variety of occupations and also to become cautious and critical consumers. The course will be structured with as much individual programming as possible. For example, students who have not taken previous Industrial Arts classes will be starting at the introductory levels and advancing at their own rate to the more advanced levels. Students who have taken previous courses in IAS (Gr. 8 & 9) will continue from that level to more advanced and exploratory work. Individual programming also allows students to work in areas of study which they are most interested and/or apply to their possible future occupations. The areas of study are drafting, graphic arts, photography, electricity, mechanics, woods, plastics, metals machining and welding (oxyacetylene, mig and arc).

PED 20 & 30 (Physical Education 20 & 30) 1 Credit no prereq

The credit program is designed to provide students with a high level of physical activity during class. Students are expected to provide a 100% effort during drills and application games. The class provides an opportunity to increase knowledge and skills in a variey of areas. The goal is to provide students with the confidence and positive attitude required to make physical activity a lifestyle choice. Evaluation is based on skill level, knowledge, attitude and fitness.

PSC 20 (Physical Science) 1 Credit prereq SCI 10

This course combines elements of Chemistry 20 and Physics 20 in an integrated hands-on manner to investigate concepts related to heating and cooling, the foundations of chemistry, including the mole and quantitative analysis of molecules and chemical reactions, and the characteristics and properties of electromagnetic radiation. An overarching theme is the study of the enterprise of public and private science as it occurs in agriculture, industry, and universities to help students better understand the physical science related career paths. Student inquiry will guide independent investigations of physical science phenomena.

PHY 30 (Physics) 1 Credit prereq Physical Science 20

This course enables students to investigate concepts related to modern physics such as quantum mechanics, relativity, and nuclear physics. Students will use Newtonian mechanics to analyze various types of motion and the forces that cause motion. Using the conservation laws of momentum and energy, students will analyze and predict the results of interactions between objects. Lastly, students will explore gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields and their interactions. Student inquiry will guide independent investigations of physics-related phenomena.

PSY 20 (Psychology) 1 Credit no prereq Page 25 Psychology 200 covers the development of Psychology; various methods used by psychologists like hypnosis and psychological experiments; heredity vs. environment influences; the brain, sleep and dreams; cults and brainwashing; theories which try to explain various personalities; intelligence and IQ; how memory works; sensation and perception; optical illusions and subliminal messages; an explanation of motivation and how emotion works; dealing with frustration, conflict, and stress; mental illness of all kinds and their treatments; social psychology and analyzing how people behave in groups; understanding issues such as depression, drug & alcohol addition, eating disorders, abuse, abusive relationships, etc.

PSY 30AP (Advanced Placement Psychology 30) 1 Credit

It is a 100 level first year university class. It runs through both semesters. Students get high school credits for the class, (Psych 20 and AP Psych 30) but they can also get university credit for the class if they score well on the Advanced Placement Final Exam, (around May 15). AP classes are offered in many large city schools, but very few small towns are able to offer the same opportunity. The topics covered are as follows: Thinking Critically/ Neuroscience and Behavior/ Heredity & Environment/ Human Development/ Sensation/ Perception/ States of Consciousness/ Learning/ Memory/Thinking and Language/ Intelligence/ Motivation/ Emotion/ Stress and Health/ Personality/ Psychological Disorders/ Therapy/ Social Psychology.

SCS20 (Social Studies) 1 Credit prereq HIS 10

Social Studies 20, like History 20 focuses on global issues as a theme. Social Studies 20 focuses on modern global issues including population growth, the environment, human rights, and one of the biggest issues we face globally is conflict. Throughout the course students will look at what is happening around the world and try to analyze the issues and seek potential solutions.

WLD 10/20/A30/B30 (Welding) 1 Credit

Introduces you to working with the oxy-acetylene torch, arc welding, mig welder and the various power tools used in a welding shop. We will cover shop and torch safety as well as basic cutting and welding procedure.

The majority of your time will be spent welding.

Secondary Math FAQ’s

1. How will students know which pathway to choose?

Page 26 The Ministry is recommending that students enrol in both Grade 10 pathways. This will allow students to identify the math that is most suitable for them, as well as allow students to complete any single pathway in one year. The most important thing to understand about the pathways is that they are PATHWAYS and NOT STREAMS. Think of the pathways like the sciences in grades 11 and 12. There is no intended hierarchy among biology, chemistry, and physics. Similarly, there is no hierarchy among Workplace and Apprenticeship, Foundations of Mathematics, and Pre-calculus. They are different types of mathematics for different purposes.

Students MUST NOT be routed into any pathway based on their math ability. Students choose the appropriate math pathway(s) based on what they currently believe will best meet their interests and needs after high school. There are many ways that schools can support students to come to better understand which pathway(s) is the best fit for them. One way is to use the new Career Education courses in Grades 6- 9 to support student understanding.

2. What do the students who require a modified math take?

Students who legitimately need to have a modified math program (i.e., the decision to place the student in modified math is based on the student’s knowledge and ability rather than on the student’s behaviour, attendance, or attitude) should continue with the current Math 11 and 21 courses. In the future, the Ministry will support the development of courses that will meet the needs of students who require modified programming.

3. Can a student take more than one pathway?

Yes, they will receive credits for all courses taken. Students can also take courses from different pathways at the same time, but not courses from the same pathway concurrently.

4. What if a student decides to change pathways?

In order to take any grade 11 course, the student must have the pre-requisite grade 10 course from that pathway; similarly, in order to take any grade 12 course, the student must have the pre-requisite grade 11 course from that pathway. Much of the content in one grade of a pathway builds upon the content of the previous grade of that pathway.

5. What will the post-secondary mathematics entrance requirements be?

Page 27 The post-secondary institutions are currently determining their entrance requirements. Once we receive this information it will be provided to schools via their school division offices.

6. Which of the new mathematics courses will be accepted as a pre-requisite for Physics 30?

Until the Physics 20 and 30 curricula are renewed, Physics 30 can be taken if a student has received credit for any of the new 20 level mathematics courses. Physics 20 and Math A30 also continue to serve as a pre- requisite. The pre-requisites will be re-examined when the Physics curricula is renewed.

7. Is the Calculus curriculum changing as well?

Yes, the Ministry is planning to renew the Calculus curriculum for the 2012 school year. The changes in the content of the Pre-calculus pathway have caused parts of the current Calculus curriculum to be redundant. These redundancies will be addressed in the new Calculus curriculum, along with a shift in the philosophy and design to align the curriculum with the new pathways. Additional content will not be added to the new curriculum.

Secondary Science FAQ’s Page 28 1. What changes are underway in secondary science?  Three new courses – Environmental Science 20, Health Science 20, and Physical Science 20 – are being introduced in 2014/15. These will replace Biology 20, Chemistry 20 and Physics 20 in 2015/16.  Earth Science 30 is being introduced as a new course in 2015/16.  Renewed Biology 30, Chemistry 30 and Physics 30 will be available in 2015/16.  Renewed Computer Science 20 and 30 will be available in 2016/17.

2. Will students still learn chemistry, physics and biology in the new Grade 11 science courses?  Students will still experience most of the core disciplinary ideas from each of the current Grade 11 chemistry, physics and biology courses. The major difference is that they will experience these ideas in interdisciplinary, rather than discipline-specific courses.

3. What are the graduation requirements?  Graduation requirements have not changed as part of secondary science curriculum renewal. Students still require Science 10 and one science at Grade 11 or 12. Credit requirements are outlined in Core Curriculum: Principles, Time Allocations, and Credit Policy (2011), which is available at %20of%20Education.pdf

4. What is the new prerequisite structure?  The following prerequisites will be in place for all secondary science courses once renewal is complete. Secondary level prerequisites for the current year are available at Prerequisite2017-18%20(legal%20size%20pink%20sheet).pdf

5. How will students know which courses to choose?  As was the case before this curriculum renewal, students should choose science courses based on what they currently believe will best fit their needs and interests after high school and what requirements are required from their post-secondary institution.

6. Should students take Environmental Science 20 and Biology 30 or should they take Health Science 20 and Biology 30? Which courses are recommended to keep students options open for post-secondary?  All choices of which courses to take should be based on student interest and their own career planning. For example, a student planning to become a medical laboratory technician may find it more valuable to take Health Science 20, whereas a student planning on becoming an environmental engineering technologist may prefer to take Environmental Science 20. Page 29 7. Which courses are required for different post-secondary institutions’ programs? Will post-secondary institutions be sharing this information on their websites?  Post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan (and some outside of Saskatchewan) are aware of the new science courses and have been revising their admission requirements to reflect these courses. Each institution will make final determinations on prerequisites once the new courses are finalized and will share that information on their respective websites.

8. What are the options for students who require a modified science course?  Students who require a modified science program should continue with the current Science 11 and 21 courses. In the future, the ministry will support the development of courses that will meet the needs of students who require modified programming.

9. How much longer will schools be able to offer the old science courses?  Biology 20, Chemistry 20 and Physics 20 will no longer be available beginning with the 2015/16 school year.  The current Biology 30, Chemistry 30, and Physics 30 will no longer be available beginning with the 2016/17 school year.  The current Computer Science 20 and 30 will no longer be available beginning with the 2017/18 school year.

10. What are the postsecondary institutions saying about Earth Science 30 as an ‘acceptable’ science course for entry?  All of the postsecondary institutions in Saskatchewan are aware that Earth Science 30 is being introduced and are in the process of determining whether it will be added to their lists for early and regular admission. It is best to check directly with the institution to confirm when these decisions have been made.

11. Are course descriptions available for the new courses? The ministry sent course descriptions in English and French for the four new courses to all the directors in January 2013. Revised descriptions are included here.

 Environment al Science 20 o Students will learn how to examine local and global environmental issues from a systems perspective while considering the effects of human actions and a growing global population on the climate and environment, as well as the effects of the environment on human health. They will explore the mechanisms and importance of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and the sustainability of past and current practices and technologies humans have developed to live with and within the environment. o Prerequisite: Science 10 or 11

 Health Science 20 o This course will challenge students to look at the health science field from holistic and analytic perspectives to provide a basis for making sound personal health choices. Students will examine the range of philosophies that guide Page 30 health care and consider ethical decision within those contexts. Understanding the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body will provide a context for studying the normal and abnormal functioning of various body systems, including the role of nutrition and metabolism. Lastly, students will examine diagnostic tools and procedures and how they are used to inform treatment. Students will also investigate the range of health science careers and post-secondary programs available in Saskatchewan. o Prerequisite: Science 10 or 11

 Physical Science 20 o This course combines chemistry and physics in an integrated manner to investigate concepts related to heating and cooling, the foundations of chemistry, including the mole and quantitative analysis of molecules and chemical reactions, and the characteristics and properties of waves. An overarching theme is the study of the enterprise of public and private science as it occurs in agriculture, industry, and universities to help students better understand various physical science related career paths. Student inquiry will guide independent investigations of physical science phenomena. o Prerequisite: Science 10 or 11

 Earth Science 30 o Students will examine our planet’s geological origins and the geological timescale as a foundation to guide decision making with regard to the use of its mineral and energy resources, the maintenance and remediation of the environment, and response to geological hazards. Hands-on field experiences will enable students to develop visual-spatial reasoning skills and an understanding of the role of Geographic Information Systems. Students will also explore the historical and contemporary significance of Earth Science and related careers. o Prerequisite: Physical Science 20 or Environmental Science 20 o (During 2014/15 any 20-level science will be acceptable as a prerequisite) Page 31

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