Knightdale Agriscience Supervised Agricultural Experience Program 2010-2011

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Knightdale Agriscience Supervised Agricultural Experience Program 2010-2011

Learning by Doing

SAE Information 2012-2013

Knightdale High School Agricultural Education Josie Griffin and Madalyn Batts Knightdale Agriscience Supervised Agricultural Experience Program 2012-2013

SAE Requirements: Students in Agriscience, Animal Science I, Environmental and Natural Resources I and Horticulture I are required to earn 500 credits for their SAE over the course of the semester. Students in Animal Science II, ENR II, Horticulture II and Advanced Studies are required to earn 1000 credits for their SAE over the course of the semester. Students enrolled in multiple courses are required to earn all of the credits for the highest level course and half of the required credits for the second and subsequent courses. A student in Horticulture II and Animal Science I would be required to earn 1,250 total credits. Additionally students in all courses except Agriscience and Advanced Studies are expected to participate in activities to earn credits that are directly related to the course. Specifically students in Animal Science are expected to complete an SAE involving animals, students in ENR are expected to complete an SAE relating to the environment, and students in Horticulture should complete an SAE involving plants. However since one of the purposes of the SAE program is for you to learn new things and gain skills you are strongly encouraged to design and conduct an SAE program that encompasses many different areas of agriculture. Your program should also include experiences from multiple parts of the KHS SAE Menu.

All students, regardless of course, will be required to complete the following items for their SAE.  SAE Plan/Agreement- This document is a plan for the students’ SAE for the semester. It should communicate to the teacher what activities the student will use to meet the point requirement for the SAE. It should also include a list of goals the student has for the project. This one page plan goes on the first page of the SAE journal. Students, parents/guardians, and the agriculture teacher must sign- off on the plan. The SAE plan is worth 20 credits.  SAE Project Log- Each week you should record what you have done for your project. Pages 2-4 of the journal are to be reserved for the project log. You should write a brief description of what you did and in the right-margin record how many credits you earned for that activity. Keeping up with your log is worth 10 credits each quarter.  Weekly Reflection- Each week students will write a 1 page reflection describing what they have done for the week relating to their SAE, thoughts on their SAE, and future plans for the SAE. The journal entries are weekly class grades.  SAE Presentation- At the conclusion of the semester, prior to exams, all students will give a presentation to their class about their SAE project. These presentations can consist of posters, videos, or PowerPoint presentations. Your presentation should be 3-4 minutes in length. The presentation is worth 20 credits.  SAE Pictures- All students are required to have pictures of their SAE project. You must be IN THE PICTURE to receive credit. Good pictures show you working on some part of your project. Pictures should be included in the presentation. All students are required to have a minimum of 5 pictures worth 2 credits each. 20 credits is the most you can earn for pictures. TRADITIONAL SAE PROJECTS- Placement and Entrepreneurship These types of SAE involve you either working (for pay or volunteering) at an agri-business or starting and running your own agricultural enterprise/business.

SAE Activity Credits Description Traditional Ag 10 per hour Activities that would be described as traditional ag include working with livestock, raising crops or plants, working on machinery, etc. These activities would also be described as labor intensive. Livestock Show 50 per show Participating in a livestock show will earn you 50 credits per show. This includes all prep (fitting, etc), travel, and show activities. This credit is in lieu of a time credit. Non-Traditional 5 per hour Non-traditional activities would be described as being low-input, low-effort (relatively) tasks. Examples include walking your dog, raking your yard, mowing your grass, etc. Maintenance 5 per hour Maintenance activities are those activities related to a traditional or non-traditional activity that are done to keep the operation working. Examples would include feeding, repairing fences, fertilizing, etc. Supplemental 5 per hour Supplemental activities are those activities that are done in addition to your normal SAE but are not a normal part of it. Examples include changing the oil in a lawnmower, pruning bushes, raking leaves, etc.

RESEARCH SAE PROJECTS- Analytical and Experimental These types of SAE involve you conducting a research project on a topic of your choice and reporting the findings.

SAE Activity Credits Description Agriscience Fair 25 Preparing your project for and presenting it at the Agriscience Fair (either local or state). You must follow all guidelines found in the Agriscience Fair Handbook to earn these credits. Public Service 50 As part of your reporting your findings you may Announcement choose to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA). This must be filmed outside of class time and must be at least 2 minutes in length. Completed PSA’s must be posted online at Research Paper 10 per page Your finished paper, not including title page and table of contents, will be worth 10 credits per page. Pages are to be double-spaced typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font, with standard margins. Partial pages will count for partial credit. All references must be done using APA style. For assistance with creating references see or Research Time 5 per hour Time spent conducting research online, at the library, or in conducting your experiment. A Research Project Log must be completed and submitted to earn these credits. Interviews 10 per Conducting interviews with experts is a critical step interview toward conducting quality research. You will earn 10 credits per completed interview. These credits include the time to setup and conduct the interview. Project Display 25 The project display should contain all the crucial information about your research, including background information, methods (if experimental), and your findings. Pictures and graphics are also appropriate to include. Project Log 25 A completed Research Project Log should be submitted for all research activities. This log is where you will record the time you spent working on the research as well as other information. DIRECTED LAB SAE PROJECTS- Placement, Exploratory, Improvement Directed Lab projects will be done under the supervision of the agriculture teacher and will be customized to the interests and ability of the participating students based on the needs of the Agriculture program.

SAE Activity Credits Description Traditional Ag 10 per hour Activities that would be described as traditional ag include working with livestock, raising crops or plants, working on machinery, etc. These activities would also be described as labor intensive. Non-Traditional 5 per hour Non-traditional activities would be described as being low-input, low-effort (relatively) tasks. Maintenance 5 per hour Maintenance activities are those activities related to a traditional or non-traditional activity that are done to keep the operation working. Examples would include feeding, repairing fences, fertilizing, etc. Supplemental 5 per hour Supplemental activities are those activities that are done in addition to your normal SAE but are not a normal part of it. Examples include changing the oil in a lawnmower, pruning bushes, raking leaves, etc.

* KHS Agriculture teachers reserve the right to determine credit values for special projects as part of the Directed Lab component. Students must sign up for Directed Lab opportunities in advance. COMMUNITY SERVICE SAE PROJECTS- Placement, Exploratory, Improvement Community service projects and volunteering fall under this area. Students are responsible for organizing their own volunteer/community service opportunities although the agriculture teachers will help with identifying places if needed.*

SAE Activity Credits Description Traditional Ag 10 per hour Activities that would be described as traditional ag include working with livestock, raising crops or plants, working on machinery, etc. These activities would also be described as labor intensive. Non-Traditional 5 per hour Non-traditional activities would be described as being low-input, low-effort (relatively) tasks. Maintenance 5 per hour Maintenance activities are those activities related to a traditional or non-traditional activity that are done to keep the operation working. Examples would include feeding, repairing fences, fertilizing, etc. Supplemental 5 per hour Supplemental activities are those activities that are done in addition to your normal SAE but are not a normal part of it. Examples include changing the oil in a lawnmower, pruning bushes, raking leaves, etc.

Past volunteer sites and community service opportunities have included:  Noah’s Landing  Mitchell Mill Animal Hospital  Wake County SPCA  JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes  Umstead State Park  KHS FFA Agri-Life Day

*Court ordered community service cannot be used to satisfy this requirement. TOTAL PROGRAM PARTICIPATION- Exploratory, Supplementary We believe that to maximize your success in agriculture classes it is important for you to participate in the Total Agricultural Education Program- Classroom/Lab, SAE, and FFA. All agriculture students at Knightdale are automatically members of the National FFA Organization. This section outlines how you can earn credits for your participation as an active member of the KHS FFA.

SAE Activity Credits Description Chapter Meetings 15 per Attending the chapter meetings and being an active meeting participant will earn you the full 15 credits per meeting. You must sign in to earn the credits. Officer and 10 per Attending and actively participating in the FFA Committee Meetings meeting committee meetings. You must sign in to earn the credits. Career Development 10 per Career Development Events (CDE’s) are Event Participation practice, 50 competitive events where you can show off the per contest. skills you learn in agriculture classes. Practices are held after school and on weekends. Contests are held during or after school, depending on the event. There will be a slight fee to participate in state-level contests in some cases. Chapter T-Shirt 5 per day, Show your FFA pride! Earn credits for wearing max 10 per your FFA shirts. Your shirt must be visible to earn week. credit (not under a sweatshirt or jacket etc). Ag Teacher must sign off THAT DAY in your journal. Fund Raisers Varies While completely optional participating in FFA fund raisers allows you to gain skills in marketing and presentations that will serve you well later in life. Funds raised go towards paying for field trips, class activities, food for meetings, FFA dues, and lots of other things.

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