Monthly Activity Summary Report

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Monthly Activity Summary Report

GREEN GATE Community Participation Initiative


August 2006 Date: 11/09/2006 Sector: Child Protection

General Summary

The main activities carried out this month summarizes as follows:

1. Child protection mobilization for 3 IDP communities. In Mogadishu. 2. Four communities mobilized in the draughts effected regions. 3. Five Child protection presentations to duty beareres. 4. One advocacy in Middle Jubba. 5. Two referals. Child protection community mobilization program

CPA mobilizing community elders in Dinsor on child protection issues

MOBILIZATION FOR CHILD PROTECTION 4 CPAs which made three teams worked CPCM program with 3 IDP communities in Mogadishu. 8 other CPAs are carrying out their CPCM activities in the draught affected regions, 2 in Gedo, 2 in Bay, 2 in Bakol and 2 in Middle Jubba. The IDP communities were mainly targeted because of their vulnerability to protection problems. Below table is summarized by the mobilization activies carried in August2006.

1 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] NB: Beside the communities mobilized stated in this table there are several other communities maped by the CPAs but still in step 1 and 2 or may be 3,they will be included in the report of September.

Activity Name of District Issues Duration Names of Comm/Center addressed Assigned CPAs Mobilization IDP Damanyo Hodan Street Children Step-7 Sahra & Idil Child labour Street Children Mobilization IDP 20 Waberi Children with Step-8 Jelle december development problem Mobilization IDP Shabelle Hodan Dis-Advantage Step-9 Ibrahim group Mobilization Ajuran Dinsor Disadvantage Step-5 Yusuf& Hassan Community Working children Mobilization IDP Salagle Street children Step -9 Dhoof and A/hakin Violence Mobilization Women group B/hawo * Gender based Step-2,3,4 M.Husen and violence Abdinur * FGM * Working children Mobilization IDP Wajid Violence Step 8 Yasin and Salim Child labor

2 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] A CPA making presentation in GEDO


Beside the presentations of the mobilization, Five presentations were conducted for:  Salagle civil authority - Salagle  Teachers of Shabelle 2 - Mogadishu  Youth group - Wajid  NGO staff -Dinsor  Women group - Dolo


One advocacy was made against child exploitation for Salagle community. The CPA team found several child labor cases. In the context of Somalia especially in the South due to the poverty and severe economical crises, children do hazardous works.

ADVOCACY IN SALAGLE AREA - MIDDLE JUBBA REGION A child of 15 years age called A/llaahi whose father died tribal conflict was making a hazardous work in militias check point locates in Salagle town serving to collect money removing check points blocks having a gun using Qat and sometimes drinks SHALABOW which is a part of drugs used by the big militias. After perfect assessment done by the CPAs we discussed and met the leader of militias then facilitated us to free this young boy, the child was taken to his aunt living in the town then we discussed with her and promised that she is ready to give the child shelter and food and join him to educational schools and Qur’cnic.

3 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] Referrals

Two Referrals was made this august 2006 in the central and southern zone-Somalia


It was a morning 25th August around 10:00 Am local time when we heard some rumors about the arrival of two young ladies in the town, who are strange to the town and had not extended or immediate relatives in Dinsor, we then stood for to know exactly where they are from and the main reason of their arrival. We met Faiza and Maryan who are teenagers and basically resident to Baidoa and misled by young boys the same resident with them, by telling and persuading them they will take to Saudi Arabia, while they were inaccessible to Mogadishu and Baidoa leading road or any other road apart from Dinsor, for fear to be easily seen or captured. After they arrived to Dinsor, the boys disappeared from Faiza and Maryan, while Faiza and Maryan had exhausted their remaining logistics. We soon started to mobilize all available resources and means to save and rescue Faiza and maryan from any type of violence against their personality as per our activity, since they were vulnerable to be sexually abused. We then requested Faiza and Maryan the possibility to go back to their parents and ultimately accepted and we paid their transport fare to their location of origin (Baidoa) Actually this type of accident normally occurs in many parts of the country due to economic reasons.


A sixteen years young girl called Farhia arrived from America to visit her parents living in Jabi a small village near at salaglle district M/Juba region. Farhia was brought in Somalia for the request of her father when her elder brother who lived in with Farhia told his father that his daughter became out of discipline, he also condemned her that she is prostitute. Few hours later of her arrival the father cat her hair and burned all her clothes, the father compelled Farhia to care after the herbs during the day she doesn’t eat enough except one time in twenty four hours, the most horrible thing is the river she collects water where by a lot of crocodiles are present and also that area near the river are full of poisonous killing snakes. The girl is guarded highly by her father as not to escape from him to Kenyan borderland also she is not allowed any person rather then her young brothers who are illiterate. The great dept which the father is keeping in the mind is when Farhia encounters with any organization staff that she could get access of communication or other means that she can escape from him.

4 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] We tried to meet with her father but the case was very serious and someone who is close relative to the father was with us when we reach there, for some difficult reasons we didn’t discuss with the father about the case of Farhia. she also once forced to be married by a nomadic man who is very old.

Achievements 1. IDP communities found cooperative on actions to provide safe environment & protection for their children. 2. Several health professional & School teachers received dissemination & awareness in child protection 3. All activities planned for this month were carried out successfully. 4. Some of the communities also have involved social welfare activities like hiv/aids and sanitation campaign in their centers, for this become indirect support of their child protection work bright feelings and collaborations

Constraints  High expectation from the Community  Un availability of IDP leadership during the day was a challenge faced by CPAs  Lack or little knowledge in reading & writing by the IDP leadership.  Lack of sufficient stationary.  Insecurity in Jubba Regions.  Rough and poor roads in some regions Overall Recommendation to improve work  We recommend enhancing child rights activities and held training for cp committee in each region in order to expend the experience of the community through the collaboration with the partners and community based participation.  Small scale funding to the target communities on child protection interventions.  Building networks and monthly or bi-monthly meetings for community level child protection activities.  Provision of extra IEC materials focusing on humanity to the communities mobilized for child protection.  Provision of Somali version cp hands to the target communities.  Sufficient budget allocations to the cp communication and reporting process  Small scale funding to the target communities on child protection interventions. 5 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected]  Building networks and monthly or bi-monthly meetings for community level child protection activities.  Provision of extra IEC materials focusing on humanity to the communities mobilized for child protection.


A. List specific Goals and Action steps that form the Action plan recommended by the audienceof DINSOR

Goals Action steps Responsible Affiliation Timeline Increased and . To sensitize the person (s) enhanced the community against 1. Hajia Chair lady One week knowledge and the hazardous and Hassan attitude of the exploitative work Mah’mud. Program community about of their children. 2. Mah’mud officer care and protection . Advocate for Mah’ed Human for their children. children in 3. Mah’ed rights exploitive Hussien officer situations and the 4. Hawo Adan Health use and sale of Hasan officer drugs to children 5. Ibrahim under 18 years of Nunow age in the area. 6. Suldano Ali Member . To raise awareness Bare Member for the parents of 7. Ibrahim Haji Member exploited children Hassan to seek other alternative livelihoods apart from depending on income from their exploited children.

6 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] A.Updated Action Plan By Shabelle 2 – Mogdishu

Goals Action Steps Responsible Role Timeline person(s) person(s) Enhanced the To organize and 1. Ciise Chair person Once a capacity and initiate educational Abdi Head master weak education of the process for their 2. Wiilo of community about school aged 3. Mustaf care and protection children Teacher To setup surveillance follow up

Shabelle2 Teachers Action plan Goals Action steps Responsible Affiliation Timeline person (s) Improved the attitude  To raise awareness  Wiil Principle of parents of students about child labour  Mustaf Teacher to equal care and  To mobilize the  Abdi Teacher protection for all parents against  Hawo Teacher gender based violence


Goals Action steps Responsible person (s) Affiliation Timeline to increase #Mobilize the 1-abdikariim mohamed with in next and improve community against kheyr (SAGAARO) year 1 year the quality of dicriminationof the 2Seynab mohamed sheikh knowladge girls,to prticipate abdala and education and schools understading as the boys of the #motivate and parentesabaut encourage the parents the rigts of all with the help of the children community eduction nd equaitable committee live,prevent #to infulence the negetive parents ith the childer ttitude of the with problem of community disabledppers to against provide their children discriminatio with equal or n among the eduquate cvare and children(ED protection with in the UCATION homes schools FOR GENDER DISCRIMIN 7 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] ATION)

Specific achievement on CPCM in GEDO

 Community are very energetic and cooperative on CPCM work  CPA gained the collaboration of the community so fare,  and this community also have been involving social welfare activities like hiv/aids and peace promotion services their for this become indirect support of their child protection work bright feelings and collaborations.  On the other hand, we CPA are very optimistic from this community that they will be able to maintain child protection work as long as it is desired.  On the other hand, this community have revolving fund to use for their social welfare activities in addition to that, this can create very organic child protection activities with in this community area of operation ( B.HAWO) district.  Further more, we are under step 6 of community mobilization with this community  Cpcm work with this community continuous well so fare.

 One OF THE REEMARKABLE CASE WE HAVE MET WAS “ after when we were told about that more then 21 girls in B/hawo districts 21 birth 21 children who are with out primary care givers, or who belongs no fathers, and like this cases traditionally couses that very horror and shameful conditions to the girls who encounter like that events, therefore, this community assured for us that more than 87% of the girls with that events went ways or escaped away from their relatives punishment to unknown places

8 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] SECTOR : YOUTH LOD/YPEs Activities:


Number of youth mobilized by LOD/YPE in Benadir IDPs:

Name of IDP CAMP LOCATION # Boys Girls PARTICIPANTS 14- 18- 14- 18- 18yrs Above 18yrs Above Bulo Barwaqo Howl wadag 12 3 4 2 3

Fardows Camp Hodan 15 2 5 2 6 Manahijta Waber 13 2 6 2 3 Isbitalka hogga Hodan 12 5 3 4 0 School Banadir Hodan 44 29 15 0 0 20 December Waberi 20 3 5 7 5 Shabelle 2 Hodan 10 1 4 4 1 21 October Waberi 24 6 5 10 3 150 51 47 31 21

9 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] ACHIEVEMENT:

 LOD/YPEs turned familiar with IDP gate keepers.  Formed new youth groups in 8 IDPs.  The mobilized youth showed commitment and started to mobilize their communities.  Immediate response were noted in some IDPs interm of improving their sanitation.  The new youth formed were trained with LOD materials


 Most of LOD/YPEs were from other regions and found difficult to know areas in the capital.  The program was new to the IDPs and took sometime to convience while there were several other groups whom kept assessing IDPs with no results.  No budget for adequate stationary to train the IDP youth group.  No link with other UNICEF interventions at the IDPs in Benadir.



21 October IDP camp is in Wabari district Banadir region and there is 894 Families those evacuated their homes in the civil war 1995 and mostly they came from three regions Hiran, Gedo and Lower Shabelle their life is low level most of them are earners from the different sources in Mogadishu specially Bakara market as to get daily food since they don’t get permanent support from the aid agencies and the community ,they got a chance of education 25% and their families pay school fee per month and go private schools, if you look at the children living in there mostly their healthy isn’t ok since there is not heath center and some children are vulnerable for communicable diseases and several malnutrition , but if you see their situation they seem people those need technical support at every side and they are easy to take what ever you support for them whether other knowledge or other humanitarian support.

SHABELE TWO IDP CAMP Shabelle 2 IDP camp is located at the eastern side of Digfer Hospital it consists of 144 families. They come from lower Shabele region and Qalafe district besides this place they already resided different places and moved from them for security reasons. The men go to work early in the morning and return late in the afternoon. Most of the men are cart pushers, and porters. Their life style is very low, sometimes they return home empty handed the number of the school age children is over 300 only 12 persons learn others don’t for the sake of inability of buying books and pens, there are 3 teachers in this school who teach voluntarily the students in this camp learn under a tree if it rains there will not be study most of the school age children who are out of school due to poverty very much need to learn and they are jealous of the other students who are learning and if they had gotten books and pens they would have joined the school, the school had been existing in this camp for three years and there is no any aid agencies helping this school before three months ICRC helped this camp with clothes and utensils. At this time there is no any aid agencies helping this camp 20 DECEMBER IDP CAMP Number of families live in that IDP are 1350famelies,they came from four regions Bay, Bakool, Lower shabelle and Middle shabelle

10 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] Most this IDP work at Bakara market as porters while they are some them work at the sanitation programme carried by the Islamic courts, although the young boys go to Black sea and other Qat areas where they collect Mira / Qat in streets, or polish shoes's. Few of the young boys in that IDP attended private schools in mogadishu. And they share common problems on other IDP camps like, malnutrition, lack education, poor sanitation and other basic life. BANADIR SCHOOL IDP CAMP Number of families in Banadir school IDP camp are 700 families, majority of population came from Emey bari ,Ethiopia, some minority groups are from Bay and Bakol regions ,most of the Banadir school IDP are labours from Bakara market and some of them are Qat sellers while others are barbers, there is no really good life in Banadir school IDP camp because women and children fitches water from shallow wells near camp and the men are scheduled to straggle the daily food for the family , Most of community in this IDP camp are suffering from lack of employment and food shortage and also they have no basic material of food while some of them are suffering rain falls because their house is made of a sticks. There is no formal and non formal schools in Banadir IDP camp at all that is why most of the youth in this IDP camp are analphabetic and there is no any aid agency helped them to protect ignorance let alone education service but also there is no health care centres in this IDP while residents are not able to go private health centres in Mogadishu, drinking water is very rare, women and children have responsibility of fetching water from wells so that they experiencing more difficult situations, diarrhoea epidemic exists in the camp because of drinking contaminated water from shallow wells near the camp. ISBITALKA HOGGA

Isbitalka Hogga IDP camp is geographically situated in Hodan district Number of families live in that IDP camp are 120 families, they came from Hiran and Bay regions although there are few families who relocated from other camps in Banadir region, majority of the men in that IDP camp work at Bakara Market as porters and cart pushers while others are jobless roaming in the town seeking freeload, likewise, some women make and sell tea in the street to cover the daily life of their children, however there are two or three families supported from the Diaspora as I quoted from the habitants. There are many problems that this IDP suffers like: Formal or Non formal education No health centre which is near to them IDps children who are shy off going to school in old clothes.

11 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] SECTOR: YOUTH MENTORS:

Name of Organization LOCATION # Of Boys Girls Participants 14- 18- 14- 18- 18yrs Above 18yrs Above Somali Children welfare and Bay-Baidoa 10 2 4 2 2 right watch Organization ( scwrw ) Huddur Youth Development Bakool-Huder 11 3 4 2 2 org Kanava youth center Kisamio 19 6 7 4 2 Total:- 40 11 15 8 6

MAIN PROBLEMS ACHIEVEMENTS PROBLEMS RECOMMENDED ACTION IDENTIFIED DURING ENCOUNTERED BY THE MOBILIZING MOBILIZER  Some of the  Venue had enough  Lack of sufficient  It is better to get participants space. stationery budget for refreshment of always arrived  Some of the  Mobilization guide trainees late for the sake participants helped not detailed on malaria.  Additional skills on of opening voluntary the late ones.  Inadequate of counselling of youth school term  Participant made refreshment groups should be provided  Some of the high integration.  Lack of incentive in the guide participants  The number of days for the participants  Support office asked the allocated for the  UNICEF directs all equipment for youth certificate of mobilization is voluntary programs to groups should be attached LOD/YPE. manageable the Huddur youth org the mobilization process.  Lack of  The mobilization while the funded  It is better the lesson refreshment for content was relevant programs are forwarded of the workshop to be the trainees. through the entire to the non youth or g increased or developed  lack of process ( complains of the (FGC Syco-social Stationary /  Increased gender Huddur youth org) counselling) participation  As Huddur youth  Both GG and handouts to  The organization org. we are not helped to UNICEF should prepare the trainees. facilitated some of the attend capacity building previous LOD/YPE  Lack of stationery (Flip charts)  trainings and if so, certificate refreshment  Huddur youth rare. While the other  Youth groups should caused poor members definitely youth organizations in be provided or given any showed collaboration the other regions are incentive during participation  The message was continuously equipped. mobilization sessions and well transmitted to the  Meeting with  Funded programs motivation youth members administration was should be implemented  Massive  Being a lot of difficult - last year through the youth raining constrains we groups monitored collaboration as parterner successfully asking why excluded in org during implemented our the plan  Huddur youth training activities as needed.  organization should fully  Less  participate or involve at all participation  In-kind capacity building trainings contribution from the implemented by UNICEF. of Girls trainers we funded some handouts to participants 12 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected] 13 Contact Address Tel: 00252-1-852233/502106 E-mail:[email protected]/[email protected]

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