Aquaculture Production

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Aquaculture Production

Aquaculture Production Lawrence Cox –Instructor Email: [email protected] Course Syllabus Course Description: In this course, students develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience needed to develop their own aquculture business. Unit I: Orientation - Identify department policies and rules as related to the operation of the classroom and shop. - Identify Housekeeping duties. - Identify Course objectives and competencies.

Unit II: Practicing Leadership Skills - Identify benefits and responsibilities of FFA membership. - Identify duties of all officers in the FFA. - Participate in a committee meeting. - Prepare and deliver an oral presentation or speech. - Participate in a panel discussion. - Write a news release. - Use parliamentary procedure. - Develop record-keeping skills, using the Virginia SAE Record Book. - Participate in a community improvement project.

Unit III: Providing Economic Information on the Aquaculture Industry - Describe the aquaculture industry. - Describe the economic importance of the aquaculture industry.

Unit IV: Selecting the Type of Fish Operation - Identify economic conditions for a fish operation. - Identify environmental conditions for a fish operation.

Unit V: Selecting the Species to Use - Identify characteristics of fish. - Identify fish appropriate for production. - Explain laws applicable to production of game fish.

Unit VI: Constructing Ponds - Determine the site for a fish pond. - Determine the size for a fish pond.

Unit VII: Maintaining Ponds - Describe practices for pond maintenance. - Describe practices for fencing ponds. - Describe practices for pond fertilization.

Unit VIII: Maintaining Fish Cages - Build a fish cage. - Clean fish cages.

Unit IX: Deploying Fish Cages - Describe pond quality for fish production with cages. - Arrange and secure fish cages.

Unit X: Stocking Fish - Prepare the pond for stocking. - Stock a pond with fish.

Unit XI: Maintaining the Fish Operation - Record fish operation data. - Control the water quality of a fish pond.

Unit XII: Feeding Fish - Develop a feeding plan. - Follow a feeding plan. - Maintain feeding records.

Unit XIII: Maintaining Fish Health - Identify common health problems of fish. - Identify methods for prevention and treatment of fish health problems.

Unit XIV: Harvesting Fish - Plan the fish harvest. - Follow a fish harvest plan.

Unit XV: Marketing Fish - Develop a marketing plan. - Prepare fish for marketing.

*This syllabus is an outline of what will be covered in class. We may not follow the schedule above in the order presented.

Textbook/Reference Materials: A variety of textbooks, booklets, pamphlets, brochures, videos, websites, and handouts are used. All of these materials are maintained in the department and are issued to students only when needed.

Additional Responsibilities: Students are strongly encouraged to participate in FFA activities and field trips planned by the department. Cost: $12.00 **Checks can be made payable to Holston High School**

Make Up:

If you miss school, you are responsible for all missed work. You will have five days to make up any missed homework assignments, quizzes and tests. After which grades will be recorded as zeroes.

Grading: Daily Grade 10 Points Quizzes 50 Points Tests 100 Points Projects 100 Points Daily Grades: Daily participations grade will be each day of the nine weeks. If a student misses a day of class daily grades cannot be made up since the student was not in class to participate. Therefore attendance will be a vital part of all Horticulture classes. Each Daily Grade will be a total of 10 points.

Points rubric for daily grades.

1 Point- Bringing all needed materials to class. 1 Point- Being on time to class. 1 Point- Respecting and being polite to all people. 1 Point- Respecting other people’s property. 1 Point- Obeying all school rules- (Especially NO Cell Phones). 1 Point- Wearing proper clothing.

1 Point- Taking notes and being attentive during class time.

3 Points- Maintaining designated area of the greenhouse or other horticultural activity for the day.

*Note that 60% of the daily grade points simply require the student to follow the Horticulture Department Classroom and Greenhouse Rules.

*Note- Safety Violations and the use of Tobacco products will result in the loss of all 10 points for that class period

Quiz Grades: Approximately 2-3 quiz grades will be given per week. Quiz Grades can given for classroom activities, classroom handouts, actual written quizzes on material covered, or assignments given under the supervision of a substitute teacher. Each Quiz Grade will count 50 points.

Test Grades: Tests will be given approximately 2-3 times per nine weeks. Tests will typically cover general knowledge material covered during a portion of the nine weeks. Typical question types to be included on tests could include: multiple choice, true/ false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer (complete sentence format), creative writing, or essay questions. Tests will count for 100 points each.

Project Grades: Project grades will be given 1-2 times per nine weeks. Project grades will count 100 points the same as a test. Each student will be required to complete the project on their own unless otherwise specified. Projects may include but are not limited to the following types of activities: reports, sales practicum, essays, inventory, or a specific growing assignment.

Calculation of Nine Weeks Grade:

Points Earned / Total Points X 100% = Final average

Example: a student earns 1267 points out of a possible 1510 points

1267 / 1510 = 0.839 0.839 X 100% = 83.9% 83.9% = C Horticulture Department Classroom and Greenhouse Rules Lawrence Cox, Instructor

During the semester horticulture students will have the opportunity to work and to study in various classroom and laboratory settings. Working in this environment is a privilege, not a right. A set of classroom and laboratory rules will be established for the safety of each individual in the class whether they be you, another student, or the instructor. Failure to adhere to the classroom rules will result in disciplinary referral:

 First Offense: Teacher / Student Conference.  Second Offense: Phone call to the parent or guardian.  Third Offense: Student will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action. A meeting between the Teacher, Parent, and Principal may be necessary.


1. BRING ALL NEEDED MATERIALS TO CLASS: Come ready and willing to learn to class. You should have a three ring notebook with paper and pencil to take notes each day of class.

2. YOU MUST BE IN CLASS AND IN YOUR SEAT ON TIME. The tardy rule will be strictly enforced. Please refer to this policy in your manual.

3. RESPECT AND BE POLITE TO ALL PEOPLE: Each student enrolled in horticulture should be aware that they are not the only student in class. You should have respect for the differences each student and for the instructor in the classroom. You should not use profanity or obscenities while in the horticulture classroom or laboratory. When another person is talking you should remain quiet and attentive at all times. This policy is most important when there are visitors to the HHS Horticulture Department.

4. RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE’S PROPERTY: At all times the student will have respect for the property of other people this includes other students’ possessions and materials, instructor’s materials, and tools and equipment that belongs to the horticulture department. At the end of each class period it will be the responsibility of each student to pick up after themselves and to makes sure the laboratory stays clean and orderly.

5. OBEY ALL SCHOOL RULES: The rules of the student handbook will be strictly enforced; any student in violation of a school rule will be referred for disciplinary action.

6. YOU WILL GET DIRTY IN THIS CLASS. You will be exposed to dirt, dust, water, oil, grease and other variety of items that could dirty and stain your clothes. Please be prepared for this. YOU WILL NOT BE EXCUSED FROM GREENHOUSE WORK DUE TO YOU NOT BEING PREPARED.

7. TOBACCO USE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!! Tobacco is prohibited at all times while on school grounds. If you are caught using tobacco products, you will be referred to the resource officer, in which you will receive a citation and fine. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Horticulture Department Safety Expectations

While in the horticulture classroom and aquaculture facilities proper safety will be strictly enforced. Any student who chooses not to follow safety protocol will have immediate consequences. Any student who chooses not to follow proper safety will be immediately referred to the principal for disciplinary action with the possibility for dismissal from the Aquaculture class. Safety will be covered in the classroom portion of the class during the first week of school and each student will be required to pass the safety test before entering the aquaculture facilities. A failure to follow proper safety guidelines will also result in loss of all 10 daily grade points for that class period.

 Notebooks are not graded but are encouraged to be kept up to date, All tests and quizzes will be open notes.

Student Safety Contract

I agree to follow all safety rules which apply to the Horticulture Department, greenhouses and the aquaculture facilities. I understand that, before and after passing a safety test, I must practice these safety rules and school rules whenever I am using the facilities in the Horticulture department. I understand that I am expected to come to class prepared each day whether it be greenhouse, outside, aquaculture facilities or classroom work.

I understand that if I break any of these rules, I will lose my aquaculture privileges for a period of time to be determined by the instructor, or referred to the office or resource officer depending on the severity of the offense. I also understand that working in the aquaculture facilities and its related facilities requires great responsibility to ensure the safety of myself as well as my classmates.

Date Student Signature

Date Parent Signature

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